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  翻译理论要不要看?事实上,要想学好翻译,对于一个没有基本翻译理论的人来说,建议还是学一下翻译理论,因为那上面会讲被动变主动,词性的转换啦等,而这对于一个非英语专业的人来说,是有必要的。也是一条捷径,否则很多人则是一个字一翻,不是翻译意思了。 比如有人翻译的good good study, day day up。这样的书一般城市的书店都有的。当然,也有牛人,英语水平很好,看了英语就能翻译出贴切的汉语,或反之,那就没有必要这么做了。1。2翻译怎么提高?历史上的大翻译家,比我们条件要差得多,但是学得成就不比我们差,因为人家有好的方法,那就是吃透一本书,翻译好它。 建议新手可以拿来这样的一本书,一页页地看,一点点地翻,翻译了比较,比较了记住,这样才有提高。就像做飞行员一样,只有飞行了多少个小时之后,才能真正开客机,要不你会开掉下来。口译听力也是如此,一般交替传译要精听150-200盘磁带,而同传则是20_盘才能做起来。 注意,这里是精听,泛听不包括在内的。想想吧,一个人要听20_盘磁带是什么概念?翻译也是如此,一般能达到翻译技能的水平,要翻译3-5万字的量;要达到技巧的水平,要翻译的量达到10-15万的量,问问你翻译了多少?1。3 语法要不要学?我认为一个好翻译,没有语法观念是不行的,因为翻译出来的句子要是不合语法规则,老外看了就会觉得你的水平不好,起码觉得你有问题。 因为说起来,英语是语法呈显性的语言(这里指的汉译英)。2. 翻译证书要不要考?还是考下证书为好,因为有了证书,你的砸门砖才有了,否则,一般不易入行。因为你没有东西证明你有这个水平。做笔译的可以考考国家二级笔译。口译的也可以国家人事部的二级口译。 注意:如果你想做好,二级口译或笔译只是你的一个上进的过程中的路标,不是终点。3. 有了证书是不是能做翻译了?回答是:It depends!有了证书,没有实战经验,你就是新人,你得像海绵一样到处去学习。比如你可以结交翻译人员,请他们介绍经验。再就是利用网络,去学习。 一次我翻译到专利的汉译英,没有英语的范本怎么办?去网上找! 4. 刚开始能不能做自由人翻译?刚开始,除非你是自己专业水平高,英语又好,那自然好。可是如果不是,还是到翻译公司做做,因为那里有规范的培训,等自己水平高了,再去做自由人。一个有三年以上翻译经验的人很难找的,找到了年薪就不会低。 现在你是用自己的便宜身价换经验,以后是以经验换大洋。付出去的东西,总会有收回来的时候,等式左右应该是相等的。



  有很多办法可以提高你的整体学习能力和速度。这里,我们将给你6条提示,帮助你更快更好地学习。掌握以下技巧可以使你下次遇到困难时不再胆怯。1. Find a Suitable Environment1.找一个合适的环境An environment creates atmosphere, and an atmosphere changes the world from one end to the other —including our learning experience. That’s not to say that there’s only one ideal environment that is considered the best for learning. We all respond to each environment differently, for the better or the worse.环境创造氛围,氛围会有很大的影响——包括我们的学习经验。这并不是说,只有一种理想的学习环境是最好的。每种环境对我们的影响都是不同的,有些更好有些更坏。

