阅读经典书籍的重要性(The importance of reading classics)

英文作文 会员上传 下载doxc

更新时间:2023-01-09 14:14:51 发布时间:24小时内

  as many people say, reading classics plays a significant role to one's growing. because all of the classics are the positive results of wisdom.

  we can learn much knowledge and become more intelligent by reading them. especially, when we are during our growing time, it helps us get many right minds to reading more famous books.

  however, now people who enjoy reading those classical books are getting less and less. there are a lot of reasons for this phenomena. to begin with, there are many other leisure activities in the modern society, young men go to do these things instead of reading. what's more,many people prefer some other books to classics because they think classics are useless.

  i think, we university men should take some effective actions to prevent the situation. we should read classics as many as possible in our spare time, and we shouldn't just scan those words and phrases over our minds but to use your head to think more about those.



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标签: 经典 重要性



