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更新时间:2023-10-02 09:09:30 发布时间:24小时内


Hello (name) how are you? Recently, I have been very busy and have a sense of achiment. I have spent most of my time studying. I want to share with you my hometown.

I live in a all town outside Sydney, Australia. There are s houses and a new house in it. My house is a betiful white multi-storey villa with of garden bcks, sunded by the garden my mother is pud of, and the swimming pool.

I attend parties, o neighbors are very fendly people, they often carry biscuits rywhere, accompany my mother, we this betiful town always share the enthusia for garden and cooking. O betiful town is full of advanced and wild activities, such as ting and skydiving. It really bngs you back to nate.

My father and I often t in the Bush and fish in the pond together. My bther and I will have aeal flying lessons and sometimes go parachuting. My fends, I often go to the hot shopping mall with my mother.

My mother and I will go there to learn piano and dance. I will bask in the sun with my fends and listen to loud music by the swimming pool. We n have many local activities ry year, such as art and photography competitions, ting competitions and music festivals.

My bther and I will definitely participate in these activities ry year. Most of the time, as "artists", there are a lot of things to do here. If you come to Australia, you must come to o humble villa and expeence the spit of o town.

Keep in touch (yo name).




标签: 新学期


I live in 某某某 district. It's a good place to have fun and rest. The street is clean and quiet. There is a beautiful park in the district. It's beeen a post office and a supermarket. you can take walk, play chess and play the guiter under the trees in the park. Across from the post office is a restaurant. If you ane hungry,you can have some food in 某某 district is very beautiful. I love it.希望可以帮到你!


I live in a village called Shanghua City, which is located on Heping Avenue. The living envinment is elet, the transportation is convenient, and the greening is very good. I like this village facing south.

At the entrance, there is a fountain pool. There is a mermaid sculpte in the center of the pool. There are flower beds nd the pool.

There is a square behind the swimming pool which is very betiful in summer. There are many fitness equipment and places for people to rest Honghua, a lot of yews are planted nd the square. Every time we get together after dinner, the square is always full of shadows of children and s.

On both sides of the square are six storey residential buildings, each unit is under the garage, but there is still no owner's parking lot. Behind the square is the pce of high-se residential buildings, becse it is relatively high, becse few people can see high-se buildings far away.




Basketball is a popular team sport that people fm all over the world take part in. Basketball is a that includes shooting, passing and dbbling. The goal of basketball is to score points in a against another team by passing a ball thugh a high basket.

Competitive basketball is mainly an indoor sport, played on the standard basketball cot, and less as an outdoor sport conducted beeen fends for pely entertainment pposes, the regulated change is becoming and popular. I live in a new community and now my family moved here a year ago. Since then, and people have become o neighbors.

A big super. Since last year, than 20 different shops have been opened in an undergund shop. It seems that o life is becoming and convenient.

It is said that there are many high-se buildings to be built in the vicinity. It is reported that a new park in the north of o community will be built soon. O community will be a green and betiful community.






I live in the distct. It's a good place for entertainment and rest. The street is clean and quiet.

There is a betiful park beeen the post office and the super. You can walk under the trees, play chess and play guitar. The park opposite the post office is a restaant.

If you are gry, you can eat something in ITO distct. It's betiful. I like it very much.





My name is skyb. I live in XXX. This is a quiet / busy community.

There are many old people living here. Many families and children live here. O community has many high-se buildings and all gardens.

My family has many shops and restaants near an apartment building. There is a super near the Xinhua bookstore. The parking lot and the railway station are not far fm here.

We have a community center here. We can Call them for .




I live in the distct. It's a good place for entertainment and rest. The street is clean and quiet.

There is a betiful park beeen the post office and the super. You can walk under the trees in the park, play chess and play guitar. The park opposite the post office is a restrant.

If you are gry, you can eat something there. O area is very betiful. I love it.




In my neighbourhood,there's lots of interesting things!My friends live in here for along time!They are all very friendly and always play with me!After I finish my homework,I will play with them!Sometimes I will see some grandpa or grandma,Ilike to help them and talk to are so friendly!My neighbourhood is very good,I like it!翻译:在我的小区里有很多有趣的事情!我的朋友都住在这里!他们很友善还经常和我完!等我写完作业后我会和他们玩!有时候我回见到老爷爷和奶奶,我回帮助他们也很喜欢和他们聊天!他们对我也很好!我的小区很好,我很喜欢!


