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更新时间:2024-02-16 08:31:57 发布时间:24小时内

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第一篇

When you walk on the clean and spacious street, when you close the garbage on the floor, do you think that the comfortable and beautiful environment is created by the creator? Hard work is the crystallization of the great hardworking sanitation workers at dawn. The industrious sanitation workers hold brooms and sum up their sons. When they come to the open streets, they finally sweep the streets clean and clean The streets of a place are clean and clean.

From the corner left, there is no autumn leaf left with dust. With the joy of harvest, with a bright smile, the sanitation workers are waving their brooms confidently. The original dirty street will be cleaned up one day.

I was wandering in the street by bike, and a thin figure suddenly came into my eyes, from the top of my head As soon as a black taxi passed the sanitation worker beside the car, he opened the window. At this time, a disgusting man threw a bag of garbage from the window and looked at the spotless street. Suddenly, a pile of lies caused garbage to vomit.

It was like a dirty and lovely angel surrounded by the dirty and ugly one. I couldn't help but look at it. Maybe it was for the sanitation workers Pity, at this time, I saw a white hat, wearing a white mask, holding orange sleeves, thin arm, the sanitation workers with a big broom, pinching the disgusting garbage bag next to him, forcibly collected into the garbage truck, dumped into the garbage truck on the road, the sanitation workers moved, won everyone's good impression, we gave a thumbs up in the heart of this respectable man.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第二篇

In cold winter, people are warming up near the fireplace at home, while sanitation workers are cleaning the broken branches and falling leaves. Usually sanitation workers have always been very hard, plus cruel and merciless wind and snow will be cut off branches and leaves on the roadside, the road, the sidewalk ... everywhere, sanitation can be miserable. They took the knife to cut off the branches, took the shovel to shovel branches and leaves, and take the broom sweeping, tired in the cold weather sweating profusely, the cold wind did not feel cold, they forget the tiredness and cold. In such a cold weather, sanitation workers have cleaned up our Fuzhou streets and won peoples respect. We should learn from sanitation workers and learn from their hard-working and optimistic spirit. In extraordinary positions, to make extraordinary things, although their own dirty, but Fuzhou city has bee more beautiful. When people see such a clean street, they think of sanitation workers as the hardest people and the loveliest people.

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第三篇

As we all know, the global epidemic of H1N virus poses a serious threat to people and life. Therefore, we should pay attention to health and pay attention to three aspects: first, environmental hygiene; second, personal hygiene; third, healthy diet. A.

environmental hygiene is: do not litter confetti; protect the environment; do not spit everywhere. There are many people there It's normal not to keep your home ventilated. Second, pay attention to personal hygiene: wash your hands with soap, remove the bacteria brought back from the outside, wash your hair often, we also need to take a bath, and send out more sweat from our bodies.

In this way, you will feel very comfortable and cool. The virus will enter your body. We also need to brush our teeth, brush our teeth and change clothes frequently when we brush our teeth when there are many bacteria Third, pay attention to food hygiene: Don does not eat junk food, buy food, want to see the production date, shelf, manufacturer, we do not have bad meat, otherwise it will be harmful to the body, especially in summer, we should eat more green food and fruit, environmental hygiene, personal hygiene, diet and health are the basic guarantee of a healthy life, as long as you do this, you can It can keep all kinds of viruses away from the United States.

Viruses can be prevented and controlled.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第四篇

xxxOriental Morning no light, cold cool transparent body. Families are still sleeping, sanitation workers have been on duty. Hand broom sweeping garbage, pushing the car lanes and alleys. One person is responsible for a large film to keep the city clean and bright. The industry of love is the most laborious, and all circles of society praise it.xxx This is a hymn to praise the xxxroad angelxxx - sanitation workers, let me deeply understand the hardships and difficulties of sanitation workers work.

