初三上学期英语教案Lesson 61(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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初三上学期英语教案Lesson 61(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)(合集19篇)由“i乐德范文网”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家汇总后的初三上学期英语教案Lesson 61(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

篇1:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 61(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language focus: beat, goal, by the time, realize, check-out

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogues.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check the homework

Revise the names of different sports.

III. Leading in

Just now we have revised some names of sports. Can you tell me what sports do you like best?

Which do you prefer, football or basketball? Why? Can you tell some football or basketball super stars in the world?

Show them some pictures about football stars. And ask: Do you know the football star? Which team is he from?

Then say today there is a football match, Did Jim watch the football match? Did Li Lei watch it? Play the tape for the students to find the answer, then check the answers with the whole class.

IV. Presentation

Let the students go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook, read the dialogue on P76. Answer these questions, then check the answer.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen to and repeat, then go through the dialogue. Explain some language points: 1. win - won - won/ winner, 2. beat somebody 3 .win the game/ match 4. think of

Let the students practise the dialogue, then act out the dialogue, then do Exercise 3 in the workbook. The answers are: saw, already, win, team, stronger, beat, thank, told, place, important.

VI. Teaching grammar

Draw this line on the blackboard:

now before last Sunday before last Sunday

having a lesson has (never)seen watched a match had (never)seen

Ask the students some questions:

1.What are you doing now? (having a lesson)

2. What did you do last Sunday? (watched a match)

3. Was it a good match? (Yes, a very good one)

4. Had you ever seen a good match before?

No, I had never seen such a good match before.

Yes, I had seen many like that one.

Explain: The Past Perfect Tense shows an action happening before a certain time in the past. Give the students more examples:

A: Li Lei said he had seen it.

B: The train had already left when I got to the station.

C: She had finished her homework by the end of last year.

D: They had never seen such beautiful places before they came to China.

VII. Homework

1.Write down the sentences from Wb Lesson61, Ex. 2 in the exercise book.

2. Make up four sentences using when, before, after, by. . .


篇2:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 54(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


内容: Lesson 54

教具: 计算机 / 录音机;幻灯机;图片;音带


1. 理解过去完成时

2. 学习生词、词组及句型

语言点: on line, make a decision, so that, click on the screen, places of interest


I. 展示教学目标及重点

II. 复习


III. 导入


1. What did Sato Miyoko decide to buy online?

2. Why didn’t she buy it in a store?

3. What did her father think of her choice?

4. What did they do after a form appeared on the screen?

5. When did she receive what she had ordered?


IV. 看一看,听一听

请教师播放课文《在线购物》的录像片或录音带(放动画Shopping online或课件Lesson 54 text.exe),播放三遍。


1. She decided to buy a camera online.

2. Because she lives out in the country.

3. Her father thought that her choice is right.

4. They filled in the form and typed credit card number, telephone number, address and e-mail address.

5. A week later she received what she had ordered.

播放第二遍,让同学们做由课文改编的习题,如完形填空。(放动画Shopping online)


1) She had searched the Internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera.

2) After she had found more information, she asked her father if she could buy it.

3) After he had checked out all the information about different kinds of cameras, he believed his daughter had made a good decision.

V. 讲解与实践

讲解本课的语言点,如: online, so that, as well, make a decision等,主要的知识点如下:

1. shopping online(互联)网上或在线购物

2. take pictures of this trip在旅游中照相

3. as 是连词,作“由于,因为”解,引导原因状语从句。

4. so that意思是“以便,为了 ”,常常引导结果状语从句。“so (such) …that”引导结果状语从句,作“这么……,以至”或“所以”解,so接形容词、副词或分词,而such则接名词。

5. had searched 是过去完成时。

6. ad是缩短词,也可写成advertisement。

7. as well意思是“亦;也;又;同样”。

8. different kinds of 不同种类的。

9. click on the screen 点击屏幕

10. she had ordered在这里修饰the camera,指她所订购的那台相机。


cost so much, cost so little, cheap, expensive, long, small; he,she,we,they,John,I

让同学们用so that造句。

The jacket cost so much that he didn't buy it.

These trousers are so long that I can't wear them.

VI. 分组练习

让同学们看本文的汉译(在课件Lesson 54 text.exe中), 想一想作者主要向我们展示了什么?



