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更新时间:2024-02-27 10:39:22 发布时间:24小时内

有关种植物的英语范文 第一篇

In the spring of March, it is a good season to plant trees and grass and to greet the motherland. The brigade of our school, under the guidance of a counselor, goes to the countryside to participate in tree planting activities. On the way, we sang happily while we enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the outer ring road.

Not long after that, the car stopped before a wasteland. We got off the bus and arrived at the designated location of the District Youth League Committee. The counselors assigned us work: the senior students were responsible for digging holes, and the middle grade students were responsible for planting trees. The soil was very soft, but it was still very hard to dig. Soon afterwards, the big brothers were all sweating with sweat. The instructor measured the hole with the ruler and measured it. It is absolutely necessary and can be planted. _ We began to grow busy with the tree planting group. Liu Ling helped the seedlings, and Guo Ming sped the soil evenly on it. Wang Na watered the tree, and Zhao Gang picked up the shovel to reinforce the little tree. Everyone did all the work very carefully, for fear that the small trees would be blown down when the wind was strong. We planted one plant after another, planted in rows and rows. In a moment, the bare wasteland turned into a grove.

In this tree planting activities, although we feel a little tired, although many students in the hands of blood blisters, but the thought that we can make a force for the greening of the motherland, in the heart feel beautiful.

有关种植物的英语范文 第二篇

Today is March 12 Arbor Day, I especially like Arbor Day. Because it can beautify the environment, you can let more animals come to our beautiful Xi'an. Can also plant some trees next to the desert, you can prevent dust storms, the most important thing is that it can also add fresh air to us too! I think there is no life without trees, oxygen can actually breathe! If there is a tree, he will give us oxygen! So now the oxygen in the earth is endless breathing! I hope my classmates planted some small trees, but also must take care of the small trees!


有关种植物的英语范文 第三篇

Spring is coming。Birds are singing and flowers are blooming。 I wanted to plant spring in my home, so I, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings。

We prepared to plant them in the yard。 When we were back home, we went into action in no time。 Some time later, we finished。 I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now。

有关种植物的英语范文 第四篇

It’s spring. It’s time to plant trees.

I want to plant a tree in our garden. Dad and Mum are very happy. They like green. Dad helps me plant the tree. First, we dig the soil. Then I put a little tree into the soil. Next I water it. I am so excited and I wait for the tree to grow. Two weeks later, my tree has some little leaves. I water it every day. Now it has lots of leaves. It grows fast. We should plant more trees. They make our world beautiful.



有关种植物的英语范文 第五篇




有关种植物的英语范文 第六篇

① ② Plants are very important organisms. If there are no plants, life can't continue. This is because plants can make food from the air, water and sunlight.

Animals and humans can't do this. Animals get food by eating plants, and other animals and humans can't Animals get food, so animals and humans need plants to survive. If you look closely at the plants around you, you will find that there are many kinds of plants, some are very large, some are very large, and most plants are green.

There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and non flowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all of them are around us Trees are flowering plants.

You can tell from their flowers or fruits that some plants don't bloom, including conifers, bryophytes, bryophytes, algae and fungi. You can't see many non flowering plants around you. Most plants don't grow from seeds.

They grow from spores. The spores are very small. Some spores are very light.

They can float in the air. We can say that When the spores fall in a moist and cool place, the spores are very similar to the seeds. They usually grow into new plants.

② Shady [shady] a..