When we are still asleep, they have the day began the day's work. They were wearing orange overalls, holding brooms, sweeping the streets, leaving no hidden waste in the corner, and doing their best. In the light of the lamp, they figure suddenly suddenly small, slender, so lonely, lonely. But they are not because of the cold, cold dew thick and shirk their responsibilities, they still stick in the workplace. Do their work well, keep the neat pavement. Whenever I see such a clean ground, I always feel a touch of life.

I have a careful observation of them: their faces were dark, dull, with streaks of wrinkles; their hands were rough, chapped, covered with a layer of calluses. And the reason why they don't have the bright, bright skin, soft and delicate hands like us is that they are experiencing the scorching sun, the cold wind, the heavy rain, and the mosquito bites all year round. In the bad environment, stick to their posts, hard working. I appreciate and admire them from the bottom of my heart. It is precisely because of their hard work that they make our life so beautiful and happy.

The profession of environmental sanitation workers is noble, noble and admirable. However, some people are very contemptuous of sanitation workers, think they are very humble. When sanitation workers pass by, they fear their taste will stain themselves, quickly flashing aside, and showing disgust. However, they do not think about it, if there is no hard work of sanitation workers, how can there be such a beautiful environment, so clean city? How can there be such a comfortable life?

We should respect environmental sanitation workers, and put our love into our actions. We should reduce the waste as much as possible, so as to reduce the burden of sanitation workers. Let them also have enough time to rest and enjoy the beautiful cities created by their labor!

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第五篇

When we are very small, we dream to be the great person in the future, such as the scientist, the policeman and so on.

It is good for the children to own the big dream, so that they will study hard and fight for their future. But the fact is that not all the persons can become the great person, and most people are doing the ordinary jobs. In my opinion, ordinary is beautiful, too. Though they are not doing the fine jobs, they find their own place and make a contribution to the world. Take the cleaner for example. They wake up early and do the cleaning work. People dare not to do the job because it is so dirty, but the cleaners decorate the city with their hard work.

The cleaners are the ordinary people while doing the great job.


从事环卫的工作范文英语 第六篇

In the morning, my father sent me to school, and I saw the sanitation workers struggling to sweep the ground. I feel terrible:

Sanitation workers every day to get up very early, with a big big broom, sweeping gray, garbage ground net secretively. From this street to the road, if you find trash in front, they can only do it again. They are never afraid of wind and rain, never afraid of the sun in the sky, day and night, hard labor.

They're tired, and they're hungry, too! But even so, they don't care much, they always contribute to the beautiful environment. But some people would throw their garbage on the ground, and they couldn't see it. If everyone does that, sanitation workers will be too busy.

Remember, I saw a man in a quarrel with the sanitation workers: xxxthis is the garbage you sweep the chant, as for you!xxx It's immoral for you to throw rubbish away!xxx xxxCut, you don't want to pay more points?xxx!xxx...... Oh, my god! How could he say that?! Say what the sanitation worker wants to pay for. Sanitation workers do what they do for everyone! No sanitation workers, there is no clean and tidy environment, fresh air. I hope all of you will respect our environmental sanitation workers. Sanitation workers, you, real, good!

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第七篇

The day just before dawn, I was still asleep drowsily heard xxxquackxxx sound, this is my very familiar voice, every morning, will be on time to ring.

I was at home to rest a few days, he heard several days are at this time, the next step is to xxxpopxxx sound of two. I know this is the sanitation worker in the city who comes to the house every morning to collect the garbage. xxxQuackxxx sound is their first tricycle parked, xxxbangxxx sound of two is to trash on the front of the picked up and put the rubbish into their car and take a clean sanitation.

The respectable sanitation workers worked just like this before many people got up. Every day they are very cold, regardless of wind and rain, no matter, not a day to do less, because as long as do a day, piled up in front of the residents will refuse, so the whole village environment will be a lot of difference, this is the sanitation workers who do not want to see. A street, a lane, they walk like this every day, early in the morning they have run several times, do not know how much garbage sent to the processing center.

