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更新时间:2023-10-23 17:33:31 发布时间:24小时内


Standing on the balcony, looking into the distance, is a rolling mountain, about 5 o'clock, the sun will quietly hide behind the mountain.

The sun is still so bright, as if forever young, never old. Gradually, the sun becomes red, and the earth, sky and clouds are also reflected by the sun.

The sun has only half of its face left. It seems to be reluctant to leave. It also wants to see the beautiful East.








Jiang Nan, there are some exceptions in autumn. The vegetation withers, but slowly, more air runs. The color of the day appears, and there is often less wind and rain.

A person in Suzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Xiamen or Hong Kong, Guangzhou people are arrested in the middle, and chaos mixed in the past, can only feel a little cool. The taste of autumn, the color of autumn, the mood and attitude of autumn should not always be seen It is not the name of flowers or wine. It is not appropriate to taste the autumn process, which is half open and half drunk.




Two rows of Lombardy morning lake has diaoguang leaves the sky into the trunk, like lake level as a mirror of the spring and summer so rippling, glittering. Then he glowed. The earth, like the newly born mother, is tired and asleep, and the wilderness is as lonely as a lifeless picture. Only a cloud of smoke floats in the corner of the picture, increasing the movement of the picture. The motorcade that carried the wheat and oranges across the fields, toward the paper mill under the thick smoke, the long procession left a string of laughter. The lifeless sun, only eight or nine rises from the southeast horizon to lazy. Is this the feather like snow into the earth to decorate the city snow-covered landscape world for fields covered with soft quilt brother.

The cold winter, but also look carefully in a way.








The orchard, a row of fruitful. Round apple like children face; Pear yellow, like a small bottle gourd; Red hawthorn like a small lantern; A purple grapes, like pearls were shining brilliantly.

In the field, the sorghum like drunk, nodding; Corn is sleeping in the yellow clothes; Soybean small slope in the belly, also jumped out; Chinese cabbage as soldiers lined up neatly arranged in in the vegetable garden. Farmers are busy reap the fruits of the year, from time to time heard gales in the field.

Ah, the autumn scenery is beautiful!



In winter, autumn and winter, my grandfather hastened to pick up the girl for autumn class and came to us. It brought the piercing cold wind. The scene in front of us brought the cold of withered branches.

We felt that winter was coming in the early morning. The sky covered the earth with mist. Walking in the street, Ji Shibu could not see the shadow outside, and the buildings in front could not be seen from the fog.

The trees could only Glimpses the water vapor, hears the sound to be unable to see the shadow, only the headlamp like eyes and the flash of cold wind carry the cold air all over every corner, that is a clear and windless day, the cold and dry day, the dry and desolate bare trees stand on the road by the river, and finally become the vigorous grass, the yellow grass flowers have gone to sleep, the north wind blows, the small trees in the cold grass In the cold winter, cypresses are like green streets full of vitality. Many Cycas are planted by the riverside, and the slender leaves twinkle in the severe winter The green light adds color to winter days and decorates the winter morning. But the riverside park is very lively.

There are training people blowing in the fog. The figures are constantly swaying. Young people dressed as athletes.

They run, jump, vigorous and excited old people all go out of their homes. Their shining hands are stretching and kicking on the grass When they jump from time to time, they do exercises together, which is worse than the young people. They look back at each other tenaciously with the piercing cold, with seven year old children following the great people.

They like to hold their breathless models and fly their heads out of the heat wave. Look, I like how vigorous winter is, because it can sharpen people's will and become stronger. You finally come to winter day.




Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: ^v^Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it?^v^ Cousin said: ^v^Honeysuckle is Shannon.^v^ Cousin said: ^v^Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire.^v^ I said : ^v^Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat.^v^ her mother said: ^v^You are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other people's live.^v^

After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot.



















Look! River ice melted quietly, is open to greet the arrival of spring, the clear river is like a mirror, quietly at first glance to see small fish, shrimp in the water swimming in beautiful posture. Occasionally, a naughty little fish leap, let the river quietly opened a kaleidoscope of colors.

She fell asleep for a winter frog opened my dim eyes, from the mud out of the hole, yawning, stretched himself said: ^v^ah, spring is finally here.^v^ Chirp the swallow flew back from the south. The cuckoo standing in the branches sang the rhyme of spring.Park, the flowers in full bloom, airtime, attracted hordes of bee honey, wearing a long robe butterflies are not to be outdone in fragrant flowers chase, immersed in a sea of flowers.

Look, especially in the field of a busy spring planting, the farmer uncle is busy farming, planting, turn over the earth.

Ah! Spring is a colourful season, I like the season of hope.


写景作文500字 小学生 六年级(推荐35篇)








