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更新时间:2023-11-19 17:40:46 发布时间:24小时内



Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

Today my topic is ’Nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster?’

When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. Meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times.

But over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .It promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come.

So whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster?

There is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective.

Ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a TV programme called Green Space where I saw for the first time how nuclear power had changed people’s lives and what it had left for the residents’ living around Chyrnobil nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, It was a sad story.

My heart sank when I saw a boy infant appear on the screen smiling with big blue sparkling eyes. He was so cute and adorable just like all the other kids but he was blinded. What’s more, he had to receive medical treatment everyday to alleviate radiation damage, but still stood little chance of growing up. Later I learned that inappropriate operation and equipment design defect was responsible for the tradegy .Eight years has past, but the picture of that boy’s smile still appears infront of me and reminds me that nuclear power can be a living devil.

However, with the increasing depletion of resources and the instant demand for energy, clean and efficient nuclear power may seem the best choice.

As an old saying goes ’Every sword has two blades.’ Nuclear power is dangerous, yet efficient; environmental devastated yet clean; expensive yet sustainable. It is a matter of how we use and how we treat it. While let’s beyond all this ,whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster, it’s ours’ choice.

Thank you for listening!














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