Today, I got up very early, just to see what they looked like, because those were all my guess. I saw clearly their dress, their clothes are covered with a variety of colors, while wearing a hat, but the dust still stained with their hair, the whole face is almost always gray, can not see is what they look like, only to see his eyes is so focused, was so worried, anxious to put these cleared immediately. He seemed to see someone watching, but he was still working intently, and saw the plastic bottle and the paper box put into the other bag.

I was just entering the room when I heard a loud noise from the retractable door, accompanied by a hoarse voice. xxxDid you lose anything in your house?xxxxxx xxxNothing is lost.xxx.xxx I said. What good things can there be in a garbage dump? I think. The workers must let me go down again, I saw half believe and half doubt downstairs, he was holding a pot of tea, which is full of change, I do not know who is my tea pot to drink canned as lost, I also do not know.

When I took the cans from the uncle, I was touched. When I looked at his eyes again, I saw the glint of light in his eyes, which was so touching that I wanted to do something for him so that he could rest a little.

The sanitation workers in our hometown are really great.

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第八篇

Should college students hire cleaners? Should college students hire cleaners? Some college students in local universities employ cleaners once a week to wash clothes and clean up. Some people advocate and support the idea that hiring cleaners to keep dormitories clean can help students save time. This has caused a heated debate.

They can spend money on their studies. Others think that hiring cleaners can help students save money Time and concentration are just an excuse. Generally speaking, college education is not based on heavy homework.

College students have enough time to manage their own studies. Students who claim that they are too busy to clean their dormitories are often found to be absorbed in playing computer s or shopping. They refuse to do physical work because once they have succesully entered the University, they regard themselves as Elite.

I don't think college students should hire cleaners to clean their rooms. They have learned to share the responsibility of managing public space. By doing so, students also show respect for the common welfare of the whole dormitory.

Cleaning their dormitories is a small but necessary process, and one person becomes a responsible person.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第九篇






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从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十篇

Many people think that sanitation workers, cleaning workers is just sweeping street, garbage collection just, but I do not see this: the sanitation workers in my eyes like beauticians, they are dedicated to our city to do the beauty of life.

One Saturday morning, the sun has just emerged, the birds singing urged me to get up early, I walked out of the door to the morning, came to the garden, looking at the empty streets, was pleased with oneself: xxxhehe, today the first is probably me!xxx Suddenly, I heard the rustle of voices, and curiosity made me look at it. I saw a worker in red and yellow vests staring at the street.

I looked surprised the aunt, her face was blown very rough, like unglazed porcelain, dry lips have burst from the skin, but her expression was so focused on the street, every tiny garbage had been received her dustpan.

I walked over and surprised and asked, xxxAuntie, why do you work so early?xxxxxx

xxxI'm going to clean up all the streets before you get up, so that you can see a clean environment when you leave the house in the morning.xxx

I said, xxxah? Wouldn't it be hard to start working so early every day?xxx

Aunt smiled, and said, xxxtired, tired, but in order to let everyone have a clean and tidy environment, let Shenzhen become more beautiful, we are bitter, tired point is also worth it.xxx.xxx Then, she again into the intense work again.

I stood there, suddenly feel that these usually humble sanitation workers, they are so touching, no matter whether it is windy or rainy, summer winter, these days the sanitation workers are consistent from beginning to end in their own positions, they excluding fame, silently for the beautification of the city environment do their best

Efforts, and whenever people praise the city of Shenzhen environment, and who will know how many environmental workers here condensation, respectable, lovely sanitation workers, I sing for you!

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十一篇

When it comes to hard-working people, there is a figure in my mind, wearing orange overalls, waving a broom, pushing the little car sanitation workers.

They seem very ordinary on the surface, in fact, they are the greatest. Where there is sanitation, they go clean and clean, whether it's cold or hot, whether it's windy or rainy. They always do their duty and do nothing to neglect.

