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更新时间:2024-01-11 12:31:59 发布时间:24小时内

为什么要创新范文英语 第一篇

Recently, there is an exciting news that Alibaba Group has appeared on the market in the NYSE. It changes the traditional business model and provides a bran-new petitive industry, E-business. As we all know, it must be ascribed to the creative force of Jack Ma,chairman of Alibaba. So,we realize that creative spirit plays a vital role in our modern life.

As the old saying goes, innovation is the soul of the nation. With the rapid economy development in the whole world, human beings greatly reckon on creativity in variety of aspects and it is extremely nesessary in our life. First of all, creativity depends the progress and prosperity of a country. For example, our country has achieved anything since we followed the policy of reform and opening. What obvious feature is, the ine of people is increasing and the living standard is greatly improved. All changes which have been taken place benefit from creative of our country. Secondly, it has huge effects in technology. If human want to be strong,we can overe difficulties, such as serious disease, environment pollution, food shortage and so on, therefore we need to use creative spirit to process technology innovation drastically. In addition, everyone also have consciousness of innovation. Everybody have the duty to do some thing to promote the advancement of our society, whatis more, we can obtain joyfully from creative work.

To sum up, human need creativity. It is closely related with our life, and I believe creative spirits are indispensable parts in our lives, and will be more and more importment in the future.

为什么要创新范文英语 第二篇

Communication is the activity of transmitting information through the exchange of ideas, information or information. There are many ways of communication, such as language, vision, signal, text or body language, which play an important role in human social life. Some people think that this is the basis of human survival.

On the one hand, it is the basis of human survival. It disseminates information so that we know that although news is far away from us, through communication with others, people send and obtain information to help us understand our surroundings We all know that information is extremely important in our life. On the other hand, communication establishes interpersonal relationship.

It connects different people. We live in the same society, which makes interpersonal relationship indispensable in our life. Only through communication can we establish and maintain good interpersonal relationship with others.

In addition, communication can eliminate misunderstanding and promote emotion. When we have misunderstandings with others, timely communication is the most important. The only effective way to solve this problem is that communication is essential to all people and everyone should realize it.

Therefore, we should learn how to communicate effectively with others.




为什么要创新范文英语 第三篇

At the time of the holiday, the mood is extremely excited, thought to be able not to read, carefree play two months. For the first, two weeks, I hide in my room every day, except for three meals and the day is upstairs. From the third week, I thought I was bored at home and spent all day staring at the computer. Without the students and the teachers, the sound of lang lang was not heard, and everything around them became dull and empty.

Haven't the past one month, start looking forward to opening, remembering with the classmates together of the happy time, feel good long time, never felt such a long time.

In the second month, she followed her sister to the university of technology, where she was studying, to study and make lessons. Perhaps this time will pass a little faster, as if to kill time. The university is large, with four Bridges, three dining halls, two supermarkets, a library, a swimming pool, a store, a bookstore, a barbershop, a newsstand... Oddly enough, there is a kindergarten. I do my homework in the library, read books, and surf the Internet in my dormitory at night. Every day you can go to the supermarket to buy snacks, you can go to the off-campus for a cold drink every week, you can go shopping three times a month, and you can go to the movies. At first, I thought the life of college students was very laid-back. Then I found out that I was going to do research reports, write essays and be busy every day. College life is good, more meaningful, a good memory.

The summer vacation is finally over, and finally we can see the lovely classmates!

This summer is the end of another summer vacation.

为什么要创新范文英语 第四篇

It is widely accepted that to work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove one’s ability. However, I believe that teamwork is more important in the modern society and teamwork sprit has become a required quality by more and more companies.

In the first place, we are situated in a complicated society and we often encounter tough problems that are beyond our ability. It is especially at this moment that teamwork proves to be exceedingly important. With the help of the team, these problems can be solved easily and quickly, which could improve work efficiency.

In the second place, teamwork provides a chance to cooperate with workmate, it will make a friendly and enjoyable work environment, which is an important factor influencing employees’ belief in the company as a good workplace.

Finally, teamwork contributes to the prosperity of the companies. With all workmates’ knowledge combined, the companies possess high work efficiency and an ability to deal with whatever problems. As a result, the companies can make more profits and develop more quickly.

In sum, teamwork is very important, no one could live individually, they must rely on others in some way. Hence, work together could make life easier.

