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更新时间:2024-01-14 20:28:39 发布时间:24小时内

英语小作文范文怎么写 第一篇

One day a small boy called Charles Chaplin was walking along the street in London. It was a cold winter's day in 1900. He wanted to buy some bread, but he didn't have any money. His father had died when he was very young. He and his brother, Sid, had to work to help their sick mother.

Although Charles was small, his dream was very big. He wanted to be a great man in the world of films, so he worked very hard to become a good dancer and singer.

Thirty years later, this same boy was among the most famous people in the world.

Even if you do not understand English, you can enjoy his films, because no words are used in his films.

dream 梦想 dancer 舞蹈家






英语小作文范文怎么写 第二篇

The sheep year has coming, as a child, I love the first day of the year so much, because I can get a lot of money. When I see the elder, I say some good words to them, then they will give the lucky to me money in return. I meet a lot of elder in a day, so I get much money, it is a satisfied day for me.


英语小作文范文怎么写 第三篇

There are five people in my family. They’re my mother, my father, my wife, my daughter and me.

My father and my mother are farmers. They’re sixties. They’re very kind. My wife is an editor. She is nice and tall. She works hard. She's very strict with my daughter. I have a beautiful daughter. She is twelve. She's very cute. I like playing with her. She is a student. She is good at Chinese. She wants to be a Chinese teacher when she grows up. I’m a worker. Every day I go to work on foot. It’s good for my health. I love my job.

I feel very happy. I love my family.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第四篇

hello everyone, my name is anny. i was a little girl and still a student. there is a lot of my hobby, i enjoy playing ball or something like that, i also ask their friends enjoy. i am 12 years old, this year i have only meters. i like english. from small to large, my biggest dream was all over around the world, but i do not know, there is no chance of this happening. net is the essay i would like to state my own writing and to express their own feelings, but also would like to learn some knowledge. if people support me, please vote for me, thank you!

英语小作文范文怎么写 第五篇

People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep.

Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第六篇

This year I have a happy spring featival with my family.

On New Year's Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the the dinner we have a small talk and play some games.

Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.




英语小作文范文怎么写 第七篇

Do you have any wishes? Oh, I have many wishes.

My biggest wish is I hope the world will be peaceful all the times. No wars, No quarrels, and then all of us are happy. If the world can be peaceful all the times, the world will be harmonious, everywhere will be more beautiful. Isn’t it?

I have many wishes, although these wishes are maybe just the dreams. But I think they are so wonderful in my life .They‘re the beautiful rainbow fresh my life. With these wishes, I feel happy every day.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第八篇

In China, the Spring Festival in the most important festival. People usually have a long holiday. It that's seven days or more. Most of the families will have a big family get-together. The whole family will have a big meal on the eve of the Spring is happy. The most traditional food is dumplings. The Chinese think the dumplings will bring them good luck in the new year. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, people usually wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends.

They say “Happy New Year”to each other. People often go to the parks or go shopping.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第九篇

Easter is the most important religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead two days after his crucifixion, and celebrate this resurrection on Easter Sunday, two days after Good Friday. The year of this resurrection is variously estimated between the years 26 and 36 AD (see also Chronology of Jesus).

Many non-sectarian cultural elements, such as the Easter Bunny, have become part of the holiday's modern celebrations, and those aspects are often celebrated by many Christians and non-Christians alike.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十篇





1. 认真看图,确立主题。

2. 围绕主题,提炼要点。

3. 合理想象,补充要点。

4. 确定时态,写出要点。

5. 连句成篇,自然过渡。


1. 组图写作模板

第一段:The story took place (时间和地点).


第三段:From the story, I feel (自己的`看法或感想).

2. 对比图写作模板

Great Changes have take place (地点)since (时间).

In the past (描述过去的情景,图一). But now (描述现在的情景,图二).

There are many reasons for the great changes. First,

(变化的第一个理由). Second, (变化的第二个理由). Last but not least,(变化的最后一个理由).

