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更新时间:2023-09-02 11:32:52 发布时间:24小时内



Everybody is good, you know me? My name is _X. I am a student of a newly entering middle school gate, with a number of new students, I took my curious and have a strong curiosity heart came to the palace of the divine.

My character is a persistent pursuit, beautiful ideal, want to put the world's good thing for your own. I don't like to go other vulgar, been to life as the others. I want to pursue their own personality, dropping his own ace, do the most true to yourself!

I, proactive. Small I is a drop of dew, but I am unwilling to lag behind, life commonplaces doing nothing. Every time the examination results came out, I will tell oneself, must strive to win the next good result. I have been to her sister as the benchmark, I don't believe that I can't go beyond her, I must be stronger than her. Beyond others, is the strength, by efforts. I will study hard, even the strength!

Although my appearance is not beautiful, but I have a good ideal, the ideal is my pursuit of the goal of forever. I believe that hidden in the heart of every man in his own a dream, if you don't dream your life would not be complete. Let's work for his dream to struggle, struggle! Let's cheer for yourself! Although I don't know will have a dream that one day, but I still look forward to that day, I'm sure I will. Come on!

I was a naive, naive, full of imagination, all day live in a fairy tale world, little girl. This is me, I will do the most true to yourself!


My name is _X. I graduated from _X Hotel University management. I am a serious and responsible work, proactive, good team work; critical thinking; rich work experience in hotel management, office organized various large-scale reception, delicacy Festival, banquet sales and management organization of large banquet is one of my work strengths. Comprehensive management ability, has the high star hotel catering field coordination ability, operation ability and innovation ability; good to develop high star hotel construction until the hotel normal operation experience; familiar with the use of various types of hotel management system software. Strong work on catering financial management and cost control Ability, according to the actual situation of the enterprise, make practical and effective food and beverage management and internal control system as a whole, so that the enterprise management will be institutionalized, standardized and modernized

In the nearly three years of university life, I actively enterprising, pay attention to their own self-cultivation, calm, warm, can stick to their ideals, faith. I have good interpersonal communication skills, good service consciousness, focus and dedication towards work is the biggest advantage of me. I not only learn the professional the course of tourism and hotel management professional, in practice also have some knowledge, Jiejia rest have been used many times during my internship. Although the ordinary but not mediocre!

Dear leaders, you believe that the horses of the eye, I believe that the strength, I have the job requires a strong sense of responsibility and a good service for customers of the heart, I also have to start from the grass-roots determination, I am willing to work with your company common development and progress. "Give me a stage to give you a good show," this is my commitment, is my determination. Finally, wish your company on the upgrade, I wish you everything! With the letter with my resume. If the opportunity to interview with you, would be very grateful.


hello every one,my name is ___,i'm __years old. now let tell you about my plans in the postgraduate study.first, i hope i can form systematic view of _ as for , my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as _.if possible, i wi...

hello every one,

then please let me tell something about my hometown. i am from , a famous city with a long history over ____years. it is called “____” because there were lots of ___even ___years ago. the city lies in the eastern part of the province. it is the center of politics, economy and culture. many _____ were born here, for instance, ___, _____ and so on . . you know, there is a saying that “the greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”。 i think the city really deserves it. the top three artware are shoushan stone, cattle-horn combs and bodiless lacquerware. in addition, it is famous for the hot springs. theyare known for high-quality. visitors athome and abroad feel it comfortable bathing here.there is my beloved hometown.


In those moments, it is important to return to our foundational values to guide us forward.

For myself, I always return to the founding purpose of this university – that we are here to generate excellence for the sake of all humanity.

That idea serves as Stanford’s North Star.

And that brings me to today’s Commencement speaker, Tim Cook.

Tim is a brilliant example of someone who has used his platform to achieve a greater impact beyond his own company.

He is a clear voice for leading with vision and values to address the challenges and responsibilities that confront society today.

A native of Alabama, Tim earned a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial engineering from Auburn University and then an MBA from Duke University.

Tim joined Apple in 1998 and became the company’s chief operating officer in 20_. He was named CEO in August 20_.

Now, Apple is a large organization, with more than 100,000 employees worldwide. And it would be certainly understandable if Tim focused all of his attention on the company and its operations.

But instead, he has also used his position to speak out about issues related to privacy and to address the ethical and societal implications of the technology revolution that he’s helping to lead.


There’s no silver bullet, no single formula, no reductive list. But they all seem to understand that happiness and success result from an accumulation of thousands of little things built on character, all of which have certain common features in my observation.

First, the most successful and happiest people I’ve known understand that a good life at its core is about being personal. It’s about being engaged. It’s about being there for a friend or a colleague when they're injured or in an accident, remembering the birthdays, congratulating them on their marriage, celebrating the birth of their child. It’s about being available to them when they're going through personal loss. It’s about loving someone more than yourself, as one of your speakers have already mentioned. It all seems to get down to being personal.

That's the stuff that fosters relationships. It’s the only way to breed trust in everything you do in your life.

Let me give you an example. After only four months in the United States Senate, as a 30-year-old kid, I was walking through the Senate floor to go to a meeting with Majority Leader Mike Mansfield. And I witnessed another newly elected senator, the extremely conservative Jesse Helms, excoriating Ted Kennedy and Bob Dole for promoting the precursor of the Americans with Disabilities Act. But I had to see the Leader, so I kept walking.