Remember, there was a downpour in the sky. I squatted in front of the door and muttered, xxxis this damn weather just not so clear?xxx How does the monkey face change?......xxx When I complained, suddenly found a sanitation worker in front of the street in the cleaning. I put on my umbrella and walked quickly. Ah! It was an old woman who had been wasted. Although she wore a poncho, but the body is basically wet. It seems to have been hit by a sudden heavy rain. She soon found me, I smiled and said: xxxthe kids go home, outside the rain shelter!xxx xxxYou're not going home?xxxxxx I asked her in surprise. xxxI'm going to clean up before I can go home,xxx she said, smiling at me while cleaning the house. xxxWhy?xxxxxx xxxBecause it's my job.xxx!xxx I was deeply moved. So I stood next to her and looked at all the garbage she had done......

They're just like city beauticians. They have the quality of chastity, unknown to the public. They are examples of our study.

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十二篇

He was a cleaner, quiet and plain looking. When the cleaner is working, he doesn't pay attention to the numbers in public places. He is one of them.

At this time of day, he has to get up early to clean the street because of the sunshine, birds singing, traffic and people's noise. He finishes the street cleaning before o'clock. He can spend some time at the breakfast stand to eat his favorite breakfast.

After that, he had to work in the mall. Public toilets, restaurants and elevators are the areas where he is responsible for keeping clean during lunch time. In the afternoon, he has an hour to eat at the corner food store.

He continues to do the same work until the shopping mall closes. She comes home to have dinner with his wife and daughter. This is the happiest time of his day.

He loves his family, they love him, and he is a very happy person.





从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十三篇

He is a cleaner,quiet and ordinary dont pay attention to the figures in the public when the cleaners at is one of has to get up very early in the morning to sweep the enjoyed this time of the day for there is sunshine,birds sing and less traffic and peoples finishes the street sweeping by 8 oclock and he can take some time to the breakfast stand to have his favorite that,he has to work in a shopping center .The public toilets,dining halls and the elevators are the area he is responsible to keep lunch time,he has an hour to eat at the corner food the afternoon,he continues to carry on the same duty until 6 oclock when the shopping center closes.

He es home to his wife and daughter at dinner is the happiest time of his loves his family and they love is a very happy man.

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十四篇

xxxIt's the first ray of dawn that you greet every day. Day after day, year after year, you work hard. No matter in early summer or early winter, frost and cold dog day, whether it's rain or snow, you always fight in the front line of environmental health work.xxx you are the city's beauty salon, the messenger of creating a better future.

We praise you xxxcleanerxxx, we praise you, no matter it is In the cold summer, you insist on your position. The beauty of the city shuttling on the road is inseparable from you. The health of the city can't do without you.

You are a member of the family beautifying the city. When we walk on the clean and spacious street, when you close the garbage, do you ever think about this comfortable and beautiful environment, its creator created all these, all of these It is the fruit of the hard work of the sanitation workers. It's just dawn.

The industrious sanitation workers take their brooms and sum up their sons. They come to the open streets and do their best to clean up every street. They never miss a corner.

They never drop a trace of dust. They regard the leaves of the golden autumn in the world as fire. The sanitation workers take the joy of harvest with them The bright and confident broom is waving to clean the dirty wells on the street.

The city is full of garbage. Without you, the sky is blackened by thick smoke. Without you, the citizens will have no work and life.

The city will be darkened. Thank the beautician in our city for paying homage to you. xxxWe praise doctors, because doctors can give us health, we respect teachers Teachers can give us knowledge, we celebrate our parents, because parents give us a lot of love, we eulogize the cleaner, because you make us create a new world.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十五篇

As we all know, the global epidemic of H1N virus poses a serious threat to people and life. Therefore, we should pay attention to health. We should pay attention to three aspects: first, pay attention to environmental hygiene and pay attention to environmental hygiene.

