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更新时间:2024-02-04 18:44:14 发布时间:24小时内


Dear Sir,

I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you. I feel that I am qualified as an administrator.

I am currently a student at college, I have over a month more to complete before I graduate. My major is business administration.

I have excellent grades in all my subjects. If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.

I have worked at a trading company as a secretary, but I hope to seek more responsible employment.

I am 25 years old very honest dependable. If you need someone with my qualifications, please let me know.

thank you very much for your kind attention.

Sincerely yours,




As the bar chart shows, .(说明图表反映的问题)

Several factors contribute to . And, . Furthermore, . All these result in .(分析问题产生的原因)

However, is faced with some problems. With , the effect of is not only discouraging, but also challenging. So my principle is to pay your attention to , but not just to .(提出解决措施)




Dear Sir/Madam,

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me because the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement, your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating() from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a . degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin


Dear ,

I am .(自我介绍)I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding .(要询问的内容)

First of all, what are ? Secondly, when will ? Thirdly, is ?(要咨询的问题罗列)

I would also like to inquire . Could you be so kind to send me some relevent booklets on the above-mentioned aspects?(附加问题)

Thank you for your kindness, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.(表示感谢)

Yours sincerely,



Ms. Yang,

I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.

I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.

I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.


Cheng Dan




首先请允许我向您致以真诚的问候和良好的祝愿,感谢您能在百忙中阅读我的 求职 信,祝愿贵单位事业欣欣向荣、蒸蒸日上!

我是xx教育学院旅游管理专业大二在校学生,近期获知贵旅行社正在 招聘 导游员,我希望能有机会到贵旅行社工作。







in reply to your advertisement in the bristol news of june 2, i wish to say that i am seeking the kind of position your offer. i am nineteen years old, and expect to graduate from the bristol technical high school this month. during three years of the course i have been working with many kinds of machinery and have helped to set up and repair the machinery in one of the school shops. my father is a chauffeur, and i helped him in repairing automobiles. last summer i took a party of excursionists on a three weeks‘tour. while we were in west epping, away from repair shops, my machine was badly damaged. i had to repair two cylinders and rig up a temporary steering wheel.

inclosed you will find a copy of my resume-and my photo. i believe they may be found satisfactory. concerning my character i am permitted to refer to mr. h. l. sled, head of the mechanical section of the bristol technical high school.

yours truly,



Dear Sir,

Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have, I believe, given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in JobsPower.

Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the correspondence. In the course of my work, I have become familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my spare time experience of handing business problems other than my proper sphere.

The years before I was employed at the New World, I was a secretary for Long Brother, an accounting firm. There I become familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974. I am twenty-five years of age and single.

I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.

Yours faithfully









When we receive the interview notice or the employer is willing to interview, in order to prove that our work is not far away from us, we must prepare well before the interview, and the preparation materials include: resume, application letter, recommendation information, questions and answers predicted in advance, the work proof relationship related to the application, and psychological preparation before the interview should be well prepared with pen, so as not to put too much pressure on ourselves Force, sometimes too much pressure may not be a good thing. Relax properly, change your attitude, and believe in yourself confidently, then there is no reason not to believe the interviewer. Your study preparation should not only study yourself, study the interviewer's questions, be prepared before the interview, you must predict the problems, and then prepare for the usual if you have some personal information, and your values The addition to your application is a professional assessment of job-related knowledge and skills.




Dear Sir,

If an ability to learn fast and to work efficiently is important to you, then I may be the right one for the position you offered .Please consider my application for the position.

I am supposed to graduate from Bussniess School of HuBei Uniersity of Tcchnology in international economy and trade in July 20XX. The three -year education endowed me with a general knowledge and good command of professional knowledge,as well as basic computer knowledge. I have passed all the courses and achieved excellent grade. Outside classroom, I was very active and took part in different extracurricular activities. I have been doing many part-time jobs such as sales and others that you can see in my resume. All these experiences contributed much to the development and promotion of my organization and communication ability.

I am a woman who has a strong and creative mind, plus flexibility of cooperation, public relations skills and so on. I would bring a delighted new interest and enthusiasm, and that, of course, would mean more efficient and better work for you. Have you an opening for a young woman who believes that she has something to offer? If you wish to see me, I will be very pleased to come in for an interview. I should esteem it a great favor if you could give me an opportunity to try to serve you in the position.

