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更新时间:2024-04-27 12:04:38 发布时间:24小时内

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第一篇

xxxThe purity and brilliance of the Chinese people melt into the snow and ice.xxx After 14 years, at the beginning of spring in the year of renyin, I witnessed the romance and poetry of Chinese style again through the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. I am proud to be born in China.

The countdown integrates Chinese culture, the red flag is handed down to convey the feelings of home and country, the five rings break the ice to highlight the spirit of the times, the snowflake guide card condenses the power of the world, and a different torch ignites the spark... The opening ceremony not only shows the different romance of the Chinese people, but also conveys Chinas mind of working together and loving the world. Although the torch platform is small, it continues to grow. Although the flame is weak, it will never go out. All countries in the world unite to fight back the cold winter and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

xxxGreat China, rivers of all ages. Like the rising of the sun, like the constancy of the moon.xxx The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games will show Chinese customs and Chinese culture to the world. Fireworks bloom and patriotic feelings gush out; When the national anthem is played, a sense of pride arises spontaneously. xxxDo not regret entering China in this lifexxx. May we all shine in China and the Winter Olympic Games be a complete success!

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第二篇

xxxThe flower of success, people only admire her present brilliance. However, at the beginning, her bud was soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice.xxx

Because of my obsession with basketball, I like and understand all other sports more or less. When 20_ is approaching, my heart is also full of expectations for the Winter Olympic Games to be held in Beijing next year.

What is the Olympics? I think it is a stage that shows the beauty of strength, will, skill and nature, as well as physical limits. It has won the favor of hundreds of millions of viewers. People are encouraged by victory, regret mistakes and proud of participation.

As I attack and defend on the basketball court, I am glad to score and sad for failure. The sweat and tacit cooperation with my teammates have always been the source of my happiness. Every serious dribbling and shooting, every running back and forth on the field, every persistence when falling behind in a big score, mutual encouragement among players, frowning eyebrows and firm eyes... Isn't that true for everyone in the Olympic field?

No champion is won in comfort. When people marvel at the brilliance of athletes, they pay little attention to their daily life. Cruel training, boring persistence... However, they enjoyed it, rain or shine, went ahead bravely, sacrificed their youth and shed tears on the training ground. They forget to eat and sleep on the projects they love, and constantly work hard to get the fun of sports. They work hard for their dreams with the ideal of winning glory for the country! When the national anthem is played, all the bitterness and tiredness condense into sweet tears at this moment.

Next year, in the bird's nest and Zhangjiakou, these athletes who break through the cold wind, welcome the ice and snow, and sweat countless times will prove to the world that success comes from persistence.

And I, an ordinary middle school student, salute you in a distant place.

Even if I am not in the sports field, I will spread the Olympic spirit. I am in the middle school entrance examination, which is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke. Just like you in the ice and snow field, you are full of passion, full of desire for victory, and constantly sweat. If you work, you will get a harvest. Over time, miracles can be created from less to more.

xxxWithout some cold, the plum blossom smells sweet.xxx. Every winter Olympic athlete is a plum blossom blooming in ice and snow. The cold wind and ice and snow are just to temper his character.

In the cold snow, I will study hard, cheer for myself, cheer for you, cheer for China and cheer for the 20_ Winter Olympic Games!

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第三篇

In the winter of 20_,we will usher in the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing, am very that time,the two mascots of the Olympic Games xxxbingdundunxxx and xxxxuerongrongxxx will also come to it cute to listen to their and xxxxuerongrongxxx are anthropomorphic Panda Babies designed in 3D.

Bingdundun has a friendly and lovely image and charming innocence,which is dee* loved by people all over the world,especially teenagers all over the xxxicexxx in the name of bingdun symbolizes purity and strength,and xxxicexxx is also a feature of the Winter Olympic means honest,healthy,lively and design of bingdun is modern and fashionable,showing the world the rich forms of Chinese civilization,the connotation of wisdom and colorful style.

