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更新时间:2024-01-14 21:15:01 发布时间:24小时内

高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第一篇

Reading is a habit, habit formation is a way of life, the way of life ultimately affects a person's life, reading is a need to bring spiritual enrichment, material life can be provided in the library, holding books that have been loved for a long time, taste, chew books slowly, quiet and happy, is a kind of enjoyment, a book in hand, the plot takes the life of the characters It can be said that people are warm and fragrant with pickled vegetables, or read Carnegie recommended by tastein. How does the English title of _human weakness_ influence others and make friends? How does literal translation affect others and make friends? Actually, it is about how to manage one's own mentality and deal with people. Therefore, I think the translation of Chinese name is not suitable.

This book is of great help to me Helping has also influenced generations of Americans.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第二篇

>>>>Action is better than eloquence, and it is never too late for good to be rewarded. In company with good people, you should be the most important. A good book is a good friend.

Nothing is impossible. Today is worth two tomorrow. Poverty is strange to industry.

Genius is nothing but industry and dice. One bird in hand is better than two in the forest. Four short words summarize the reason why the most succesul people surpass the crowd: a little more, it is never too late to start learning from small things Old.

A good start is half a glass of new wine in an old bottle. All work, no play, smart children want the best results, but be prepared for the worst. Health is excessive wealth.

Get a better friend in your intelce than you've never had. A true friend is really like birds of a feather. Contentment is the enemy of learning.

Content is better than wealth. Books and friends Friends should be few, but good everything is good, the result is good, just shut your mouth, can not catch the flies of reading, talk rich soul, meticulous, careful and dit, bring good luck, good book is the best friend, today, always young lazy, old beggar.




高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第三篇

Some people think that books are very important for spreading knowledge, while others think that computers are more powerful. You think this is the main way to spread knowledge. Key words: books, computers, spreading knowledge literature, literary works, written works, literature, records, traditional channels, traditional methods, traditional media, computers, modern information technology, computing technology, artificial intelce Background link Oscar Wilde evolution recommendation argument computer has no standard answer to the question raised in the test, it is the traditional text documents and electronic media should not only disseminate and exchange knowledge, but also test the information training materials traditional technology computer modern technology: which is more important for the dissemination of knowledge.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第四篇

_The afterglow of the years_ by Jeff Bezos, Amazon's chief executive, is the Moby whale of Lear, king of apple (Dick) innovator dilemma Autobiography of a yogi, Tim Cook, competing with the times: Larry Ellison (Oracle), Napoleon Bonaparte Bill Gates (Microsoft), _catcher in the Rye_, _our better angel_ nature Warren bafitt (Berkshire Hathaway) in an uncertain world, the smartest people are in the room Josh James (domor) Jack: from the worst to the first across the chasm Steve Jobs omnipotent store Tony Sheikh tribal leader peak Happiness Hypothesis Coca Cola the rise of money Jim Quigley in the United States Klink2 Randall Stephenson (at & T) Karamazov Ken Powell brothers (General Mills) free to correct Larry Page (Google) you care what others think. You must be joking with Mr. Feynman to find the fun of things, QED QED snow disaster new American story a Christmas Carol a beautiful world is flat, hot, flat, crowded politics lost to Jamie Dimon's compes team, Clash of civilizations and reinterpretation of world order.

The word is flat gun, bacteria, and steel complexity. Ricard Branson (virgin) Stalingrad wild swan is long Walk to the free Jack Dorsey (Plaza / twitter) list of Marissa Mayer (Yahoo) daily necessities design.


亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)打造的《岁月的余晖》史蒂夫•乔布斯(Apple)国王李尔(Lear)共和国白鲸(Moby Dick)创新者困境自传一位瑜珈修士蒂姆•库克(Apple)与时代竞争拉里•埃里森(Oracle)、•波拿巴•比尔•盖茨(Microsoft)、《麦田里的守望者》《我们的更好的天使》大自然沃伦·巴菲特(伯克希尔·哈撒韦)在一个不确定的世界里最聪明的人在房间里公牛乔希·詹姆斯(多莫)杰克:从最坏的到第一次跨越鸿沟史蒂夫·乔布斯无所不能商店托尼·谢赫(Zappos)部落领导巅峰幸福假说穆塔尔·肯特(CocaCola)金钱的上升吉姆Quigley(德勤)在成功马克·扎克伯格(Facebook)安德斯游戏《埃涅伊德·马里林·休森》(洛克希德·马丁公司)Blink2兰德尔·_森(AT&T)卡拉马佐夫·肯·兄弟(通用磨坊公司)自由更正拉里·佩奇(谷歌)你在乎别人怎么想你肯定在开费曼先生的玩笑发现事物的乐趣QED QED雪灾梅格惠特曼(HewlettPackard)新的故事一个圣诞颂歌美好的世界是平的热,平,拥挤的失去了杰米戴蒙(Jp摩根)的竞争对手的团队文明的冲突和世界秩序的重新诠释这个词是平的枪,细菌,和钢铁复杂性里卡德布兰森(维珍)格勒野生天鹅漫长的步行到自由杰克多西(/推特)清单玛丽莎梅耶尔(雅虎)日常用品的设计。


高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第五篇

In January, the letter was recommended as the vice president of the University College, and the teacher in charge. I am very happy to recommend that I go to your university for further study under the compact curriculum arrangement of our university, and abide by the spirit of our school (class rate, self-study rate, professional courses, actively expand extracurricular knowledge, participated in many school activities, have the initiative, have the learning potential, and have solid professional basic knowledge during the University, He has passed CET-4, participated in the training of health care masseuse, and obtained high-level professional qualification of chiropractors. Besides studying, he has participated in singing competitions for many times, and won the third place in College English song competition and English Film Dubbing Competition.