We live next door to a math teacher. He is about 40 years old. He looks very stct.

In fact, he is very kind. He always gets up early. He always goes to work very early.

In class, he is very stct. If a student makes a noise, he will be very angry. He always tells his students: Yes, now mathemati class.

Don't make noise. Mr. Lu is very kind and funny.

He always tells jokes to his students. His students are always happy bee the joke is funny and sometimes he s me with my math. In a word, Mr.

Lu is very kind and I respect him very much.





Since o school be to explore learning strategies, great changes have taken place in o learning. Teachers constantly explain the key points of the language that o students have just heard in class and take some notes, so we don't have enough time to think about pblems alone. We have to do a lot of homework after class, but now the teachers show us the pblems first, Then we o or a gup discuss for a peod of time, trying to find out the answer to the pblem, thugh which we learn how to work / study / cooperate with others after class, we can have different activities, for example, we can read o favote books, go to the library or the Internet to find useful information, etc.




My school studies in middle school, where there are three grades and 32 classes. It's not big, but it's betiful. In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, a laboratory building and a library.

In the east of the new building, there are all kinds of books in the library. You can collect them at will. There is a playgund in the south of the new building.

It is very big on the playgund. O school has fo basketball cots. You'd better play basketball becse o school has fo basketball cots.

You can have a good time. The grass of o school is full of trees. There are o gardens in fnt of the new building.

There are flowers of vaous colors in it. O school is studying hard. Life is happy.

I love o school very much. I live in a new community. My family moved here a year ago.

Since then, and people have become o neighbors. A big super. Since last year, than 20 different stores have been under construction.

A basement nearby is under construction, and life is becoming and convenient. It is said that many tall buildings will be built nearby. It is reported that a new park in the north of o community will be built soon.

O community will be a green and betiful community.







I love my class becse I am a member of her. She is the cradle of my gwth. She makes me have countless partners.

I love my class becse she bngs me infinite warmth. She is my warm home. She makes me realize the sweetness of my love for my class.

She bngs me the hope of success. She is the ral area where I work hard and practices training After harvest, I love my class, becse she gives me infinite happiness. She is the heaven for me to gw up, and she makes me enjoy the glory of sun.




You are like the third parent. We all love you and respect you. The pmary ppose of education is not to teach you how to make money, but to make ry mouthful sweet and delicious.

We all like to have you as o teacher. You get o respect and gratitude. Today is teachers' day, a day to thank all teachers.

This is a special recoition and respect that a pfession deserves. There is no apppate time than this To respect you and others in yo chosen field. You have my eternal gratitude.

A happy Teacher's day. We are very grateful that you are a qualified teacher or n a better fend. Thank you for all the education you have done.

Education is not a kind of satiaction bucket, but the fire can make difficulties easier. It is the educators who give you o eternal gratitude and gratitude on this special day Henry Adams is the most apppate time to express o thanks to you. This all gift is just a all symbol of us.

We all want to thank you. I really appreciate what you have done for the teacher. Thank you for illuminating my people with yo own light of life Life joney my gratitude comes fm the bottom of my heart.

The whole secret of teacher's power lies in the belief that people can be tranormed and that no one should be grateful. One day, you will not be able to make us appreciate you, becse you make learning no longer a bong thing, but a great joy. We are all trying to buy this gift.

We are all grateful that you are unselfish without you We can't succeed today. Dear teacher, you are the spng rain that moistens o hearts. The love and care you give us will inspire us to go thugh a long and arduous joney.

You are not only a good teacher, but also o best fend. Thank you for ing us make a difference in o life joney. Dear teacher, you iite the light of hope.

For me, what you have done Today, I sincerely salute you.



标签: 新学期


My school is very betiful. It's in XXX, by the lake of XXX, do you know? It's xxx expemental pmary school. I like my school very much.

There is a big playgund here. We have physical education on the playgund. We often exercise on it.

O teaching building has five floors. My classom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean.

There is a library on the third floor. There are many books on the second floor. I often read here.

There are some music oms and art oms in the teaching building My teacher is very good and the students are polite and art. I am very happy in school.










标签: 英语



