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更新时间:2024-01-30 15:00:45 发布时间:24小时内


Nowadays, can we find a person who has not experienced online shopping? Definitely not. Online shopping is coming into fashion in most of cities due to the rapid development of internet technology.

Online shopping is welcomed by most people due to various reasons. From the perspective of consumer, it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time. Just click the mouse, they can get whatever they want while staying at home. For the retailers, it can cut some costs for those who don’t have much circulating funds. They don’t have to rent a house and spend money on employees compared with the traditional trade mode. However, there are still some defects in online shopping. First, face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second, people will lose the fun of bargain.

It is undeniable that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society. It’s of great urgency that we need to regulate the relative laws in accordance with the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being treated.


Currently,the major dilemma which most people face when purchasing houses is to buy a house downtown or a house in the suburbs.

Those who decide to buy a house downtown have long been dreaming of living in a house of their own in the center of a city. They believe that only by living in a house downtown can they live a convenient life, as they can easily get to supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals and cinemas.

Other people, however, believe that it is not realistic and necessary for all people to buy a house downtown. It is true that it can be convenient when living downtown, but this is not to say that you will feel inconvenient when you live in the suburbs. With the process of urbanization, the difference will be smaller and smaller. Furthermore, you can buy a car with the money you save while buying the house. The best way is to keep balance between location, price and other factors.

No matter which choice a prson will finally make, he has to be extremely careful to look into his unique situation and consult the predecessors for their advice. He will make the right choice if he knows his goal in life and how to make decisions according to the goal.




无论一个人最终做出哪种选择,他都得非常小心地看其独特的情况,并征询前人的意见。如果他知道自己的生活目标,他将会做出正确的选择, 以及如何根据目标做出决定。


我在校期间,学习成绩优秀,大一通过全国计算机等级考试(二级C语言),大二通过大学英语四、六级考试,同年,获得全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖,大三,自学ACCA(英国特许公认会计师),现为第二阶段考生,大四,开始对金融投资很感兴趣,报名了6月的CFA(Chartered Financial Analyst)考试。




Today, it seems that nearly everyone is studying English, especially students. But what do they study English for? A survey made by a teacher at a university gives us some hints.

The results of the survey suggest that students need English for different purposes. Most students learn English because they need to read English textbooks or journals or attend English lectures, while only a few students use it to talk to Englishspeaking write letters, etc. There are also some differences between economics students and engineering students. Compared with engineering students, economics students need to read English business textbooks and write reports in English.

Therefore,from the result of the survey,we can see that the purposes students learn English for vary with the academic field students study in. Whatever the purposes are, one thing is certain: Students need English, and English teaching should be strengthened in universities. (151 words)

如今似乎人人都在学英文,尤其是学生。但他们为什么学英文呢? 一位大学老师所做的调查给了我们一些暗示。

该调查的结果表明,学生学习英文是出于不同的目的。大部分学生 学习英文是因为他们需要阅读英文教材或报刊、或听英文授课,而只有 小部分学生用它来与英语国家的来宾交流、参加研讨会、写信等等。财 经类的学生与工科学生十分不同。与工科学生相比,财经类的学生需要 读英文的财经教材,并用英文写报告。

因此,从调查结果可知,学生学习英语的目的随着他们专业的不同 而不同。但无论出于什么目的,有一点确定无疑:学生们需要英文,大 学英语教学应有所加强。


Part Ⅳ Translation 翻译(汉译英)

普洱(Pu'er)茶深受中国人喜爱,最好的普洱茶产自云南的西双版纳(Xishuangbanna), 那里的气候和环境为普洱茶树的生长提供了最佳条件。普洱茶颜色较深,味道与其他的茶截然不同。普洱茶泡(brew) 的时间越长越有味道。许多爱喝的人尤其喜欢其独特的香味和口感。普洱茶含有多种有益健康的元素,常饮普洱茶有助于保护心脏和血管,还有减肥、消除疲劳和促进消化的功效。

Pu'erisone of the most popular types of tea among the Chinese people , with its best produced in Xishuangbanna ,Yunnan Province , where the climate and the environment provide the tea with the best growing conditions .Pu'erteafeatures comparatively dark colour and totally different longer it brews, the better it 'er lovers especially fancy its unique fragrance and flavour .Asit contains many beneficial elements ,thetea helps not onlyprotect the heart and blood vessels but also loseweight ,re-Lieve fatigue and improve digestion if one drinks it regularly .





