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成人高考英语范文参考 第一篇





中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)每天早上7:00-8:00,中午11:00-12:00各有一小时的英语节目。内容包括国内外新闻剪报集锦和各类系列的专题报道。除了英语标准流利的国内播音员担任广播之外,也有向外侨或访客就某一话题而做的录音访问。内容广泛,但词汇较简单,语速亦适中,可以藉此训练或增进英语的听力。




很多广播教学和听力教材总是为了配合听众或学习者的程度而故意放慢语速,这虽是无可厚非的变通方法,但也会产生一些不良的副作用。例如:1.听惯了语速放慢的英语,在与外国人的实际交往中,就很难适应,甚至听不懂他们用正常语速讲的英语。2. 故意放慢语速时,通常会把一句中每个词都清楚的读出来,但在正常的会话中会出现很多同化(assimilation),减弱(reduction),连音(liaision)的现象。所以,听语速正常的英语对于听力和会话极为重要。




英语是否流利取决于对节奏的正确掌握。英语是按单词和句子的重音来分节奏的。英文诗是练习英语节奏的最好材料之一。例如 Worsworth 着名的“The Daffodils”(水仙花):“I wandered lonely as a cloud/That floats on

high o”er vales and hills……”(我象一片白云孤独的游荡,飘越过溪谷和群山……)便是典型的弱强节奏。读熟之后,大声朗诵,一定获益非浅。






好的演说在用字遣辞上不但求其优美而且特别注重沟通力和说服力,是练习英语表达的最佳教材。学习者不必将演说词从头到尾的背诵,只要选择自己喜欢的段落或句子来背即可。例如:肯尼迪总统的名言“Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country.”(不要问你的国家能为你做什么,要问你能为你的国家做什么。)这类的妙言嘉句背多了之后,对于说话,写作都会有不少的帮助。


绕口令(tongue twisters)常把容易混淆或念错的音放在一起。但因他们常以歌谣或押韵的形式出现,因此读熟之后也会觉得顺口好听。所以英语绕口令可以作为练习英语发音和会话的辅助教材。








①All the houses in the city collapsed during the earthquake.②The tree will have to be cut down for it obstructs the view of coming traffic.第一句中,我们可以通过分析句子的原因earthquake,推出collapsed的意思为“倒塌”。第二句中,结果是这棵树要砍掉,原因是它与迎面驶来的车辆的视线有关,可以推测出obstructs的意思为“阻碍”。


一般地说,词根字面的含义等于单词的实用词义,只要记住词根字面的含义,从单词中辨认出词根的形体,再通过词缀的意思,就能理解并记忆这个单词。如:记住了fortune 这个词根应能记住fortunate(幸运的),fortunately(幸运地),unfortunate(不幸的),unfortunately(不幸地)等词汇。记住了care应能掌握careless (粗心的),careful (细心的),carelessly(粗心地),carefully(细心地),carelessness(粗心),carefulness(细心)等词汇。因此,牢记一定的词根和词缀,对于理解词义和扩大词汇量有极大的帮助。




如in future和in the future都有“将来”的意思,但语义上有细小差别。前者表示“从今以后”,等同于from now on.后者表示“将来,今后的时期”,但不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间,等同于in time yet to come.如In future you must be more careful with your one can know what will happen in the future.


英语中有的词字面意义相同,但感情意义有明显的区别。如It‘s rather cold today和It’s fairly warm today,句中的rather与fairly都表示“相当”,但前者含抱怨之意,后者含高兴之意。


有一部分同义词由于其固定的搭配关系而具有不同的含义。如job和work都有“工作”的意思,但“失业”只能说 out of work而不说out of job.又如spend和cost都有“花费”的意思,但和介词on搭配时只能用spend.有时同义词的差异还体现为在句子中的位置区别,如living和alive均表示“活着的”,但在修饰名词时位置不同,如:

Who is the greatest poet alive?

Who is the greatest living poet?


英语中有些动词和不同的介词或副词等连用便会产生不同的含义。有时,我们便可利用辐射联想法记忆某些常用动词词组。如call与介词at、on搭配有“拜访”的意思,与for 搭配有“要求,号召”等意思,而与up连用时,意思却是“给某人打电话。”











成人高考英语范文参考 第二篇

历年成考作文真题与范文 成考真题作文题:




































成人高考英语范文参考 第三篇


Dear X X X, 亲爱的X X X

I am extremely pleased to hear from you.(我很高兴收到你的来

信) And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_____. (我很高兴写封信告诉

你。。。) I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am looking f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience. (我希望你可以在空闲的时候尽快给我回信)

Best regards for your health and success. 祝你身体健康万事如意

Sincerely yours,你最真诚的X X X


成人高考英语范文参考 第四篇

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting. If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants. If, on the other hand, the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview, the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First, the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking. Second, he is supposed to display his ability, especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying. Finally, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.