然后帮助同学们总结出重要的几条经验。或者观看本课课件Lead you shopping online 后做相关购物练习。

VII. 作业

1. 复习本课内容并复述这个故事。用自己的话复述课文,要注意引导学生抓住文章的大意,不要单纯地背诵。

2. 业余时间去试着购物,并写一篇关于购物的日记。




篇3:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 30(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

1. Useful expressions: be based on, as well, climb down…

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master some useful expressions

2. Get the students to know more about Christmas Day.

Properties: Recorder

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class

1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

2. Greeting and a duty report.

II. Revision

1. Check homework.

2. Revise the dialogue of lesson 29, Read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

III. Presentation

Give the words connected with Christmas and have the students discuss the Christmas.

Then encourage the students to use the words.

IV. Pre – reading

Ask students to discuss the questions in small groups, write down the answers and ask one of each group, to read their answers.

V. Reading


A. Lesson 30

Well, how about in England? What festivals do they have?( Thanksgiving, Hallowmas, Easter and Christmas and so on.)

Which is the most important? ( Christmas)

How do they celebrate it?

B. Talk about Christmas

What day in Christmas Day?

What do people call the night before Christmas Day? (Christmas Eve)

Draw some pictures to help express the meaning.

In that night, children all over England put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep because their parents tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night. Father Christmas is very kind-hearted. Because he gives people presents. How? He lands on top of the house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. Then he walks quietly to the bedrooms and fill the stockings with presents. (Teach: eve, stocking, kind-hearted, chimney, fireplace.)

C. Part 1

Get the students to answer the questions in Part 1.

D. Part 2

Read and do Workbook Ex1

E. Analyze the passage and divide it into three parts.

F. Conclusion.

The new words.

VI. Practice

Have the students read the text together, then in groups.

Have the students retell the story of Christmas Day, make sure every student can say something about Christmas Day.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercises 2 Individually and check the answers with class.

VIII. Homework

Write a short passage about your spending spring festival


篇4:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 31(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

Words: western, traditional

Phrases: how to celebrate Christmas

When to go to the Christmas play

Grammar: the use of the infinitives: 疑问词+动词不定式

Has been to与 has gone to的区别

Teaching Objectives:

1. Master the use of the infinitives.

2. Try to understand the whole lesson and read it fluently.

Master the new words and phrases.

Properties: Recorder.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class

Today, we are going to talk about another use of the infinitives.

II. Revision

Go over the new phrases in the former lesson

Go from house to house singing Christmas songs; do this for fun; on Christmas Eve; as well; kind-hearted; in a single night; is based on; hang by the fireplace to dry; his spirit of generosity lives on; can’t wait to do sth. ; visit their relatives; greet each other with a hug

III. Presentation

Present this dialogue:

A: Excuse me, Could you tell me how to go to…?

B: Go along this road. Turn left at the second crossing.

Have the students practise this dialogue in pairs, and then make up their own dialogues. Pay attention to the usage of the Infinitive.

IV. Ask and answer

Part 1. Have the students understand “how to go to…”. Remember the structure of this sentence.

Have the students ask and answer in pairs.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat.

Books open, read the dialogue in pairs.

Then out it out. Make up a similar dialogue in pairs, act out their own dialogues.

VI. Talk and write

Ask a student to read the first part of part 3 aloud to the class. Read over the questions with the students and make sure they understand them.

Explain the words: western, traditional Have the students discuss the questions in groups Ask students to talk about their ideas. Ask students to pick out infinitives used in the short passage.

VII. Workbook

Do Exercise 1 in class. First have the students read the note Individually. Then read over the model, and practise the sentences.

VIII. Homework

A.Workbook Ex1

B. Go over the whole lesson


篇5:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 33(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

Words: brush, bamboo, pan, jacket, metal, stamp, wool, wood, lock, store

Phrases: be made in, be made of, writing brush, be used for

Sentences: What’s it made of? It’s made of…

What’s it used for? It’s used for…

Grammar: Passive voice

Teaching Objectives:

1. Learn to talk about some products. Ask about its materials and use.

2. Try to understand the whole lesson and then read it fluently.

3. Master the Passive voice usage.

4. Master the new language materials

Properties: Recorder; Objects

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing the class.

