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更新时间:2023-09-13 18:55:22 发布时间:24小时内



Honorable Judges, fellow students:

Good afternoon!

Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society。 The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places。 But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest disfort。 But the cynics are wrong。 The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently。 We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money。

The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation。 But again, the Liuxue86。 cynics are wrong。 We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth。 Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer。

As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives。 We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country。 I believe in all my fellow classmates。 Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish。 I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities。 We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place。 I believe in our future。


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon!

My name is David。I e from Jiangsu Province。Right now I start my own business in Yiwu city。Today I am very happy to have a chance to share the topic with all of you。My topic is “cherish what you have right now”。Before my topic , I would like to tell you a story。

Long long time ago there was a big mountain。 In the mountain there was a temple。 In the temple there were two monks。 One is an old monk, the other is a young monk。 One day the old said to the young: “You can go outside of the mountain to travel around and experience the life of mon people。But you are required to e back after 10 years。” The young nodded。 He left the mountain and traveled。 Ten years later,he came back at last。The old monk asked him a question: “what have you learned in the past ten years?” The young answered: “ In the past 10 years I have e to know that the most important thing is what I have lost and what I haven’t got。” The old smiled and said nothing。Time passed quickly。 One year later, the old said to the young again: “You can travel around again for another 10 years”。 The young followed it。 Another 10 years later, the young returned。The time the old monk asked him the same question: “What have you learned in the past 10 years?” The young kept silent for w

hile and said: “In the world the most important thing is not what I have lost and not what I haven’t got but what I have right now。Just cherish it。”

So much for the story。 But the answer in the story is very instructive。 Sometimes it makes me think a lot。 “Just cherish what you have right now。” It is a very good idea。But maybe you have the question: What is “cherish”? Could you tell me the detail meaning? Ok! I tell you the answer。 Cherish means just to keep it ,to hold it , to love it and to protect it。For example, you have a nice popular and fashion IPhone, just cherish it means to keep it well ,to hold it well, love it well and protect it well。Understand? I see。 You got it。OK! Right now I have a question for you: What do you have right now? Maybe you will say “I have a lot of money。” maybe you will say : “ I have a big house” maybe he will say:“I have a rich car” Maybe she will say: “I have a smart boy friend。” Maybe ,maybe ,maybe ,maybe there are lots of maybes。Maybe different people have different answer for it。But it doesn’t matter。 No matter whatever your answer is, just cherish it。Cherish what you hav

e right now。Cherish your parents,especially when they bee older and older,give more love to them。 Otheriwse you will have more regrets。Cherish your family members,especially your children。Try your best to spare and spend more time to be with them。Otherwise,you don't have chance to regret it。Cherish your friends,especially when they are in trouble。 Spare no efforts to help them out。Otherwise your friends will go away from you one day。Cherish,cherish,cherish。As long as you cherish what you have right。


Good morning everybody,

I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. We all know that Bingxin has a famous saying “we always admire the beauty of flowers but its sprout was watered by tears of struggle and rained by blood of sacrifice”.

So for the majority, behind their success, are filled of sweat and tears. Eagle flying in the vast firmament, must be experienced the pain of countless times fall under the cliff, then hammered out a pair of volley wings. A shinning of pearls, inevitably suffered countless body friction and numerous waves’ shock. In this view, a real successful people, and he must experienced numerous times to stand up again and agin after failed, because without sweat and tears on the life road ,no one can casually get the beautiful flowers. Alfter a heavy fall Shi Tiesheng lost his legs, it must be a heavy blow for anyone. But he didn't lose faith in life, but use his brain and hands to show the infinite love of life;

Beethoven was blind and deaf, but he still had written the "Hero""Destiny"nd so on a large number of music works, in his unfortunately life, he doggedly gripped the "fate of the throat. They all had a fall, but they are strong enough to stand up, fight against fate and misfortune, finally they succeed. So for each of us, wrestling is not terrible, lose confidence and courage in life is the most terribe thing. In my opionion, the sweat and tears during the life’ journey are very important for us, they hone our will, and enrich our experience.

As the saying goes, how can you see the rainbow without a rainy day, while you don't work hard and not struggle, how can you gain the successful flowers. All in all, the sweat and tears on the struggling road is inevitable, don’t look for shortcuts anymore, steadfast walk every step, we will succeed in the end.

So belief yourself, nothing is impossile, just do it. Thank you for taking your time to listen to my speech, I hope in the near future we all can be successful.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

It’s our great honor and deepest pleasure to welcome you, our dear friends, both old and new from all over China, all over Asia, and all over the world.

On behalf of our dedicated classmates, our distinguished teachers, foreign friends, especially our gracious host, the No.2 LongGang High School ,we greet you and encourage you to seize upon this unique opportunity to conquer English and make lifelong friends with people from every province of our wonderful country and throughout the world. By conquering English, we can help ourselves and others.

We are human beings, not animals. We know what we want to do. We know our destiny is in our hands. With hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our minds to do.

From today on we will accompany you day and night every minute on this unique journey.

We want you to open your heart.

We want you to be devoted.

We want you to be crazy.

We want you to forget about your face.

We want you to open your mouth wildly.

We want you to broaden your mind.

We want you to expand your horizons.

We want you to conquer your laziness and all your other human weaknesses.

We want you to overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.

We want to share your joy and we want to share your struggle, but most important of all, we want to share your glory and victory!

We are the future of China, the future of Asia, and the future of the world!

We can make the world a better place.

We can make a difference.

We desire to win.

We must win!

We will win, absolutely, and without any doubt!

From painfully shy children who felt terrible about ourselves, who regarded ourselves as human trash, born losers, to internationally recognized English promoters, we made it. we strongly believe that you will make it too!

Let’s do it together!

We have confidence in you!


One night, I plained to my mom about the lack of time。 Finally she said,"you are short of time just because you waste precious minutes on plaints and anxiety。 The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard, you can always fit in some thing more。"

It is the same with filling the jar。 Even if you place a dozen fist-sized rocks and a bucket of gravel into the jar, there is still space for sand and water between the rocks and gravel。

The lack of time is just the excuse for my negligence of every single minute。 I believe that the great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in six words,"I did not have enough time。"The fact is I do have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein。 The point is I have never touched upon the real meaning of life which lies in snatching, seizing and enjoying every minute of it。 No idleness, no delay, no procrastination, no plaint! It is during my moments of plaining or hesitation that my destiny is shaped。 Once I make full use of every moment, I believe that, my worries will be gradually cut down to nothing。

Time is the most valuable of all our possessions, but the most perishable as well。 As Henry David Thoreau said,"You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment。"

Whenever I fell the lack of time in the future, I will tell myself "Carpe diem , seize the day, make every moment count。"










