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更新时间:2024-01-14 14:08:47 发布时间:24小时内

南充二诊英语作文范文 第一篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

On behalf of the Student's Union, I am writing to extend the warmest heartfelt welcome to all overseas students. (or:I'm writing ,after careful consideration, to present some suggestions about ×××.)-(每段前面需要空两格!!!)

To help you fit into the upcoming collegiate life. I'd like to offer some practical suggestions. (or:The following are some measures, I reckon, that can be taken.)First and foremost, it is highly proposed that you engage in a range of activities organized by the Students' Union and associations, so as to get acquainted with those from diverse backgrounds with varied hobbies. What's more, you are advised to attend a series of lectures and optioned courses delivered by leading professors and academics, which will definitely broaden your horizons and cultivate your interest.

Thanks for your time and attention to this letter and it is hoped that the proposals above could be of help.(or:I hope you will find the proposals above useful and wish you a fulfilling college life.)

Yours sincerely,(考试时需要右对齐!!)

Li Ming(考试时需要右对齐!!)

南充二诊英语作文范文 第二篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am a senior from the Department of English in Peking University. I am writing this letter in purpose of applying for position as an English teacher that you recently advertised in Google website.(or:I am writing this letter to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the job of an English teacher you have advertised in Google website.)

I believe I am the position who fits into this job for several reasons as follows. Firstly, enclosed with this letter is my resume which details my previous academic qualifications and work experiences. I have worked for part-time teaching work in summer for three consecutive years. Secondly, I have the strengths and qualities needed for this position, such as good interpersonal communication ability, sense of obligation, proper social manners and so on. For the reasons give above, I venture to apply for the position in your company.

I would greatly appreciate if you could grant me an interview so that I would explain, in person and in more details, the relevance of my educational background and working experiences. Thank you for your time and consideration. Looking forward to your reply.(or:If you want to know more about me, please contact me at 132 ×××.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

南充二诊英语作文范文 第三篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I am writing this letter in purpose of informing you that I intend to resign from my current position. The primary reasons for my resignation are as follows.

First and foremost, as a young star whose primary interest is in fashion design rather than computer science, I have found that my present job doesn't fall in with my previous academic background and personal strength. What's more, I preferred to pursue other opportunities that may conform better to my educational background and personal interest.

I am very grateful for the invaluable experience that I got here. Thank you for the patience and generous assistance you rendered me during the past three years. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconveniences my learning may cause.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

南充二诊英语作文范文 第四篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

We will organize a charity sale in the Students' Auditorium on December 21, 20_. On behalf of the Students' Union, I am writing to appeal to all the students on campus to make a contribution.

We hope you will donate as much as you can to offer your second-hand goods that are available at bargain prices and all the proceeds will go to support the impoverished children's tuition fee. In addition, this found-raising activity will last three days so that everyone can catch this opportunity to give a hand. The reason why we should do this is that these young people in the disadvantaged communities really need financial assistance to continue their studies.

As the college student, we need to show our love to them by donating goods and money to assist them and make the world a more just place. Please contribute generously.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

南充二诊英语作文范文 第五篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

I have been reading your newspaper for many years with great enthusiasm and interest. Regarding the issue of disposable plastic bags, it is my view that limiting the use of such bags is of the utmost significance.

To crack this hand out, I would like to propose several practical recommendations as follows. First and foremost, it is imperative for us to ×××. In addition, we should ×××. Last but not least, ×××.(or:The habit of thrift can help us form right values and is favorable to our future development.)

Thanks for your time and attention to this letter and I would be more than happy if you can take my suggestions into serious account.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

南充二诊英语作文范文 第六篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

As a regular customer of your company, I am severely underwhelmed/disappointed to find that the serivce you have recently provided is far from satisfactory. Consequently, I am writing this letter to complain about an unhappy experience in hope that the present situation can be improved. (or:I feel sorry to bother you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about ×××.)

First and foremost, as we all know, punctuality is essential to the railway service. However, the train has been delayed from time to time, which has brought me much trouble and inconvenience. What's more, the service of your staffs has not benefited from the saying, _The customer is king._

I believe that you will take this matter into serious consideration and give a satisfactory reply as soon as possible. At the same time, I sincerely hope that you will review your management system. Looking forward to your reply.(or:I would appreciate it very much if you can give me a discount on my bill as compensation. /or:I hope you will give due attention to this matter and get this matter settled by the end of this month.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

南充二诊英语作文范文 第七篇

The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today. There are wastes, air pollution and so on. What can we do to save our city? About the wastes, we should sort the wastes, to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags. About the air pollution, we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible, take the subway or bus instead. I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.


南充二诊英语作文范文 第八篇

When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it so that I'll forget all the troubles. It's in this way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, and essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperor's New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. “Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller's patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.

