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更新时间:2023-12-05 14:43:53 发布时间:24小时内


It has been said that when people succeed,it is because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success.Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to success for most people,I must disagree with this statement.It cannot be denied that luck often plays an important role in success.For example,many important discoveries have been made by accident.There have been many cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device.

Furthermore,there is something to be said for simply being in the right place at the right time—perhaps meeting someone by chance who can offer a good job or rare opportunity.And of course,there are the rare examples of gamblers and lottery winners who beat the odds and achieve sudden and unexpected success.

While the influence of luck cannot be ignored,this is not to say that one should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work.If one is willing to work hard,I believe that success will eventually be achieved,with or without the added benefit of luck.Moreover,hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables one to take advantage of a lucky encounter.If the scientist has not worked hard to develop his knowledge and skills,he may not recognize that lucky breakthrough when it comes along.Therefore,my suggestion is not to count on luck to bring you success.Instead,work hard and keep your eyes open for that lucky opportunity.


A Letter to the University President about the Library Service on the Campus

Dear ,

I am writing to express my concern over the library service on the campus.

As a major in English,I find that most of the books in English in the library are far,I have not come across a single book published after a result,we fail to get the latest information of academic development both at home and abroad.

In addition,the light in the reading room is far from bright,which does harm to our still,there is no air瞔onditioning and we are sweating heavily while reading.

Last but not least,the newly瞕eveloped electronic information system does not work well and needs further great number of books should have been listed in the system.

There is no denying that the library has helped us a it is in urgent need of improved,the library is certain to provide much more help with our study.

Thank you for your am looking forward to your reply.


Dear all,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to my parents for teaching me to be positive and to be strong. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” is the opinion held by Aristotle. It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct even today, including my parenting.

It is widely acknowledged that parenting, which can also be explained as family education, is of great significance in our character forming and manner acquiring. To be more detailed, setting good examples instead of just giving precepts is the greatest achievement of my parents. They not only taught me to think for the best and prepare for the worst; they taught me how. They not only told me the benefits of being strong in mind; they proved it. All those things require huge amount of time and work, but it’s worth it.

Without my parents’ contribution and education, I would never be who I am now. But most importantly, I would never be more gratitude to them than today.











Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

Correct spelling is a basic skill in English many students do not pay much attention to it。

They have their own reasons for of all,they like an easy way of studying,which causes some omissions and changes in teachers might not be very strict in students China,teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling。

To change this situation,in my opinion,the teachers and the students should work one hand,the teachers should give more attention to students spelling,asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English the other hand,the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study。

To sum up,correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling。









When we go to school,we are taught that life is not always going well,we will meet all kinds of difficulties。 Everyone hears the words,but when they meet difficulties,it is hard for them to be OK with it,they feel the life is hopeless,just as hearing is easy,while taking action is another thing。


Once a famous business person said that the one who faced the failure and stood up,he or she will be successful。 I absolutely believe it,we are in front of so many accidents,we need to face the setback and learn from it,every setback is a test for us,only the one who passes the test can succeed。


Such as when we feel it hard to study,then give up,how can we make progress。 Life teaches us lesson every minute,the adverse situation is a good chance to upgrade ourselves。



Sports are flourishing in china now. More and more people are willing to take part in sports of different kinds, such as table-tennis, football, volleyball, and so on. Every year there are many matches played on the city, provincial or national level. Sports are no longer limited to a few professional players. Early in the morning people may be seen doing exercise. Martial arts (like Chinese boxing or swordplay) which formerly were cultivated for self-defense, now have become a form of physical exercise and are practiced in parks, streets, gardens, or on campuses. In addition young and old people are also often seen running in order to build up their bodies. China promotes sports to enhance the physical condition of its people; she is formulating policies to provide encouragement of this activity. She awards prizes to the excellent players for the best records both in china and the world. In the world the Chinese have become a strong people instead of “the weaklings of East Asia”.







As the drawing presents,there is a man walking across the street absorbedly focusing on his cell phone without noticing the sort of phenomenon is not uncommon and rare in some metropolis,especially among the youngsters.

What the picture illustrates is the prevailing situation that has long existed in todays is the mobile phone the advent of information age,people are becoming increasingly fascinated on the electronic products,especially the cell surprisingly,you could easily notice that most of us are obsessed in sending messages,playing online games with their mobile cannot be denied that this phenomenon may negatively impact the relationship among people,and therefore they will become estranged and isolated.

Personally,in view of the overuse of mobile phones,I hold that we individuals should raise the necessary awareness that good relationship are reinforced by sincere and face-to-face communication.








learning english at a college is different from learning english at a middle a middle school,we learn english mainly for entrance eamination for college,while the purpose of learning english at a college is quite study foreign languages now to improve our ability to work well in the future and especially to commnicate with foreigners.

having been studying here for nearly 2 years,i have come to some conclusions about how to learn enlgish should try your best to enlarge your vocabulary,only in this way can you read more and understand others ms and speaking play important roles in learning talking with foreigners,if you cant understand them,how can you epress your ideas? and the last point is that you should improve your english level whenever you can.

however,there is still a long way to go to learn english people usually say,"there is no end to learning".there are .so many methods to learn long as you keep studying,you will surely improve.


The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big cities in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on housing,the investment has not been very resultful and a housing shortage still exists. Two generations sharing one room and newlymarried couples finding it difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage is a problem that requires an immediate solution.

People's attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are different. Some suggest building more tall apartment buildings; others believe that we should develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build upward than downward. For another, living underground for a long time will do harm to people's health. Above all,people are unwilling to live underground with artificial lighting and they prefer to live normally on the ground to enjoy the sunshine.

Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage problem, I believe to build more apartment buildings is one of the feasible solutions to the housing problem.


My View on the Post-graduate Craze

Every year,million of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma?

First,it is the demand of the an age of knowledge updating and information explosion,what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of of high quality who are equipped with the latest knowledge and skill will be needed more than is why many students will further their studies.

Second,we all recognize that the more education you have,the more likely you are to with those without a master degree,masters will enjoy more preferential treatment,for example,better salaries,more opportunities for promotion and post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.

Last but not least,with the graduation of a large number of college students,competition for jobs becomes more and more way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.

No wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Something I admire about the Western should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below.






Dear my father and mother,

This letter is my inner feelings. I want to thank both of you for so many years’ care and help.

During my growth, you have made a lot of efforts and love for me. When I make a success, both of you are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I have failed, you always share sorrow with me and encourage me not to give up. Especially, during my preparation for CET-4, the support from you is always everywhere. I have passed the exam successfully.

You love is so unselfish that I am deeply affected, so I will study hard to be a useful person and won’t make you disappointed. Anyway, I would like to express the deep gratitude to you.

With best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.

They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.

To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.

To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.


With the development of information techno1ogy and reduced price of communication products, the mobi1e phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to it, it’s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere. We will never miss any important meetings,great deals or admirable opportunities。But,have you noticed sometimes the mobile phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting 1oud1y in public as if there were no one else present. And I’m sure each one has had such an experience that the mobi1e phone ring continuous1y on a formal occasion. Perhaps these People have many 1ife-and-death reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.


Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.

In fact,it is very important for the students to attend their classes will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers , teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes,which,in turn,will affect their teaching and be no good for the classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality,which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.

Therefore,we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now some day well benefit from it.








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