成人高考英语范文参考 第五篇

The Hot Summer

When July comes, it is the hottest time of the whole summer. Many of my friends have chosen to travel to the cool place, so as to avoid the stuffy air.

As for me, I don’t like to travel in this hot weather. I just want to stay indoors and enjoy the quiet moment. I like to sit near the window, watching outside scenery. Sometimes I will read some books, enjoy the novel and make myself lost in the fiction world. The things I like to do most is to find a coffee shop and then choose a table that is near the window, so that I can see all the situation. I will bring my computer and then play the computer for the whole afternoon.

It is what I like to do in the summer. I enjoy it.

成人高考英语范文参考 第六篇




Fake Commodities

Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem. Many things can be faked such as soybean sauce, vinegar, bicycles, and many other things. The interests of consumers are affected, and many enterprises keep losing money because of cheap fake commodities.

There are some reasons for such a phenomenon. The major one is the desire of some people to “make easy money”。 These people think nothing of the law of the protection of intellectual property rights.

To get rid of fake and poor quality commodities, the government should educate people to obey the law of the protection of individual intellectual property rights and not to sell any fake goods. The government should punish severely and close down all the factories producing fake goods.

成人高考英语范文参考 第七篇

Dear Club Manager:

I am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my free time. I am a clerk. I often feel tense and become tired easily. Perhaps, I need to relax myself a bit. I hope to become a member of your club. I have many hobbies and interests. For example, I like photography, calligraphy and painting, dancing and singing. And I like going fishing, collecting stamps and raising flowers. Besides, I am good at playing Chinese chess and cards. Please write back and tell me if there are some formalities that I will have to go through. Thank you very much in advance. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, ZhangHao

成人高考英语范文参考 第八篇

Competition is a very common phenomenon in our social life today. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say, to some extent, competition is one of the motive force of the development of society.

We often find competition and cooperation occurring at the same time. Think of a basketball game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most cases, we can’t compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

While advocating competition, we can’t forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important because most work is fulfilled with and through other people. So we must combine competition with cooperation to obtain our goals.

成人高考英语范文参考 第九篇

Directions:You ave to write in 100—120 words about the title“The Importance of Self—Con fidence”.You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:





The Importance of Self-Confidence

No matter what we do, we should have confidence. Without confidence, it is almost impos-sible that one would ever achieve success, especially when he has some drawbacks or is faced with hardships, which seems to be self-evident. However, in real life there are many people who are always complaining that they are not able to do something or that it is too difficult for them to do something. Perhaps some people believe so, but for many others, it only shows that they do not have any confidence in themselves.

Some people are frustrated even though they have the ability to do the things. There are, a-mong others, two main reasons. Firstly, they do not have a clear and correct understanding about themselves. Secondly, they sometimes just overestimate their difficulties which are in fact not that difficult.

To build up confidence in oneself, one should have the right attitude towards his own abili-ties. We should never underestimate our abilities and overestimate the difficulties, but should be-lieve in ourselves. Just as the proverb goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way. ” Only with self-confidence can we achieve success.





成人高考英语范文参考 第十篇

Dear Li Qing:

I am writing to say I’m sorry that I will not be able to go for the appointment at 4:00 . on Monday next week.

This morning I got an urgent phone call from my boss in Guangzhou, and he asked me to flight there at once to join him in an important business negotiation. The Negotiation has something to do with the future of our company. I will have to stay there for about a week. I hope to postpone the appointment for three days till Thursday next week. Phone me and let me know if it is OK to you. My apologies again. Looking forward to seeing you.

Yours, Li Ming

成人高考英语范文参考 第十一篇

① 活动细节如下

句式:The details of the activity are as follows.


② 我想在那里见到你

句式:Would you please tell me your decision as soon as possible because I want to see you there


③ 我相信你们在......将会玩得开心

句式:I believe (that all of you will enjoy yourself in the party) will have a wonderful time.


成人高考英语范文参考 第十二篇

I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”. Have a nice stay here.