With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.

However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it.



Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it’s great honor for me to do my brief introduction here. Now, I’ll introduce myself from the following three aspects: education, abilities,and work expectation.

My education comes first: there are two parts, my majority and activities I have attended. I graduated from XXX University majored in English. During past four years, I studied my major hard, and tried my best to improve my professional ability. With my perseverance, my grades of these four years were among the best of my classmates, and finally, graduated successfully. For the activities I have attended were: the volunteer activity in which we helped old people and children; the university sports games in which I attended running competition, and the most interesting activity was the movie dubbing competition. In these activities, I have learned the spirits of cooperation and teamwork, and experienced the happiness of helping others.

Next part is the abilities I have got, for English, I have passed TEM4, TEM8 and GRE, and my English listening, speaking, reading, writing abilities have been practiced in my daily study. For computer, I have passed the computer grade one and two test, and got the certificate of NPAP, that’s to say I have got the ability of using WPS and other skills about computer. And during my university, I have learned the curriculum of Business English listening and speaking, business English translation etc, so I have got the basic ability of business English.

Finally, about my career expectation. I love my major, and I want to improve my English ability, so I want to get a job which I can use my majority. Meanwhile, I hope the team will become better with my attending, that’s to say I hope I can do some contribution for my work. I hope you can give me this opportunity of working here and be one of member of ’s my introduction, thank you a lot.






经过多年的摸索,绿色交通的理念已经成为我国交通运输行业发展的共识。根据规划,今年我国交通运输行业有关指标将实现大幅提升,基本建成低碳交通运输体系。要实现这一目标,加快智能交通系统(intelligent transportation system)与信息化建设、不断推动多项信息化技术在交通领域的应用成为重要的工作着力点。信息化技术应用在交通领域的广泛展开,不仅展现出良好的发展前景,也会促使相关领域的企业加大合作力度。

With many years of groping, the idea of green transportation has already become common sense in China’s development of the transportation industry. According to the plan, the relevant indicators of China’s transportation industry will rise sharply this year and a low-carbon transportation system will be basically established. To achieve this goal, we should accelerate the development of the intelligent transportation system and information technology and keep promoting the applications of many information technologies in the transportation field, which is the key work focus. The extensive applications of information technology in the transportation field not only present a good prospect, but also prompt the enterprises in the relevant fields to strengthen their cooperation.



It is a fact that more and more Chinese can hardly do without their mobile phones nowadays. Many of them, including senior citizens, use mobile apps to keep in touch and expand their circle of friends. They also use mobile phones to shop online and search for information because they are portable. What's more, communication through mobile apps costs less than traditional phones. However, this new trend results in the overdependence on mobile phones in social contact. As a matter of fact, some young people have become so addicted to mobile phones that they have neglected the face-to-face communication with their family and friends.


近几年,电子商务的迅猛发展加快了电子货币(electronic money)的普遍应用。电子货币是通过电脑或手机等电子化方式来支付的货币。电子货币最典型的例子是比特币(bitcoin),它可以用现金购买,还能像其他任何货币一样进行交易。与现金支付相比,电子货币更加方便,增加了社会效益(social benefit),但对银行经营方式产生了冲击。安全性一直是电子货币使用过程中最受关注的问题,因此要建立完善的电子货币支付系统,保证支付的安全性。

E-commerce has undergone tremendous growth in recent years, accelerating the widespread application of electronic money. Electronic money is the currency which is used to pay by electronic means like a computer or mobile phone. The most typical example of electronic money is the bitcoin, which can be bought with real money and used to trade like any other currency. Compared with the cash payment, it is more convenient and raises the social benefit, but it has an impact on the way the bank operates. Security has always been the biggest concern in the process of using electronic money, so it is required to establish a perfect electronic money payment system to ensure the security of payment.











