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更新时间:2024-01-11 16:09:30 发布时间:24小时内


After the death of Steve Jobs, Apple's greatest chief executive, people around the world regretted the loss of this great genius, and they wrote a few messages on their blogs to show their respect. Looking at Steve's life, he didn't finish college and started his own career. Although he dropped out of school, he would listen to him.

Another lesson that aroused his interest was that he overcame poverty by collecting bottles. His persistence and creativity made him a great success in business, but later he was fired, he was depressed, and then he realized By the time he could start another career, he bought an animation studio, and now it's very succesul. Pixar studios are all over the world.

Steve's story inspires young people to fight for their dreams.




The feeling of youth no young man believes that he will die. This is a word from my brother. A good word.

When we are young, we have a sense of eternity. It makes us become one of the immortal gods. Half of the time is really passing.

The other half of the time will be waiting for us with its countless treasures, because we have no demarcation line Limit, we see that our hopes and wishes are infinite, we make the future era our own, the infinite prospect is in front of our death, age is meaningless words, passing by us, just like the air of thought that we think others have not experienced, or may still have an impact on them, we ^v^have a fascinating life, it's Laughing at all these morbid fantasies, when we embark on a happy journey, we look forward with eager eyes and cheer for the beautiful scenery in the distance, but we can not see the end of the scenery. New things appear in the process of our progress. Therefore, at the beginning of life, we have no limit on our own inclinations, and we have no unlimited opportunities to satiy them.

We have not found any obstacles, there is no tendency, it seems that we can continue forever, we look around a new world full of vitality and vitality, continuous progress, we feel that all the vitality and spirit must keep pace with it, do not foresee from any existing symptoms how we will be left behind in the natural process, aging, degenerating To the grave, this is the abstraction of our feelings when we were young. It can be said that our identity and nature are insignificant. Our passion makes us believe that we are immortal.

The connection between our short life and existence. We love ourselves is an inseparable and lasting honeymoon. It is neither cold nor harsh nor separated Babies smile and sleep, we shake our wayward fantasies in the cradle, settle down in the roar of the universe around us, we can't wait to finish the cup of life, but we don't drink it dry, it will overflow more objects around us, fill our minds with their huge and strong desire, so that we have no space to think about death.




Steve Jobs So don't waste time living other people's lives. Design is not just what it looks like. It feels like design is how it works.

We're here to leave a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why stay here is the only way to do great work Love what you do, if you haven't found it, keep looking, don't settle in the richest man in the cemetery. It doesn't matter to me to go to bed at night and say we've done something good.

It's important for me. It's important for me to want to play a t-word around the world more than quantity. A home run beats two doubles.

Remember that I'm going to die soon is the most important tool for me I've met people who have helped me make important decisions in my life.


史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的鼓舞人心的话让我们区分了领导者和追随者我们的时间是有限的,所以不要浪费时间去生活别人的生活设计不仅仅是它看起来的样子,感觉设计就是它的工作方式我们来这里是为了在宇宙中留下一个凹痕,否则为什么还要在这里是唯一的方法伟大的工作就是热爱你所做的,如果你还没有找到它,继续找,别安顿公墓里的首富对我来说不重要晚上睡觉说我们做了一些很好的事情这对我来说很重要这对我来说很重要想要在世界范围内打一个丁字比数量更重要一个本垒打胜于两个双打记住我很快就要死了是最重要的工具我曾经遇到过帮助我做出人生重大抉择的人。


Steven Paul (born in, American businessman and inventor) is the co-founder and CEO of NC jobs. He was also the CEO of Pixar Animation Studio. He made a loan for the Movie Toy Story in the late 1960s, and apple co founders Steve Wozniak and Mike makkula Mark Kula) and others designed, developed and sold the first succesul personal computer iSeries in the early s of the S.

jobs was defeated in the power struggle with the board of directors and became one of the first people to see the potential. A company that provided jobs for higher education and the business market returned to the company he co founded. He was still the CEO and major shareholder until the end, Jobs became Disney's largest shareholder.


Steven Paul(出生于年,商人和发明家他是nc Jobs的共同创始人和首席执行官(CEO)也曾担任Pixar动画工作室的首席执行官。他在20世纪xx年代后期为电影《玩具总动员》(Toy Toy Story)提供贷款,苹果公司的联合创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)、迈克·马克库拉(Mike Markkula)等人在年代初设计、开发和了第一批成功的个人电脑iSeries,乔布斯在与董事会的权力斗争中败下阵来,成为第一批看到潜力的人之一,一家为高等教育和商业市场提供就业机会的公司回到他共同创立的公司,他仍然是首席执行官和大股东,直到最后,乔布斯成为迪斯尼的最大股东。


Once, a rich man's wife was very ill. On his deathbed, she called her only child and said, ^v^Melissa, mother will go after you in heaven and bless you.^v^ then she closed her eyes and died. Once, a rich man's wife was very ill.

Before he died, she called her only child and said, ^v^Melissa, mother, go to heaven.^v^ Then she closed her eyes and died. She was buried in the garden. The little girl was a devout and kind girl.

She would go to her mother's grave and cry every day. If winter came, the snow covered her mother's grave with a white blanket. The spring breeze was blowing.

From winter to spring, the sun had set down a snow tomb, and people were moving on the way to migration When they arrived, the poor little girl began to seriously say, ^v^to such a useless diner, who makes bread and money in the living room, get out of the kitchen and be a kitchen maid.^v^ then They took off her beautiful clothes and put on her old gray coat. She laughed mischievously. She rushed to the kitchen.

She was forced to work hard every day before dawn, carrying water, burning fire, cooking, washing clothes, and living with her sister at night. Because of her negce and torture, when she was exhausted, she didn't sleep in bed, so she had to sleep by the ashes of the kitchen It's ash, dirty and ugly. For this reason, they once called her Cinderella.

When my father went to the market, he asked his wife and two daughters to give them back what he had given them. First of all, a rich man's wife was very ill. On her deathbed, she called her only child and said, ^v^Melissa, mother goes after your guard in heaven.

Her mother was killed in winter Snow covered, her eyes covered with winter snow, she cried for her mother's grave, her eyes were covered with winter snow, but his father married another wife.










标签: 英语



