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更新时间:2024-02-21 12:28:51 发布时间:24小时内

知识重要性英语范文 第一篇

Many people think that wealth is the most important thing in the world, because in my opinion, when they have money, they can buy anything they like. Happiness is more important than money. We can buy what we like, but we can't buy love and friendship.

Happiness can make us live better and longer.



知识重要性英语范文 第二篇

Nowadays, more and more young people like western festivals, such as Christmas, Valentine's day, mother's day and so on, but they often ignore Chinese traditional festivals. This phenomenon occurs for many reasons. First of all, western culture is relatively strong.

For example, young people usually watch Hollywood movies and western music. Therefore, young people think that western festivals are more fashionable. Secondly, western festivals are more human like Father's day and mother's Day attach great importance to family relationship, so they are more easily accepted by young people.

China's traditional culture is relatively weak. Although the Chinese government has added Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival and other festivals as legal holidays, the impact of these festivals on agers is relatively weak.



知识重要性英语范文 第三篇

xxxKnowledgexxx is a ladder, it is also for our life has opened a wide have slippery roads, it gives us confidence, give our biggest strength.

In today's real life, clearly perceived without knowledge, not read books or read the aspect of knowledge is little, my dear friends, when they do something, always can't to do bravely to face. When asked what they ask. A lot of people replied: xxxwe have no knowledge, don't know how to do, also don't have the courage, never experienced before.xxx Therefore, from here you can clear it is concluded that knowledge is power.

So far I think knowledge is our most sturdy ladders, when we leave the knowledge also can't live in a big, bright days, that we don't have to live in a dark society? So that knowledge is power in our life, but also for all young friends in today's 21st century. Knowledge is precious to us, because we will never have time to finish it.

The source of knowledge must be kept pure, for anyone may become the source of ignorance is not pure.

Knowledge is the strongest of all ability.

Knowledge is the life journey of food.

Thus, as long as we have more knowledge, even the most terrible, the most difficult anything, we have the power to overcome, with the knowledge we have the courage to go forward, go forward.

Therefore, in the new century, we should raise awareness, to learn more scientific and cultural knowledge, knowledge is the most precious thing in our life, but did not have the knowledge, living in the world have any meaning! If you have the knowledge, whatever you go to the end of the world, have the confidence to do a thing, have the power, to complete and do better.









知识重要性英语范文 第四篇

With the rapid development of society, lifelong learning has become very important for everyone. This is because one needs to constantly learn new knowledge to meet the needs of the work. There are several ways of lifelong learning.

One is to participate in an education program. That is to say, one can learn while learning. The second way is to study by yourself.

You can learn what you need by yourself. You can learn from books, TV or radio. I think lifelong learning is very necessary for us.

We can choose either of the above two ways It depends on your personal preferences and interests. I prefer the first one because it is systematic and formal. With the help of teachers, it is easier to learn and get the job you need faster.




知识重要性英语范文 第五篇

The importance of learning English English is the most popular language in the world. In many important countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and other Indian mother tongue, English is also the most widely used language. Although it is not the mother tongue, it is an important official language in China.

English is an important and useful foreign language. We need to learn English, because with China's economy If we want to communicate with foreigners who don't know Chinese, we have more and more opportunities to visit other countries. We need to speak English.

It's very important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technology and culture, so we can improve our knowledge.



知识重要性英语范文 第六篇

Every student should have good study habits, the difference between good students and bad students difference in bad student without good study habits and good students have good study habits. This is my good study habits like practice.

Strictly arrange study time every day. I from 7 o 'clock in the morning up to 20 points at 7 is used to brush your teeth, wash your face and hair. 25 cents to 7 at 7 PM is used to eating breakfast while listening to koko's time. To school high attention when listening to lectures, follow the teacher's thinking, must not let teacher speak any knowledge of a key. Quickly after class to get ready for the next lesson books and supplies, in addition to the bathroom and there is water, all the rest of the time used to prepare the content of want to go to the next class. Section class have 10 minutes, remove the time to go to the bathroom and drinking water, and then there were five minutes, then, one day there are 35 minutes to preview the text. In the afternoon after school to go home early, don't watch TV don't play computer, directly out of homework to write. Want to go to bed before 10 minutes to read reference books, it can improve our extracurricular knowledge.

Every week holiday in the morning, I write my homework, the time to study. The rest of the time is my own arrangement, such as go to the bookstore reading, chat with classmates, friends, in this way, mix a weekend.

Good habit, of course, not a day two days will be able to develop, must adhere to work long, hard, good habits will be formed like a clock.





知识重要性英语范文 第七篇

People in life is the need to keep trying and learning. Although there are a lot of people do this, and to encourage others, but always don't know how to learn, to which the pressure of learning.

In recent years, people have learned to finance, write, and Musical Instruments, reading, but I don't know how to use, however, made money, but in prison; Can write the word, use it to write to call names; Can play Musical Instruments, but deliberately make noise; Full of talent, don't know how to communicate. Pressure adults give yourself pressure, not only to children, their family education, go to cram school, never feel your child how to think, and feel at ease said: xxxthis is for your own good, scores couldn't get on how to do!xxx Almost all adults are like that, usually, you met some friends and relatives, perhaps the first sentence is: your grades is good recently? Study also smoothly? Actually, learned to use to this place, it is learned, learn, grades will improve. I live in a happy family, I got bad, say! I take an examination of well, say that's great! Never clearly xxxpenalty awardxxx, xxxgold stick out under the good manxxx, only in this way, just can have learning motivation.

In this aspect, the teacher also in constant pressure on the students. For example: the teacher for a good three major, alone accounts for other courses, students don't fall in love with the physical education, science and music lesson, spirit is not relaxed, nature is bad to other major, also learn a step careless. Learn bad, the teacher don't know why, the more to grasp, students will be worse. I of this class is like this, we had a group of students is the most lovely, because teachers often divine by tossing COINS, most of the classmates protest, would scold lesson, the teacher is just don't understand of say: xxxdon't want to go out in the class.xxx Who dares? As long as a go out, will call parents, classmates know, had to endure oppression of rights. Therefore, often have the worst in our class.

In life, regardless of pressure, we also should be to create your own power, to win a piece of blue sky for yourself!





知识重要性英语范文 第八篇

In my opinion, we young people have a reason. To be independent and independent people will naturally be more confident in dealing with issues affecting their lives. This is mainly because they are more willing to take actions and do things without waiting for the support or permission of others.

So being independent means that you are more likely to try new things that you want, rather than what you are expected to do or how. It also means that you will have more experience than a less independent person, which will build more confidence in you after you know that you can do things on your own.



知识重要性英语范文 第九篇

First of all, we should check the wound to see how serious it is. If it is only a small wound with a little blood, we should press his wound with some clean gauze or cotton. If the bleeding is more serious and the blood is dark red, we should give him some strength to stop bleeding, wrap bandage on the distal end of the wound, and then take him to the hospital.

If the bleeding is serious and the blood is bright red, please wrap a bandage near the wound and send him to the hospital.