为什么要创新范文英语 第五篇

As the saying goes: _the first person to metaphor girls with flowers, is a genius. Second, to paraphrase the analogy is rat. The third is a fool._ Visible, in the life, innovation is the side of the lamp, to illuminate the road ahead. Innovation is the distant mountain, incentive we boarded peak; Innovation is in front of the sea, holding us speak freely, into one of them. So, only by constantly innovation, to prop up the whole world.

Ruban understand innovation, thus there was wild grass cut when not snap it, but bent and observe it carefully, and find weeds, there are many small teeth. Thus in inspiration, after repeated experiments, finally invented the saw, the benefit of mankind.

Qi baishi understand innovation. From the urine to draw interest, thus self-study has become a people. But he did _contempt_ for his success, but to learn from famous strengths to fill the blank of the own and 60, 70 - year - old, 70 years old, qi baishi's painting style is constantly changing, also in change again and again by leaps and bounds, so his life five easy style, once a success, instead again and enterprising, finally as we know, for the world to admire.

And for Newton, he doesn't know innovation of old age. When he was young because of an apple discovered gravity, one step a footprint, after made amazing achievements. But late in life, is obsessed with Aristotle's theory of Plato, spent ten years _and_ research the existence of god, adventurous, one point one points black hair _waste_ in the superstition, cast his own innovative spirit into the sea, finally forfeits his age, there is no income. It seems that a person standing on the shoulders giants will have dimmed by not innovation.

Innovation, is a person, a nation, a nation needed a kind of spirit. With innovation, can carry the Wright brothers' plane fly on the cloud nine; With innovation, can with Edison electric light to talk; With innovation, can with Nobel blasted mountains, fry out of the channel; With innovation, can observe the microscopic world together with Leeuwenhoek...

Plug in a pair of wings of innovation of your own, you'll spread your wings and fly, fight the sky!







为什么要创新范文英语 第六篇

In China,there is an old saying:Unity is strength,showing the importance of teamwork.

As time goes by,there is no doubt that teamwork is more and more significant for us in many matter what you are doing,such as you are playing basketball or other games,you are participating in the debate competition, you are dealing in class affairs and so is universally acknowledged that all of these may not be finished better if without 's more, whether you possess a good team spirit or not, which is the general situation as heavy,the spirit of matter what we do,I think the thing will be much better if we keep a better teamwork spirit e is no denying that not only can greatly improve our work efficiency but also can get true friendship among colleagues in future work through intensifying our teamwork awareness.

Therefore how to create a good team?Personally speaking,firstly,we think out clearing team ndly, we may as well elect a good team leader,who is this way,he will lead us to struggle and progress much better lly,we should be tolerant and understand when we have a disagreement with each other on the team,in which each of us should hold the spirit of importantly, I believe that as long as making joint efforts,we can create a good team, completing the task more perfect.

为什么要创新范文英语 第七篇

In New Zealand, Helen Clark has adopted an innovative approach at APEC meetings in other countries, which is a new way for us to develop in other APEC countries. It is adapting to our environment and opportunities. Our vision is to see New Zealand return to the first half of the OECD Economic Indicators, because we are already on most social indicators.

Our goal is to build an economy driven by talent, innovation and entrepreneurial skills by drawing talent from people with many great ideas. New Zealand in the future is an export-oriented economy with more global companies operating in New Zealand and developing strong clusters around it. We see New Zealand as the most suitable place to do business in the world because: we have a highly educated and skilled workforce, we have advanced infrastructure and highly interconnected, we have a strong commitment to government, business and community partnerships, we are a safe and stable place to live and invest, in any sense, we have a New Zealand is now in the process of creating conditions, the highest level of innovation can flourish, New Zealand has the ability to create new knowledge and apply it to new and existing industries to achieve our goals.

The government is working with enterprises and their His stakeholders work closely together.



为什么要创新范文英语 第八篇

most people emphasize the important of creativity. what is creativity? creativity is the 。 countries which lack of creativity. it is because creative thinking are not advocated in 。

directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled the 。 (202 words) 参考译文: “不用心思的习惯性行为是创新的敌人”我觉得你对rosabeth 。


According to a report from the Digital Future Project in the overall Internet access has risen to its highest level in the last four years;about three-quarters of Americans 。


为什么要创新范文英语 第九篇

The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land.