① ②③开花植物开花植物④⑤⑥针叶树a.苔藓n.苔藓n.藻类n.真菌n.孢子n.植物体是非常重要的生物,如果没有植物,生命就无法继续下去,这是因为植物可以从空气中制造食物,水和阳光动物和人类不能这样做,动物通过吃植物获得食物,其他动物人类也通过吃植物和动物获得食物,因此,动物和人类需要植物才能生存如果你仔细观察你周围的植物,你会发现有很多种植物,有些植物很大,而有些植物很大小多数植物是绿色的植物有两种主要类型:开花植物和非开花植物开花植物有根、茎①、叶、花和果实我们周围几乎所有的树都是开花植物你可以从它们的花或果实中辨认出一些植物不开花的植物包括针叶树,苔藓,苔藓,藻类和真菌你周围看不到许多不开花的植物大多数植物不是由种子生长的它们是由孢子生长的孢子非常非常小一些孢子非常轻它们可以漂浮在空气中我们可以说当这些孢子落在潮湿阴凉的地方时,孢子与种子非常相似,它们通常长成新的植物①茎[茎]n。②荫蔽[谢迪]a。。

有关种植物的英语范文 第七篇

Plant Trees

It was breezy yesterday and the weather was comfortable. My class teacher led our students go to plant trees near the suburbs. We took a bus there and then we started to work. We first weeded the grass together. Then the boys dug pits and girls planted the young trees into the pits. All of us worked very hard. In a short time, we were all wet with sweat. After the young trees planted, we began to water. There is a pond near, so we took water easily. At about four o’clock in the afternoon, we finished all work and took a photo to remember this meaningful day. We were tired but happy.



有关种植物的英语范文 第八篇

it was fine on march 12, xx. i got up early that day. all the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees.

we arrived at the hill at eight o‘clock. the teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees. then we started digging, planting and watering. we all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of time. among us,wang lin, our monitor set a good example for us. though he was ill, he worked harder. when he finished his task, he went on to help others without even a little rest. he was wet all over after work. i must learn from him, i said to myself . looking at the lines of the young trees, we smiled happily, forgetting our tiredness.

有关种植物的英语范文 第九篇











有关种植物的英语范文 第十篇

Plants are very important living could not go on if there were no is because plants can make food from air,water and and man cannot do get their food by eating plants and other gets his food by eating plants and animals, and man need plants in order to live.

If you look carefully at the plants around you,you will find that there are many types of plants are large while others are plants are green.

There are two main types of plants:flowering plants and nonflowering plants.

Flowering plants have roots,stems,leaves,flowers and all the trees around us are flowering can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits.

Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees,mosses,liver-worts,algae and cannot see many nonflowering plants around you.

Most plants do not grow from grow from are very,very spores are so small and light that they can float in the may say that spores are quite similar to these spores fall on wet and shady places,they usually grow into new plants.

有关种植物的英语范文 第十一篇







有关种植物的英语范文 第十二篇

Today is Arbor Day, five classes of third grade teacher, led down trees in the parks.

Along the way, the students laugh along, happily singing birds in the branches, the flowers are on their happy smile ...... some children happily sang a song.

And finally to the park, the teacher put students into a group of 4 people to plant trees, the result left behind assigned Xiao Ming and red into a group of so they decided: not because fewer people will not put good species, must be the same Do not do as well and then the group began planting the red brought a shovel, cups and buckets, of course, red is not going to let Xiaoming come empty-handed, she said:. _Xiao Ming, this is what I deliberately put shovel bring you, and you have more strength, you come to shovel it! _Xiao Ming nodded, picked up a shovel a shovel a shovel to dig deep earth, dug pit straight waist just do not know when they found that red has been brought tree saplings waiting at his side, so that Xiao Ming planted seedlings Little said:. _Thank you!_ dug earth, Xiao Ming put the seedlings carefully into Little said:. _Alice, you hold on to trees, I look at the trees have no crooked. _red very readily agreed. Xiao Ming looked at the positive. Thus, Xiao Ming had promptly buried on the loose soil. Xiao Ming and red sweating, Xianggang like out from the bathroom. Alice and Bob looked at trees, laughed. Before I left, gave the trees watered.

Happy ending after planting, the teacher said: _Students, today you say which group is planting champions?_ The students shouted in unison:. _Duo_ Alice and Bob looked at each other, could not help but proudly He laughed.