Thank you for your consideration

Yours sincerely.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing you to show my keen interest in the part-time job during summer vacation in your shop which you recently advertised in the local newspaper. I strongly believe I meet the qualification listed in your advertisement.

I was born in June, 1985 and am going to graduate from School of business in Jiujiang University in June, 20_ with satisfactory results in all the courses. I have been doing part-time jobs in several companies before, so I have gained much experience. Furthermore, I’m industrious, friendly and have a GREat sense of responsibility. I believe I am qualified for the post.

Enclosed you’ll find a copy of my resume. I’m available for an interview anytime at your convenience. Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at 13601869708 for further information.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Truly yours

Li Ping


The good old proverb reminds us that . Indeed, we can learn many things from it.(引出名言,阐明含义)

First of all, . For example, . Secondly, . Another case is that . Furthermore, .(举例说明理由)

In my opinion, .(自己的观点)In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying . If you understand it and apply it to your study or life, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.(总结)


dear leaders:


my name is xxx, graduated from harbin institute of technology environmental science. he graduated from the focus of the institutions i have not resigned in an extraordinary heart. i, self-confidence, optimism, the courage to meet all challenges. although this is only an ordinary graduates, but the younger is my capital, fighting is my nature, and strive to be my responsibility, i firmly believe that success will be inevitable.

four years after the university of temper in the face of the choice of future career, i have more of their clear understanding of, as i exercise at the university in a better learning ability, coupled with ^v^best efforts^v^ nature due to four years, i have exams in the class are among the best in the class of 40 students, i have always maintained a top five of the good results in 230 of the school year, i have always ranked top 30 in school year were third-class scholarship and school ties. four years in college, i have acquired a good experiment and i do gymnastics skills, able to speak to do an independent uv-vis spectrophotometer, nuclear magnetic resonance, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, gas chromatography with ms and other instruments. but i did not meet, because i know that at the university is the process of learning and the accumulation, in order to better adapt to future work, but also continue to equip themselves to participate in the college english test 4, and the smooth passage. in the senior courses because of better performance, be included in the list of post-graduate classes were sent, unfortunately, only four in class security research places, i only missed with a point. however, i know that all the glory and failure has long been a thing of the past, i will have to face the future is more challenging. heard of your school recruiting professional environmental science teacher, i take the liberty to vote their own job resume, four years studying寒窗gave me a solid theoretical knowledge, experimental skills and speaking ability to do, although i am just an ordinary graduate health, but a four-year university taught me what is meant by ^v^life-long learning^v^, i believe, in my ongoing efforts to study hard, i will certainly be able to do this noble profession, through my words and deeds, it will foster environmental protection for the motherland professional personnel.

has been our conviction that ^v^天道酬勤^v^ my life credo is ^v^life in the ground, ho sok was not.^v^ give me a chance, i will dutifully.

only one person at the input to the society of self-worth can be achieved. others do not want to do, i will do a good job unshirkable; others can do, i will make every effort to do better! their own advantages, i would like to work together with colleagues in your organization to create brilliant!

thank you for your busy schedule to finish my job resume, prudential cause i wish every success!




Dear sir,

Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the new world products company have,i believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in thursday.

Since1981i have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the correspondence. in the course of my work,i have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

The years before i was employed at the new world,i was a secretary for long brother,an accounting i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

I was graduated at wah yan college,in june am twenty-five years of age and single.

I am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

May i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well i can do the work you require.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Mr. Wickard:

As todays economy and competitive pressures place tighter constraints on business, IT professionals with a diverse background can provide greater value when budgets are tight.

As a versatile MIS professional, I have experience in project management for a wide variety of business applications in systems and database design, quality assurance, troubleshooting and programming. My . in Accounting has given me an exceptional understanding of financial applications.

While at Johnson Corporation, my hands-on management style and strong technical skills have enabled me to meet deadlines in high pressured environments.

I am seeding a position in applications management developing business systems,or a liaison position between IT and the user community.

My current compensation is $. Should you have an appropriate opening which parallels my background, I would appreciate a personal interview. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for considering my credentials.

