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更新时间:2023-12-01 19:47:53 发布时间:24小时内




Item What? Where? When? Who? How? Why?

News Item 1

News Item 2

















1、*时听力练习听* NEWS的重要性



















As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.

Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientist, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent is very few, and the money is recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, is indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.



















A problem of modem societies is the declining level of health in the general population. One possible solution is to provide more sports facilities to encourage a more active lifestyle. However, there are some people who doubt whether the solution would have effects.

Advocates of this solution believe that increasing the number of sports facilities is the best way to improve the weU-being of people. First of all, nowadays people have to devote more time and energy to their careers and therefore they are too busy to spare time for physical exercises. If there were easy-to-reach local sports facilities, they would be more likely to take part in physical activities

regularly. Another reason is that today's sedentary lifestyle means that physical activity is no longer part of people's leisure time. If more sports facilities were offered, doing a variety of sports would be much more attractive than just sitting in front of a screen every evening.

However, there are some reasons why the solution may have little effect. In the first place, interest in sports is not universal, and additional facilities might sim* attract those who are already fit, not those who need them badly. What we should do is to help children develop a positive attitude to exercise at an early age. In the second place, there may be better ways of tackling this problem. For example, high tax penalties could be imposed on high-fat food products, tobacco and alcohol, as excessive consumption of any of these contributes to poor health. Even improving the public transport would help because it takes a longer time to walk to the bus stop than to the car.

In my opinion, increasing the number of sports facilities may not have the desired results. People should be encouraged to form the habit of doing regular physical exercises when they are young. In addition, some better approaches may assist in improving people's health.



sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number ofdescendants an individual will have andhence the number of gene copiestransmitted.


’s weakness derived from his apparent i*lity to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic andrisky ones.


Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly beenignored by the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic“ novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.


Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.


argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouragedthe transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.




雅思考试全称为国际英语语言测试制度(International English Language Testing System),简称IELTS。该考试包括听力、阅读、写作和口语四个单项,在听力部分^v^International^v^一词表现尤为突出。

在雅思考试中,听力部分通常是最先测试的部分。由于其语速较快,内容较多,常成为考生的心头之痛。 因此听力得分的优劣很大程度上决定了考生继续后几个部分时的心情, 很多考生在听力没有做好的情况下,就^v^自暴自弃^v^地对付后面的阅读和写作,从而并没有达到检验自己英语水*的真实目的。怎样应对雅思听力也就成了广大考生的当务之急。

在雅思考试的两种类型中, Academic Module (学术类)和 General Training Module(普通培训类或移民类)听力部分的内容是相同的。最高分均为9分,但有半分制。考试过程中听力的播放录音时间约25分钟至30分钟,学生需边听录音边做题。在录音结束后,还有10分钟供考生把答案填写到答题纸中。听力共分四个部分,每次考试的题目在38至42小题不等,目前一般为40个小题。


首先,雅思听力的录音材料只播放一遍,考试时考生必须一边阅读考试说明文字和问题,一边聆听录音材料,一边记下重要字句,一边写出答案。这对于没有接触过这种听力考试形式,又没有做过大量针对性很强的练习的考生来讲,要想获得理想的成绩简直是Mission Impossible III.













听力部分(General Training和Academic试卷一致)

40分钟(含10分钟誊写答案的时间), 雅思考试语法与词汇通常考生会听到4段语音(独白部分及2人或多人对话部分)。共给40小题作答,你将只听到一次语音,不会重复(边听边作答)此部分。所以学生作答时,千万别等待语音结束才作答(不要回头作答),考生可把答案先写在试卷上,30分钟会话结束后,利用额外10分钟,再誊写在答案纸上。







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>>> 各位学习完全文后,可以通过输入^v^YUYasi9^v^或扫描文末二维码添加小助手,免费领取小轩精心整理的「英美原版雅思小作文满分范文合集100篇」。



The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The chart shows that the percentage of British households with a range of was in telephone ownership, rising from 42% in 1972 to 77% in 1983. Next camecentral heating ownership, rising from 37% of households in 1972 to 64% in 1983. The percentage of households with a refrigerator rose 21% over the same period and of those with a washing machine by 14%. Households with vacuum-cleaners,televisions and dishwashers increased by 8%, 5% and 2%, respectively. In 1983, the year of their introduction, 18% of households had a video recorder. proportion of British houses with central heating rose from one to two thirds, and of those with a phone from under a half to over three-quarters. Together with the big increases in the ownership of washing machines and refrigerators, they are evidence of both rising living standards and the trend to lifestyles based on comfort and convenience.(173 words)


The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. Between these years electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia, and from 90 to 180 units in France.

In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units) and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power (each producing 20 units) and oil (which produced only 10 units). By 2000, coal had become the fuel for more than 75% of electricity produced and only hydro continued to be another significant source sup*ing approximately 20%.

