中国加入世贸组织后会发生什么?(What Will Happen When China Enters WTO?)

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更新时间:2023-01-13 11:48:41 发布时间:24小时内

  中国加入世贸组织后会发生什么?(what will happen when china enters wto?)






  every chinese is looking forward to china's entry into wto, which is widely regarded as a blessing and a promise of prosperity. it seems to be so at first sight; however, on further reflection, we're convinced that it's just another coin with two sides.

  on the one hand, both the nation and people will benefit from china's entry into wto. shut ont of wto, china has been deprived of equal trade opportunities and was put at a distinct disadvantage in world trade. this situation will change when china enters wto. in addition, foreign companies will stream into china and offer job opportu nities, which, to some extent, will reduce the unemployment in our country.

  on the other hand, the entry will produce some bad effects on china. state-owned enterprises in china are undergoing great difficulties, which will be more acute with the flow of foreign competitors into our country. so those enterprises must get ready to face up to new challenges.


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