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更新时间:2024-02-06 16:29:35 发布时间:24小时内

冬奥会英语范文 第一篇







冬奥会英语范文 第二篇






冬奥会英语范文 第三篇

The mascot of Beijing 20_ Paralympic Games _xuerongrong_, a mascot similar to lanterns, also has an English name Shuey Rhon Rhon.

Today I am very happy because Xue Rongrong is coming to me. I want to take this opportunity to introduce my hometown - Fengfeng mining area.

We first come to Yuanbaoshan, the landmark building in Fengfeng mining area. Yuanbaoshan has many small pavilions and trees. There are mushroom pavilions surrounded by flowers and plants, windmill pavilions made of pure wood, and Yuanbao Pavilion on the top of the mountain. There is a glittering big gold Yuanbao on it. Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can see the whole mining area. There is also a famous river at the foot of the mountain, called Fuyang River, which is a spring from Heilong cave. In spring, everyone looks at the beautiful scenery by the river; In summer, it becomes a paradise for children. It is the longest river in the mining area with clear bottom. It is shaded by trees on both banks, which is very beautiful. Later, xuerongrong will introduce Pengcheng Cizhou kiln. Cizhou kiln has a long history, there are museums, and the cultural relics and sites inside are well preserved by us.

Then we came to the city. I said to Xue Rongrong, _how is it? Isnt it beautiful here?_ it said excitedly, _its really beautiful. Its really a tourist resort!_ I said proudly: _of course, there is a theme park in the city every other section. People enjoy the scenery and exercise in the park._ this is my hometown, a small but beautiful place.

At the time of parting, Xue Rongrong told me that its name implies lighting up my dream and warming the world, representing friendship, courage and strength, and reflecting the concept of struggle and motivation of athletes in the winter Paralympic Games. Let me study hard and grow up to be a glowing person.



冬奥会英语范文 第四篇

The countdown before the Winter Olympics is themed with 24 solar terms. Each solar term has its own poem. We have skillfully integrated Chinese traditional culture into the Winter Olympics and spread Chinese culture to the world.

The slogan of the Winter Olympics is _to the future together_. When the athletes entered the stadium, the guiding signs in the hands of the volunteers showed their ingenuity. He skillfully integrated snowflakes with Chinese knots. Across the screen, I can feel the strong Chinese flavor.

The scene of raising the national flag made countless Chinese people cry. Several young pioneers took the national flag and handed it to the outstanding representatives from all walks of life. The national flag was passed in people's hands, and our hearts warmed up. The national flag rose slowly, and the atmosphere in the venue reached a climax.

The torch relay ceremony is undoubtedly the most exciting. Six torches and seven runners are the post-50s, post-60s, Post-70s, post-80s, post-90s and two young post-00s respectively. With the handover of the Olympic flame, the Olympic flame gradually approached the large snowflake (main torch) composed of small snowflakes with the names of all participating countries, and the flame with the Olympic flame was left on the torch platform. So far, the torch lighting ceremony was successfully completed.

Different from the previous fires, the Olympic flame is a small fire, which is an unprecedented great initiative, _a single spark can start a prairie fire._ The flame remained in everyone's heart.

Today, the 24th Winter Olympic Games began in Beijing. I wish our athletes good results!

冬奥会英语范文 第五篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I would like to work as volunteer for 20_ Beijing-Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games. I’m a boy of eighteen years old from a high school. My spoken English is good and I can communicate with foreigners fluently. What’s more, I have other advantages – I’m especially fond of sports, familiar with Beijing, good at communication and always glad to help other. I’m willing to provide the best service for every athlete in Winter Olympic Games. Therefore, I think I’m suitable for serving the Games.

I would appreciate it if you could offer me the chance to be a volunteer.

Thank you!

冬奥会英语范文 第六篇











冬奥会英语范文 第七篇





冬奥会英语范文 第八篇

Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, finally we made it. Now we are also successful in winning the right to hold the winter Olympic Games. Our insistence helps us to make so many miracles.


Beijing has become the only city to hold the summer and winter Olympic Games so far, we are so proud of it. But the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon is such tough. Early in the 1990s, we started to compete for the vote, but the world did not know our country, the judgers believed that our country was far away from the qualification. So we were rejected again and again. Thanks to the insistent effort, we won the vote and fulfilled this dream. Two days ago, we won another vote for holding the winter Olympic Games. Two times to win the rights is such inspiring news, we are creating miracle all the time.


