1. Bad English: A recruiter is looking for an excuse not to consider your application, and bad grammar gives him an excuse to put your application in the special file marked the bin. A badly written CV shows you are disinterested or that you just can’t spell. Either way, it’s fatal. Check it yourself, and get someone else to go over your CV – it is easy to miss mistakes in your own copy.
1. 英语水平不高:招聘官总会挑你简历的毛病,糟糕的语法无疑给他机会筛掉你的简历。简历写的不好体现出你对目标职位不是特别感兴趣,或者你的拼写能力不够。不管是哪一种理由都会对你的求职之路产生致命的影响。你可以自己先检查一遍,然后让别人再看一下——有时自己犯的错误自身不容易发现。