Very truly yours,

Sandra B. Timpkins




I’m so sorry to tell you that .Now, I am writing you this letter to show my deep regret.(就某事道歉)I do hope you can understand me and excuse me for ________(希望得到谅解)

I will be very grateful if you are kind to listen to my explanation. The reason for my delay/absence was/is that . Therefore, .(解释原因)

I wonder if ________.(询问对方能够接受补救方案)

Sincerely yours,



Dear ,

I write this letter to apply for the position that you advertised in of .(信息来源)

Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for .(表明自己可以胜任某一职位)For one thing, .(胜任的理由一) For another, .(胜任的理由二) Should you grant me a personal interview, I would be most grateful.

Please contact me at any time at .(提供个人联系方式)

Thank you for considering my application, and I’m looking forward to meeting you.(结束语,表达感谢和期望)

Yours sincerely,













Dear ,

I am sorry to hear that .(就某事表示遗憾)You have asked me for my advice with regard to and I will try to make some useful recommendations.(承上启下)

First of all, . What’s more, . Last but not least, .(提出建议并给出理由)

I hope you will find these proposals practical. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.(结尾句,希望上述建议能有所帮助)

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sirs,

Having seen your advertisement in Beijing Evening News of August 6th for a salesman in the Electronic Device Department of your company, I’m very interested in the job and I feel I’m qualified to meet the requirements. Therefore, I’m enclosing a resume together with a reference from my supervisor.

As you can see, I once worked in the Electronic Department. So I am familiar with different kinds of electronic devices. I have worked more than once as a salesman in some stores during my previous vacations. Besides, I’am very patient and friendly in nature. I’m confident that I shall be suitable for the kind of work.

If you need any further information, I shall be very pleased to supply it. (I’ll be very grateful if you can grant me with an interview.)

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ping



Thank you for your sincere in his busy schedule, I read this material, and wish your organization the cause of prosperity and bright future!

I studied public enterprise management, but the comparison is more like hotel management. Into the community, I have just come into contact with the hotel management was deeply attracted to after work in the hotel industry, continue to draw the relevant work experience, has accumulated a certain amount of hotel management experience, I found that this is what I want to do The. Although Lu Buping more rugged, but after all, to find love and is therefore suitable for their work is not easy. So I was very lucky.

Hotel is to bring people comfort and pleasure, the kind of environment and atmosphere that I long for, and engaged in the provision of all the hotel management will be proud and satisfied. The hotel industry is a dynamic and promising sector, especially in the domestic hotel high-speed growth of foreign investment into China one after another hotel, the hotel industry to make more full of opportunities and challenges. I am determined to put its own hotel management as a career to do, so your corporate job candidates, in the hope that the industry has a very good development.

Since the hotel has chosen me to endure hardship to do a good job of preparation, you want to start from the grass-roots level, the hotel itself with the continuous development may be raised step by step.

Thank you for reading this letter and consider my request candidates, and hope to have the honor to interview you, look forward to your response!

with many thanks.









Dear Sir/Madam:

I will be graduating from Graduate School of Suzhou University this year with a . degree. My studies have included courses in textile chemistry and dyeing and finishing.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question. Besides, I am familiar with computer software including words, Excel and Power Point. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,



Dear Sirs,

Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in ^v^Yangcheng Evening News^v^ of April 9.

I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my . from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company.

In the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in business.

I have a wide knowledge of business and thoroughly experienced in all types of office work. Copies of my testimonials are enclosed, and if you are interested in my application, please give me an opportunity of a personal interview at your convenient date.

Sincerely yours.


As is vividly shown in the picture, .(描述图画内容)The picture/cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that .(图画反映的现象)

These may/might be several factors contributing to/responsible for the phenomenon/problem. To start with, . Secondly, . What’s more, . Last but not least, .(说明原因)

In my opinion, the government/the school/we should take measures to/something must be done to . Only in this way can the problem be really solved./ Only when everyone can do so will our world become more and more beautiful.(解决问题的方法)


Dear Sir,

I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of assistant manager which you advertised in yesterday’s China Daily.

I have always been a top student in my specilized area, biochemistry. I took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them due to my hard work. I am sure such courses as British and American literature culture, business management and statistics will lend me an edge in the fierce competition in the job market. In addition, I have been taking an active part in a variety of campus activities, during which my teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills have also improved.