In contrast, France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas. The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro contributing only 5 units. But by 2000 nuclear power, which was not used at all Australia, had developed into the main source, producing almost 75% of electricity, at 126 units, while coal and oil together produced only 50 units. Other sources were no longer significant.

Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power.


The line graph indicates the general consumption ofAmerican energy from 1980 to 2030. Uses of petrol and oil and coal see a drastic increase of about 15 quadrillion unites during the span of 50 years, while the other four energies rise slightly with the unites of no more than 5 quadrillion.

To be specific, in 1980, the highest proportion of consumption was occupied by petrol and oil

staying at 35 quadrillion units, and it experienced some fluctuations during the first 15 years, then it had been keeping increasing since the year 1995. It is predictable that it will reach nearly 50 quadrillion units by the year of 2030.

Furthermore, uses of coal and natural gas remain the middle level on the whole, which stood at almost 15 and exactly 20 quadrillion units respectively in 1980. Separately, consumption of approximately had been rising smoothly and is expected to arrive at 30 quadrillion units in 2030, but the latter remains at, by and large, the same level (20 quadrillion units) with some instabilities.

Eventually, uses of nuclear, solar/wind and hydropower were the lowest, with the same units of being about 4 quadrillion collectively. It is noticeable that none of them changes tremendously during this half century.


The bar chart shows the percentage of services arriving on time from 1999 to 20_. From the chart, one pattern shows that the actual percentage exceeded target percentage only in 20_, and the highest actual percentage occurred 1999 and lowest occurred 2000. In 5 years the tendency of target percentage was decreasing while the actual percentage fluctuated.

According to the first chart, the year 2000 had about difference between actual and target which is the highest disparity, and the year 20_ had the lowest gap of about the actual over target. From the second chart we can see that there were 40 thousand more complaints between the year with the highest number of complaints and year with the lowest number complaints. But if we consider the connection between both charts, in the year 1999 we had the lowest complaints in the bar and highest in 20_, which was dramatically strange since the year 20_ had the most complaints but it was the only year the actual percentage surpassed the target percentage.












一、 读书要求






二、 阅读目录






三、 读书交流




进行自我分析 我们每天都在学习,可能有的同学没有想过我是怎样学习的这个问题,因此制订计划前首先进行自我分析。



确定学习目标 学习目标是学生学习的努力方向,正确的学习目标能催人奋进,从而产生为实现这一目标去奋斗的力量。没有学习目标,就象漫步在街头不知走向何处的流浪汉一样,是对学习时光的极大浪费。







Advertising is the life of trade as suppliers want to sell things in quantity; however, the success or failure of every advertisement eventually depends on the quality of a product or service. It may be said that a bad investment is going for quantity over quality, without being aware that customers are becoming more careful with their wallets, especially with the sluggish economy right now. While quality sounds hard to define, you know that it is quality rather than quantity that matters.

The greatest thing to be achieved in advertising is believability, and nothing is more believable than the product itself. So, the most powerful element in advertising is the truth, not half lying. For example, a huge advertising campaign will make a bad product fail faster because it will certainly get more people to know that it is bad. In comparison, good advertising can not only circulate information, but it can also penetrate the public mind with belief along with desires. This means that quality is self-evident and that every advertisement should be thought of as a complex symbol which is the brand image. That is probably why word of mouth is the best medium of all. In short, it is advisable for suppliers to always upgrade quality before any attempt to boost sales through advertising.

Although advertising is the most effective way to encourage mass consumption, particularly if the goods are cheap and worthless, the bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low pricing is forgotten. In a certain way, quality is like cooking, and you cannot fake good quality any more than you can fake a good meal. Therefore, quality in a product is not what the supplier puts in; rather, it is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for. That is to say, a product is not quality simply because it is difficult to make and costs a lot of money in advertising. It is better to think that customers only pay for what is of use to them and give them great value for right price. As can be expected, the advertising strategy to increase popular consumption is likely to result in incompetence since nothing else than the product itself constitutes quality.

In conclusion, just because quality is more important than quantity, it does not mean that advertising does not play a decisive role in influencing the public mind. The point is that consumers have now become more prudent in spending behaviors and hence are no longer as penny-wise and quality-foolish as before. In all events, suppliers should continue investing in advertising their quality products because, if they stop advertising to save money, it would be as stupid as stopping the clock to save time. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh)







This bar chart *yzes the percentage of household waste recycled from 1992 to 20_. We can see that the percentage during 20_ increased all the way while other years fluctuated. In the various materials, paper and glass are the ones that with greater percentage that was recycled. In contrast, the plastic and cans had a lower percentage.

