My Lifestyle-150字英语作文

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更新时间:2023-01-28 14:39:30 发布时间:24小时内

  Everyone has his or her lifestyle, different people have varieties of styles, too. As to lifestyle, (From my own perspective)maybe there are two types. One is quiet and shy, the other is outgoing. Many people like reading books, chatting with friends online, or even staying at home, watching TV the whole day. Those people who prefer not to go out are quiet. I would rather stay at home than take part in the activities sometimes. However, to a certain extent, going out for fun is much more interesting than doing homework. I have many hobbies, such as playing the piano, singing songs and devoting myself to various social activities.Life is colorful, we hope that we can control it freely. In my opinion,most of students now belong to the second type. A man who is famous should be easygoing and modest, though.


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标签: 英语