Yours, Alice

成人高考英语范文参考 第十三篇

(1)I am writing to invite you to.../I'm writingto tell you that there will be a... 我写信邀请你……/我写信告诉你有一个(场)……

(2)I am very pleased toinvite you to participate in...to be held from...to...in... 我很高兴邀请你参加从……到……在……举行的……

(3)I think it would bea great idea if you could participate in... 我想你要是能来参加……那就太好了。

(4)It is my pleasure toextend an invitation to you to...with me. 我很高兴邀请你和我一起……

(5)I wonder if you cancome... 我想知道你是否能来……

(6)It is my pleasure/agreat honor for me to invite you to... 能邀请你参加……是我(莫大)的荣幸。

(7)I hope that you won'tdecline my invitation. 我希望你不会拒绝我的邀请。(8)Would you please dropme a line to let me know if you can come to...? 请写信告诉我以让我知道你是否可以来……好吗?

(9)If you are interestedin it, let me know and I'll send you more information. 如果你感兴趣,告诉我,我会给你发送更多的信息。

(10)My family and I wouldfeel much honored if you could come. 如果你能来,我和我的家人将会感到非常荣幸。

(11)My phone number is...Lookingforward to... 我的电话是……盼望……

(12)I would like to meetyou there and please let me know your decision soon. 我想在那里见到你,请尽快告诉我你的决定。

(13)I am sure you willhave a good time at... 我相信你们在……将会玩得开心。

成人高考英语范文参考 第十四篇

Yours, Li Ming

Dear Li Qing:

I am writing to say I’m sorry that I will not be able to go for the appointment at 4:00 . on Monday next week.

This morning I got an urgent phone call from my boss in Guangzhou, and he asked me to flight there at once to join him in an important business negotiation. The Negotiation has something to do with the future of our company. I will have to stay there for about a week. I hope to postpone the appointment for three days till Thursday next week. Phone me and let me know if it is OK to you. My apologies again. Looking forward to seeing you.

成人高考英语范文参考 第十五篇

I am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my free time. I am a clerk. I often feel tense and become tired easily. Perhaps, I need to relax myself a bit. I hope to become a member of your club. I have many hobbies and interests. For example, I like photography, calligraphy and painting, dancing and singing. And I like going fishing, collecting stamps and raising flowers. Besides, I am good at playing Chinese chess and cards. Please write back and tell me if there are some formalities that I will have to go through. Thank you very much in advance. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, ZhangHao

成人高考英语范文参考 第十六篇

Dear Glad,

Yours, Wang Ping

I am writing to say that I will not be able to meet you at the airport next Monday morning.

This morning my boss asked me to go to Shanghai on business tomorrow. It is something very important for our company and I will have to go. By the way, I will be back within 10 days. When you arrive, please take Bus and get off at the East Bus Station. The station is not far from my house and you will find my house easily. My mother is always at home. I told my mother that you would come already. Looking forward to seeing you.

成人高考英语范文参考 第十七篇

Dear Bob,

Itxxxs very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now Ixxxd like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.

The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang River. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories,houses,and roads have been built .More schools and hospitals are available for its people. However,there are still some problems,such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion,Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that wexxxll have a letter hometown in future.



成人高考英语范文参考 第十八篇





成人高考英语范文参考 第十九篇


A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting. If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants. If, on the other hand, the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview, the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First, the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking. Second, he is supposed to display his ability, especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying. Finally, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.






成人高考英语范文参考 第二十篇




成人高考英语范文参考 第二十一篇

Dear henli:

I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”.

Have a nice stay here.

成人高考英语范文参考 第二十二篇

The newspaper is one of the many mediums of carrying information to us. No wonder people often say: “ Even without stepping out of my house, I am well-informed of al that has been happening in the world.”

We get all kinds of news from newspapers. Newspapers can tell us about various events, past and future, domestic and foreign. Besides, they can teach us a lot of useful things. In fact, everyone can find something he wants from newspapers, and everyone enjoys reading them everyday.

Reading newspapers can widen our scope of knowledge. Not only they help us improve our reading ability but they can help us enhance our ideology. Because of all these benefits, I like reading newspapers.

My Opinion of Today’s Education

I think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test scores. It has become the most important criterion for college enrollment. A student, however creative and intelligent, will not be admitted into a college if his total scores are just one point less than required. It is also one of the crucial factors either in job assignment or in employment competitions.

The competition for high scores among students becomes intense. Students find themselves concentrating more on strategies to achieve high scores than on acquiring knowledge. They will play truant of some subsidiary course, skip over the substance which will not be tested on, even pump teachers for hints on upcoming exams. Teachers are apt to give their students high scores. As their job is judged mainly by the students’ performance in terms of scores, some teachers tend to set easy papers to test their students on or narrow down the scope of the exam. Some teachers even leak “accidentally” the exam questions or lower their criterion of scoring.