I think (自己的感想).

3. 单张图写作模板高考英语作文类型图表类/图画类。

As can be seen in the picture, (图画内容). The picture tells us (概括图片大意). The implied meaning of this picture should be taken into consideration seriously. To begin with, (揭示涵义/原因/结果之一). Second,(揭示涵义/原因/结果之二).

In my opinion, we should take some measures to deal with the problem. First, we should (具体措施之一). Second, we must (具体措施之二). Only in this way can we solve the problem of (图画内容).



1. 注意语言表达的多样性,合理使用动词。



比较:“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our school! Now I’d like to introduce our school to you.” 和“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our school! Now I’d like to tell you something about our school.”同样是“介绍”,前一句的introduce常用于书面语和较正式的场合,而后一句显然是口头发言,更自然,更符合演讲文体的特点。




2. 正确使用关联词,增强语篇结构的连贯性。


表示列举和顺序:first,second,third,besides,then,lastly,for one thing,for another thing,at the start,etc.

表示让步关系:anyway,anyhow,whatever,whenever,however,though,in any case,in spite of that,after all,all the same,etc.


表示概括总结:in a word,in conclusion,in short,to sum up,etc.

表示同位关系:in other words,for example,namely,that is to say,for instance,that is,etc. 表示增补和引申:also,in addition,what’s more,to make things worse,moreover,etc.

3. 运用较复杂的句子结构。




The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the Western Hill.

Africa is the second largest continent, its size being about three times that of China.


4. 使用一些插入语或固定短语。

这可以增加文章的色彩,缓和或加重语气,起到润色的作用。常用的插入语或固定短语有:I think,I believe,I hope,I suppose;to my surprise,to my delight;what’s worse,worse still,to make things worse;well;generally speaking;what’s more等。

5. 尽可能使用高级词汇和地道的表达。

例如,20xx年江苏高考英语作文可使用bumped into each other,yelling,blame,mean,blocking,pushing and bumping,harmonious,virtue,self-centered,considerate等高级词汇。

6. 确保写作时间。


7. 注重书写,追求卷面美观。



请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。(20xx江苏卷)

参考词汇:banner (横幅) stump (树桩)


1. 简要描述两幅图的内容;

2. 概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解;

3. 举例说明两幅图对你的启示。


1. 可参照图片适当发挥;

2. 作文词数150 左右;

3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。


这是一篇看图写作题,主要考查考生综合运用语言的能力,要求考生通过观察和分析两幅图,把图画转化成文字信息。考生不能只按照试题里的提示进行逐句翻译,而是要在充分领会提示的前提下,用自己的语言写成一篇内容充实、语言正确、句子连贯、用词贴切的作文。 要点:





People celebrate Earth Day differently. In Picture 1, a man is trying to put up a banner on a

lonely tree surrounded by stumps, but in vain, while Picture 2 shows a couple happily planting trees.

The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.” Our earth is suffering severe damage. Should we just pay lip service or take practical measures to protect it? The answer is definitely the latter. Immediate actions should be taken, like stopping cutting down trees, to better the environment.

Actions are important in other fields, too. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it is more meaningful to donate books and sports goods to children in need. We should strictly and

voluntarily follow traffic rules, stopping at the red light rather than complaining about traffic jams. Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in whatever we hope to accomplish.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十一篇

Last Year my father lost her job. At that time my parents felt a bit sad.

I encouraged my father and said i was old enough and could do something to help.

In order to help my parents ,I took a part time job on weekends in the KFC near my home.

Luckily,it didn't take long time for my father to find a new job in a company.

With the money I earned through working bought a pair of new shoes for my father to celebrate

the good news. My parents were deeply moved.

I said. We are a happy family whether we are rich or poor.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十二篇

Giant Panda

panda―the national treasure

panda is one of the scarcest animals. people in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in china long ago.

as the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. but at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.

nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in china is in sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十三篇

An American friend has invited you to visit his family. You've never been to an American's home before, and you're not sure what to do. Should you take a gift? How should you dress? What time should you arrive? What should you do when you get there? Glad you asked. When you're the guest, you should just make yourself at home. That's what hospitality is all about: making people feel at home when they're not.