The image of xuerongrong comes from have distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics and a long history of 20_ are recognized as xxxChinese Symbolsxxx in the are a perfect combination of happy festive atmosphere and the beautiful implication of xxxauspicious snow heralds a bumper symbol of whiteness and beauty,is the characteristic of ice and snow means tolerance,tolerance,communication and mutual means fusion,warmth and mutual expressed the concept of world civilization exchange,mutual learning and harmonious development,and embodied the beautiful vision of creating a more inclusive world and building a community with a shared future for mankind through the Paralympic and xuerongrong have not grown up still need to learn more new of them is in the same gets dressed and gets up early every morning,eats breakfast and prepares for is a three good student in school has evening self-study every is very late after the evening is afraid of the night after the evening self-study,he goes home uneasy and trembling.

Xue Rongrong transferred to the same school as bingdun because of her parents' job also became they became good friends and established a pure trust each other very much and never cheat each the other party needs help,they will go all out,just like Charlotte and knew that bingdundun was afraid of the dark,so she accompanied him home after self-study every sending bingdun home,she returned home in another bingdun encountered learning difficulties in snow melting,she couldn't bear to explain the problems repeatedly for good friends help each other,love each other and grow up happily.

Pure friendship helps people overcome all kinds of difficulties and grow and the pure friendship around us and the pure friends around help each other and love each other like ice pier and snow overcome difficulties and grow and progress together.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第四篇

The Winter Olympics is a stage that shows the beauty of strength, will, skill and nature, as well as the physical limits, and has won the favor of hundreds of millions of viewers. People are encouraged by victory, regretted for mistakes and proud of participation. The weight of each medal exceeds the trophies of Oscar and Golden Bear.

The Winter Olympics is the epitome of life. The champion is lucky. Under the pyramid leading to the champion, how many unknown heroes work hard to climb it; The champion is short-lived. Today's champion may fall out of the sun tomorrow; The champion is relative. The champion of a certain event is likely to be retarded in other aspects; The champion is glorious, but when he sang the national anthem and burst into tears, he didn't think about how brilliant the future would be, but recalled the troubles of injuries and hard training over the years; The champion is valuable. In him, there is a lot of indomitable, self challenging and peak climbing spirit.

As a high school student in the new era, we should standardize our daily behavior, take the initiative to learn the knowledge of the Winter Olympics and be a good little guide for the Winter Olympics. At the same time, we should learn the spirit of the Winter Olympics, stand on a higher, farther and larger stage and carry forward a higher, faster and stronger spirit. Teachers and students, let's celebrate the Winter Olympics hand in hand. Let's be proud of our motherland and shout for our motherland: China is the best!

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第五篇

Today, I have the honor to watch the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. Although it is not as simple and profound as in 20_, I can feel the power of science and technology and the faint romance of Chinese style.

The slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics is to work together for the future, which has been throughout the opening ceremony. The main torch is a big snowflake, composed of the names of 67 participating countries and regions. This snowflake has existed since the opening ceremony until the end of the closing ceremony to the future. The main torch is not ignited separately. The idea is to xxxlow-carbon and environmental protectionxxx and let all mankind move towards the future together. This is the first creation of the Centennial Olympic Games. This is the cultural confidence of our Chinese people. Finally, the torch's lighting is simple, but it has a deep meaning. You can say xxxknowing the whole autumnxxx, or xxxsparks of fire can start a prairie firexxx. With the development of our era, we are getting more and more in the xxxbig sidexxx. We also pay more attention to the details, advocating the essence and paying more attention to ordinary and small individuals.

The most touching thing is that a small peace dove lost its way and was brought back by another peace dove. It is more like Taiwan wandering away and coming back one day!

The profound meaning of this opening ceremony is worth pondering. National confidence and cultural confidence are what I read from this opening ceremony.

Finally, I wish our Olympic athletes realize their dreams and create brilliance! come on.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第六篇

The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 20_ will be held in dream that I can also participate!

My dream is really coming I received the invitation of bingdun and you know who they are? They are my good friends and the mascots of the Olympic Games.

