I hope the salary is 50,000 RMB per year. My salary requirement is in the $200,000-$350,000 range with appropriate benefits.I would be willing to relocate for the right opportunity. The salary required is 18,000 per month,living in the house. I got five thousand and five hundred per month. I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary. I am quite willing to start with a small salary. 来源:21世纪人才报
英文简历中要求薪水常用语 相关内容:英文求职信常用语句:叙述个人年龄、经验1. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。...
英文Resume的三种格式一般而言,英文履历表分为三种格式: Chronological: 这种格式强调过去的工作经验,将所有相关的工作经验 按照时间先後(先排最近的)列出,以显示自己有足够的经验能胜任申请的工作或学位。...
英文求职信开头常用语◆ My interest in the position of Masonry Supply Manager has prompted me to forward my resume for your review an consideration. ◆ The sales Manager position advertised in the Chicago Tribune on October 12 intrigues me....
如何写好英文简历?学生简历是比较特殊的。因为学生的工作经验很少,写不出东西来,显得页面不够丰满。要按我们在前面讲的格式,也很尴尬。因此我们在这里特别介绍一些弥补的技巧: 1.教育背景中写相关课程。...
英文写作 -- 个人简历一、英文简历撰写注意事项: 1.多用无主句 2.年代顺序由近及远 3.单项标题大写 4.纸张一般为16开或A4 二、英文简历的基本内容 1、个人情况:Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Permaanent Domicile, Nationality, Martial...
英文求职信常用句式(1)Explain the reasons for writing the job search letter (简明写求职信的理由) a. Your advertisement for an assistant chemist on June 30 th newspaper arouses my interest a great deal....
英文简历写作的注意事项英文简历按照中文简历写,准会被人骂“傻瓜”。英文简历是进入外企的“敲门砖”,人家全凭你简历上寥寥数语判断你的能力,所以,你一定不能马虎。 一、 千万别罗罗嗦嗦 语言简练。...