The question of whether or not to bring a gift often makes guests squirm. Giving your host a gift is not just a social nicety in some cultures-it's expected. But in American culture, a guest is not obligated to bring a present. Of course, some people do bring a small token of appreciation to their host. Appropriate gifts for general occasions might be flowers, candy or-if the family has small children-toys. If you choose not to bring a gift, don't worry. No one will even notice.


American hospitality begins at home-especially when it involves food. Most Americans agree that good home cooking beats restaurant food any day. When invited for a meal, you might ask, xxxCan I bring anything?xxx Unless it's a potluck, where everyone brings a dish, the host will probably respond, xxxNo, just yourself.xxx For most informal dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes. Plan to arrive on time, or else call to inform your hosts of the delay. During the dinner conversation, it's customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. Of course, the biggest compliment is to eat lots of food!


When you've had plenty, you might offer to clear the table or wash the dishes. But since you're the guest, your hosts may not let you. Instead, they may invite everyone to move to the living room for dessert with tea or coffee. After an hour or so of general chit-chat, it's probably time to head for the door. You don't want to wear out your welcome. And above all, don't go snooping around the house. It's more polite to wait for the host to offer you a guided tour. But except for housewarmings, guests often don't get past the living room.


Americans usually like to have advance notice when people come to see them. Only very close friends drop by unannounced. This is especially true if the guests want to stay for a few days. Here's a good rule of thumb for house guests: Short stays are best. As one 19th century French writer put it, xxxThe first day a man is a guest, the second a burden, the third a pest.xxx Even relatives don't usually stay for several weeks at a time. While you're staying with an American family, try to keep your living area neat and tidy. Your host family will appreciate your consideration. And they may even invite you back!


Most Americans consider themselves hospitable people. Folks in the southern United States, in particular, take pride in entertaining guests. In fact, xxxsouthern hospitalityxxx has become legendary. But in all parts of America, people welcome their guests with open arms. So don't be surprised to find the welcome mat out for you. Just don't forget to wipe your feet.


英语小作文范文怎么写 第十四篇

Happy Holiday

may day is coming. i’m so happy because my father and my mother take me to wu quan park this holiday.

in the park, i see many trees and beautiful flowers. there are many children and many happy playing games, parents take me to the zoo. there are lions, tigers, eagles, bears, deer, monkeys, and so on. i like the monkeys best because they are very clever and they make us laugh. how lovely they are!

i have a good time that day. what a beautiful and happy holiday.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十五篇

Many people like watching TV. TV brings the outside world into people’s homes. People say the world is smaller than before because of TV. What is going on in other countries?How do people live in places far away? What sports do people play in other countries?

If you want to know the answers to these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Of course people can also learn through reading books or listening to the radio,but many say they learn more by watching TV. Why? Because they can listen to and watch it.

TV opens our eyes to the outside world,at the same time also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十六篇

In my house, I have my room, my room is my private place, I don’t have to listen to my parents’ babbling. I like to stay at my room when I finish my dinner, I will stay silent and think about the question without other people’s interfere. My room can keep me safe and leave me the space to think. I love my room, I want to decorate it someday, making it more comfortable.


英语小作文范文怎么写 第十七篇

Today, I was so excited because I finally became a high school student, which meant my life came to a new chapter. On the first day, my parents went with me to school. They brought my luggage and helped me to finish the registration. I was so impressed by the slogan that was tagged on the main gate, which was Help Your Parents Carry Luggage. When I saw those words, I realized most of us carried nothing at hand, but our parents did the job. We are almost 16 and not a little kid anymore, so it is natural for us to learn grow up and become independent. Taking luggage is just a small symbol for us to be independent. We need to complete all the things by ourselves in the following three years. When we can handle our stuff by ourselves, we are mature.


