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更新时间:2023-12-10 16:13:42 发布时间:24小时内






语言技能分布 当我们沉浸在第一单元五颜六色的美味佳中的时候,我们除了流口水之外,英语语言的各项技能----听说读写也不知不觉的被品味被消化。


本单元在授课模式上尝试采用TBL任务型教学模式,其实用step ..也没什么两样,问题是无论是那种形式,都要围绕所要达成的既定目标而设置任务或步骤,在实质上力争达到形散而神不散。







在具体操作过程中重视学生个性和创新意识,给予学生充分表达的机会。例如在warming-up部分,让学生界定healthy food and junk food的概念,完全允许他们有不同的界定标准,我们英语课的主要目的还是想着招数,骗学生开口说话。我们是英语教师,毕竟不是营养学家。





教学任务 教学任务请大家自己看,限时20秒。教材上没有课外学习任务,但我觉得这个内容可以尝试。



1) 教材给出了一些食物图片,要求界定垃圾食品还是健康食品



1、由于学生刚过完春节回校,添一下嘴唇,还很能回味到过年时的美味佳肴,因此何不充分利用这一事实。实现学生从压迫学习向主动学习的转变。激发他们交谈的兴趣,不仅实现了良好的过渡,而且借机呈现大量有关食物和饮料的词汇,实现知识的有效迁移。Brainstorm 是方法之一。

2、在回味美食的同时,引出话题healthy food,junk food,由学生给出不同的定义。允许众说纷纭,但尽量让英语作为课堂工作语言。

3、课堂上的学生饮食调查可作为更广泛的家庭饮食情况调查的铺垫 ,拟增加健康状况一览,使学生能直观的发现饮食对健康的影响,为后来的健康食谱的制定提供依据。











4、听力任务完成后建议复听,尝试再现听力中的情景(多种形式,如表演,单句复述,take notes然后完整复述或spot dictation等),为下一步的speaking做好务实而有效的准备。





1. 前面听力模块中通过听力训练得到了相关表达方式的输入,同时在最后的巩固性复述中对就医情


2、然后分别罗列病人和医生的常用的表达方式。 3、在有了热身对话和常用表达方式的支持,可以鼓励小组活动,创设更多的情景进行会话表演,让学生接触更多有关疾病的词汇(无意识的在情景中接受了词汇扩充)。

4、对基础薄弱的学生可以尝试:A.: 听力再现。B:范例复述或表演 5、时间允许,还可将对话落实到笔头。(供选择)








Good morning, everyone! I’m glad to be here to give my lesson plan presentation. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is the reading part of Unit 4 Wildlife Protection in the book NSEFC BOOK1. Now I’ll explain my lesson plan from the following aspects——analysis of teaching material, learning condition, teaching objectives, important and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procure and blackboard design.

Analysis of teaching material and learning condition

First, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. The reading material is entitled How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife. It talks about how Daisy learned the importance of wildlife protection through her communication with some animals in her dream. It is closely connected with this unit’s topic——the importance of wildlife protection. The passage is clearly organized by Daisy’s 3 trips in which she communicates with several endangered animals, and there are not so much new words in this passage

Now let’s move on to the analysis of learning condition, students must be very familiar with the topic and interested in all kinds of animals. Students have acquired the basic reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, etc to deal with different reading tasks, and they can do some discussion in English. However, they are not familiar with the organization WWF mentioned in the passage, not clear with the author’s purposes of writing some sentences, and they may find it difficult to deal with some real problems by themselves concerning with wildlife protection.

Teaching objectives

Based on the analyses of the teaching material and the learning condition, I will show you the teaching objectives.

(1) Language Skills:

1. Students can get the needed information about Daisy’s trip by applying different reading skills.

2. Students can summarize the main ideas of each paragraph through skimming.

3. Students can analyze the author’s purpose of writing sentences like “No rainforest, no animals, no drugs” and “And there are always WWF.”

(2) Language Knowledge:

1. Students can know more about why some animals are in danger and how to protect them.

2. Students can know how to use the new words, such as mercy, importance, contain, etc.

(3) Affective objectives:Students can realize the importance of wildlife protection.

(4) Culture awareness:Students can know something about the organization WWF.