In order to protect the environment, do not spit everywhere. It is normal to keep ventilation in the home where many people do not go. Second, pay attention to individuals Hygiene is: wash your hands with soap, remove the bacteria brought back from the outside, often wash your hair, we also have to take a bath, more sweat away, so that you will feel very cool, the virus will enter your body, we also need to brush teeth, more bacteria brush teeth out also need to change clothes Oh, eat when you also wash hands.

Third, pay attention to food hygiene is: don't eat garbage Junk food, buy food, want to see the production date, shelf, manufacturer, we do not have bad meat, otherwise it will be harmful to our health, especially in summer, we should eat more green food and fruit, environmental hygiene, personal hygiene, diet and health are the basic guarantee of healthy life, as long as you do this, you can keep all kinds of viruses away from the United States, and the virus can be prevented and controlled Of.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十六篇

At daybreak, the hardworking sanitation workers with brooms, summed up their son, came to the open street, and worked hard to clean up the streets in every place. They never missed a corner, never dropped a trace of dust in the world, such as fire in the autumn leaves, sanitation workers with the joy of harvest, with a piece of light, confident waving The broom cleans the dirty well in the street.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十七篇

Each time I feel very emotional after reading the news about bad or unfair treatment towards city hygiene workers. On one hand, they have to suffer the poor working environment; on the other hand, they do not earn the respect from the society or public. It is a very sad fact in China, which is a wake-up call for us to face the situation in good manner. In my opinion, the education background differences outweigh other factors. People who are not well educated do not see the hardwork and uneasy life of those city beauty workers. All they care is their own feelings and interest. Moreover, if we do not appreciate or cherish others devotion to the city, the city as a mirror will reflect its bad side towards ourselves. Therefore, the public need to learn to respect and behave properly such as not throw about the garbage. In addition, the government should also make its efforts to improve the treatment of those sanitation workers as well as set up a good example in the public.

从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十八篇

My biggest regret is that everyone has a memorable thing, and the commemorative things, like the beach, a variety of shells, shining in the sea, emitting colorful colors, counting and counting, now my hand still holds one of the most shining shells, which is also my most unforgettable thing. My mother and I went shopping on the street, and they were all walking home Walking, I appeared in front of an ordinary cleaner. She did not wear a thick jacket or warm gloves, but only wore thin clothes.

Her hands were red and cold, and she gave birth to chilblains. But that was very spiritual. She was concentrating on sweeping the street.

A child of five or six years old was peeling a sweet and big orange. When he saw a cleaner nearby, he put it on his hands An orange peel was thrown on the ground. In fact, the cleaner who had just finished sweeping the ground was stunned and shook his head.

His hands were frozen and his orange peel was clean. I also saw a sad and helpless expression in the cleaner's eyes. Dear friends, do you think these cleaners are for the sake of city cleaning, for a clean living environment, for giving up the family group Get together, get warm time, can withstand the wind, regardless of the cold and service you, we are selfish, litter or waste, do not realize their own mood, put the cold cleaner aside, you think the cleaner is cleaning things, this is not right, the cleaner is to sweep away the bad mood, the disease is not clean, the world will become a wave Fei's world, let a person feel at present this small matter, I know how to protect the environment, cherish the fruits of other people's labor, although this is a small matter, but let me forget for a long time.



从事环卫的工作范文英语 第十九篇

One day, a boy eating bananas walked by the side of the road. The little boy was small and his hair was so short. He ate and ate the bananas, just the banana peel, and threw it to the ground and walked away.

An old, old sanitation worker came up, and he brushed off the banana peel on the ground. The little boy looked at it, and finally hung his head in shame and said, xxxsorry, Grandpa.xxx. I shouldn't throw garbage.xxx The old man said, xxxyou know the mistake is good.xxx.xxx Later, the little boy became good.

On the second day, he walked on the road and saw a banana peel. He immediately picked it up and threw it away. He was happy because he had done a good deed.

I hope everyone will take care of the environment, so that our big home xxxthe earthxxx will be clean and beautiful.








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