Insistent effort will bring good luck, I believe that we can creating more miracles.


冬奥会英语范文 第九篇

I’m Li Hua, a student from China. I’m writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a volunteer of 20_ Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

In terms of my personality, I’m outgoing and committed with a teamwork spirit. Furthermore, I not only have a good command of spoken English, but also have rich experience in volunteering. I’ve been a volunteer since I was a primary school student.

As for me, it’s of significance to be a volunteer of 20_ Games. That’s because it’s a perfect opportunity to display China to the world. Therefore, I believe I’m qualified for the position.

Thank you for taking my application into consideration, and I’m looking forward to meeting you at your convenience.

冬奥会英语范文 第十篇






冬奥会英语范文 第十一篇

Ice, a symbol of purity and strength, is the characteristic of the Winter Olympic Games. Dundun, which means Yu Dunhou, healthy, lively and lovely, fits the overall image of the panda and symbolizes the strong body, tenacious will and inspiring Olympic spirit of the Winter Olympic athletes.

The Winter Olympic Games Shuey Rhon Rhon Rong is designed and created with lanterns as its prototype. Lanterns represent harvest, celebration, warmth and light. The wishful shape on the top symbolizes auspiciousness and happiness; The continuous pattern composed of peace dove and temple of heaven symbolizes peace and friendship and highlights the characteristics of the venue; Decorative patterns are integrated into Chinese traditional paper-cut art; The snow block on the face not only represents the meaning of _auspicious snow heralds a bumper year_, but also reflects the anthropomorphic design, highlighting the loveliness of the mascot.

The lanterns are mainly colored with _China Red_, which exaggerates the festive atmosphere of the Chinese Spring Festival in 20_. The body emits light, which means lighting up the dream, warming the world, representing friendship, courage and strength, and embodies the fighting spirit of the mobilization of the winter Paralympic Games and the concept of the winter Paralympic Games to inspire the world.

Snow, a symbol of whiteness and beauty, is the characteristic of ice and snow sports. Tolerance means tolerance, tolerance, communication and mutual learning. Fusion means fusion, warmth and mutual understanding. Rong Rong expressed the concept of world civilization exchange, mutual learning and harmonious development, and embodied the beautiful vision of creating a more inclusive world and building a community with a shared future for mankind through the Paralympic movement.

冬奥会英语范文 第十二篇





冬奥会英语范文 第十三篇













冬奥会英语范文 第十四篇





冬奥会英语范文 第十五篇






冬奥会英语范文 第十六篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a student from China. I’m writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a volunteer of 20_ Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

In terms of my personality, I’m outgoing and committed with a teamwork spirit. Furthermore, I not only have a good command of spoken English, but also have rich experience in volunteering. I’ve been a volunteer since I was a primary school student.

As for me, it’s of significance to be a volunteer of 20_ Games. That’s because it’s a perfect opportunity to display China to the world. Therefore, I believe I’m qualified for the position.

Thank you for taking my application into consideration, and I’m looking forward to meeting you at your convenience.


Li Hua


冬奥会英语范文 第十七篇










冬奥会英语范文 第十八篇







冬奥会英语范文 第十九篇

Beijing has become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after beating Kazakhstan_s Almaty to hold the 20_ Winter Olympics.


Following a closed-door vote by International Olympic Committee (IOC) members, President Thomas Bach announced that Beijing is the winner of 20_ Winter Olympics during the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur on Friday afternoon. Beijing won 44 nods against Almaty_s 40 in the voting.


The choice of Beijing as host of the 20_ Winter Olympics over Kazakhstan_s Almaty was a solid vote for the tried and tested, and the financial and organizational security of China.


Beijing was seen by the IOC as a safe, reliable choice that also offered vast commercial opportunities in a new winter sports market of more than 300 million people in northern China.


The victory over long-shot Kazakhstan was a nod to China_s rocket-fast rise as a global powerhouse, giving the most populous nation another shot at welcoming the most-watched sporting event in the world.