(5) Learning strategy:

1. Students can improve their communication strategy by discussing with classmates about protecting animals.

2. Students can refer to the Internet to know more about wildlife protection.

Key point and difficult points:

Key points:

(1) Students can improve their reading skills, such as summarizing, skimming, scanning, etc.

(2)Students can get the main idea of the passage.

(3) Students can know how to use the new words in the passage.

Difficult Points:

1. Students can summarize the main ideas of each paragraph.

2. Students can get the implied meaning of some sentences in the passage.

Teaching methods

As for teaching methods, I’ll follow the interactive model to deal with the reading material and communicative approach to put what the students have learned into use.

Teaching procedure:

Then I’ll talk about the most important part of my presentation——teaching procedure.


The first step is warming-up. It will cost 3 minutes. First, I’ll show my students a short clip of video about the endangered wildlife. Then, I’ll ask the students to name the endangered animals in it together with me and list more. This step is aimed to arise the students’ interest and get the students familiar with the topic——wildlife.


The second step is pre-reading. It will cost about 5 minutes with 2 activities. In the first activity, I’ll introduce something about the organization WWF to the students. The second activity is to ask students to give their reasons to the question “Why are some animals in danger?”. The purpose of these activities is to let students have the background knowledge of the passage and get interested in reading the passage. And it is also in this step some new words like fur, protect, affect will be taught.


The third step is while-reading. It consists of 3 activities which will be finished in 20 minutes.

The first activity is skimming. It will cost about 5 minutes. I’ll ask the students to skim the passage and work out the main ideas of each paragraph by themselves. It is the difficult point for the students, so I’ll give them hints such as key words or some answers to choose when necessary to help them to do the summarization. The purpose is the improve students’ reading ability——skimming and let them get the main ideas of the passage.

The second activity is scanning. It will cost about 3 minutes. I’ll ask the students to read fast and do some True or False questions. The purpose of it is to get students know the detailed information about Daisy’s trip and wildlife protection and improve their scanning ability.

The third activity is close reading. It will cost about 12 minutes. Students will be asked to read the passage paragraph by paragraph and fill in the form the needed information——name of the animals in Daisy’s trips, their situation, and result. Then I’ll ask the students questions: “What does the author want to tell us from the first paragraph?”, “How the government help protect the elephants?”, and “How do you understand the sentences ‘No rainforest, no animals, no drugs.’ and ‘and there was always WWF.’?”. These 3 questions involve some implied meanings which may be difficult for students to work out, so I’ll give some key words as hints for them or ask some other related questions to guide them to work out the answers. The purpose of this activity is to make the students fully understand the reading material and try to analyze the author’s purpose of writing some sentences. And in these 3 activities, I can also teach students some new words like carpet, respond, powerful, etc.


The fourth step is post-reading. It will cost about 10 minutes. I’ll ask the students to form groups of 4 and do the discussion based on the questions on page 27, and they can refer to the reading material to work out these answers. After the discussion, I’ll ask some students to report their answers, especially how to protect the endangered animals.


The last step is homework. It will take about 2 minutes. The homework is to write a short passage entitled “How to Protect Wildlife”. They can surf the internet and try to find more ways about wildlife protection.

Well, this is the blackboard design. In the middle, it’s the form for students to fill in, and on the 2 sides, there are the new words in the passage. Some of them, as I’ve mentioned, are taught in pre-reading. Most of them is taught in third-step while-reading.

That’s all for my lesson plan presentation. Thank you for your attention. Thank you!

Unit 4 How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife

protect Animal Situation Result carpet

fur Para 1 antelope being hunt decrease powerful

affect Para 2 respond

in relief Para 3 importance

mosquitoes appreciate


Hello,everyone! I’m glad to be here to present my lesson plan, the lesson plan I will talk about is from NSEFC Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection, peariod1 How Daisy Learned to Protect Wildlife. I will explain how to teach and why to do so in the following aspects: the analyses of teaching material, learning condition, teaching objectives, the important points and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching procedure and blackboard notes.

Fistly, I’d like to present my understanding of teaching material. It’s the first period in this course. The lesson is mainly reading course. Its topic is about the importance of wildlife protection and how to protect the endangered wildlife. Ss are very familiar about this topic, so they will talk about it freely.

