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更新时间:2023-11-07 18:07:02 发布时间:24小时内


In everyone's heart, there is a person he adores. He may be a scientist, a writer, a musical or a movie superstar, because what I admire most is my dear mother. My mother is a respectable policewoman.

I've been busy working because my mother often has to work overtime. She goes to work early in the morning and comes home late at night. Her mother loves her work very much and treats her work carefully My mother has won many awards because she is conscientious and responsible, respected by colleagues and leaders in her work, and always a responsible person for her work.




There are many important or famous people in my daily life, but the person I admire most is my dear mother. My mother brought me to this wonderful world, taught me to speak when I grew up, she sent me to school to learn science and technology, she always got up early and made delicious breakfast for us, so that we could keep healthy. When someone has problems or problems, she is kind and friendly.

She will help them enthusiastically. She is a hard-working woman. She often does a lot of housework after work.

Without our help, sometimes my mother will tell me some interesting stories about how to be a good student and not violate the school rules on weekends. She often visits my grandparents and walks with them This is my mother. She is the person I admire most,.





I remember that last summer, the weather was much hotter than before. My mother and I were going to relax. We stayed in the bedroom to enjoy the cool and refreshing air conditioning brought to us.

But suddenly, in our enjoyment, the air conditioner broke down for a long time, and the room slowly became hot, and the sweat on my body gradually increased. My mother quickly called a man to repair it, and we ran to the living room, The fan is on, but because of the high temperature, we still feel very hot. At this time, the doorbell rings, and the repairman's uncle and mother face up and say, ^v^you're here so soon, thank you.^v^ the repairman's uncle gasped: ^v^it should be.

We've fixed it. You can enjoy it earlier.^v^.





Recently, a popular singer has been criticized by the public, even by the government's online account. This is the first time that the star has been infamous on the official website, which means that the star will never have a chance to continue his career. The singer became famous in the singing contest.

He was surprised by his talent. He won many fans. But later, people found that his works were full of words attacking women or asking children to take drugs.

Some people criticized how terrible his songs were. More and more people realized that his songs would have a huge negative impact on children. The stars I admire should not only have excellent works, but also require children to take drugs Have excellent personality, a star should have good works, isn't it? Whether it's movies or songs, these can make them popular, and good personality determines whether he is worthy of respect.



I love someone and I will always love her. Her name is Avril Ramona Lavigne Kroger. This is the first time I know that she has made a deep impression on me in her songs.

I fell in love with her. She is a wild girl because she always sings ^v^just point your middle finger to the sky^v^. She is also a charming girl, because she sometimes sings ^v^Damn, ^v^ ^v^I love her, she will always be my e.




My mother is my most admired person, because she has the following advantages: first, she is a tolerant person. When I make mistakes, she will tolerate other people's mistakes, including my mistakes. She will let me know why I was wrong and how I should correct them, instead of simply punishing me.

She is a very talented person. She not only has great achievements in her work, but also can make great achievements in her work My father and I cook delicious food. Although she is busy with her work, she will accompany me to the movies and the park on weekends.

The person I admire most is my primary school English teacher. Mr. Liang is one of the humorous teachers in our school.

His tricks and tricks make our class full of fun. Unlike any other English teacher I met before, Mr. Liang is so kind and friendly.

Since he began to teach us, he is more like our friend than a teacher. Our English class will no longer be boring. He is now assigned to grade now, but my classmates and I will certainly miss him for a long time.




The person I admire most is Lei Feng for the following reasons: first, he is always ready to help others. Whenever his companions encounter difficulties, he will immediately run to help them; second, he fully illustrates the sacred significance. He has done a lot of good things for people, but he never asks for return.

His merits make me respect him most.




Everybody has someone in his heart that he admires very much, who may be a scientist, a writer or a musical or a movie super star。 As for the one I admire the most is my dear mother。

My mother is an honorable policewoman。 She is very busy with her job all the time。 As mom often needs to work over-time, she goes to work very early in the morning, and doesn’t come home till late at night。 Mother deeply loves her work; she treats it gingerly and conscientiously, and she is full of respected at work by her colleagues and leadership。 For always being a responsible person for the work, my mother also therefore merited many awards。

In my memory, from my childhood, my mom rarely took days off, not even for the public holidays。 When my friends went out to play with her parents on weekends, I spent my time in mom’s office。 Whenever mom had a day-off, she would be busy with preparing a delicious meal for my dad and me。 There was one time, when we were just about to start our lunch, an emergency telephone call rang up, mom hang up the call, got dressed to get ready to go out, she was even too busy to think of the meal, then rushed to her work。 Till my bedtime on that night, mom was still not home yet。 My mother works extra almost everyday, she never seems to know when she should stop it。

I admire my mom’s work spirit! I love my dearest mother!













标签: 英语