I am very glad that I can participate in short track speed soon as the whistle rings,my little friends and I start from the starting catch up with each one wants to fall tried very hard to skate,but I just felt that my opponent flew past me like the suddenly felt like a little couldn't catch up with saw that they had reached the end,and I was still said to myself that I can't give want to reached the partners gave me a big hug.

xxxGet up,go to school!xxx how did I hear my mother's voice? Ah,I just had an Olympic feel so can also compete with the Olympic hug just now is everyone's affirmation of me!




冬奥会感悟范文英文 第七篇

Every athlete sprinkles passion to jointly create the Winter Olympic Games. Tonight is their celebration time.

Watched by hundreds of millions of spectators around the world, Norwegian athlete t. yohogg and Russian Olympic Committee athlete Alexander bolisunov successively boarded the podium of the women's 30km and men's 50km collective departure (free technology) events of cross-country skiing. In the applause full of congratulations and respect, the winners held the medal on their chest, waved the bouquet vigorously, and shared the exciting moment when the dream came true with the world.

On the xxxbig ice surfacexxx of the xxxbird's nestxxx, huge xxxskatesxxx shaped by the Chinese Zodiac carry children flying and sliding. Against the backdrop of the huge Chinese knot and with the melody of Ode to joy, athletes from all delegations entered the stadium with cheerful steps.

Among the nearly 3000 athletes who participated in the Beijing Winter Olympics, many came from the traditional power of ice and snow sports. They continued to write legends in Beijing; There are also many people from countries and regions that are not rich in ice and snow resources. It is a great achievement to stand on the field.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第八篇

Dear friend,

I have a great news to inform here. Through long efforts, Beijing has been granted the right to host 20_ Olympic games. As a resident in Beijing, I feel quite excited and like to share with you my happiness.

This success means a lot more than a game to me. In the first place, this Games will definitely promote the development of our economy. According to a recent survey by some experts, this games will raise our GDP by about 3%, and offer about 10,000 jobs. What’s more, our culture will be widely recognized and accepted all over the world through the Games. People will come over from every corner of the world, and experience Chinese culture in every aspect. Besides, through the games, our living environment will be greatly improved. For example, the public transportation system will be up-dated. Moreover, it’s known that more trees will be planted, and grassland will be considerably expanded.

My friend, I really look forward to the coming of this great Games. As an individual, I’m all ready to offer my help in any way I can. I also hope to invite you all to come here, and watch the games in 20_.

Sincerely yours,

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第九篇

The 20_ Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewardedthe right to host the 20_ Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from XXX a promise to fulfilling the

promise made。In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go。 To beginwith, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern。 Such infrastructures as communications and transportation

system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention。 First, traffic jam has been an age?old headache in Beijing。 Thescene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great incontinence, and blemish the image

of the city meanwhile。 Next, to add enchantment to convenience, overall city?planning is indispensable。 Time permitting, aredesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the

characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower aloft among surrounding architectures。 Toachieve such effect, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first?rate architects and make an overall plan。 Thirdly, quality of

the population should be improved。 To make an international metropolis, both “hardware” and “software” are important。However, Rome was not built in a day。 To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louderthan words。

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十篇




The women's 400m medley became my favorite Olympic project because of the leaf poem. Olympic women's 400 meters medley finals, the Chinese players Ye poetry after the process of force gold! Chinese swimming team in the first day of the Olympic Games for China to bring the second gold medal, and is a variety of record! Ye Shiwen has also become the youngest Olympic champion of the Chinese swimming corps. I was most touched by her only 16 years old! In the same age as us, but blooming with such a bright light, so I am very encouraged!

Another reason I like a woman's 400m medley is that although we may not be good at everything in one thing, but in the parts and areas we are good at, we play the best level, meaning that we It may be closer to success.

So, from my favorite Olympic project, I realized that we have strengths and weaknesses, as long as we strive to play the advantages, the disadvantage to play to normal levels, then we are successful.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十一篇

When news arrived in November that Beijing was bidding for the 20_ Winter Olympics, many observers in the Chinese capital briefly choked on their tea— or was that the smog?