英语小作文范文怎么写 第十八篇

Everybody is afraid of failure, because it means what they do is useless and they waste their energy and time. But people get the wrong idea about failure, in fact, failure is also success. If people want to be successful, they need to take action. Failure at least means people have tried to do, what’s more, people can learn from their unsuccessful experience, so that they can improve their methods. Every failure means the closeness of success, we should take the positive attitude to failure, we can get over it soon and people finally can get the victory. So when we meet the difficulties, don’t be afraid of the bad result, just take action.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第十九篇


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic xxxAn In-creasing Number of People are Studying for Master Degreesxxx. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

Need A Master Degree or Not

Nowadays, most people want to enter graduate school. In fact, this desire has grown considerably in the past few years. Students struggle to pass the graduate school entrance exam, to survive the pro-gram, and find a job at the end of it. They read many exam preparation books. They may also attend special xxxexam preparationxxx seminars and courses. There are some reasons for such phenomenon.

First is the general perception that a graduate school diploma, a master's degree, is needed for getting a better job. Second is that some students might not be sure what they want to do, and a few more years inside the courtyards of academic seems desirable.

In my opinion, this is not reasonable. I don't deny that a few passed and went on, but the majority failed and finally wiped away their valuable times. So we don't have

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十篇

People always read messages on newspaper before, but now there is a large number of people search information in the Internet. For me, I have good impression for it. Internet t information is very convenient and wide. People can search the information on the internet only open their computer. Besides, the Internet information ranges very widely. It contains all fields’ information. It is almighty. It knows everything. In addition, nearly all the information on the Internet is free. People do not need to spend money on it. Not like newspaper. So, Internet information has so many advantages.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十一篇

I’m Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing.

While you are here, we’ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV. You’ll also have your own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon we’ll eat at the school dining hall. I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon. You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming. It’ll be a lot of fun.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十二篇

My school life is a lot of fun. I like studying in the classroom with my lovely classmates. We get on well with each other. We play sports and sing together. I often miss my classmates and teachers if I don’t see them for a long time. But sometimes our teachers give us too much homework. Parents and teachers often put great pressure on us.

I wish a happy life in a big city in the future. I will live in a big house with a garden, and drive to work. I will travel a lot in my spare time.

I’ll work hard so that I can go to a good university. Then I can get a good job in the future and my dream will come true.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十三篇

Last weekend,we took part in a picking drove from the school,and the farm was about 2 kilometers away from our we arrived at the farm,there are all kinds of animals,green fresh vegetables and fruit trees in the were divided into two group was responsible for picking fruits,the other packed up the flying quickly,the activity was it was a meaningful day,when we learn a lot form this activity,we know how hard the farmers are and how precious the food should treasure the food planted by the farmers.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十四篇

Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting.

You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception.

My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical family. Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really GREat! I like it very much.


英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十五篇

Oh! Spring is coming.

Look! All the things are reviving. The world is colorful. The trees and grass are green. Flowers are beautiful. Some are red. Some are yellow. Some are purple. The birds are flying in the blue sky. The bees are singing. They are very busy. They are making honey. The butterflies are dancing in the garden. The children are playing games.

I like spring.




英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十六篇

Everyone Needs Help

1 Did you get any help from others?

2 Did you give any help to people when they needed?

3 Tell your story

In our daily life, we are dealing with different kinds of people, no matter at home, in school, or at some other places. Everyone needs help, I think. And only who are willing to help others will also be helped.

One day I saw a little girl in the street carrying a heavy schoolbag on her back. She was walking happily.

Then suddenly an old man fell down while he was crossing a street. She ran towards him at once, but she was too short to help him to stand. I helped her and we together brought the old man to safety. He thanked us over and over. I think the little girl was, though very young, a very warm-hearted person.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十七篇

When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often plain that I don’t want to grow up when we bee adults actually.

Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can’t earn enough money to make a living.

econdly, after graduation, we need to work instead of acplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs.

Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunity to know more about our world, love and protect the important person in our life. Don’t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy our life.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十八篇

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1.当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象;2.诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。It Pays to Be Honest

Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat on exams; some applicants find jobs by using fake diplomas; some people tell lies to avoid responsibility or avoid being punished.

Dishonest people are short sighted. What they do brings harm not only to others but also to themselves. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but once they were found out, no one will buy their products any more. Asaresult, they will lose their fortune. What is more, they will even be sent to prison. In contrast, honest people gain a lot. What they do brings benefit to others as well as to themselves. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise can win trust and respect from their customers. Because they are trustworthy and respectable, everyone is eager to be their friend and everyone wants to buy their products. Undoubtedly, they will make a great fortune in the end.

In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest in whatever we do and say.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第二十九篇


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic xxxThe Impor-tant of Self-confidencexxx. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the out-line given in Chinese below:

The Importance of Self-confidence

Self-confidence is very important to our life. As a wise man once said, xxxIf you have no confi-dence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. xxx

If you are full of self-confidence, your creativeness, your enthusiasm will all be aroused, and you will overcome difficulties. As a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything.

Failure will be following you. But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself. You should know both your weaknesses.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第三十篇

Future Robot

hello! i’m a future robot. my name is mini. i have two small eyes, a small nose and a very big mouth. i can read and write, and i can speak chinese and english.

i can play football, basketball and badminton quite well. and i can sing and dance very well! but i can’t run and swim. i always cook the breakfast for my master. my master is sally. she is a pretty girl. she plays hopscotch very well.

i love my master very much.

hello! i’m a future robot. my name is mini. i have two small eyes, a small nose and a very big mouth. i can read and write, and i can speak chinese and english.

i can play football, basketball and badminton quite well. and i can sing and dance very well! but i can’t run and swim. i always cook the breakfast for my master. my master is sally. she is a pretty girl. she plays hopscotch very well.

i love my master very much.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第三十一篇

from the golden-tipped fields of mid-west america to the ancient kingdoms of verdant palestine, there is a happy truth to be shared with all who would take heed. in more recent times, this truth has been expressed as: april showers bring may flowers. this is a truth that promises light bursting from darkness, strength born from weakness and, if one dares to believe, life emerging from death.

farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons. they know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest; everything must be done in its own time. although the rain pours down with the utmost relentlessness, ceasing all outdoor activities, the man of the field lifts his face to the heavens and smiles. despite the inconvenience, he knows that the rain provides the nourishment his crops need to grow and flourish. the torrential rains in the month of april, give rise to the glorious flowers in the month of may.

but this ancient truth applies to more than the crops of the fields; it is an invaluable message of hope to all who experience tragedy in life. a dashed relationship with one can open up the door to a brand new friendship with another. a lost job here can provide the opportunity for a better job there. a broken dream can become the foundation of a wonderful future. everything has its place.

remember this: overwhelming darkness may endure for a night, but it will never overcome the radiant light of the morning. when you are in a season of sorrow, hang in there, because a season of joy may be just around the corner…

英语小作文范文怎么写 第三十二篇

I had an unforgettable Labour Day holiday.

My classmates threw a celebration party at our middle school principles flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time. I also went visiting my relatives with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncles house. We stayed for the night.

The next day, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick. We returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed. Since last Friday, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers.

That was my unforgettable Labour Day holiday. Yeh, I had a lot of fun!

英语小作文范文怎么写 第三十三篇

the spring festival is coming soon! the festivel is considereded the most important one for chinese people. it is on the first day of lunar year. it is also the day of reunion among family members. during these days, people would say happy new year! or wish you make fortune! to each other. they would also visit their relatives and friends. children would be given red packets. children would have more to eat and play than firecrackers is also a popular game for children.

英语小作文范文怎么写 第三十四篇

My HabbitsI have some habbits, some are good, but some are like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put toda








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