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更新时间:2024-02-25 18:40:00 发布时间:24小时内

抱怨信范文中文 第一篇

来试一试~要求:Write 200-250 words

A supplier whom you have dealt with for several years without any problems has recently sent you the wrong stock on three separate occasions.

Write a letter to the company:

1. Informing them of the problem

2. Explaining the impact it has on your business

3. Asking for an explanation for these mistakes

4. Suggesting the action you will take if these mistakes continue来试一试~模仿上面的逻辑和语言

SampleDear Mr M,

We are writing to express our deep concern at the problem recently we’ve run have been dealing with you for the last five years without any problems and have always been happy with the quality of the products you sent us. However, in the last several months, we have received at least three wrong stocks:

-in April, we ordered 500 women’s middy blouses in gray, but we received blue ones.

-we then bought 200 silk shawls in June but ended up getting 200 silk scarves.

-a week ago, we found out that half of the women’s sweaters we ordered turned out to be for is indeed a serious problem, which has cost us at least 50,000 dollars. We have always believed in your service and the commodities you supplied. Therefore we hope that you will look into this problem as soon as possible, lest it would harm not only us, but also your company’s reputation and even our future cooperation. We would be grateful if you could fix it straightaway, and we would like to offer any help you may need. If you have any questions about the points I have raised, please do not hesitate to contact look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

抱怨信范文中文 第二篇

Dear president:

I am one of the student who critical of restaurant of our seminary. We have been informed frequently that with the declining quality of the restaurant of our school it is intolerable to meal at school. It becomes the source of great complaint by student. Therefore please give me an access to put forward some disadvantage of the restaurant in order to be placed more stress on

First the expression of the students ‘face Witness that how unsavory the food is .Secondly insect is conceal in the vegetable there are times when we are prepare to have . Thirdly the price of the restaurant is too high. Finally tableware not be sanitized is used in the restaurant.

Please take it into account or it will give rise to a series of problem. In addition, let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. I hold a belief that students will enjoy themselves when have a meal in the restaurant of our seminary.

I am looking forward to seeing the changes of the restaurant

Yours sincerely

抱怨信范文中文 第三篇

Last week, you bought a digital camera in a store. If you find that there is something wrong with it, please write to the store manager to explain the problem, express your complaint and propose solutions. You should write down your words on the Q & a sheet.

Don't use Li Ming at the end of the letter instead of address. Dear manager, I would like to write a letter to complain about the digital photo I bought in your store last Friday The camera has been in my hands for the past five days. The screen is always black, which makes the camera no different from the traditional one.

The battery is very annoying because it can only support the camera to work for two hours. Therefore, I would like to change a camera or announce a refund. If you can pay attention to my problem, I will be very grateful, Li Ming Adventure: V in SBS owned: emerge: V one after another: make something and something the same: distress: I take the liberty to write a letter to complain about one thing and another.

Therefore, I would like to change another or I announce the return of the pet.



抱怨信范文中文 第四篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you about the voice-controlled alarm clock which I ordered through your mail order catalogue on July 15th.

The alarm clock arrived safely six days ago and worked perfectly for the first few days but now it has gone wrong. When I shout at the alarm, it keeps on buzzing. I have read the instructions and I am sure that I have set the alarm correctly.

I am returning the alarm clock with this letter and would be pleased if you could send me a new one or refund the money.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

更多培训课程: 和平区个人提升英语 更多学校信息: 天津新通教育机构 咨询电话:

抱怨信范文中文 第五篇

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr. 20_ at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P. R. China. There is something wrong with my mobile phone. The mobile phone can’t send messages and it can’t ring if someone calls me. What was worse, this kind of mobile phone has been sold out, so it cannot be changed a new one. This kind of mobile phone is in a new style, so the shop has no spare parts to repair my phone. I was so worried about it. I make a request to your company to change it as soon as possible. I hope you can give me a hand.

I am looking forward to receiving your answer. Please give me a letter as soon as you receive my E-mail.

抱怨信范文中文 第六篇

A letter of complaint, dear sir. This is Liu Dong. He just bought a sweater in your shop last Sunday.

I wrote to complain that the sweater had been OK for the first few days, but after I washed it with water this morning, it became small and didn't fit. I think there must be something wrong with it. I used to be not very good, I will like you to take the bad sweater back to me a new one, looking forward to your reply to greet your Liu Dong.



抱怨信范文中文 第七篇

Dear Mr manager,

I'm writing to complain about the service you had provided for me this February. My friends and I participated in your travel agency. However, we hadn't recieved the perfect service you had promised. I want to tell you something about it.

First of all, I felt really angry about the guide. She was so rude and unprofessional that she told us little about the tourist attractions.

Besides, she just listened to the MP3 herself and was arbitrary about the touris' requirements. Secondly, the hotel was so bad that I could hardly eat the food and it was so noisy that I couldn't sleep well those days which had a great impact on my travel. On top of these, you had asked us to pay for something we didn't need and I think it was illegal.

Therefore, I hope you can compensate for my loss. You can call me to talk about the details. I would be gratefull if this matter can have your immediate attention.

抱怨信范文中文 第八篇

A letter of complaint about noise pollution Dear Sir or Madam, my name is Li Ming. I am a student of our school. I would like to write a letter to you complaining about the noise pollution around our school.

Our students are deeply disturbed by the noise produced by the factories near the campus. The students complain too much and the noise is too loud. We can't stand it any more during the day We can't concentrate on class.

At the same time, our study has been seriously affected. We can't sleep well at night. No wonder it will do harm to our health.

Therefore, I am very worried about the impact of the bad situation on our students. I hope you can investigate the dissatisfaction and take measures to prevent it from happening again. We will appreciate the quiet around the campus Yoeally, Li Ming + 3 VIP.










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