This is all my understand of teaching material. Next, let’s move on to learning condition. My Ss are supposed to be grade1 in high school. Most of them have been learning English for seven years and their enthusiasm for English is quite high. They can express their own ideas in English. But they are lack of reading skills.

Based on the analyses of teaching material and learning condition,I’d like to propose the teaching objectives, the important points and difficult points.

(1) language knowledge

After the class, the Ss can master the new words in this lesson, for example: carpet, respond, distant…

(2) language skill

This is reading course, so after class the Ss should master the reading skills: prediction, skimming and scanning. What’s more, they should know how to summary the main idea of the passage from the key words and sentence.

(3) Affective objectives

After class, the Ss should understand the importance of wildlife protection. And they know how to protect and can take actions to protect animals.

(4) Culture awareness

Ss will know more about the agonization for wildlife protection, for example, WWF. And they will understand we all have responsibility for wildlife protection.

(5) Learning strategy

Ss will be able to learn both individually and cooperatively through activities.

Now let’s move on to the important and difficult points

The Ss talk the topic “wildlife protection” freely and master the reading skills—prediction, skimming and scanning. These are also the difficult points for Ss.

As for teaching method, I mainly adopt communicative approach.

Here comes the most important part of my presentation--- teaching precedure. I divide it into 5steps: warming-up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading and homework.

Step1 warming-up. It will cost 5m. Activity1, I will play a vedio about endangered animals. After that, I will ask Ss to talk about why they are in danger of dissapearing. Ss will give some reasons. There will be some new words mentioned, such as wild, die out, disappear… I will explain them. Then I will say: “These animals now are protected by some wildlife parks, such as Word Wildlife Found(WWF).” I will introduce more information about WWF. In this activity, Ss will know reasons of the dissapearance of wildlfe and get some knowledge about WWF. And they will get familiar about the following reading.

Step2 pre-reading. It will cost 5m.

Activity1, I will ask Ss to predict what the passage will talk about the title “How Daisy learned to help wildlife”. In this activity, Ss will learn the reading skill—predicting.

Step3while-reading. In this step I will divide it into three activities, and it will cost 25m.

Activity1 Skimming 5m

In this activity, I will show main idea of each paragraph, but not in order. Ss should skim each paragraph and match them. I will imply that the main idea always appear in the first or the last sentence, but some will apear in the middle. In this activity, Ss will learn how to find the main idea of each paragraph using the reading skill—skimming.

Activity2 Scanning 12m

In this activity, I will make a table about Daisy’s three visits to wildlife. This table will refer to animals’ living conditions and the result of their lives. I will ask Ss to scan the whole passage, and find the information based on the table. They should finish the table in group of 4 members and after their discussing I will ask 2 or 3 groups to report their results. In this activiy, Ss will learn the reading skill—scanning, and master some new words and phrases, such as in relief, burst into laughter, mercy, certain and so on. They can find the important information from each paragraph and get the consciousness of team work.

Activity3 summarize 3m

Ss will summarize the main idea of the whole passage easily in group. From this activity, Ss will learn to analysize each paragraph and finally get the main idea.

Activity 4 retelling 5m

I will ask Ss to retell the passage in pair according to Daisy’s three visits. Then I will ask two Ss to retell in front of the class. In this activity, Ss can use the key words and sentences to retell the whole story and consolidate what they have learned.

Step4 post-reading. It will cost 8. In this step, Ss will make discussion about ways to protect wildlife and express their own ideas with their previous knowledge. After 5m’s discussion, I will ask two or three Ss to show their ideas. In this step, Ss will not only share their ways to protect wildlife, but also practice their speaking.

The last step is homework. I will ask Ss to find the persuasive sentences in the passage. They are asked to surf the Internet to find more ways to protect wildlife, and then write three suggestions to WWF to protect wildlife. Ss will make preparation for the next course--- persuasive writing.

That’s all for the teaching procedure. And here is my blackboard note. On the right side, there are the words and expressions. In the left, there is the table about Daisy’s three visits.

That all for my lesson plan presentation, thanks for your attention.