冬奥会英语范文 第二十篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a student from China. I’m writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a volunteer of 20_ Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

In terms of my personality, I’m outgoing and committed with a teamwork spirit. Furthermore, I not only have a good command of spoken English, but also have rich experience in volunteering. I’ve been a volunteer since I was a primary school student.

As for me, it’s of significance to be a volunteer of 20_ Games. That’s because it’s a perfect opportunity to display China to the world. Therefore, I believe I’m qualified for the position.

Thank you for taking my application into consideration, and I’m looking forward to meeting you at your convenience.


Li Hua.


冬奥会英语范文 第二十一篇

When news arrived in November that Beijing was bidding for the 20_ Winter Olympics, many observers in the Chinese capital briefly choked on their tea— or was that the smog?

A few years removed from hosting the Summer Olympics, with virtually no winter sports tradition to speak of and bad air that gets worse when the temperatures drop, Chinas capital seemed as likely a choice to host the Winter Games as Dubai or Bankok.

Eight months later, the International Olympic Commi* has named Beijing, which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou, as one of the three finalists for the bid, along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstans Almaty.

The 20_ Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. Stockholm, Munich, two cities in Switzerland, Denver, Krakow and Lviv in Ukraine all pursued the idea of hosting the event to varying degrees but ultimately decided to withdraw themselves from consideration over the past few months— leaving only the three finalists.

With the exception of Lviv, which cancelled its bid last week because of continuing political strife in Ukraine, most of the other drop-outs appear to have been frightened away by the specter of this years Winter Games in Sochi, which emptied Russias coffers to the tune of $51 billion and left little of value behind.

冬奥会英语范文 第二十二篇

When news arrived in November that Beijing was bidding for the 20_ Winter Olympics, many observers in the Chinese capital briefly choked on their tea -- or was that the smog?


A few years removed from hosting the Summer Olympics, with virtually no winter sports tradition to speak of and bad air that gets worse when the temperatures drop, China's capital seemed as likely a choice to host the Winter Games as Dubai or Bankok.


Eight months later, the International Olympic Committee has named Beijing, which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou, as one of the three finalists for the bid, along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstan's Almaty.

八个月之后,国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee, 简称:国际奥委会)宣布,北京与挪威的奥斯陆及哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图共同入围最后一轮候选名单。北京提出的方案是与附近城市张家口一起举办冬奥会。

What are Beijing's chances of actually winning the bid? Better than you might think.


The 20_ Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. Stockholm, Munich, two cities in Switzerland, Denver, Krakow and Lviv in Ukraine all pursued the idea of hosting the event to varying degrees but ultimately decided to withdraw themselves from consideration over the past few months -- leaving only the three finalists.


With the exception of Lviv, which cancelled its bid last week because of continuing political strife in Ukraine, most of the other drop-outs appear to have been frightened away by the specter of this year's Winter Games in Sochi, which emptied Russia's coffers to the tune of $51 billion and left little of value behind.


冬奥会英语范文 第二十三篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a student from China. I’m writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a volunteer of 20_ Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

In terms of my personality, I’m outgoing and committed with a teamwork spirit. Furthermore, I not only have a good command of spoken English, but also have rich experience in volunteering. I’ve been a volunteer since I was a primary school student.

As for me, it’s of significance to be a volunteer of 20_ Games. That’s because it’s a perfect opportunity to display China to the world. Therefore, I believe I’m qualified for the position.

Thank you for taking my application into consideration, and I’m looking forward to meeting you at your convenience.


Li Hua.



冬奥会英语范文 第二十四篇

The mascot of Beijing 20_ Paralympic Games _xuerongrong_, a mascot similar to lanterns, also has an English name Shuey Rhon Rhon.

Today I am very happy because Xue Rongrong is coming to me. I want to take this opportunity to introduce my hometown - Fengfeng mining area.

We first come to Yuanbaoshan, the landmark building in Fengfeng mining area. Yuanbaoshan has many small pavilions and trees. There are mushroom pavilions surrounded by flowers and plants, windmill pavilions made of pure wood, and Yuanbao Pavilion on the top of the mountain. There is a glittering big gold Yuanbao on it. Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can see the whole mining area. There is also a famous river at the foot of the mountain, called Fuyang River, which is a spring from Heilong cave. In spring, everyone looks at the beautiful scenery by the river; In summer, it becomes a paradise for children. It is the longest river in the mining area with clear bottom. It is shaded by trees on both banks, which is very beautiful. Later, xuerongrong will introduce Pengcheng Cizhou kiln. Cizhou kiln has a long history, there are museums, and the cultural relics and sites inside are well preserved by us.