有关种植物的英语范文 第十三篇












有关种植物的英语范文 第十四篇





有关种植物的英语范文 第十五篇


握常用过渡性词语 叙事文常用的句子间连接词 【1】

at first; at last; in the end… then / next/ after that… when / while/as soon as/not… until… at the same time; at times; once in a while; so that To one’s surprise/joy Luckily/fortunately/unluckily/unfortunately… in a word/in all 议论文常用连接词 表示并列:either…or; neither…nor; both…and; not only…but also; 表示递进的:besides; what’s more; what’s worse; (moreover); 表示原因的:because; for…; because of…; thanks to…; (for the reason that…); 表示结果的:so; as a result; so…that…; therefore; 表示目的.的:so that…; in order that…; (in order) to…; for…; 表示对比的:while; on the one hand + on the other hand; Each coin has two sides.; prefer…to…; would rather do…than do…; 表示转折的:however; but; 表示举例的:for example; for instance; such as…; like…; that is to say… 表示总结的:in all/short; in a word; in brief/ total; last but not least; last; 表示利弊的:be good/bad for sb.; be harmful to sb.; do harm to sb.; …have great/much influence on sb.; sth. benefit sb.; sb. benefit from sth. affect; have an effect on sb.; 表示喜爱的:love/like/enjoy…; be fond of…; be interested in…; show great interest in…; lose oneself in…; put one’s heart into…; be good at; be poor at; be weak in; 表达个人想法的:I think/believe…; (as) for me; in my opinion/view; as a student; from the bottom of my heart; personally; 其他: in general; generally speaking; to be short; to be honest; to tell the truth; as we know; make up one’s mind to do; in a way;


I will work hard to make my dream come true. I hope your dream will come true one day. It takes sb. +时间+to do… Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth. It’s important/necessary/useful/useless/common…(for sb.) to v… It’s nice/kind of sb. to v..

It’s time for sb. to do sth. It’s a waste of time to…

It’s …years/days since sb. +ved

It’s great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing

It’s a pity that… It’s an honor to…

I’m/We’re not allowed to … I’m afraid of making mistakes…

There be …doing… Great changes have taken place in…

sth is/are well worth v-ing. It seems/seemed that… It seems (im)possible to v…

It is said that… As the saying goes, … …and …. are different in many ways. too + adj./adv. to do There are many differences between … and … I have made up my mind to … I am sure that… I am not sure whether/if… I would rather …. than … It doesn’t matter if…Thank you for v-ing. If everyone can make a contribution to the earth/ nature/ society, our life will be better and better. have/look for a chance to do do outdoor activities be/get used to (doing) sth. learn…from… be proud of/ take pride in… play an important/active part/role in… agree with sb. to do sth. with the help of sb.=with one’s help (反义:without one’s help) be/get ready to do sth.= be/ get ready for sth. pay attention to… take good care of …

作文万能短语 do/try one’s best to v… be/feel sorry for… help sb. (to) do sth./ with sth. in/during class before/after class teach sb. to do sth. wish you successful/success as time goes by… graduate from… looking back to the past three years,…(用现在完成时态) pass the (final) exam stick to doing keep you mind on your goals make up one’s mind to do sth. (on sth.) make a decision to do work hard at English once in a while/ at times/ now and then from then on in the future(将来)/ in future(从今以后) increase our knowledge/ enlarge our vocabulary in fact/as a matter of fact in the beginning/ at first feel like giving up have trouble/difficulty in (doing) sth. have (no) time to do have experience in (doing) sth. follow one’s advice/suggestions master some basic … skills be required to do ask sb. for help can’t wait to do be supposed to do encourage sb. to do deal/do with … work out/solve the problems all sorts/kinds of… at home and abroad one of … be full of… learn sth. by oneself come up with good ideas be surprised at sth.(to do sth.) in order to


1 审题:审清作文体裁(类型)时态、人称等细节; 2 列提纲(文章结构框架):分几段,以及每段大体内容; 3 写作:在提纲的基础上补充要点; 4 复查:2遍——1遍看查拼写、语法、标点等问题;2遍不出 声读查,靠语感检查语句是否通顺、连贯等; 5 誊抄:不允许做任何的更改。

