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更新时间:2024-01-19 18:26:41 发布时间:24小时内

女性之美英语作文范文 第一篇

I dont like the word feminism very much. But I dont agree that women are second sex.

First of all, women exist as human beings. They have an independent and complete self. They can take on their own responsibilities and enjoy life. Secondly, as a woman, she is feminine, kind, gentle, considerate and understanding. Women should be themselves first, then daughters, wives and mothers. Ideal women enjoy their work and find self realization and sense of value in their work. At the same time, also enjoy their own life, in the family, friendship and love around, hard work is also a kind of happiness.

The beauty of women is various, the beauty of girls is pure and refined, and the beauty of young women is graceful and graceful. When people are middle-aged, they are as gentle as jade. In their old age, they are calm and elegant. Smart women are not afraid of the aging of the years. The experience of time makes her leisurely and comfortable. The beauty from the inside to the outside still makes her unique.

A womans happiness has little to do with what kind of man she meets. A happy woman is a woman who has the ability to make herself happy. It is the dream of all girls to marry Gao Fu Shuai and her husbands care and love. But whats the point if he cant make you more independent, mature, firm and brave? Too rich life, it is easy to fall into a sense of emptiness. It seems to be a disaster to meet slag man. But through these experiences, we can grow from a flower in the greenhouse to a tree standing in the vast world. Which is lucky, which is unfortunate? Excellent women, with the ability to turn corruption into magic, can lead a colorful life, and still find poetic beauty in a slightly embarrassed life. Smart women, tender like water, get along well with family, colleagues and friends, or lively and playful, or quiet and gentle, is the warm spring breeze, lingering drizzle, let people be impressed by her charm, linger and indulge in her beauty.

First of all, women like themselves and enjoy themselves. Then have their own spiritual sustenance and broad interests. A boy friend is naturally happy when hes around; hes happy when he meets his best friend. Even being alone, accompanied by books and music, is a good time.

As long as you love life and embrace life, you can be your best self and become a magician who decorates your life. Firm without losing tenderness, independent without losing amorous feelings. The beauty of women is the most beautiful scenery in the world.

女性之美英语作文范文 第二篇

Nowadays, many female college graduates find it very hard to find a satisfying position because the employers set extra requirements for them to meet. Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) describe the picture;

2) discuss the causes of the phenomenon;

3) find some solutions.

You should write about 200 words neatly on Answer Sheet 2. (20 points)

I was profoundly shocked by what I have seen in this picture. As is shown in the picture, employers are particular about the female applicants for vacancies. They have extra requirements that women job seekers should be young and beautiful, but ironically, they only offer the low-paying positions without retirement pension, welfares, and weekends.

What is reveled in this picture is a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society. Some employers set very high standards for their female employees who must be not only qualified in education, but also outstanding in personal appearance. Therefore, it is not strange to hear reports about female graduates from famous universities failing to find a job because of the prejudices and the high standard held by the employers.

Then what can we do to tackle this problem? One of the solutions, in my opinion, is that a positive attitude should be created in society towards female applicants. Women can over perform men in many aspects such as carefulness, patience, delicacy. On the other hand, female employers also should have confidence and the firm belief hat if they are really, they can surely find a satisfactory job despite all the prejudices.

女性之美英语作文范文 第三篇

It is truth that gender discrimination still exists when female comes to find work, some females never mention her gender on the resume, just to make sure that the employers will give them the chances to get the interview. Females should improve their competiveness, so that they will have more work chances.


First, the female should show their positive attitudes toward the life and work. Female students should see their advantages clearly before hunting for a job, and highlight it in their resumes. For instance, they might emphasize that they are careful and considerate in work, patient and cooperate with colleagues as well. But the positive toward life and work brings them to a high level, which will impress the employer.


Second, female students must be confident. Lots of big companies like to hold a group discussion to select people, those who are silent and find it difficult to get involved in the discussion will not be considered. The employers think such people are not confident and won’t do well in the work.


It is necessary for women to improve competiveness, if they want to go further than males. The positive attitude and being confident will let female win more chances.