I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company. Or, if you are too busy these days, you and contact me at 4543575 for further information.

Thank you for your favorable consideration.

Best wishes.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming


Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen,

It’s a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech.(表示荣幸)My name is .(自我介绍)The topic of my speech is .(提出演讲主题)

To begin with, many people suggest that .(话题或现象列举)Secondly, . Thirdly, .

What I want to stress is that .(重申主题)For one thing, . For another, . Besides, .(原因或重要性列举)In a word, .(总结)

Thank you for your listening/Thank you.


Dear Sir/Madam:


I am XXXX college financial management professional graduates, I am very honored to be very pleased to participate in your company's competitive position, and is willing to contribute to the future development of your company.

In the past three years, in the strict lessons and personal efforts of teachers and friends, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, systematically mastered the knowledge of financial accounting, cost accounting, financial management and related contents and subjects, can independently accomplish the financial statements prepared and needle on a report for financial analysis, cost accounting, internal control and so on. The use of spare time after extensive reading a lot of books, not only enrich themselves, but also cultivate their various skills.

More importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shape me carefully, simple, stable, innovative personality characteristics. Several social practice is to cultivate a good team spirit. I think the most important is to cultivate the fun of learning and work, to master the new knowledge of learning methods, positive and progressive attitude towards life and work. I believe that in order to live and work, just work; and in order to study and work, not only work, but also to create.

I love your company engaged in the cause, eagerly expect to use my youthful vigor under your leadership, my enthusiasm, diligence sureness to contribute to this glorious cause; and make me in the practice of continuous learning and progress. I believe I have a solid foundation and the usual practice of accumulation, must be able to do your company's requirements.

Of course, as a college student, the biggest weakness is the lack of experience. But I will everything from set out actually, I believe that from an early age to develop the hard-working spirit will help me as soon as possible to integrate into the work, in work modestly to old staff consults, the study and correct their own shortcomings, make up their own inadequacies, try our best to for the company's development as a modest force.

Finally, thank you for your busy schedule to read my resume and sincerely wish your company Yong success ride the wind and waves!















Dear leaders:


thank you for taking the time in his busy schedule to read myLetter of self-recommendation this.

i was in heilongjiang province institute of education, department of 06 pre-school session of the students, the occasion of careers, i, an education full of boundless enthusiasm of youth, with one pairs of the persistent pursuit of education, in good faith recommend your own.

over the past three years in school, i studied hard and seriously treasury study, each semester is to complete the outstanding results of the study subjects, and continuously improve all aspects of their own from. not only in professional courses. skills class outstanding achievements, but also other theory and other disciplines to expand their knowledge. while studying at the school is a member of the school dance. province has participated in performances and other cultural activities, not only let me in the dance disciplines results in improved skills and enhanced their higher psychological quality. and won 2nd in harbin ^v^bee flower cup^v^ young children in an integrated talent contest. youth dance group, ^v^gold award^v^ honor! in the after-school time, i like reading books, from the book draw nourishment to equip themselves with new ideas, to develop mind.

practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, so i use vacation time to a private kindergarten and special dance classes, training teachers to serve as its efforts to obtain work experience. for the future of early childhood education to engage in the cause of fully prepared. arranged in school internship base, the air force blue kindergarten internship period, reflected in their overall quality higher. received training units at home.

university life will soon be passed, and i a solid self-confidence in their own professional knowledge, rich in psychological knowledge, organization and management of high capacity and teaching ability, competence and good will certainly be able to complete your work to me, please your school g

ave me a chance.


Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over .(引出话题或对象)

In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in . Generally speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, .(优点一)And secondly, .(优点二)

Just as a popular saying goes, "Every coin has two sides." is no exception, and in other words, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, .(缺点一)In addition, .(缺点二)

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of .(总结)


Nowadays, there are more and more in some big cities. It is estimated that .(用具体数据说明某现象)

Why have there been so many ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first reason is that .(原因一)Besides, .(原因二)The third reason is .(原因三)To sum up, the main cause of is due to .(指出主要原因)

It is high time that something should be done. For one thing, .(解决建议一)For another thing, . All these measures will certainly .(解决建议二)


In recent days, there has been a problem , which is becoming more and more serious.(说明问题及其现状)First, . Second, .(进一步阐释现状)

We should