Today, we are going to learn a new unit. We are going to talk about the passive voice usage.

II. Revision

Cheek homework

III. Presentation

1. S

A. Unit 9 What’s it made of?

Lesson 33

Well, we have another way to ask about it? What is it? Let’s go on to learn the new lesson.

B.Teach: What’s it called in English?

What’s it made of? Be made of 由…制作而成

It’s made of…

What’s it used for? Be used for 用于…(用途)

It’s used for…

Use some other things to ask and answer.

Teach: stamp, jacket, metal, wool, wood

C. Part 1

Listen to the tape and answer the following questions

What is it? What is it made of? What is it used for?

Then teach: writing brush; brush 刷子; 刷 a shoe brush; a tooth brush; brush shoes; brush teeth. Bamboo 竹子

Read and act it.

Then use the words in the box to make new dialogue

Teach: pan,store 存放 store books; store money

D.Part 2

Ask and answer in pairs

Then ask some to do it in class.

Teach: be made in 在(某地)制造

E.Workbook Ex. 1&2

F. Conclusion

What’s it made of? What’s it used for? Where is it made?

Passive voice ( be done) 被…

IV. Teaching grammar

At first, tell the students the grammar:

The Active and Passive Voice.

Then, give some examples, e. g.

1. Many people speak English.

English is spoken by many people.

2. Tom likes swimming.

Swimming is liked by Tom.

Tell the students the Passive Voice structure. And ask the students to make some sentences and change them into Passive Voice.

V. Practice

Practice the useful expressions: be made of and be used for in groups and in pairs.

VI. Workbook

Ask the students to open their books, look at Exercise 1 and ask them do it in pairs.

Exercise 2. Look at these pictures and use the sentences to made sentences.

VII. Homework.

1. Revise the new words and expressions.

2. Do Exercise 3 in Workbook.


篇6:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 34(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

The useful words and expressions the number of; the most; else; none

Teaching Objectives:

1. Get the students to understand the text.

2. Learn how to use the useful words and expressions.

Properties: Recorders

Teaching Procedures:

I. Organizing

Greetings and make a duty report.

II. Revision

1. Check the homework

2. Go over the words and expressions.

III. Pre – reading

Get the students to work in pairs to discuss the questions. Then talk about together in class.

IV. Presentation

Ask the students to look at Exercise 1 in the workbook.

V. Reading

1. Close books and listen to the tape.

2. Answer the questions in the exercise 1.

3. Reading the text in groups and in pairs.

V. Teaching Language Focus.

Choose some important ones to explain and practise.

1. the number of

2. the most

3. else

VI. Reading and practice

Play the tape and ask the students to listen first. Then play the tape again, ask them to repeat sentence by sentence.

VII. Workbook

For Exercise 2, ask the students to pay attention to the letters in boldface.

Do Exercise 3.

VIII. Homework

1. Do Exercise 4 in the workbook.

2. Read the passage carefully.


篇7:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 37(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

on show, hundreds of, invent / invention

Teaching Objectives:

Functional and notional items

Learn to make a telephone conversation

Language materials

Word: Melissa

Phrase: on show

Sentences: They were all invented hundreds of years ago.

Where was it built?

What was it made of?

What was it used for?

Grammar: the passive voice in the past indefinite tense

Properties: Recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Organizing

Today, we are going to talk about the passive voice in the past indefinite tense.

Ⅱ. Revision

1. Check the homework.

2. Revise the name of objects from the last unit and the Passive Voice: What’s it made of? Where’s it made? What’s it used for? etc.

Ⅲ. Presentation

Present the sentences:

What’s it made of?

What’s it used for?

Then present the sentences:

What was it made of?

What was it used for?

Ask students to compare with the groups sentences.

Ⅳ. Listening.

Part 1. Close books, listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Where did Du Hui go yesterday?

When were the old inventions on show invented?

Play the tape again and make sure students can answer the questions correctly.

Ⅴ. Practice

Ask some students to practice the dialogue.

Then in groups and in pairs. At last let the students act it out.

Ⅵ. Ask and answer

Part 2. Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs according to the questions in the box.

Ⅶ. Practice

Ask students to make sentences, and then change them into the Passive Voice in the past Simple Tense.

Ⅷ. Workbook

Do Exercise 1.

