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更新时间:2024-03-07 12:21:15 发布时间:24小时内

英语新闻播报20秒范文 第一篇

Grain Prices Start to Level Off in China

The grain price hikes that have occurred in China in recent months are gradually winding down, according to the National Development and Reform Commission .

Wheat prices, which spearheaded the price climb last November, have dropped for the third consecutive week in Henan, Shandong and Hebei provinces, major grain production bases.

The average price of rice, wheat and corn stood at 1,506 yuan per ton during Jan. 18-24, equivalent to the previous week, statistics from the NDRC showed.

Industry analysts have attributed the decline to a bumper harvest as well as governments moves to secure the market and curb grain prices.

However, as a net soybean importer, the prices will not drop in the near future as the international soybean price remains at a high level, analysts said.

Last year, grain prices went up by percent on 20_, with the growth rate percent higher than that of 20_.

To stabilize soaring grain prices, the Chinese government has continuously released its wheat and rice stockpiles. Through the latest auctions, China released 392,900 tons of wheat and 145,100 tons of rice onto the market.

英语新闻播报20秒范文 第二篇

In order to greet the arrival of 201X class freshmen and show the elegant demeanor of our college, XX month XX days, sponsored by our Youth League Committee, the student party's _ride the track traffic, catch up with the future dream_ automation evening party teacher and student party is held in our school auditorium.

In the evening, Professor XX, the first Secretary of the Communist Party of China, gave a warm welcome to the XXX school. We also sent our heartfelt congratulations and warm welcome to our 201X students. With strong drums, the party opened the curtain in the WaKa WaKa, an open dance of part of the students' Association of students' Association and the art troupe of our hospital. The wonderful programs such as singing, dancing, sketches, reciting, magic and musical instruments have shown a great feast for the audience. Call from the Bureau of Jitong company training students performing solo _blessing_ graceful, fascinating; by 201X freshmen wrote, directed and starred in the comedy _sheep's bedroom_ vividly demonstrates the students to cherish love and friendship and touched; the poem _Zou Xikou_ contains the abundant emotion that the concept of good faith the magic show; visual hallucination brought joy and mysterious atmosphere for the party; the melodious notes played musical instruments linked to the audience spread the gospel of love that brought by the art ensemble of classical dance _show_ Yayun oriental charm; more staff DEDECATES perform dance _happy ocean_ to all the teachers to express deep hope and blessing. The party constantly exciting, climax, won the audience applause, cheers surgingly. A _wing of love_ has made a full stop for the party. The song is full of students self-confidence and sonorous aspirations for the future, blooming youth and dream of light.

This evening there are 18 programs from the undergraduate, self-taught, postgraduate, training class, trainees, and school associations. More than 1400 people, including leaders, leaders, brothers, secretary, staff, undergraduates, self-taught students, postgraduates and trainees, watched the performance.

The success of this teacher student evening show has fully demonstrated the demeanor and vitality of our college students, highlighted the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the automation college, and offered a modest effort for the college to write a new harmonious chapter.

英语新闻播报20秒范文 第三篇

WASHINGTON, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- . President Donald Trump was nominated for a second term on Monday at the 20xx Republican National Convention (RNC) in Charlotte, North Carolina, which has been scaled back due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump arrived at the Charlotte Convention Center on Monday afternoon, where over 300 delegates met in person for a roll call vote to formally nominate him and Vice President Mike Pence for the 20xx Republican presidential ticket.

_I felt an obligation to come to North Carolina,_ Trump told the delegates inside a ballroom during the unannounced trip. _It's a place that has been very good to me._

In rally-style remarks, the president touted achievements of his first term, focused on his administration's response to the pandemic, again attacked mail-in voting, and lashed out at Democrats who held their national convention virtually last week and some media outlets' coverage of the RNC.

He also touched upon a series of policy priorities for the next four years if he is re-elected, including creating jobs, cutting taxes, lowering drug prices, and continuing the military buildup.

The nomination was part of the four-day RNC themed _Honoring the Great American Story,_ with each night having a sub-theme. On Monday, it is _Land of Promise,_ which a Trump campaign official said honors _the promises President Donald J. Trump has kept since his first presidential campaign._

Speakers for the RNC's opening night will include former . Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, and the president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

Trump, who is expected to make an appearance on each of the four nights at the RNC, will deliver an acceptance speech on Thursday night from the White House South Lawn.

On Monday, a group of Republicans opposing Trump is holding _Convention on Founding Principles_ in Charlotte, a gathering that organizers claimed would be an alternative to the RNC.

More than two dozen former Republican members of Congress, including former Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, endorsed former . Vice President and 20xx Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for president on Monday.

_Today, given what we have experienced over the past four years, it's not enough just to register our disapproval of the president,_ Flake said in a live video on several social media platforms explaining his decision. _We need to elect someone else in his place - someone who will stop the chaos and reverse the damage._

Biden, who formally accepted the Democratic Party's 20xx presidential nomination on the final night of its convention last week, leads Trump by percentage points nationally, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average. Trump, however, has repeatedly dismissed polls showing him falling behind.

英语新闻播报20秒范文 第四篇

st March, in hopes of raising the environmental awareness of the public.

At about 5:00 pm, 35 students representatives went to the park to pick up the litter. When they were collecting the litter, many visitors came to help, showing considerable appreciation and support. Our students did a good job and learned a lot. However, the work still left something to be desired, since it started late and an hour was not long enough to attract more people.

In short, the project was a success and we will organize more such activities in future.

英语新闻播报20秒范文 第五篇

Another international flight to the United States has been cancelled amid continued security worries.

British Airways scrubbed废止 one of three daily flights from London to the Washington area Thursday, the latest in a series of cancellations of international flights bound for the United States.

British Airways spokesman John Lamphill, _The British government directed British Airways to cancel flight 223. We can only assume that is due tosecurity reasons, but we have no other explanation._

Wednesday, another British Airways flight was detained several hours upon arrival at Washington's Dulles Airport while . authorities questioned a number of passengers and conducted extra baggage screening. All passengers were eventually allowed to disembark.

FBI spokeswoman Debbie Wierman said authorities acted on _routine interest_ rather than a specific threat or allegation.

_There were names listed on the manifest of the plane that matched [the names of] persons that . law enforcement officials were interested in interviewing. It was routine interest on our part, and, when it was all said and done, we had no concerns or worries._

But not everyone sees the stepped-up security effort as benign.;One passenger from the delayed British Airways flight vented his displeasure. _This was detention without due process, as far as I am concerned. I am an American citizen and I expect to be treated as such in my own country._

Last week, Air France canceled a half-dozen flights between Paris and Los Angeles. Wednesday, an AeroMexico flight bound for the United States was also scrubbed after . officials raised security concerns with their Mexican counterparts.

The Associated Press quotes a spokesman for Mexico's government as complaining that . officials did not share specific information about what provoked their concerns.

Two weeks ago, the . Department of Homeland Security raised the nation's alert status to _orange_ - the second highest level on a five color-coded scale. Earlier this week Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge announced new airline security measures, including an initiative to have sky marshals aboard certain flights operated by foreign carriers.








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