总之做到三审:体裁、时态、人称; 三思:词汇—>短语—>句式; 三查:要点、拼写和语法、连贯。

作文一般框架:文章分3段: (1)综述:概括性强,最多2句话引入主题; (2)正文——主要内容:层次性强,一定要有过渡型连接词。

最多展开3 个方面,每个方面最多2句话; (3)结尾:紧扣主题,2句话内结束,尽量升华。


例一:利弊型作文——Microblog的利与弊 Para1: (综述)with the development of internet… more and more popular… Para2: (利)First, convenient, anywhere, any time; Second, share… with…; Last, express views free, money-free… Para3: (弊)However, one coin has two faces. On the one hand, a waste of time——affect study; On the other hand, not safe——stolen, hurt feelings Para4: (个人)As a student, make good use of it.

例二:计划安排型作文——谈假期安排 Para1: (综述)graduate from…, holiday is coming, plan for this holiday Para2: (正文)Firstly, study comes first. make preparations for the first senior year; Secondly, visit tourist attractions; Last but not least, do sports to build up my body. Para3: I am sure I’ll have a meaningful holiday. (I’m looking forward to the coming holiday.) (I can’t wait to enjoy my summer vocation.)

例三:图表、数字比例型作文 (提出讨论或调查的事实)Last week, our class had a class meeting on (how to)… Here are the results. (表达出不同看法或观点)Most students think … While … 20% of them choose to…. Another 15 believe… There are also some… saying that… (表达个人看法) As a student, I agree to…

例四: 说明利弊型作文 Nowadays … is becoming more and more popular. It has many advantages . First, 优点1… Besides, 优点2… However, every coin has two sides. It also brings us bad influences. On the one hand, 缺点1… On the other hand, 缺点2… In my opinion,个人观点 …

例五:不同观点型 We made a survey about whether we should …提出矛盾问题. Different people hold different ideas. Some believe …正方观点. First, 原因1… Besides, 原因2… While others don’t agree. They think…反方观点. On the one hand, 原因1… On the other hand, 原因2… As for me,个人观点 …

例六: 解决问题型 Recently, the … problem has been more and more serious. …should do something to solve it. Firstly, 方法1… Secondly, 方法2… Finally, 方法3… I am sure if everyone can make a contribution to …, the … will become better and better.

有关种植物的英语范文 第十六篇

Planting flowers

spring is coming. birds are singing and flowers are blooming. i wanted to plant spring in my home, so i, together with my dad, went to the market and bought some flower seedlings.

we prepared to plant them in the yard. when we were back home, we went into action in no time. some time later, we finished. i will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.



有关种植物的英语范文 第十七篇

The annual tree planting day has come. In the morning, the wind and the sun are beautiful, the warm wind blows the face. There are white clouds floating in the sky. Some are like horses eating grass on the grass, some are like butterflies dancing in flowers. The teacher led us to plant trees on the hillside. We fly like happy little birds to the hillside.

On the hillside, some students moved trees, some carried holes with hoes, others carried shovels and shovelled dirt, and others carried buckets to fetch water at the riverside. They are working in full swing, with sweat and no face.

I and Ling Ling, the monitor group. Look, how hard the monitor is doing! She saw her feet slightly open, and became a _eight_ character, with her hands firmly holding up the saplings, for fear that the seedlings would fall down. Lingling bent and bent, with a small spade in his hand, filling the young tree with a spade. Fill in and fill up. The soil in the tree pit is filled. The saplings have been standing steadily. The head of the class opened his hand and stepped on the soil with his feet first. I slowly poured the water into the soil, and the seedlings _drink_ the water, as if saying, _thank you, I will grow into a big tree._ To cover the wind and rain for you! _

As long as we all plant trees, our mother earth will become more beautiful.