In fact over 80% of all marine pollution comes from land-based activities and many pollutants are deposited in estuaries and coastal waters. Here the pollutants enter marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels. It often takes human casualties to alert us to pollution and such was the case in Minimata Bay in Japan when many people died as a result of a pollutant building up in food chains. A factory was discharging waste containing methyl mercury in low concentrations into the sea and as this pollutant passed through food chains it became more concentrated in the tissues of marine organisms until it reached toxic levels.

As a consequence 649 people died from eating fish and shellfish contaminated with mercury and 3500 people suffered from mercury poisoning.

为什么要创新范文英语 第十篇

Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the 's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

We must act now before it is too late!

为什么要创新范文英语 第十一篇

The drawing portrays a classroom scene in which a teacher is telling a student to read a piece of literary works. Undoubtedly, the picture aims at highlighting the magnitude of reading classics for young students, which is worth discussing among general public for the time being. As we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation.

Some familiar characters such as Monkey King express the good wishes of our common people. There is no doubt that young people will benefit a lot from reading classics. For one thing, classics will help broaden their horizons from them.

While observing characters in classic novels going through ups and downs in their life, youngsters also can definitely learn essential life ethics. For another, with condensed beauty of arts, they will enhance readers' aesthetic taste.

Therefore, we should start reading the treasuries our ancestors left and absorbing the essence of them. We should also advocate to the public the importance so that more general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading





为什么要创新范文英语 第十二篇

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Innovation by menting on Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation.”You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

The Importance of Innovation

“Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .

Rosabeth Moss Kanter’s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a petitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern munication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit?

We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said. (202 words)

为什么要创新范文英语 第十三篇

LZO (∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩ Vista, windows and other new versions of the market, the operating market has injected fresh blood, windows has developed so far, through the storm, although people give criticism and praise, we must recognize its popularity in the computer and its important role, over the years, Microsoft has been constantly innovating to improve their work, of course Microsoft has been innovating and developing the windows intece design of their products for many years, including, of course, the design of windows intece from s and s with white characters on black background From DOS intece to the first generation of color intece, and then to the present windows intece, the world design field has also undergone earth shaking changes. The theme of this is to study the relevance and necessity of windows intece design and world design history.


lzO(∩∩)Olz^^随着人类的发展,人们的日常生活离不开电脑的帮助,人们打开电脑,发现大多数界面都是微软作为作系统行业领先者设计的Windows作系统,虽然Windows系统不能称得上是最受欢迎的作系统,但它绝对是主流尤其是目前最流行的一款,随着Windows Vista、Windows等新版本的上市,作系统市场注入了新鲜血液,Windows系统发展至今,历经风雨,虽然人们给予的批评和赞誉不绝于耳,我们必须认识到它在计算机中的流行程度以及它所扮演的重要角色多年来微软一直在不断创新以改进他们的工作,在这些改进中当然也包括微软多年来一直在创新和开发他们的产品的windows界面设计,当然包括Windows界面的设计从黑底白字的s和s DOS系统界面到第一代的彩面,再到现在的Windows界面,世界设计界也发生了翻天覆地的变化,本文的主题是研究Windows界面设计与世界设计史的关联性和必要性。

为什么要创新范文英语 第十四篇


Nowadays, the society is well developed. More and more colledge students live cmfortable life on campus. They just go to the classrooms in the morning and have nothing to do in the afternoon. Most of the gentlemans spend their valuable time on those so-called interesting on-line games. And young ladies mke up their beautiful faces and think of the evening date happily all day long.

Why not read more famous books?

We, human beings, are the ruler of this planet who are with high IQ and high EQ. We need to think all the time. We need to solve problems with our knowledge and expeirence. How can we get the knowledge and expeirence? Just through reading more books and practising more facts. Mainly, for the colldge students, what they can do is just to read more books, especially more good famous books. Because they have limited social expeirence and living space. They get knowledge from lessons and lectures. So in thier spare time, reading more famous book is a good choice for them to strenthen theirselves.

As an old Chinese saying goes, _A man can find golden house from books, and a man can also find his beautiful wife from books._ Come on! Books can bring you a much happier life. Famous books can bring you the happiest life! Why not read more famous books?