As a result, the competition for high scores becomes so intense that it actually defeats academic goals of education.

成人高考英语范文参考 第二十三篇

Dear ClubManager:

I am writing to ask to join your club to enjoy my freetime.

I am a often feel tenseand become need to relax mysel hope to become a member of your have many hobbies and like photography,call i graphyand painting,dancing and I like going fishing,collecting stamps and raising am good at playing Chinese chess and write back and tell me i fthereare some form aities that I will have to gothrough.

Thankyou verymuch in advance.

Looking forward to your reply.







Dear :

I am writing to thankyou for your kindness and hospitality I enjoyed during mystay in yourplace.

It is very kind of you to invite me to spend my Christmas holiday in your palace room youar ranged for me in your house was quiet,clean and food was very visits to locals cenicspots were really have not only broadened my horizon,but alsoenriched my the way,if it is convenient for you,please come over and spend your SpringFestival this year in my place.

Thankyou verymuch again.




Dear Glad,

I am writing to say that I will not be able to meet you at the airport next Monday morning.

This morning my boss asked me to go to Shanghai on business is something very important for our company and I will have to the way,I will be back within 10 you arrive,please take Bus andge toffat the East Bus station is not far from my house and you will find my house mother is alway sat old my mother that you would come already.

Looking forward to seeing you.








Dear LiQing:

I am writing to say I’m sorry that I will not be able to go for the appointment at 4:00 . on Monday nextweek.

This morning I got anurgent phone call from my boss in Guangzhou, and he asked me to flight the reat once to join him in an important business Negotiation has something to do with the future of our will have to stay there for about aweek. I hope to post pone the appointment for three days till Thursday me an dlet me . to apologies again.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Your friend






December 28,

Dear Apartment Management Officer:

I am writing to complain about my neighbor .

lives next door to me,and he disturbs my has apart yalmost every the separties,people are making alot of yare dancing,laughing and often do such silly thing still early ’smore,when they have drunk too much,they often quarrel and fight agains teach can’t put upwith all these. I can’t sleep well at night and my kid can’t con centrate on his tell to stop all these thing sand respect other sprivacy.

Looking forward to your reply.



成人高考英语范文参考 第二十四篇







成人高考英语范文参考 第二十五篇

Dear henli:

I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”.

Have a nice stay here.

Yours tanm

成人高考英语范文参考 第二十六篇










成人高考英语范文参考 第二十七篇

① 如果你能来,我将会倍感荣幸。/如果你能尽早在你方便时确认参加,我们将不胜感激。/感激你的尽早回复。

句式: I will have great honor if you can come.

if you can make up your mind to join the party, we will be grateful

解析:' make up your mind ' 更加偏向高中词汇用法。结尾通常只是短短一句话带过,但是却也是阅卷老师很重视评分点,如果结尾能够做到点睛点题,那么作文还可以更高分。

② 如果你能来......请写信告诉我,好吗?

句式:Would you please tell me if you have made up your mind to come?

解析:用“Would you”表达有恳请,比较礼貌。很多同学喜欢用祈使句,“please tell me......”其实这样在英语用法上是不太礼貌的表达。

③ 如果你对此感兴趣,告诉我,我会给你发送更多的信息。

句式:If you are interested in it, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will send you more information.

解析:xxxdon't hesitate toxxx 不要犹豫去做......通常在外国人邮件中会出现频率很高,并且“hesitate ”是高中词汇,如果能够用到作文上面会很加分。xxxcontactxxx 比xxx tellxxx 用法更加高级。

成人高考英语范文参考 第二十八篇






成人高考英语范文参考 第二十九篇




Where to live ―in the City or in the Country

Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.

But some other people prefer to live in the countryside. They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health, life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people.

I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life

成人高考英语范文参考 第三十篇

Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem. Many things can be faked such as soybean sauce, vinegar, bicycles, and many other things. The interests of consumers are affected, and many enterprises keep losing money because of cheap fake commodities.

There are some reasons for such a phenomenon. The major one is the desire of some people to “make easy money”. These people think nothing of the law of the protection of intellectual property rights.

To get rid of fake and poor quality commodities, the government should educate people to obey the law of the protection of individual intellectual property rights and not to sell any fake goods. The government should punish severely and close down all the factories producing fake goods.

成人高考英语范文参考 第三十一篇













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