Blackboard Note:

Unit 4 How Daisy Learned to Protect Wildlife

Paragraph(main idea ) Animal Situation Result

Tibet Antelope Be hunted Numbers are descreasing

… … …

… …. ….






burst into laughter

in relief


Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English Book unit 1(A student of African wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and Blackboard design.

First, let me talk the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material:

This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people, history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humor ,Culture differences and communication Different types of theme park)

By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women successful The knowledge of farming and Dr Yuan Longping’ achievement And chemical farming and organic farming. Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encouraging humor People from different area have different body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings. Theme park not only provide fun but also provide various knowledge and exciting experience. this lesson not only teach the students to learn the related material about

(1) the good character to be a successful person

(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life The disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.

(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humor English jokes

(4)Different body language and the similarities in body language which make the others understand our feelings.

(5)Theme park but also learning ability in English .

A: If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well. B: It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic, it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the language So it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.

(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . )According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings:


(1)the students can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.

(2) the students can understand the content of the lesson:

(3) the students can use the patterns to express their thoughts in proper situation and learn how to describe people with adjective. Ability objects:

Ability objects of this section are

(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Especially speaking and writing ability.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability.


By reading A Student of African wildlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from

(1)Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful. Lin Qiao zhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful.

(2)Dr Yuan Long ping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life This passage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvantage.


Women of Achievement

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My topic is Women of Achievement, that is, unit 1, in module 4. The reading passage “A Student of African Wildlife” is talked later and my talk consists of 4 parts. Part 1, my understanding of the material. Part 2, teaching approaches. Part 3, preparations before class. Part 4, teaching procedure.

Part 1 my understanding of the material

First, let me introduce the reading passage. It is the center of this unit’s teaching and learning. It is made up of 4 paragraphs, that is, one day’s observing chimps with Jane in the forest; how Jane did her research and her achievements; Jane’s love towards animals and her contributions to animal protection; and a short summary to her. By learning this lesson, the students can not only understand women’s status in society and everyday life, their values and contributions, their difficulties and achievements, but also learn how to use some words, phrases and sentence patterns. Of course, the students can practise their reading skills, such as skimming, scanning and careful reading.

Second, I want to tell something about the students. Although the students have the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, they still need many opportunities to explore and convey meanings; to classify and reflect on their thoughts, feelings and experiences; to experiment and use their imaginations, and also to develop their autonomous learning ability, cooperative learning ability and investigative learning ability.

Third, about teaching aims

Knowledge aims: To learn how to use the mastery words, phrases and sentence patterns;

To learn sth about Jane’s research.

Ability aims: To cultivate the students’ autonomous learning ability, cooperative learning ability and investigative learning ability;

To develop students’ reading skills, such as making prediction and drawing inferences from the context.

Emotional aims: To encourage the students to participate in the class activities and cultivate their teamwork spirit;

To learn Jane’s bravery and perseverance in achieving her goals;

To reinforce the sense of wildlife protection.

Fourth, about key points and difficult points

I think they are to develop the students’ reading skills, such as making prediction and drawing inferences from the context; and to learn how to use the mastery words, phrases and sentence patterns.

Part 2 Teaching approaches

According to the analysis above, I’ll try to use the following theories: to make students the real master of the class while the teacher myself the director; to inspire the students, especially girl students to chase their dreams with great determinations.

Therefore, task—based teaching method, students—centered teaching method and CAI will be used.

Part 3 Preparations before class

I will ask the students to surf the Internet or go to the library to find some information about great women that they are interested in.

And in class, they will give reports of the information they have obtained. By doing this activity, I can train their autonomous learning ability and investigative learning ability, and their abilities of collecting and dealing with information.

Part 4 Teaching procedure

I designed 6 steps to deal with this reading passage.

Step 1 lead—in

Activity: picture appreciation and question answering

I’ll show them some beautiful pictures of wild animals, such as lions, Tibetan antelopes, monkeys and chimps. Then one question will be asked: which animal has the closest connection with human beings? It’s not so difficult. Of course, chimps. Then the students can find more about chimps from the reading passage.

The purpose of this activity is to stimulate the students’ interest and naturally lead to the reading passage.

Step 2 pre—reading

Activity: look and guess

The students will be asked to just glance at the title and the two pictures in the book, and then guess what they will read in the text. And they’ll be divided into groups of four to have a discussion.