Ask the students to read and complete the dialogue alone, then check the answers with the whole class.

Do Exercise 2 in pairs.

Ⅸ. Homework

Do Exercise 3 in the exercise books.

Make up a new dialogue.


篇8:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 38(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language Focus:

Words: dinosaur, display, natural, guide, underground, fossil, desert, disappear, disappearance, discovery, feather

Phrases: on display, Gobi Desert, human being, dinosaurs discovered by you, feathered dinosaur

Sentences: So these eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs.

Teaching objectives:

Read the passage and try to understand its meaning.

Read it fluently and correctly.

Master the language materials

Properties: Tape recorder; picture

Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ. Organizing


Ⅱ. Revision

1.Check the homework

2. Revise the useful expressions and some new words.

Ⅲ. Presentation

Take out a picture and ask the students:

What’s this animal called?

Ask some students to talk about the dinosaur.

Ⅳ. Pre-reading

Read over the questions with the students. Have the students guess the meaning of “on display” from the context. Then have the students discuss the questions in pairs.

Ⅴ. Listening

1. At first, ask students to read over the questions in the Exercise 1 in the workbook.

2. Then close books and listen to tape.

3. Play the tape again and answer the questions.

Ⅵ. Teaching Language Focus

*a visit to a place, be on a visit to a place

*guide; n. v. guide sb. to a place


*fossil, eg. He is an old fossil.

the fossil of…

*There must be…(表示猜测)

*be found in Gobi Desert

*be laid by…

*long before在…之前很久

*disappear, disappearance

He disappeared in the dark. I care a lot about his disappearance.

*discover; discover sthhow to do sth. that…

*feathered dinosaur

*dinosaurs discovered by you;

eg: books borrowed by you, things done by you(过去分词含有被动意思)

the children playing in the park(现在分词含有主动意思)

Reading Practice

Ⅶ. Teaching Grammar

Let the students find out these sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.

Have the students make sentences with the Passive Voice in the Past Simple Tense.

Ⅷ. Workbook.

Do Exercise 2 , and write down the answers.

Ⅸ. Homework

Read the passage.

Finish off the workbook exercises.


篇9:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 1(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)



1. 词汇(略)。

2. 句型:1)Have you got…? 2) Have you found…yet? 3) I’m so glad.

2) I /You have just seen …? 3) Have you / I seen … yet?

4) We have just seen … 5) Have he /she /it seen …yet?

3. 语法:现在完成时态的构成:助动词 have / has + 过去分词


Recorder;Pen, pencil, pencil box ,etc..


Step1. Revision/ Who’s on duty?

Step2. 教师可采用以下方法导出现在完成时态:


T:What am I doing?

Ss:You are opening the door.


T:I have opened the door. Please look at the door. It is open now.


Teacher asks a students to clean the blackboard.


She is cleaning the blackboard.


Ss:She has cleaned the blackboard.

Step3. 板书刚才的主要句式。向学生介绍现在完成时态这个术语,要求学生观察其构成,扼要说明这个时态表示过去的行为对现在造成的影响和结果这一用法。

Step4. 利用黑板上的句式,扼要介绍现在完成时态的构成和动词过去分词的构成方法。

step5. 打开书,学生阅读课文第 3部分,教师布置两个读前提问(Pre-reading questions):

l)Where is the history book? 2)Where is the dictionary?


Step6. 请一位同学到教室外站一会儿。让别的同学将他/她的英语书或尺子等物藏起来。请回这位同学。待他/她刚进教室,尚未走到座位之前时,教师提问:

T:Have you got an English book (or: a ruler)?

:Yes, I have.

T:Can I borrow it, please?


Oh, I’ve lost my English book (Or; ruler).(问旁边的同学)Have you seen it anywhere? 如效果较好,可请几位同学反复表演。

Step7. 指导学生做练习册习题。

Step8. 布置作业



Have you got …? 你有…吗?

在口语和非正式文体中,have got可以用来代替have。

在美国英语中,经常使用have或has;而在英国英语中则用have got或has got表示“有”。例如:

She has blue eyes. (美国英语;=She’s got blue eyes.)她长着蓝眼睛。

Do you have a sister?(美国英语;=Have you got a brother?)你有姐妹吗?