From the graph we can see that during 1992 cans have the highest percentage about 17% and plastic has the lowest at about 10%. After that, in year 1997, paper and glass became major types of waste that were recycled, at about 31% and 29% respectively. In 20_, glass became the dominant type of waste that was recycled with about 48%. Meanwhile, plastic had grown least around 2% and glass had grown the most around 34% in these 10 years, and paper chasing behind with 26%. Cans were more stable, with ony about 6% total growth.













The Hawaiian island chain, in the centre of the Pacific Ocean, is approximately 2,700 km in length. It is formed of volcanoes and the active ones are at the south-east tip of the archipelago, where Hawaii itself is located.

It is believed that the chain began to form nearly 80 million years ago. Each island started to evolve after an eruption on the sea floor. First, a `hot spot' existed on the ocean bed, which let out a plume of material called magma. This magma may originate as deep as 2,883km below the ocean bed. Next, further eruptions took place, which built up the volcano. Eventually, it emerged above the surface of the ocean.

Since that time, the spume of magma has remained static as the Pacific tectonic plate moves in a north-west direction across it at a speed of 7-9cm per year. As it moves, a volcano forms as it passes over the hotspot and then become inactive when it has passed it.



The charts compare the sources of electricity in Australia and France in the years 1980 and 2000. Between these years electricity production almost doubled, rising from 100 units to 170 in Australia, and from 90 to 180 units in France.

In 1980 Australia used coal as the main electricity source (50 units) and the remainder was produced from natural gas, hydro power (each producing 20 units) and oil (which produced only 10 units). By 2000, coal had become the fuel for more than 75% of electricity produced and only hydro continued to be another significant source sup*ing approximately 20%.

In contrast, France used coal as a source for only 25 units of electricity in 1980, which was matched by natural gas. The remaining 40 units were produced largely from oil and nuclear power, with hydro contributing only 5 units. But by 2000 nuclear power, which was not used at all Australia, had developed into the main source, producing almost 75% of electricity, at 126 units, while coal and oil together produced only 50 units. Other sources were no longer significant.

Overall, it is clear that by 2000 these two countries relied on different principal fuel sources: Australia relied on coal and France on nuclear power.



Children who are brought up in families which have not great amount of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children are brought up by wealthy parents. Do you agree or disagree?

Among the factors that influence a child’s development, family financial background is a critical one. Empirically kids from rich families, after entering adulthood, deal with problems differently from those from less well-off households. Generally the latter is more capable of problem-solving.

Lack of wealth in a family usually helps children to become independent and responsible individuals. Rich kids have more toys. If a toy truck gets broken, parents would buy their children another fancier, more expensive one. Rich kids go the best school in the neighborhood. On the contrary, children from an ordinary family have to take good care of their toys. Their parents are often busy with work. So children have chances to make many of their own decisions. Many kids babysit younger brothers or sisters or even take small part-time jobs to help the family. Such differences in the upbringing often tough them for adult life.

Children from less affluent families learn about competition early in life. For example, they go to a good school only because they have excellent grades, not because daddy donates a building for the school. Hard work and constant trying are the only way to change their life. So they fight to be a winner. But rich kids are so over-protected by their families that they hardly know the harsh world until they leave college and start to work. There are more successful entrepreneurs, actors, doctors, and lawyers from poor families than from rich ones. Poor kids know how to survive in the big wild world better than their rich friends.

But there are cases in which children from rich families have grown up to be very smart, accomplished individuals. Many of them even start businesses independent from their families. But still most of them know more about having fun than about being a good working professional.

To sum up, less privileged family background generally enables children to be more responsible and independent. Poor kids value hard work more, handle competition better than rich kids, and cope with problems better after becoming adults.


The diagrams of the coastal area of Brightsea illustrate its development from a fishing community in 1950 to a ferry terminal, with plans for future development.

In 1950 the coastal zone of Brightsea was undeveloped with just a light house and lighthouse keeper's house. There was a jetty for fishing boats, and a few cottages.

Currently, it can be seen that certain developments have taken place. For example, roads have been constructed and there is an hotel near the lighthouse. A large wharf is now supporting a ferry service. A cafe and shop are catering for the daily needs of the community.

There are plans for Brightsea to experience further growth. The hotel is to be extended and a sailing club built alongside the hotel, to the south. A second ferry wharf will be added with a telecommunications antenna and the shop replaced by a supermarket and car park. In the northern part of Brightsea, a restaurant and apartments will be built to supersede the cafe.

In summary, the coast of Brightsea has changed from being a fishing community in 1950 and is expected to become a more signigicant ferry terminal. The lighthouse will have been the only constant landmark.


The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The chart shows the number of hours of leisure enjoyed by men and women in a typical week in 1998-9, according to gender and employment status.

Among those employed full-time, men on average had fifty hours to leisure, whereas women had approximately thirty-seven hours. There were no figures given for male part-time workers, but female part-time had forty hours of leisure time, only slightly more than women in full-time employment, perhaps reflecting their work in the home.

In th








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