This activity is to inspire the students to read actively, not passively. Surveys show that active reading can raise the readers’ interest and reading efficiency. Other purposes are to develop the students’ reading skill—making prediction and to encourage the students to think in English, express their thoughts in English and cooperate with each other.

Step 3 reading

Activity 1 scanning

The students are required to scan the text quickly and find out specific information of the following questions.

1 who is the student?

2 what animals are observed?

3 when did Jane Goodall arrive at Gombe? How old was she?

4 what was the purpose of her study?

By doing this activity, the students can improve their reading skill—scanning. And they can get the two lines of the whole passage, the main line—student, and the hidden line—wildlife. It builds a solid base for the latter reading comprehension.

Activity 2 skimming

The students are asked to skim the text quickly and summarize the main idea of each paragraph.

By doing this, I can train the students’ reading skill—skimming. And before their skimming, I’ll remind them to find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Activity 3 careful reading

For paragraph 1: Video watching and completing a diagram

Get the students to watch a short video of Jane’s research with chimps.

This paragraph is a description of what Jane and her partners did in the forest. The video can turn the description in words into images. So it seems as if the students themselves went into the forest. Then a diagram will be shown to the students. It contains the main actions of the chimps. They have to complete it. By these two changes, the students can master the important words, phrases and sentences better.

For paragraphs 2-3: Retelling job

These two paragraphs are relatively long, so the students may have difficulties in classifying the content. Therefore I divided all the sentences into 3 aspects, that is, Jane’s difficulties, her discoveries and her contributions. According to the key words, they have to retell it.

By doing this activity, I can train the students’ language organizing ability to meet the demands of the new curriculum.

For paragraph 4: Question answering

It is a short summary to Jane and implies that women can do what they want to do as men. This paragraph is relatively short and easy to understand. So the questions are fairly easy and will be offered to the less talented students.

Step 4 post—reading

I designed 2 activities.

Activity 1: multiple choice questions

These questions are to help the students get a better understanding of the text. Some of them are about details, and some of them are inferences. Inference questions are more difficult. So I will give them to the top students, and the easier ones to less talented students. Therefore all the students can have the chance to participate in the class activities and achieve the pleasure of learning English. Thus task-based teaching method is used here.

Activity 2: qualities and looking for relevant sentences

It is an activity to consolidate what they have learnt in the class. Traditionally, a blank-filling task is often used in this step, but it is a passive activity. In order to get the students to learn actively, I designed this activity. Just get the students to look at the title and think about “what kind of student Jane is”. They will say many words, like hard-working, brave and so on. Then ask them to find out the sentences from which we can see these qualities. To do this job, the students have to read the whole passage more carefully again, and they will get a deeper impression of the language structure. Here students-centered teaching method is used.

Step 5 Discussion

The students will be divided into several groups to discuss the following questions.

1 Jane was brave enough to live in the forest. What difficulties do you think she was facing?

2 If you have the chance, will you do what she did?

This activity is to cheer the students to think deeply about Jane’s research and to practice their oral English.

Step 6 Homework

Activity : Thinking and Writing

The topic is “ though our grandmothers and mothers haven’t done something great like Jane, do you think they are great, too?” Give your reasons.

This activity is designed to train their writing skills and stimulate the students to become aware of the greatness of ordinary women. So greatness is close to the students’ daily life.

In class, I will use CAI, so there is no blackboard design.

That’s all. Thank you!


Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently. My teaching plan will include 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material

The selected teaching material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with English. The article is about British students who take a gap year, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, getting a job. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two unique characteristics. First, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual texts. Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap year. The topic is unfamiliar to most students.

Section 2 Identifying the teaching aims

Based on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:

The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.

The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year is.

The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaning.

The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expressions or approaches to express the same idea.

Section 3 Teaching procedures

In order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approaches. With the teaching methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies to browse the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. The teaching procedures include four parts. They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the text.

Part 1 Getting ready

Reading begins before a book is opened. It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students ‘concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.

The part consists of two tasks:

Task 1: A time machine I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date is. Then, I go on to show a picture of a time machine. I tell students that the machine with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from high school, which is 1 year away. At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doing. After it, I give a summary of their presentations as follows: After leaving high school, most of Chinese stud