篇10:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 5(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Teaching Materials

Functional and notional items

A. Learn to ask how long sb. has done sth.

B. Learn to talk about if someone has been to a place.

Language Materials

Words: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, Hawaii, beach, twice, Bondi, none, Newquay, water-ski, canoe

Phrases: have a try, since last Wednesday, learn sth. from sb. how to do it, several times

Sentences: What’s …like?

How long have you been in Sydney?

Have you ever been to …?

Grammar: the present perfect tense

Teaching Objectives

Learn to ask questions about something has done

Read the whole lesson fluently, and pronunciation and intonation should be right.

Master the following materials

(4 skills) Words: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, beach, twice, none

Phrases: have a try

Sentences: Have you been to…? Several times.

(3 skills) Words: water-ski, canoe

(1 skill) Words: Hawaii, Bondi, Newquay

Teaching Procedures:


1. Revise the names of the sports they have learnt: roller-skating, skating, jump, race, skiing.

2. Ask student answer the questions of Have you…

T: Have you finish you homework? /Have you got your notebooks?

S: Yes./ No.

T: What have you done for English study?

S: (They may have different answers.)

Leading in

And swimming is a kind of water sport because you have to swim in the water. Well, what other water sports do you know? Let’s go on to learn Unit 2 Water sports.


Write the sentences on the blackboard:

Have you ever been ______?

I have already been _______ several times. / I’ve never been there.

Explain the meaning of sentences and the word ever, already and never.

Use colour page1 to teach: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, water-skiing, canoe

Open the textbook and turn to page 6, lead the Ss to read the word Bondi Beach, Cape Town, Hawaii, Newquay, surfed, water-skied, canoed, dived in part 2.

Let Ss read part 2 dialogs in pairs.


Let them close the textbook. Show a topic to Ss: Ted and Bruce’s talk beside the beach. Say to Ss: “Please image that you are Ted and Bruce, you are talking about your trip and water sports, you’d better use Have you ever been …, surf, uncle. Five minutes later, go to the front to show your talk with your partner.”

Check their talks in pairs, encourage them to speak aloud and practise as the actor.


Play the tape of Part 1 for the students to listen three times. The first time, let one or two Ss speak the main sentences in the dialog and answer some questions. The second time, volunteers repeat what they hear. The third time, try to rewrite the whole sentences.

Ss open their textbooks, and check what is not remembered.

Ss could find any problem about this dialog, T give them the answer.

eg. have a try, I don’t know how to surf, Since last Wednesday, None of us has, etc.

Part 1

Listen and answer: Who can surf, Ted or Bruce?

How long has Bruce been in Sydney?

Why did he come to Sydney?

Who teach Bruce to surf?

Read and learn:

What’s …like? = How is …?

Since last Wednesday

Learn sth. from sb.

Have you ever been to …?

Have a try

How to do it

Read and act.

Part 2

Have you ever surfed?

Have you ever been to Hawaii?

Ask and answer in pairs

Learn: Bondi, Cape Town, Newquay, none

No one 人 单数 No one is here

none 人/物 单数/复数 None of them is here.

Wb. Ex3. 2 . 1 .


Surf, surfing, surfer, wave

He’s a surfer. Have a try

How long have you been in …?

Have you ever been to …?

Exercises in class

T read the questions below, and Ss give their answer, to improve and impress what have learned.

1. They are good ___________. Do you like __________? (surf) answer: surfers, surfing

2. We have been to Hawaii __________. (two) answer: twice

3. Mike hasn’t done his homework _____.

A. already B. just C. yet D. either answer: C

4. Ted has been a bus driver _____ five months ago.

A. for B. since C. from D. in answer: B

5. - _____ have you been to Cape Town?

- Since last Wednesday.

A. How often B. How many times

C. How long D. How soon answer: C

6. She is very busy. He hasn’t had a day _____ for three weeks.

A. busy B. free C. off D. on answer: C


Finish your dialog design after class, try to use what you have learn. Homework

wb. Ex 2


The writing on the blackboard


篇11:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 6(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Teaching Objectives:

Try to understand the whole passage and read the whole lesson fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

Master the following materials:

4Ss Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic

Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

Language Focus:

Useful topic:

Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic, Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.


Tape recorder, topic cards, answer sheet, etc.