有关种植物的英语范文 第十八篇

March 12 is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat—sen's death. Dr. Sun Yat—sen had attached great importance to forestry. He served as provisional president of the Republic of China soon after the establishment of the Nanjing Government, in May 1912 established the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, under the forest Division, director of national forestry administration of. In November 1914 enacted the first of China's modern history, a _Forest Law_, in July 1915, the Government has stipulated that the annual _Qingming_ as Tree—Planting Day.


有关种植物的英语范文 第十九篇

Today, daddy leads me to buy the flower to the flower shop, I elected three to plant flowers: Fresh refined lily, warm moving carnation, what I most like is that posture myriad rose. In the flower shop rose has many kind of colors: The white like snow, the red elephant fire, yellow resembles the gold, flesh color like rosy cloud .I have chosen a most lovable purple-red rose. Gets in the home, I them in have in the water jar, sits before the table the careful observation rose. Rose's stem very straight very straight, has the penstock to be so thick, on is also bringing several spinules. The bottle green leaf is the Chinese olive shape, also soft is also thin, the edge becomes the zigzag, the arteries is the forked arteries. It is an opening flower bud, the desire in bud puts it is similar to the charming charming young girl, the smiling face contains the spring, beautiful extremely. The second day early in the morning, I discovered the rose already split open the smiling face, a flowers small wine class, the flower petal slightly has become likely screw type splits open, but has not looked at the inside stamen and pistil. The rose seems beautiful and the rich charm, I draw close to it gently, inspired deeply! A light delicate fragrance greets the nostrils. The rose is the rose family plant, its ancestor is an everflowering rose, afterward was mixed with the wild rose, has become present's rose. Although the rose is bringing the thorn, but my equally I like tenderly and beautifully pleasant, fragrant four overflow rose.


有关种植物的英语范文 第二十篇

(1) 2) flowering plants flowering plants (4) 5) 6) conifers, bryophytes, aquatic plants, algae, fungi, spores and other plants are very important organisms. If there are no plants, life cannot continue. This is because plants can make food from the air, water and sunlight, animals and humans can't do this.

Animals get food by eating plants, and other animals and human beings can't They eat plants and animals get food, so animals and humans need plants to survive. If you look at the plants around you, you will find that there are many kinds of plants. Some plants are very large, while some are very large.

Most plants are green. There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and non flowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits Almost all trees are flowering plants.

You can tell from their flowers or fruits that some plants do not bloom, including conifers, mosses, mosses, algae and fungi. You can't see many non flowering plants around you. Most plants don't grow from seeds.

They grow from spores. The spores are very, very small. Some spores are very light.

They can float in the air In other words, when these spores fall in a moist and cool place, the spores are very similar to the seeds. They usually grow into new plants.



有关种植物的英语范文 第二十一篇

On May 1, I went to the countryside with my mother and my mother-in-law, and also my hometown, to plant trees.

Along the way, as we sang the songs happily, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road: a row of lush trees, and the colourful wild flowers on the grass, and they had dyed the earth like a rainbow. In the countryside, there is a butterfly, dragonfly flying lightly in the vegetable field. It is like a happy elf.

I quickly ran from the country road to my old home. Ah, the old home is still so cordial, like old friends, the environment is very quiet and comfortable.

_Start planting trees!_ The mother-in-law cried. I used a hoe in the yard of my hometown to find an empty space and began to chisel the big pit, and mother, the mother-in-law took off the old leaves of the mulberry and chiseled the pit with me. The mother-in-law said, _because the mulberry tree is not nourishing enough, how can the nutrition supply the leaves grow up?_ Digging up the pit, when I was about to put the tree in, the mother-in-law said, _wait a minute, the tree can grow up with nourishment. You're going to get some cow dung first. _Cow dung, no!_ Alas, for the growth of mulberry trees, I had to do it. _ So I dragged a shovel and went to the road to look for cow dung. Look, there is there. I ran over, held my breath, and shoveled the cow dung on the spade carefully. OK, I dragged my shovel to my home.