据可靠数据,中国餐饮业一年浪费的食物相当于两亿多人一年的口粮。面对严重的食物浪费,北京一家民间公益组织利用微博发起了一项反对浪费的行动——“光盘”行动(“clean your plate” campaign)。“光盘”行动提倡节约,反对浪费,呼吁人们把宴会后没吃完的剩菜带回家,在社会上得到了广泛响应。人们纷纷行动起来,就连餐馆也推出了小份菜(smaller dish)、半份菜(half-portioned dish)和拼盘菜(assorted dish)来反对食物浪费。

Reliable data indicates that food wasted in catering business of China is equivalent to the amount consumed by more than 200 million people during one year. Faced with the serious problem of food waste, a non-profit folk organization in Beijing launched an anti-waste activity dubbed “clean your plate” campaign through microblog. This campaign calls for people to take leftovers home after a banquet so as to advocate thrift and fight against waste, and has received an extensive response from the public. Many people take actions immediately. Even restaurants have begun to fight against wasting food by offering smaller dishes, half-portioned dishes and assorted dishes.



Advocating the low-carbon lifestyle and promoting citizens’ consciousness of energy conservation and emission reduction are important measures against global warming. Leading a low-carbon life is not difficult. As long as we establish the consciousness of green environmental protection and keep starting from ourselves to pay attention to everything around us, we can make the low-carbon lifestyle available to all. To achieve that, we should make the idea of green environmental protection popular. We should integrate green environmental protection activities into every aspect of work and life; we should carry out the targeted training about the low-carbon lifestyle; we should actively advocate volunteer activities and comprehensively publicize the knowledge of energy conservation and emission reduction, as well as environmental protection and others so as to increase people’s consciousness of environmental protection to live a low-carbon life in the whole society.


中国人用筷子是特定文化的产物。中国是个农业大国,食物多以蔬菜为主,用筷子适宜取食。中国文化推崇集体主义(collectivism),崇尚融合,体现在吃饭的方式上就是使用筷子。中国人实行合餐制(communal meals),用餐的人在同一个盘子中取食,用筷子可以限制个别人大量取食。因此,筷子的使用既保留了集体主义的形态,又限制了个人主义的膨胀。

The using of chopsticks is the product of the Chinese culture. China is an agricultural country and the Chinese rely on vegetables for food. Chopsticks are very convenient tools for eating. Chinese culture advocates collectivism and stresses harmony. In terms of eating customs, using chopsticks is the expression of this kind of culture. The Chinese like to have communal meals where everybody eats food out of the same plate. Chopsticks are used in order to discourage people from eating much more than others. Therefore, the using of chopsticks has not only preserved collectivism, but also limited the swell of individualism.


古筝(guzheng)是一种古老的中国民族乐器。它是一种弹拨乐器(plucked instrument),其发音清脆悦耳。古筝的历史可以追溯到公元前5世纪至公元前3世纪的战国(the Warring States)时期,经秦汉时代由西北地区流传至全国。古筝音色(timbre)高洁典雅、富有神韵(romantic charm)。从古至今,古筝音乐都深受各阶层人士的欢迎与喜爱,是一种雅俗共赏的艺术。古筝已经成为中国传统文化的一部分,也是世界各民族共同的文化艺术财富。

As an ancient Chinese national musical instrument, the guzheng is a kind of plucked instrument with a clear and pleasant sound. The history of the guzheng can date back to the period of the Warring States from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century BC, and then the guzheng spread to all over the country from the Northwest region during the Qin and Han Dynasties. The guzheng has a noble and elegant timbre full of romantic charm. The music produced by the guzheng has been welcomed and loved by people from all walks of life from ancient times to the present and it is an art form appealing to both refined and popular tastes. The guzheng has become a part of traditional Chinese culture as well as the treasure of culture and art shared by different nations in the world.