Teaching Procedures:


Revise the Present Perfect tense, do the exercise 2 on page 97, ask students answer the questions one by one.


There are many kinds of water sports, such as swimming, paddling, Boogie-boarding, and dragon boat race in China.

1. What water sports have you watch? What kind of water sport you like best, why?

2. Have you ever been to Qingdao?

3. Who has ever been to Bondi Beach? None of us.

4. Has anybody water-skied before? Nobody has.


In Lesson 5, we learned some water sports. Today, we are going to talk about one of them----surfing.

Talk about surfing

Where is the best place for surfing? Why?

Have you ever watched people surf?

What do you think of it?

Ask the students to say something about it.

Teach: fit, prize, competition

Surfing will make you fit( healthy). Maybe you can take part in a surfing competition, then you may win a prize.

Ask the students bring these questions to listen the tape or video first time. Write their answer if possible.

Then play the tape or video once again, ask the students check their answers. And then let them try to give the main sentence of this reading.

Open the textbook, turn to page 7. Let Ss find the new words and useful expressions in five parts (each part for each paragraph). Ask them give correct explanation. Make sure everyone is on task. While working, teacher go around the classroom and give help where need. Then show the answers of them. Teacher explains the main sentences, such as Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world; It’s neither too hot nor too cold all the year round; etc.


Discussing in four parts, talk about San Francisco, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hainan island. After discussion Ss should give Where is it, What it famous for, What water sport are there, etc.

Ⅴ.The teaching of the new lesson

A. Paragraph 1

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

one of…; be enjoyed by sb.; all over the world= everywhere in the world;

be famous for as; especially; attract sb. to somewhere; large numbers of people(it is used to modify countable nouns)= a number of

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

B. Paragraph 2

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

All the year round= the whole year; the best beaches for surfing;

no matter, eg: No matter where you go, you can always find friendly people.

No matter what he does, we are still his friends.

find sb. doing sth.

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

Paragraph 3

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

So-called; three times a day; if possible; both…and…

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

Paragraph 4

Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.


give up Chinese= stopping learning Chinese= drop Chinese

give up doing sth.= stop doing sth.

San Franciso;

Ever since;

Work as…;


Have a night off= take a night off

Leave …for doing sth. eg: leave my Sunday for playing football

Make me fit;

Win the first prize

Be an event of the Olympic Games

Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class



1. Finish exercises 2 on page 98.

2. Revise the new words, useful expression and sentences.


篇12:初三上学期英语教案Lesson 7(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)


Language focus:

1. Learn to talk about something has done.

2. Try to understand the content and read the dialogue fluently, the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

3. Master the following materials:

4 skills Words: such, fail, practice, business

Phrases: so far, on business

Sentences: He’s gone to …

4. Master the following materials:

2 skills Words: New Zealand

Teaching Materials

1. Functional and notional items

Learn to talk about something has done

2.Language materials

Words: such, fail, practice, New Zealand, business

Phrases: such great fun, on business, so far

Sentences: Time flies!

He’s gone to New Zealand on business.

Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Organization of the class

We are going to talk about Bruce and Ted again. In grammar, we are going to talk about the present perfect tense.

Showing aims

Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

1. Master some useful expressions

2. Practise the Present perfect Tense

3. Practise speaking English

Ⅱ. Revision

1. Check the homework.

2. Revise the passage “surfing”. Ask one or two students to retell the story in front of the class.

3. Revise the Present Perfect Tense. Get the students to make dialogues in pairs, then have some of them act out their dialogues to share with the class. Pay attention to the use of the Present Perfect Tense.

III. Presentation

1. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 7

In lesson 5, we know Bruce will show Ted how to surf. Can Ted surf now?

B. Listen and answer

Can Ted surf? What has Bruce been doing every day? Why?

When is Ted leaving for home?

How about Bruce?

Where is Bruce’s uncle?

C. Read and learn

Teach: *on Bondi Beach

*such great fun: very funny

such+adj. +n.(不可数/复数) such beautiful flowers

such a + adj. + n.(可数名词单数) such a beautiful flower

so+ adj. So beautiful a flower

如果在数量词 “many, much, few, little”前,要用 “so”

eg: so much water, so many people





Unit2 news media(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

小学数学总复习讲解及训练(十) 教案教学设计(人教新课标六年级下册)





