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更新时间:2024-02-09 14:20:31 发布时间:24小时内

如何减少光污染英语范文 第一篇

Pollution, causes, man-made substances, emissions, waste, industrial production, commodity consumption, control of agriculture, chemicals, environmental pollution and other issues. I recently read a news article that said that in Japan, many businessmen sell fresh air to customers. Now there are more and more fresh air.

Why is there less and less fresh air in Japan and less in the United States. In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem facing the whole world. It is mainly caused by the waste discharged from man-made materials, industrial production and the increase in the consumption of commodity bedside supplies.

The use of chemical substances in agriculture can also cause environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that smoke is releasing from tall chimneys, and those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into our use Millions of tons of waste are piling up around us in the rivers that come to drink water. How to change this situation, more and more countries are trying to take some effective measures to control the situation, but have not achieved great success.



如何减少光污染英语范文 第二篇

Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water can cause diarrhea, enteritis and other diseases, which sometimes even take human lives. Air or garbage in the air can irritate the eyes and runny nose.

Pollutants are destructive. They can cause nylon socks and rubber tires to break and erode stones and rust. Measures have been taken in recent years to control pollution.

Legislative measures have been taken to control pollution. Rivers are being purified. Air is being cleaned.

Pollutants are trapped before they are poured out of the chimney. However, the problem of pollution has not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used in all places that pollute the soil.

Water and food have the ability to keep our streams free of fish and our gardens and woodlands quiet and bird free. Some factories are still using air as waste dumping sites, some lakes are still dirty, many chimneys are still discharging smoke into the air, and noise pollution is still serious.




如何减少光污染英语范文 第三篇

In recent years, there are still many problems of environmental protection, among which the most serious problem is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. Polluted air has caused great harm to people's health. Polluted water can lead to disease and death.

With the rapid development of modern cities, vegetation has been greatly reduced. The reasons for this deterioration are: industrial waste is pumped into the air, more and more cars are crowded in the streets in lakes and rivers, and the wide use of plastic bags protects the environment. Many countries In order to protect forest and marine resources and prevent any environmental pollution, the government plays the most important role in today's environmental protection.

In my opinion, in order to protect the environment, the government must first take more specific measures to make people fully aware of the importance of environmental protection through education. Secondly, it should make greater efforts to implement the population planning policy, because more people mean more people, and ultimately more pollution. Those who deliberately damage the environment should be severely punished.

We should let them know that destroying the environment is destroying human beings themselves. When it comes to the environment, I will see a beautiful scenery. Heart: white clouds flying over the blue sky, green grass, flowers and small animals playing.

Happily, in the trees, it is amazing that it is too far away from us now, the world is becoming crowded, the forest is disappearing, the River is polluted by erous chemicals, the lovely birds have lost their warm house, my dear friend We have to wake up and do something to change it and save resources in a better way.




标签: 新学期

如何减少光污染英语范文 第四篇

The so-called light pollution refers to the traffic light pollution that causes adverse effects or discomfort to the human body, which is harmful to human health. Therefore, we should try our best to reduce light pollution. Now there are various ways to reduce light pollution.

First of all, I will talk about several ways to reduce light pollution. In buildings, reflective glass can be used less because it will cause mirror reflection. If the driver has just reflected light, It will shake and increase the incidence of traffic accidents.

Although the use of ordinary glass can also produce specular reflection, the reflected light is not as strong as the reflective glass, so I try to use ordinary glass. We usually write white, although it is very beautiful, but one way is caused by light pollution. The light reflected by white will damage the iris and cornea Our Chinese books are yellow , just to avoid light pollution, other books had better change to yellow .



如何减少光污染英语范文 第五篇

We can't do without water, but now the water is polluted, which is the biggest problem affecting our daily life, so we should find a solution to this problem. Water is an important resource in our daily life. We often do not turn off the tap after washing our hands.

Sometimes we often throw garbage in the River, so the water is polluted by us. I think we can use a bottle of water two or three times After washing our hands, we must turn off the tap and try to form a good habit to save the things around us. Let's do this from now on.

We can't live without water without plants. People can't live without water. As you can see, water is very important to us, but now the drinking water is less and less, and the water is seriously polluted, so we will take measures quickly Action to save water, but what we have to do now is, I think we can plant trees, clean the river bank, water the plants with used water, turn off the shower when we wash our hair, we should not throw garbage into the river, so we have the responsibility to protect and save water as much as possible.

Don't forget that if we don't save water, the last drop of water will be our tears. We can't live without water, but drinking water is less and less, because we waste a lot of water in our daily life, some of us often throw rubbish into the river, so the river is seriously polluted. We are responsible for saving water.

We must do something to save water. For example, we should not pour waste water into the river. We should pick up the garbage around us.

If we don't save water, the last drop of water will be our tears.



如何减少光污染英语范文 第六篇

I like clean rivers very much, but there are some things about river pollution. For example, people always put their garbage in the river. Sometimes they dump the garbage from factories in the river.

They think it is very easy. They don't know to drag the river away, so everyone has to monitor the pollution.



如何减少光污染英语范文 第七篇

Human beings and their environment throughout history, human beings have changed their natural environment in order to improve their way of life. He changed many of the physical features of the earth. He turned woodlands and grasslands into farms, rivers into lakes and reservoirs for irrigation or hydropower, and it changed the face of the earth, building roads and railways by draining swamps and cutting off mountains.

However, the change of the natural environment is not always good for human beings today. Air and water pollution is an increasingly serious threat to the health of the earth. Thousands of tons of gas are discharged every day.

The exhaust gas of motor vehicles from factories pollutes the air in industrial areas and rural areas. Water pollution is also harmful. The whole marine ecological balance is changing.

Industrial waste Many rivers have lost their lives, and environmental protection is more urgent than ever. As we all know, large-scale environmental damage has brought negative impact on human survival, and even posed a great threat to human survival. Indifference to these problems means .

Therefore, we must take effective measures to protect the environment through law, otherwise, human beings will suffer serious consequences because of their lack of concern for the surrounding environment.




如何减少光污染英语范文 第八篇

Reducing light pollution can be done in many ways, such as reducing glare, reducing light pollution distce, and reducing disordered light pollution. Different possible solutions include: improving the illumination level of fixed light source, it accurately illuminate the required place, instead of surrounding diffuse reflection, improving the type of light source, and not easy to make light production Light pollution is used to evaluate the lighting effect, and now it is planned to design one or all of this type of scheme so that only the places that need lighting will be illuminated, and others will try to turn off the light source.










标签: 英语 范文