A few years removed from hosting the Summer Olympics, with virtually no winter sports tradition to speak of and bad air that gets worse when the temperatures drop, Chinas capital seemed as likely a choice to host the Winter Games as Dubai or Bankok.

Eight months later, the International Olympic Committee has named Beijing, which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou, as one of the three finalists for the bid, along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstans Almaty.

The 20_ Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. Stockholm, Munich, two cities in Switzerland, Denver, Krakow and Lviv in Ukraine all pursued the idea of hosting the event to varying degrees but ultimately decided to withdraw themselves from consideration over the past few months— leaving only the three finalists.

With the exception of Lviv, which cancelled its bid last week because of continuing political strife in Ukraine, most of the other drop-outs appear to have been frightened away by the specter of this years Winter Games in Sochi, which emptied Russias coffers to the tune of $51 billion and left little of value behind.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十二篇

The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 20_ is indeed of special is the first time for China to host the Winter Olympic Games and makes Beijing the first city to host the winter and summer Olympic Games at the same a result,China has successively held the Olympic Games,Paralympic Games,Youth Olympic Games,Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games and won the Olympic Grand people can't help being trickle flows into rivers and seas,and countless hands are connected to make the Great 's achievements are inseparable from the full dedication of billion compatriots at home and is not that we are in China,but that we are China.

For me,the holding of the Winter Olympics is not only to let the world know about ice and snow,but also to let the world know the organizer with a history of 5000 years,from badges to venues,all designs highlight China's comprehensive national strength and traditional the Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties with traces to the spring and autumn,Warring States,Qin,Han and Three Kingdoms,to the admirable prosperous age of Sui and Tang Dynasties,and now,there are countless treasures inherited by blood,but they are indelible and thick everywhere.

The Winter Olympics logo is enough to reflect the charm of Chinese logo takes the word xxxwinterxxx as the main body,skillfully combines the form of ice and snow sports with calligraphy and figures,integrates heaven and man,stirs the heartstrings,and shows the vitality and passion of winter sports.

Recalling 40 years of stormy waves,90000 miles of wind and Peng are lifting,people like moss and flowers must still be ice for ten years is difficult to cool blood; Looking back a hundred years,I asked for a long the Winter Olympics in the year of the tiger in renyin,he returned ink Winter Olympics,praise China.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十三篇

Shuey Rhon Rhon, Bing dwen dwen, the two lovely mascots, xxxice pier pierxxx and xxxsnow Rong Rongxxx will come to us in winter in 20_. Both of them have become good friends because they also love sports. I also want to be friends with them very much.

Bing dwen dwen is a smart, lively and enthusiastic giant panda. He is friendly to everyone. He is very strong and love sports. Shuey Rhon Rhon is a warm, friendly and courageous lantern. It lights up the road of disabled athletes dreams. They are good at sports, especially in winter sports such as skiing and skating.

I also like skating very much. I want to skate as well as them. Bing dwen dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, I expressed my wish to them, and they agreed very enthusiastically. We came to the skating rink, put on our skates and began to practice. The first time I skated, I couldnt stand and kept falling. I really hurt and wanted to give up. Then Bing dwen dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon came to me and said, xxxevery sport is not simple. You can know how much effort every athlete has made and how much sweat they have shed. Only then can we achieve todays success. Only the spirit of never giving up is the essence of sports.xxx After listening to them, I deeply felt the difficulty of athletes and felt that I should not want to give up when I encounter a little setback. Therefore, I summoned up the courage and decided to continue to practice. Bing dwen dwen and snow Rong Rong Shuey Rhon Rhon, one of them is holding my hand on the left and holding me together, one circle, two circles, three circles...

From slow to fast, the feeling of flying freely on the ice gives me greater confidence and longing. At this time, they quietly released my hand and slid for a long time. I was surprised to find that I could slide by myself. I was so excited that tears filled my eyes! I looked at them and we all laughed.