  2. Write it Down2.写下学习内容You have been reading through the material, over and over again, for over 45 minutes, when finally you say “Oh! I think I got it!”.你可能曾经一遍又一遍地阅读材料,超过45分钟,你终于说“我想我明白了!”You ponder on whether you should write it down for yourself, and then you finally conclude: “It’s okay, there’s no way I can forget it now…!”. And with that, you flip the page and continue onto the next subject.您犹豫是否将这些内容写下来,然后你最后得出结论:“没事的,我现在不会忘记的…!“。于是你翻过这一页继续到下一个话题。The next morning you wake up and get ready to head out to class. The exam is handed to you and your eyes land on a single question —the one you were preparing for yesterday. You scratch your head and realize…nothing. Everything is gone. So you attempt an answer and hope for the best.第二天早上你醒来,准备去上课。试卷交给你然后你的眼睛落在一个问题上——你昨天准备的问题上。你抓你的头发意识到……什么都没有。一切都消失了。你尝试自己写一个答案,怀抱最好的希望。It happens to us all, and there’s one conclusion that can be made. If you want to learn faster, to memorize a concept without going through the material over and over again, you should write down notes of what you just learned, preferably by hand. When you do that, this gives your brain a chance to rehearse what you just learned and help it really sink in.这种情况可能发生在我们所有人的身上,可以有一个结论。如果你想学得更快,不用一遍一遍阅读材料来记住一个概念,你最好是写下刚学习的内容手。当你做到这一点,这让你的大脑有一个机会来输出你学习的内容,并帮助你真正理解。

  3. Association of Ideas3.联想In order to learn, particularly something long and complicated, you are always advised to use every tool at your disposal. One of these tools is Mental Associations. All you have to do is to link new gathered information to information that you already have.为了学习内容,特别是需要长时间学习的复杂的内容,你总被建议使用一些工具。这些工具之一,是心理联想。你所要做的是将新的信息和你已经知道的信息联系起来。For example, if you consider red an “urgent”or “important”color, you can mark new information that you consider critical with it in your mind. Another example would be to use rhymes for memorizing or even creating a chronological story in your mind. The more you practice, the better you will be at it, making it easier for you to learn new information.例如,如果你认为红色表示“紧急”或“重要”,你可以将你认为重要的信息用红色标记起来。另一个例子是使用押韵来记忆,甚至在头脑中创造一个故事。你练习的越多你就会越来越擅长,也更便于你学习新信息。

  4.Read…A Lot4.大量阅读It is not strange that a person who reads on a regular basis will also be quicker to read through and understand difficult material than a person who doesn’t share that same habit. The reason for it is that the more you read, the easier it is for you to absorb written information.和较少阅读的人相比,一个定期阅读的人会更快地阅读和理解较为困难的材料。原因是你读得越多,你就越容易吸收文字信息。

  5.Make Practical Use of What You Learn5.练习使用你学习的内容Like everything in life, you do not truly know something until you put it to practical work. You can’t be a doctor just by going through the books, no matter how many times you do it. Want to master the German language? Go live in Germany for a year and communicate with locals using only your rusty German.就像你生活中的其他事物一样,直到你将学习到的东西运用到实际工作中,你才能真正理解。只是通过书本学习并不能让你成为一名医生,不管你书读了多少次。你想掌握德语吗?那就用生涩的德语去德国居住并与当地人沟通吧。In order to truly learn something, you will always need to go out there and utilize that new absorbed information.因此为了真正学到一些东西,你需要吸收和运用新的信息。

  6.Learn in a Way That Works For You6.选择合适自己的学习方式There are several ways of learning, or to be more exact, several learning modalities. They go by visual, auditory, reading/writing, and tactile learning. Each of us is more comfortable with some over the others.学习方法或学习模式有很多种。通过视觉、听觉、读/写和触觉学习。我们每个人都有相对合适的方法。Visual learners will prefer visual presentations of the material, either in the form of graphs, pictures, or watching demonstrations.视觉学习者会更喜欢可视化的演示材料,比如图表的形式、图片、或者观看展示。Auditory learners will prefer lectures, audiobooks, podcasts, and even interviews.听觉学习者会喜欢讲座、有声读物、播客甚至访谈形式。Reading/Writing learners will prefer to read the information and write down notes for themselves.读/写学习者倾向于自己读信息并且写笔记。Tactile learners will learn best from practicing the material with their own hands.触觉学习者最好的学习方式是亲自练习学习材料。Adjust yourself to one of these learning modalities and you will find a vast improvement in your progress.调整自己的学习方法,你会发现你会取得很大的进步。









标签: 学习心得