Then we came to the city. I said to Xue Rongrong, _how is it? Isnt it beautiful here?_ it said excitedly, _its really beautiful. Its really a tourist resort!_ I said proudly: _of course, there is a theme park in the city every other section. People enjoy the scenery and exercise in the park._ this is my hometown, a small but beautiful place.

At the time of parting, Xue Rongrong told me that its name implies lighting up my dream and warming the world, representing friendship, courage and strength, and reflecting the concept of struggle and motivation of athletes in the winter Paralympic Games. Let me study hard and grow up to be a glowing person.


冬奥会英语范文 第二十五篇






冬奥会英语范文 第二十六篇







冬奥会英语范文 第二十七篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, a student from China. I’m writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a volunteer of 20_ Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

In terms of my personality, I’m outgoing and committed with a teamwork spirit. Furthermore, I not only have a good command of spoken English, but also have rich experience in volunteering. I’ve been a volunteer since I was a primary school student.

As for me, it’s of significance to be a volunteer of 20_ Games. That’s because it’s a perfect opportunity to display China to the world. Therefore, I believe I’m qualified for the position.

Thank you for taking my application into consideration, and I’m looking forward to meeting you at your convenience.

冬奥会英语范文 第二十八篇

In the Winter Olympic Games, many volunteers test the Olympic clothing in the cold environment of more than ten degrees below zero, and try their best to serve the athletes and spectators. Some winter Olympic athletes are also ordinary people. They appeared in the Winter Olympic Games and made unimaginable efforts. They appear on the field with the courage of ordinary people and win glory for the country as athletes. They are heroes on the field. They have proved with practical actions that ordinary people can also do extraordinary things.

In addition to the sports meeting, there are many people who can't attend it silently.

There is such a Shepherd named Han Tongyuan. At the first skiing Games held in New China, Han Tongyuan, 18, won the championship of the men's 20km cross-country skiing competition. The original purpose of his skiing was to herd sheep. At that time, he lived at the foot of Beishan Mountain in Jilin City. He herded sheep in winter. In the process of running, he couldn't catch up and circle, so he made simple skis by himself. After more than ten kilometers of chasing and driving sheep every day, the ordinary _sheep herding baby_ finally became a good athlete. He achieved good results in the skiing competition with his companions. Obsessed with skiing, he not only trains hard in winter, but also often sweats in summer. Unfortunately, God gave him a regret in his life that Han Tongyuan failed to go to the international arena. He also said that if he can enter the international arena, he is very likely to get the ranking. As the 20_ Beijing Winter Olympics is getting closer and closer, Han Tongyuan feels that he is very lucky to catch up with the Winter Olympics in his life. At the same time, he also hopes that our athletes can achieve good results and win some light and gas for China.

冬奥会英语范文 第二十九篇

Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, finally we made it. Now we are also successful in winning the right to hold the winter Olympic Games. Our insistence helps us to make so many miracles.

Beijing has become the only city to hold the summer and winter Olympic Games so far, we are so proud of it. But the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon is such tough. Early in the 1990s, we started to compete for the vote, but the world did not know our country, the judgers believed that our country was far away from the qualification. So we were rejected again and again. Thanks to the insistent effort, we won the vote and fulfilled this dream. Two days ago, we won another vote for holding the winter Olympic Games. Two times to win the rights is such inspiring news, we are creating miracle all the time.

Insistent effort will bring good luck, I believe that we can creating more miracles.

冬奥会英语范文 第三十篇






冬奥会英语范文 第三十一篇




冬奥会英语范文 第三十二篇




冬奥会英语范文 第三十三篇

I’m Li Hua, an 18-year -old boy. Having read your advertidement on the Internet for a volunteer for The 20_ Beijing-Zhangjia kou Winter Olympics, I’m writing to request the valuable opportunity to be an volunteer for it. The following are my advantages.

To begain with, I have team spirit and can get along well with others, which is necessary for cooperation. In addition, I have such a good understanding /command of both English and Chinese that I can have no difficulty communicating with foreigners. Last but not the least, I am