I'll never forget this famous saying,“Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”

南充二诊英语作文范文 第九篇


*The change in enhanced and promoted by the government's better policies as well as the more convenient channels in the × field.

*The availability of computers is the foremost cause and the rapid development of information technology enables everybody to have access to computers and the Internet.

*Electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance.


*In our highly competitive society, whether one is in China or the US, it can be said that it is impossible for a individual to find a job with a promising future without at least a college degree.

*Education is becoming a lifetime practice, just as the old saying going, _Live and Learn._ After all, there is no denying the fact that education is beneficial not merely to personal growth but to the economic prosperity.

* × is invented to connect us, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than setting barriers to keep people beyond reach.

* A nation's unique culture can become international through worldwide economic and cultural exchanges. Since the process of globalization has become irresistible, increasing culture exchanges can effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.


*With the rapid development of economy and society, competition becomes increasing by fierce. To satisfy the space demands of a booming population, the only available solution for mankind is to inhabit forests and grasslands that used to be the habitats of wild animals and plants.

*The process of industrialization and urbanization has generated severe pollution that essentially destorys environments and ecosystems.

南充二诊英语作文范文 第十篇

(1)引出主题:What is illustrated in the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table shows clearly that + 主题词.

(eg: What is illustrated in the table shows clearly that an increasing number of people are not satisfied with their job, especially those people aged between 41 and 50.)

(2)描述图表:A版本:In the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table above, a accounts for the highest percentage/proportion at ×% of + 主题词, followed by B at ×% and C, ×%. At the bottom of the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table, ×% is regarded as D.

B版本:To be specific, ×% and ×% are defined as the percentage/proportion of A and B respectively.)

C版本:On the contrary, / However, / In the same Way, / Likewise, / Meanwhile, there is a sharp/remarkable increase/rise/drop/decline from 5% to 1% between 20_ and 20_ in + 主题词.

D版本:The past few years between 20_ and 20_ witnessed a sharply/steeply/gradually/steadily increase in the number of museums from 4160 to 4690.

(3)过渡句:Simple as the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table looks, its implicit meaning should be epoch-thinking.

南充二诊英语作文范文 第十一篇

(1)升华主题:(正面):Considering all these contributors, we should bear in mind that the great importance should be attached to + 主题词.

(反面):Judging from the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the severe problem demands effective counter-measures.

(中立):Based on the above discussion(or:As discussed), we have no difficulty in finding that everything is a double-bladed sword and thus we should be sensible enough to absorb its virtues and to visit its dark side.

(2)建议措施:(政府):In order to crack this hard out, implementation of the relevant measures and regulations of doing + 主题 should be under way.

(媒体):Newspaper and news media should be planned to launch propagandas of it.

(个人):Everyone should cultivate a better awareness of it and channel actions.

(3)展望未来:A版本:Only in this way would our lives become more real/colorful/vigorous and meaningful.

B版本:As far as I am concerned, it is a positive/negative trend and should be stimulated/controlled, since it is conducive not merely to individuals but to the whole society.

南充二诊英语作文范文 第十二篇

Dear friends/students/classmates/schoolmates/professor,/ Dear Sir or Madam,/ Dear Mr. Manager,/ Dear Mr. President,/ To Whom It May Concern,/ Dear Editors,/ Dear Mr. Byron,/ Dear Sales Manager,

On behalf of all students at Peking University, it is our great pleasure to invite you to visit our university for a month from June 1 to June 30,20_.

As you are one of the distinguished experts in the English language all over the world, I believed that the students will not only be able to learn from you, but to be inspired by you as well. We are hoping that you will available for a lecture on our campus at 10:00 am on June 7. There will be 45 minutes allocated for your lecture and 15 minutes for a question-and -answer session.

If you are interested in coming to our university for the lecture, you can email me at the address below. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to meeting you soon.(or:Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to give a lecture to us at your convenience? / or:Be sure to let me know of you can come, my whole family is very eager for your arrival.)

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

南充二诊英语作文范文 第十三篇

Whenever you turn on a light,listen to recorded music,or watch a motion picture you are enjoying one of the discoveries of Thomas Alva Edison.

In fact,it's difficult to go through a single day without using one of his many important discoveries.

Having received 1093 patents in his lifetime,Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements to the telegraph and brought music into our homes with his invention of the phonograph.

He lit our houses with electricity by designing and building the first indoor electric lighting system.

Experience Edison's music as it was originally recorded before CDs!

Credited with the invention of the first phonograph,you will hear Edison's early recordings played on vintage _hand-cranked_ cylinder and diamond disc model phonographs.

Then try to guess the many different uses proposed by Edison for this remarkable invention.

Transmit messages in Morse Code via working telegraph keys.

Explore the period boarding room which depicts Edison's life in Louisville in 1866-67,and discover the significance of the telegraph.








标签: 英语 范文