From this moment on, I fell in love with skating. I will practice hard. One day, I will also become a skater and win glory for my country when I grow up. Bing dwen dwen Shuey Rhon Rhon Bing dwen dwen Shuey Rhon Rhon is a mascot. They gave me help and gave me courage and strength to grow up. Thank you for xxxice pierxxx and xxxsnow Rong Rongxxx. You are my lifelong friends.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十四篇

The exciting moment, I am convinced, must remain vivid in our mind, when Beijing, the Capital of China, was proclaimed the final winner to host the Olympic Games in 20_ by Chairman of the International Olympic Commi*. Time flies, and the new Olympics is coming very soon!

Olympic Games, held every four years, boast a long history and offer rare opportunities for different nations to get together, which are far more than sports contests participated by professional athletes. Through Olympics, new world records are set, resilient sportsmanship is highlighted, sport-related industries spring up and international goodwill and exchange get greatly enhanced.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十五篇

What kind of bright dream is the Winter Olympic dream?

The Winter Olympic dream is the ideal that the warm winter sun is written into history,the boiling blood of training in the cold night,and the most beautiful high wall on the road of self side of the high wall is the other side of the Winter Olympic Winter Olympic dream has built a leap stage for countless Olympic athletes and created the opportunity for them to dance with ice and Winter Olympics dream is not only a national dream,but also my dream is integrated into the national life is eulogizing the extraordinary of the country writes Huazhang for all of us Chinese in the Winter am a primary school I saw on the news that there are only a few days left for the Winter Olympics,I will share my joy with my parents,because the Winter Olympics is not a small sports Winter Olympics is the dream of many athletes' brothers and can see many athletes training hard on TV and feel the joy of the upcoming winter Olympics in my life,Maybe everyone is waiting for this flower of dreams to heard from my father that the 20xx Olympic Games are very hope that the next Winter Olympics can also let us see the brilliant Olympic is my little Winter Olympic dream.

My dream is also a little dream of the Winter I saw the lovely mascot of the Winter Olympics,I was loved The little panda attracts lovely mascot represents our also have a little Winter Olympic hope I can watch the competition,cheer for Chinese Olympic athletes and cheer for China with the little panda order to welcome the arrival of the Winter Olympics,I also took part in have to run for a while every day to exercise my body,go to bed early and get up early to do sports,do morning exercises seriously,learn about sports,watch athletes' TV programs at home and watch athletes leap down from the top of the mountain like an are very handsome,When I grow up,I also want to be a skier to win glory for the is my little Winter Olympic dream.

Winter Olympics dream,my primary school students should roam in the ocean of knowledge,have a strong physique,study hard,exercise actively,and be the pillars of the country in the future.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十六篇

The countdown before the Winter Olympics is themed with 24 solar terms. Each solar term has its own poem. We have skillfully integrated Chinese traditional culture into the Winter Olympics and spread Chinese culture to the world.

The slogan of the Winter Olympics is xxxto the future togetherxxx. When the athletes entered the stadium, the guiding signs in the hands of the volunteers showed their ingenuity. He skillfully integrated snowflakes with Chinese knots. Across the screen, I can feel the strong Chinese flavor.

The scene of raising the national flag made countless Chinese people cry. Several young pioneers took the national flag and handed it to the outstanding representatives from all walks of life. The national flag was passed in people's hands, and our hearts warmed up. The national flag rose slowly, and the atmosphere in the venue reached a climax.

The torch relay ceremony is undoubtedly the most exciting. Six torches and seven runners are the post-50s, post-60s, Post-70s, post-80s, post-90s and two young post-00s respectively. With the handover of the Olympic flame, the Olympic flame gradually approached the large snowflake (main torch) composed of small snowflakes with the names of all participating countries, and the flame with the Olympic flame was left on the torch platform. So far, the torch lighting ceremony was successfully completed.

Different from the previous fires, the Olympic flame is a small fire, which is an unprecedented great initiative, xxxa single spark can start a prairie fire.xxx The flame remained in everyone's heart.

Today, the 24th Winter Olympic Games began in Beijing. I wish our athletes good results!

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十七篇

After 14 years of glory and waiting, the right to host the Olympic Games has come to Beijing again. The whole country is celebrating and blood is boiling. Everyone's face is filled with happiness, pride and pride.