女性之美英语作文范文 第四篇

Ive heard of such a saying: if a man works hard outside, a woman should have children at home. Dont be in bliss. For this view, I agree that it is not easy for men to work outside, but is it not tired for women to conceive in October? Is it easy to talk about taking care of children at home? Women also have their own dreams, and they have the right to create their own career. Why do we have to give women such a shackle? Isnt that what everyone chooses freely?

I didnt agree with this old thought since I was a child. I didnt want to be bound by this kind of thought, so I studied hard. Kung Fu pays off those who have a heart. My academic performance is good. The scholarship of the school offsets most of the tuition fees, which also greatly reduces the burden on my family. I dont want to grow up, get married and have children at home. I want my own choice. I want to try to work outside. I also want to have my own career.

But when I stepped out of society, I saw such a phenomenon again: married men can be used as bargaining chips for you to talk about salary when they are looking for a job, while unmarried womens salary can be reduced by several hundred when they apply for jobs, while men are hardly affected. This I am very puzzled, we are all in the job search, should not measure their own value according to ability? Why add gender? Where is the equality between men and women? Dont women deserve the same respect?

In writing this article, I am not complaining about the unfairness of life, nor about some people or things. I just hope that this society can truly realize the equality between men and women, and will not be affected by the outdated and backward concepts. We have to keep pace with the times and adapt to new trends in the new society. As a woman, I speak for all women in the world.

女性之美英语作文范文 第五篇

Barack Obama is the first black president. His story inspires so many young people to pursue their dreams. As a saying goes, every successful man has a woman who supports him, and this woman is his wife Michelle.

As the first lady, Michelle helped Obama so much during the campaign, and she made an inspiring performance People know what they should vote for Michelle. She was born in a poor family, but her mother attached great importance to education. Michelle has always been a top student.

She went to a top university. Later, she got her doctorate and worked in a good law office. She was an excellent lawyer, and her work experience made her an excellent speaker, Michelle She set a good example for women.

She shows women that the power of women is enormous and that they can do whatever they want.



女性之美英语作文范文 第六篇

In Hollywood, movies about superheroes are very popular, such as Superman, Batman and so on. We can find that among these great figures, there is a special female image, that is, the magic woman who has been moved to the screen recently. Her story also explains why she wants to participate in this story about the magic woman.

She came to the world at the time of the outbreak of the world war. Her appearance helped prevent the disaster. During this period, women began Get the right to vote.

_The arrival of miracle women_ marks the rise of female power in the s of the century. Women's status is very low. After a long time without the opportunity to participate in work or political activities to fight for rights, more and more women have gained their rights.

Today, women have great independence in almost all fields. We can see the image of excellent women to tell people to never underestimate it Women's power, they can do as well as men, many girls are inspired to pursue the magic they want, women bring positive messages to girls.



女性之美英语作文范文 第七篇

A little boy asked his mother, _Why are you crying?_ because I am a woman, _she told him,_ I don't understand. _He said that his mother just held him and said,_ you will never. _Later, the little boy asked his father,_ why does mother seem to cry for no reason.

__ all the women cry for no reason. His father can only say that the little boy has grown up and he still thinks Why do women cry? At last he called God. When God received the call, he asked, _God, why do women cry so easily?_ God said, _when I make a woman special, I make her shoulders strong enough to bear the weight of the world, gentle enough._ _Comfort her_, _I give her a kind of inner strength, so that she can endure childbirth and children's rejection many times._ _I gave her a strong, so that she can persist when others give up, take care of her family through the pain and fatigue without regret._ _I gave her the sensitivity to love children, no matter in any case, even if her children are seriously injured,_ I gave her _I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband would never hurt his wife, but sometimes tested her strength and determination to stand firmly beside him._ _finally, I gave her a tear to make her cry when she needed it, which is her special use_ _you see The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she has, or the way she combs her hair.

_A woman's beauty must see her eyes, because that's the door to her heart and the place where love lives. Please send this to all the beautiful women you know today to celebrate women's history month. If you do this, good things will happen and you will promote another woman Self esteem every woman is beautiful.