He is brave, strong willed and optimistic. He has a good team spirit and sense of responsibility Management and operation theory is full of expectations. He / she has always dreamed of going to Japan for further study.

In order to cultivate management talents and promote academic exchanges between China and Japan, I especially recommend to study in your university: Vice President of the University.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第六篇

>>Dear teachers and students, I am very glad to be here today to share my English learning experience with you. I am very interested in English and hope to become a translator in the future. Naturally, it is very important for me to learn English well, because everyone knows that vocabulary is an important part of language.

Just like bricks on bricks, I usually recite 20 new words a day and use them as much as possible after class. I often listen to English programs on TV and radio. In addition, I have learned a lot from the Internet and other channels.

I would like to put forward some suggestions for English Teaching in our school. We should have more opportunities to use what we have learned so as to it better. Secondly, I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free reading time.

Finally, we suggest that we have more English activities, such as English competitions and festivals. Thank you for listening > >.




高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第七篇

As far as you know, Mr. Chen, ABC company is progress because you have already indicated that you are very satiied with our service. I wonder if you can strongly recommend some potential customers to activate our business.

We are very grateful for any suggestions. Mr. Tom Smith, I have received your letter in March, and I am glad to recommend our business partner to you We have received your letter in March.

However, due to the fierce competition in the market, we are unable to comply with your request. We hope to know more about us. Chen Lei, you are sincere.




高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第八篇

Reading an hour a day can change your life, and this is the first time I've heard from Brian Tracy, a very but potentially life changing suggestion, which is to shorten your evening TV watching by an hour instead of reading books that can improve your life, if you're in sales, Google or browse Amazon for something else People think the best and most useful books to improve your sales. Of course, it applies to all areas, not just work-related areas. Maybe you want to improve your health, become a more energetic person, have a better body, or maybe you want to improve your work efficiency, improve your interpersonal relationships, or do something about the general personal development It's not a lot of time, but if yoead an hour a day on a weekday, that's hours of the year.

It's a lot of books, a lot of useful advice, who knows what good things and feelings will appear in your life this year, all these cool information and useful suggestions will open your heart and you will start to see more in your daily life Now you might think: I really don't have the money answer: visit your local library or search their databases, if they have websites, or look for second-hand books in places like Amazon, or if you're not in the United States, look elsewhere. Yes, OK, but I really don't have time to answer: buy books as audio books. For them, when driving to and from work, or tranerring them to your MP3 player to go to work or school by bike / bus while listening, it has become very popular to sell audio books directly through MP3 downloads recently, as people and companies find this ( If the technology works, we may see more and more ways to shop, so start browsing book recommendations, or ask your friends and colleagues, turn off the TV early and start reading this week.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第九篇

As we all know, we should read more books. It can broaden our horizons and help us become better people. Once I read a book, it touched my heart.

The book tells readers how to find our own advantages and accept our shortcomings. I don't try to be myself and learn to grow up gradually.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第十篇

With the new term coming, I would like to introduce some of our clubs. If you like playing football, join some cool players so that you can exercise for an hour every day, watch games with other fans and exercise your body. I also recommend some reading enthusiasts to join the smart readers, you will read good books, broaden your horizons, and remember to take notes while reading.

Moreover, anyone who likes cooking should consider excellent chefs. You can design healthy menus and learn how to cook so that you can live a healthy life. But for me, I hope to find out is the most meaningful club, which collects second-hand books for students in poor areas.

You can choose one you like best and enjoy your school life.




高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第十一篇

Popular science books literature books Dear Mr. Wang, your sincere Li Yue, dear Mr. Wang, knowing that our library is going to buy books, I would like to give you some suggestions.

What we need most is popular science books. Generally, popular science books explain the basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way, help us better understand scientific disciplines and stimulate our curiosity about scientific discoveries, except reading Besides knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration, which is why I recommend another kind of books, literary books, classics written by s, which present great ideas through fascinating stories and language. They not only bring us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically.

If you can consider my recommendation sincerely, I will be very happy, Li Yue http://gaokokoolearncom/.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第十二篇

(reading is a good hobby) with the development of science and technology, even if you stop learning for a day, new knowledge will come every day, and you will get lost. Reading is a good way to help you keep in touch with the outside world. Reading widely and enriching your knowledge is also a good way to relax yourself.

You can have a lot of fun in books. A good book is one A good friend, when you are not happy, as long as you have a good book in hand, you will never feel lonely, every valuable book will open a new world in front of you.



高考英语好书推荐作文范文 第十三篇

BEC bec (Cambridge Business English certificate) Prevention is better than cure. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Bitter pills may have health effects.

Good medicine tastes bitter. No friend is as loyal as a good book. It should be a few and carefully selected books.

Today, as in the past, a good book will never change. A good book is a best friend. He never betrays us in books and is embalmed by some of the greatest ideas of all times Books can be tasted, some can be swallowed, some need to be chewed and digested bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiweiwei Bebek .


BEC BEC(剑桥商务英语证书becucles BEC BEC预防胜于治疗一盎司预防胜过一磅治愈苦味药片可能有保健作用良药尝起来苦没有一个朋友像好书一样忠诚,应该是少而精挑细选的一本书今天和过去一样,永远不会改变一本好书是一个最好的朋友,他从不在书上背弃我们,被防腐了所有时代最伟大的思想有些书可以品尝,有些书可以吞咽,有些书需要咀嚼和消化bechhttp://bloghjenglishcom/hongweiweiwei贝贝克。








标签: 好书 范文