I put the mulberry tree into the pit, poured the cow dung, and filled the soil. Yeah, it's good!

Looking at the mulberry tree that you planted well, you can't mention how happy it is.

有关种植物的英语范文 第二十二篇

It was fine on March 12, got up early that the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees.

We arrived at the hill at eight o' teacher asked each of us to plant at least six we started digging,planting and all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim us ,Wang Lin,our monitor set a good example for us. Though he was ill,he worked he finished his task,he went on to help others without even a little was wet all over after work.

_I must learn from him,_I said to at the lines of the young trees,we smiled happily,forgetting our tiredness.

有关种植物的英语范文 第二十三篇

Plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down. In addition, they seem to know from left to right that if a branch of a tree is still alive, new shoots will grow from the top part of the tree. Even under a microscope, there is no obvious difference between the top and bottom of the living branch.

The stick will not shoot from the end it considers to be the bottom, even if it happens to be at the top. Scientists are studying the subject One step along the length of their cuttings, to their surprise, they made a new discovery: the split suce on the right side of the sprouts grow much more than the left side, again inserted, found that the buds grow on the right side. The results of the whole study show that the right side is the best choice, which proves that most of the growing plants are right-handed.




有关种植物的英语范文 第二十四篇

Today is planting class have a meaningful of our classmates go to plant flowers outside the school gate.

We got the flower seeding from first cleaned the weeds and then dug small we put the seeds in the pits,we watering of this activity,we realize that working is tired but happy.

We decided to take care these flower seeds we hope we can see the beautiful flowers quickly.



有关种植物的英语范文 第二十五篇

Spring has come, and the grass has seen the small green head from the ground. One blossoming of the colorful flowers opened. Willows grow green leaves and dance in the wind. The thawing river sings the beautiful music. The tree planting day is coming up again.

Early this morning, my mother and I took a bundle of saplings and shovels and buckets to the small garden to plant trees. I first loosened the soil with my toy spade, and my mother digs it with a big spade and digs out a big hole. Then, I took out a small tree from the ground, carefully put it in the soil, and mother picked up the spade and put the soil around the pit back into the pit, and stepped on the soil with his feet, so a small tree was planted. I put up a bucket of water and slowly poured it in the roots of the small tree seedlings. I poured and said, _small tree seedlings, drink fast, drink enough, quickly take root, sprout quickly, grow up quickly!_ The little tree seemed to have understood my words and drank a bucket of water in a moment.

My mother and I worked hard for a long time to finish the bunch of saplings, and there were rows of saplings in the small garden. Looking at these rows of saplings, I seem to see a forest. I have a real sense of life today!

有关种植物的英语范文 第二十六篇

How to plant flowers? Many people like flowers because they are beautiful and they can make us happy. There are many kinds of water in the world. They are so bright.

Maybe you want to plant flowers, but you don't know how to plant flowers now. Let me tell you first, you should put the seeds into the soil, put them in the sun, and often add water. Then, there must be enough sunlight to wait for the flowers to grow.

It's very easy for us not to let us grow more and more flowers Is the world more beautiful.



有关种植物的英语范文 第二十七篇











有关种植物的英语范文 第二十八篇

There is a little girl named lili, she is very lovely, very beautiful!

Today is Arbor Day, lili came to a sunny and beautiful place. She took the bucket and the spade, and first planted the tree in a green meadow, then watered it, and then pulled the weeds. After the tree was planted, lili came to pull weeds and water every morning. Some days later, lily came to the pleasant place. She saw that the saplings had grown up. The birds are singing happily, the butterflies are dancing in the trees, the flowers and grass nod happily. The little bird made the tree home, and the birds and the butterflies were all around lili.

Lili is so happy!

有关种植物的英语范文 第二十九篇

Planting Trees

It was fine on March 12 , 20_ . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees .

We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging , planting and watering . We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e . Among us , Wang Lin , our monitor set a good example for us . Though he was ill , he worked harder . When he finished his task , he went








标签: 英语 范文