女性之美英语作文范文 第八篇

In my mind, the ancients said that men were superior to women, and that boys could inherit their families. But I think girls are no worse than boys. Girls can do what boys can do.

I remember a PE class, the teacher said to jump rope competition. After listening to these words, we girls all worked hard, one by one raised their mouths and said to the boys, _dont think that your boys are more powerful than girls. What you boys can do is that we girls can do it. You are sure to lose this competition! _In the first round, boys jump first, but we girls sit aside and say,_ anyway, we girls can jump better than boys, so dont worry. _At the end of the day, the boys were out of breath, but they only got 248. We girls said with pride: _you 19 people only jumped 248, look at our girls!_ When we jump hard, the boys pull up their hearts. The teacher finally said, _there are 14 girls and 260 male jumpers. _

Although we cant carry on the family like boys, I think we girls must be a little better than boys.

女性之美英语作文范文 第九篇

Throughout history, in the s, women changed their appearance in order to conform to the ideal of beauty. American and European women tied their waistlines tightly to their waists, and some people suffered internal injuries. Now some so-called beauty standards emphasize slim appearance, and thin is considered as the premise of beauty.

This unremitting pursuit of slim is not just women's efforts to pursue the best state As an example, it is also a struggle of control and acceptance. In trying to shape their appearance to meet their current ideals, many women are starving themselves. This growth is no longer limited to those in their s and twenties.

However, more and more patients in their 30s and 40s are diagnosed with simple dieting and their experiences and behaviors are not the same as those diagnosed with eating disorders The fundamental difference is that for some women, achieving perfect body shape has become the most important goal in life. The feeling of body is closely related to women's life. The body image of self feeling has little to do with a person's actual appearance.

Many women who seem to have ideal body shape are not satisfied with their appearance. If the body image is closely related to sellimage, then It's important for women to learn to feel comfortable with their inborn body, despite any imperfections.



女性之美英语作文范文 第十篇

In the early s of the s, equality between men and women has been advocated. More and more women claim their rights, and their power is also improved. From the changes of women's roles in TV dramas in the s, we can feel the power of women and women's infatuation with romantic themes.

This is about the poor e marrying a handsome and rich young man, but the men's family does not like it Girls, so girls have to do a lot of things to move their families. This seems to be a touching story, because the girls' persistence has won her respect. But in fact, in today's TV series, the status of women is very low.

They are described as independent and confident roles. It is not men who choose them, but they decide by themselves. This is the new image of women, which shows that they are getting stronger and stronger and do not need to rely on men.

Professional women are favored by young girls. New women are looking for their place.



女性之美英语作文范文 第十一篇

Isabel Gunn is a great woman in North America. She followed her boyfriend to Hudson Bay. Women were not allowed in, so she dressed herself up like a servant.

She was the first European woman in North America, where she gave birth to her own child. This is the first non boring baby in North America.




女性之美英语作文范文 第十二篇

While her physical beauty was astounding, it was her invisible beauty that I shall always remember. She really cared about other people and was an extremely talented listener. Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes.


女性之美英语作文范文 第十三篇

For decades growing numbers of women have been shifting from the cateegory of full-time house wives and mothers to ful-time or part-time paid employees.

whatever their social station,women had many duties, but few rights.

next to common law, teh most potent force in maintinging womens subordinate position was religion.

During the war, the absense of men serving with the continental armies created a vacuum which women had to fill, to enable family and farm to survive and to keep the economy of the thirteen states functioning.

Free education for girls advanced with grim slowness.

女性之美英语作文范文 第十四篇

Nowadays, in order to make themselves more beautiful, weight loss is popular among young and middle-aged women. They try many different ways to lose weight. Some diet, some exercise, some take medicine, and some even resort to surgery.

As a result, a lot of products have been produced, such as special medicine, tea and equipment. They are used in different ways and have different effects. However, in my opinion, women pursue beauty It's understandable, but they should do exercise in an appropriate way, which is my favorite way, but other methods may cause harm to people's health, more or less beautiful and healthy weight loss.










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