This fierce competition has 7 major events, 15 sub items and 109 minor events. What a wonderful thing that a country and a city can host an Olympic Games! All athletes are preparing for the opportunity to win glory for the country. The Olympic Games is an excellent display of human physical fitness. Short track speed skating is like a wind turbine engine, with shocking speed breaking out in a short track of a few hundred meters. Figure skating is like a flower blooming on the ice, which is breathtaking. 109 events, each of which carries the sweat and tears of Olympic athletes.

The Olympic Games is not a simple sports competition, but a belief that will never change. Although we can't win glory for our country like athletes, as long as we start now and study hard, we can contribute to the Olympic Games.

As a Chinese, it is both an honor and a responsibility. Everyone has the obligation and responsibility to support the Olympic Games with practical actions. As contemporary primary school students, we should be the disseminator and inheritor of civilized etiquette. Civilized etiquette is around us. Let's decorate every corner of the city with civilization, extend the hand of etiquette to welcome visitors from all directions, carry forward the national spirit and highlight the national culture.

The pure ice and snow and the booming Spring Festival are just like a vibrant stage. The lovely Bing dwen dwen and the Shuey Rhon Rhon melting will accompany the global ice and snow athletes to create a snow and ice adventure in the city of Shuang Ao. I wish Chinese ice and snow athletes great courage and brilliance!

Build a dream of ice and snow and look forward to the future together.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十八篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li would like to work as volunteer for 20xx Beijing-Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic ’m a boy of eighteen years old from a high spoken English is good and I can communicate with foreigners ’s more,I have other advantages – I’m especially fond of sports,familiar with Beijing,good at communication and always glad to help ’m willing to provide the best service for every athlete in Winter Olympic think I’m suitable for serving the Games.

I would appreciate it if you could offer me the chance to be a volunteer.

Thank you!

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第十九篇

Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, finally we made it. Now we are also successful in winning the right to hold the winter Olympic Games. Our insistence helps us to make so many miracles.

Beijing has become the only city to hold the summer and winter Olympic Games so far, we are so proud of it. But the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon is such tough. Early in the 1990s, we started to compete for the vote, but the world did not know our country, the judgers believed that our country was far away from the qualification. So we were rejected again and again. Thanks to the insistent effort, we won the vote and fulfilled this dream. Two days ago, we won another vote for holding the winter Olympic Games. Two times to win the rights is such inspiring news, we are creating miracle all the time.

Insistent effort will bring good luck, I believe that we can creating more miracles.

冬奥会感悟范文英文 第二十篇

The Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for sports competition,but also a bright xxxChina windowxxx.The world's first intelligent high-speed railway,Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway,has been put into operation,all venues of the Winter Olympic Games have achieved full coverage of the urban green power grid,and more environmentally friendly carbon dioxide refrigerant has been used for ice making for the first time...Adhering to the Olympic concept of xxxgreen,sharing,openness and integrityxxx,the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has not only realized the grand vision of popularizing ice and snow sports in large Eastern countries,but also with xxxChinese wisdomxxx The xxxChina planxxx has set a new benchmark for the Olympic model.

The preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games not only tests the comprehensive strength of our country,but also carries the important mission of meeting the people's healthy life and building a sports is an important starting point for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing,Tianjin and smooth preparation not only helps xxxdrive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sportsxxx The beautiful vision has become a reality,which has also ignited our lofty feelings of building a sports power; it is not only the xxxmost beautiful collectionxxx of national modernization,but also an important stage to show our national self-confidence.

Under the epidemic situation,xxxhigher,faster,stronger and more unitedxxx The new Olympic spirit is transcending national boundaries and is dee* rooted in the hearts of the people all over the is our solemn duty to the international community to host the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games the 100 day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games,we should work hard,start and finish well,complete the tasks of green,shared,open and clean Olympic Games with high standards and quality,and make the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games a success It will become a wonderful,extraordinary and outstanding Olympic event,submit a satisfactory answer to the people of the whole country and the international community,make new contributions to the cause of the Olympic movement,and sing the xxxgood voice of Chinaxxx on the world stage.