我们人类,是这个星球的统治者与高智商和高情商。我们需要考虑所有的时间。我们需要与我们的知识和expeirence解决问题。我们如何获得知识和expeirence ?只有通过阅读更多的书和练习更多的事实。主要为colldge学生,他们所能做的就是读更多的书,特别是更多的好著名的书籍。因为他们有有限的社会expeirence和生活空间。他们获得知识课程和讲座。所以在他们的业余时间,阅读更多的著名的书是一个很好的选择加强过问。


为什么要创新范文英语 第十五篇

In the twinkling of an eye, I can't forget our Chinese teacher, our immature but successful _cooperation_

That day, school was over. I'm the only one left in the classroom, sighing silently - tomorrow, the school's blackboard newspaper, but I forgot all about this entertainment commi* member. I wish God would send an angel to help me. Alas!

I was tossing about on the blackboard when suddenly a figure flashed out of the window. It was Miss Li who was driving home. She seemed to see me and ran into the classroom. I said sheepishly, _Miss Li, I forgot the blackboard newspaper._

Mr. Li didn't answer. He came to hold a piece of chalk and wrote a headline for me: the melody of spring. Then I drew it myself. _Teacher, you..._ I don't know if I'm grateful or upset, but I'm stuck. _Why, my artistic level is low?_ Mr. Li turned around and smiled at me cunningly, and two lovely braids of sheep's horns began to shake. My heavy heart suddenly relaxed. I seemed to have a lot to say, but I didn't say a word.

We cooperated very well. She was in charge of painting and I was in charge of writing. My writing is wrong. She said, _pay attention! (please note) _I'm all amused. _Oh, no!_ It turns out that I lost Jingzhou in a big way, but the two sections that should have been closely connected were emptied by me. Looking at the two sections that I had written hard, I was really angry and anxious. I just picked up the blackboard eraser to wipe. She added, _wait a minute._ Said with chalk between the two sections of a landscape painting, just with this _Guilin landscape_ complement each other, with no clothes seamless, I secretly praise. She is also not modest: _how, ginger or the old spicy bar._

Finally, we have achieved success. We appreciate our masterpiece. When I was excited, I found that the giant panda she drew lacked one ear, so I asked in a roundabout way like an old classmate, _Mr. Li, did you find the_ one ear Panda _ She looked at her panda thoughtfully and everyone smiled knowingly.

In so many cooperation with teachers, I always feel that this cooperation is the most unforgettable, successful and sincere It breaks through the gap between teachers and students, transcends the generation gap between teachers and students, and achieves the state of mutual trust and intimacy between teachers and students.

为什么要创新范文英语 第十六篇

Chasing fashion is always a hot topic among teenagers and adults. Inevitably, debate has arisen: Whether or not should we follow the fashions? People think variously. As far as I am concerned, We should follow the fashions properly as discussed below.

To begin with, following the trend is not just for special outlook, it is also believed as a way of keeping our pace with the world. As is known to all, many individuals are not willing to catch up with the advance trend, leading to their common position all their lives. Obviously, following the fashion is one of the ways to keep pace with the changing world. If you tend to lead the advanced culture and contribute to a new world, you have to follow the fashion first.

Furthermore, chasing the fashion is not a waste of money but a kind of invest to your outlook which enhance your social position. It is accepted by many manager that they would more like staff with fashion outlook than those who are out of fashion as a result of the fashionable ones always come up with more creative ideas and make more innovation. From that we can see that if you follow the trend ,you will get advantages over others in chances and social position.

However, everything is never without its drawbacks. Some individuals, especially teenagers, lack self-control in terms of the money they spend on fashion. We have to know that our chasing fashion is based on our well-being life and enough disposable deposit. Fortunately, schools and medias have taken some measures to address the issue.

In a nutshell, the major reasons why we should follow the fashion ,although there are some other minors, have been discussed above. What we should do is properly follow the fashion .Hopefully, the discussion would exert further concern of public in order to search a better answer and lead public to the real fashion. Is that meaningful?

为什么要创新范文英语 第十七篇

EQ means emotional intelce. In other words, EQ is a kind of ability to manage one's own emotions and others' emotions, which is very important to everyone's life. People with high EQ are always good at communicating when others need help.

They can always give their own suggestions because they can think in their own way, so people around like to communicate with them. In addition, those with high EQ are not likely to have conflicts with others. They do not speak directly.