在学校期间,学习成绩优秀,大一通过全国计算机等级考试(二级C语言),大二通过大学英语四、六级考试,同年,获得全国大学生英语竞赛三等奖,大三,自学ACCA(英国特许公认会计师),现为第二阶段考生,大四,开始对金融投资很感兴趣,报名了6月的CFA(Chartered Financial Analyst)考试。


My name is..., you can also call me...

I was born on...

I come from..., it’s not a big city but I like it very much.

There are... People in my family.

My father is a... And my mother is a...

I love my parents and we get along with each other quite well. I have a lot of hobbies, I am really good at...

I think I am an out-going person, I like to communicate with others.

I will graduate from Jiangcheng college, I will have College Degree, my major is Hotel Management and Tourism. I choose this major because I like it.

I once worked as a waiter/waitress in... Restaurant in...for 6 months, my duty was welcoming guests, introducing menu and cleaning tables. The restaurant is not very big, there are two floors, twenty tables and three private rooms, it can hold 100 people to have dinner at the same time. I mainly took charge of five tables. Although the work is very heavy to me, I really learned a lot of things. I learned that smiling is very important to guests.

I have some knowledge about Star Cruise, it is the biggest Cruise company in Asia and the third largest in the world. I apply for dealer/waiter, I have some knowledge about this plan to work for Star Cruise for at least three years. I really hope to be a member of SC


Good morning !

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview,

I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed.

Now i will introduce myself briefly

I am 26 years old,born in shandong province .

I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20_.

I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.

In July 20_, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job.

And in August 20_,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.












As an art of writing Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy boasts a considerably long history. It is one of the highest forms of Chinese art, serving the purposes of conveying thoughts and showcasing the abstract beauty of lines of Chinese characters. It is also widely acknowledged that Chinese calligraphy plays a part in preserving the health of those who practice it, which is supported by the long lives of many calligraphers in Chinese history. When one is practicing calligraphy, he or she highly concentrates and is spellbound by the charm of the work, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to unpleasant things. A sense of calm and relaxation and a comfortable psychological state take them over, which is highly beneficial to both the body and mind.


















Welcome to Shanghai, World Expo, the Yellow River, the West Bank of the Yellow River, Shanghai is China's most economically developed city. The third industry economy occupies a certain proportion in Shanghai. The most important real estate industry, including the financial industry and real estate business, is located in Pudong New Area six Chinese insurance transportation industry.

It is Shanghai emerging financial center. The people's Bank of China Shanghai headquarters was listed in Shanghai in August. Shanghai is the largest tax paying city in China.

Shanghai Pudong International Airport is the largest tax paying city in China. Shanghai's bus traffic volume ranks first in China. Shanghai has formed five modes of railway, waterway, highway, aviation and pipeline The city's City Chinese mainland's largest hub city, Hongkong, has a large number of integrated transportation networks.

Shanghai has a terminal and long-distance bus routes. It can be formed by cities, viaducts, tunnels and bridges, and the elevated railway consisting of three dimensional model urban transportation network. It is welcome to visit Shanghai.

Shanghai is a very interesting place. When you are in Shanghai, you must welcome to Shanghai / Shanghai welcome you / Shanghai, a place that reminds you.




This is the aim of traditional Chinese painters: not only to describe the outer appearance of a subject but also to capture its inner essence—its energy, life force and spirit. They achieve this with the most economical means: brushes and ink. In order to reach this goal, they tend to reject the use of color. Like photographers who prefer to work in black and white, traditional Chinese artists regard color as the distraction. They also reject the use of light and shadow, which have changeable qualities. Instead, they rely on the line—the indelible mark of the brush and the ink. The reason why traditional Chinese painters can master this skill likely lies in their previous practice of calligraphy.


The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people’s daily life. As is shown, the man in the picture uses a laptop at work and home, for business and entertainment, so obsessed that he even dreams about bending over his laptop.

It is undeniable that this has been a common scene and the overuse of computers has aroused great concern. In my opinion, people should be cautious of the excessive use of computers for the following reasons. In the first place, it will inevitably affect people’s health if they sit before computers and stare at the screens for long hours, which may result in muscle pain and visual impair. Secondly, playing computers alone isolates people from others. Relationships in the real world are maintained through human contact and spending time with each other instead of chitchatting online. In summary, people should cut down their computer use for health and social reasons. Computers are not controllers but tools in our life.



The elephant is always white and it has a long nose.

The four legs are very large and they look like four big pillars.

The two big ears are like two fans. It always uses its long nose to eat and have a bath.





As is clearly depicted in the above picture, a daughter tells his mother a piece of good news that she has been admitted to a university as her mother desires. There is no denial in saying that the cartoon leaves us such a deep impression that we can not help thinking over a question: What role should parents play in their children’s growth?

From my point of view, during the process of a child’s growth, the role of parents is mainly listed as the following two aspects. On one hand, there is no doubt that parents are liable to take good care of their children. On the other hand, in children’s personal growth, parents ought to play a role as a person who helps children develop self-dependence, which carries more significant to children’s future life. In other words, parents should encourage their sons or daughters to be independent rather than reliant on others.

To conclude, in children’s personal growth, parents are responsible to care for their children. However, considering that they will grow up and live their own life in some day, parents should enable their children to acquire the ability to be self-independent.








I am very happy to introduce myself was born in Liaoning graduated from Nankai University and majored in International Trade. I like music and reaing books,especially economical books. It is my honor to apply this job. I hope I can realise my dream in our give me a you very much.

it is my great pleasure to introduce was born in LIAONING. My major is international trade. I was graduated in Nankai University. My hobby lies in the music and reading, especially like economics.

i am glad that i can take part in this interview and i am sincerely hope that i can join this company to realize my dream. please give my a chance. Thank you.



The generation gap is unavoidable in almost every family, which brings about a number of conflicts in a family. In my opinion, to limit the bad effects of the generation gap, each family should use the following three methods:

First of all, it is important that family members discuss openly about their pleasuresor sadness in childhood in family gatherings. This activity does not only create a close relationship but also help build up understanding among all members. For instance, once children are aware that their grandparents and even their parents did not have a good upbringing during their hard childhood, they will stop complaining about the previous generations’ obsoleteness. In the meantime, once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way, it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people’s new habits or hobbies.

Secondly, people of each generation should not develop a very high feeling about themselves. In order to do that, they should not think that they are the only right people in their family because each person has his or her own limitations. Teenagerswould realize that their parents have to struggle with pain to support them financially, and they would stop rebelling their strictness. Parents would realize that their children’s new style does no harm to their studies and stop imposing their own unsuitable standards on their children.

Finally, the generation gap and its bad effects can be limited if all memberscooperate to build up a close-knit family relationship and a harmonious atmosphere in which they are open and tolerant of each other. I strongly believe that each family, by doing that, can enjoy a cozy atmosphere with minimum interference by the generation gap.






Good morning, I am very honored to have this interview opportunity, I hope I can have a good performance today, I am confident that I can succeed. Now I will briefly introduce myself, I was born in my province, I graduated from University, my major is, I got a bachelor's degree after graduation, most of the year I have been studying, I have passed CET-4 or CET-6 Examination, in my spare time, I have mastered the basic knowledge of my major. I like to be a global company, so I think I can get the biggest harvest in such a company environment, which is why I come here to compete for this position.

I think I'm a good team player, I'm a very honest person, I can work under a lot of pressure and everyone thanks you for giving me this opportunity.




There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.

Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.

Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.

毫无疑问,我们永远不应该走出去看看发生了什么;相反,我们应该采取行动让事情发生。一个生动的例子就是由你。她和她的同事做了380提取物2 00草药才终于发现了纯物质青蒿素,可用于治疗疟疾。我们都知道,有很多的科学家们想找到这种物质,但这是她公司的行为,让她第一个中国医学诺贝尔奖得主。









标签: 答案 范文