Unlike the mild way that people are easy to accept, they can sensitively know what to say and what to do. On the contrary, they have less conflicts, because other people's high EQ helps them better live in this society.



为什么要创新范文英语 第十八篇

Since I went to school, I have to do morning exercises from Monday to Friday. The familiar music plays, and my body will shake unexpectedly. Morning exercise has become a part of my life.

I will never forget the recent moves. It is reported that some schools have made some changes in morning exercise. They use pop music to teach students new ways of sports.

There's a video on the Internet that people like very much. I think it's a good change. The students are full of passion.

They enjoy morning exercise. It's no longer a boring task.


为什么要创新范文英语 第十九篇

As for uncivilized behavior, we can't help but notice that there are countless uncivilized behaviors in our daily life, such as spitting everywhere, talking loudly, littering, swearing in public places, etc. These are uncivilized behaviors. As an ancient civilized country, we can not ignore it.

An editorial in the Chinese edition of people's Daily said that China is witnessing every Chinese citizen We should be ashamed of the uncivilized behavior of many Chinese at home and abroad, which has seriously affected China's image. When others point out our weaknesses, we should not be offended, but should pay more attention to improving ourselves. We should try to find out the causes of those miehaviors and find ways to eliminate them.

In my opinion, there are many reasons behind this trend. There is only one behind this trend: the lack of moral education. The government should launch a large-scale moral movement to oppose this trend.

We should also strive to behave decently in our daily life. As college students in the new era, we should play a leading role.



为什么要创新范文英语 第二十篇

Is money everything? We know that most of our material life is bought with money, but money is not everything. There are many things that money can't buy. For example, there are 24 hours in a day.

Sometimes we are very happy. We hope that the period of happiness can last longer. But no matter what we do or how much we are willing to pay, we can't make a day longer than 24 hours.

On the other hand, when we are not happy, money can not make the unhappy time pass faster, nor can it bring us a day. Without sorrow and worry, we may be rich, but our money can't make us lose time. As the saying goes, the past time can't be called the past.

We can say very clearly that money can buy a lot of things, but it never has time After all, money is not everything.




为什么要创新范文英语 第二十一篇


Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you should

(1) interpret the chart ,and

(2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.

The column chart clearly reveals the statistics of students taking part-time jobs in a certain university. According to the survey, there has been a steady increase from to for students holding temporary jobs from freshmen to juniors, while the percentage of seniors working part-time jumped markedly to .

The most obvious way that having a part-time job can adversely affect students’studies is by becoming a drain on the their time. Another way that part time employment can be detrimental to students is by reducing the perceived incentive to study. Despite presenting certain pitfalls, working part-time during one’s college years also offer several potential benefits. For one, it can help students to better understand their preferences or to “test out” a possible career direction. Additionally, companies seeking to recruit recent grads will give preference to those with real-world experience.

In the end, the impact of a part-time job on student’s academic career depends on the student’s ability to maintain focus and balance his or her own time.这幅柱状图清晰显示了某高校学生兼职情况的数据。根据调查,从大一到大三,兼职学生从缓慢上升到,而大四兼职学生的百分比则急剧上升到。



为什么要创新范文英语 第二十二篇

with the economic globalization becoming increasingly intensive, invention or innovation has become one of central topic around the world. many countries see it as the key to develop their economy. our government, with no eception, regard it as the soul of our nation.

what, however, can we benefit from it? first of all, invention or innovation can enhance overall national economy, which is important to heighten our nation status in the world. additionally, if factories have the abilities in invention, the factories will be booming. as a result, they can provide our people with more jobs and it will make our nation more stable. what is more, a majority of new products may be avaible through invention. therefore, it is also significant factor for improving our living standards. owing to such benefits, no wonder more and more countries focus on invention today.

recognizing its importance is only the fist step to advocate invetion or innovation, and some effective measures should be taken for it. for one thing, our authority should continue to enlarge the recruit of graduate. for another, the conditions of scientists and skilled workers should be further improved. only in this way, can the soul of our nation be fully embodied and our nation have a brighter future.

为什么要创新范文英语 第二十三篇

11 Directions: Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself.

“Thank you”—a powerful gift

Recently, some individuals would not give their seats to the old or the pregnant as the result of no reaction given








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