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更新时间:2024-01-20 10:17:11 发布时间:24小时内

关于留言的英文作文范文 第一篇

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. No one is worth your tears. The worst way to miss someone is to sit by his side and know that you will never let them frown, even when you are in trouble, because you never know who will fall in love with you.

You may be one of the world People, but for someone, you may be the world's people. Don't waste time on people who are not willing to spend their time on you. Because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

The best things happen when you least expect them to. Maybe God wants us to meet some mistakes before meeting the right one So when we finally meet the person, we should be grateful. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.



关于留言的英文作文范文 第二篇

Prime Minister Milo Gates called president Max modi. Mr. modi is not in the office.

You are Secretary of Modi, sulek. Your phone record is as follows: Jack Hopkins will arrive in Lugou Jichang from London on a Boeing plane tomorrow morning, and the airport will pick him up personally. It's Milo gates.




关于留言的英文作文范文 第三篇

Today, we graduated from high school and will strive for our tomorrow, but never forget our friendship and good days. Maybe when we get together again in a few years, you will find that we are still a family, a group that will never be defeated, and the memory we hold will be our most precious wealth. Thank you all.

Wish you all a happy day.



标签: 新学期

关于留言的英文作文范文 第四篇


i have visited you just now but you were not in, so i had to leave the messageto you. i want to invite you to visit the chinese art exhibition in the art

museum. the exhibition will display the most famous paintings in the pastdynasties and traditonal chinese painings. the exhibition will be open from theeighth to the eighteenth of this moonth. so can we meet at the gate of the art

museum at 9:30 am on sunday?

wang lin

关于留言的英文作文范文 第五篇

The appointment time is at 3:00 . on Thursday. Chen Huatong Zhigang of the Foreign Language Department of Polytechnic University calls you and says that he will be waiting for you in his office at about 10:00 tomorrow morning.

If this time is not suitable for you, please call him. Thursday afternoon.



关于留言的英文作文范文 第六篇

I am not your excellent student, but you are the most respectable teacher in my mind. On this special day, I would like to express my heartfelt respect to you. There is no formula to calculate your dedication.

There is no poem or song to express our heartfelt thanks to you. It is you who use your erudition and high honor to cultivate our spirit. On this special occasion, please accept our best wishes.

Time flies and time goes by. Only our friendship is always in my heart. Goodbye, friend.

Take care of my friend, my friend OMI. You like stars. If you think you are far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky.

There are the lucky stars I gave you. Life is such a broad and profound book. Other people's notes can't replace your own understanding.

May you find and create new things in the book. Don't be disappointed in the journey of life. There are friends in the world.

Seize the opportunity and cherish the opportunity. May our friendship last forever. Time does not dilute the wine of friendship.

Distance will not dilute the wine of friendship, separate the missing hand. I wish you happiness forever. I have three wishes.

May our friendship warm us. The happiness in our hearts will always be with you. We often meet and miss each other like a thread, connecting you and me at the other end.

If I meet you after many years, how should I greet you with silence and tears. British George Gordon Byron. If life deceives you, don't be disappointed or worried.

You need peace in blue days. Believe that happiness is coming. Although you are not happy, you still want a bright future.

Everything will pass, everything will pass. The past will be a good memory. Alexander Pushkin, Russia.










关于留言的英文作文范文 第七篇

Mrs. Wilson Mrs. Wilson Mrs.

Tracy Bolton Coffee Mrs. Susan Wilson, I went out shopping. I didn't come back until about what time in the afternoon.

I brought two books that you asked me to return to the city library at about o'clock this afternoon. Tracy called and said she couldn't see you at Bolton Cafe tomorrow morning because she had something important to do. She felt very much about it I'm sorry, but she said you can arrange other times for the meeting.

She wants to call her as soon as you get home. She has told Susan about the change.



关于留言的英文作文范文 第八篇


广东省广州市 番禺区钟村锦绣小学三(1)班 龙洗雨      今天,爸爸妈妈不在家,我睡了一会儿懒觉,起来没记得吃早餐。一会儿妈妈打电话来了,问我吃早餐没有,并告诉我写了一张留言条放在桌子上,于是,我在桌子上找到了那张纸条,只见上面写着:









关于留言的英文作文范文 第九篇

Hi, Michael, I heard you're organizing a weekend trip for our classmates. Good. How many people are you going to invite? Thank you very much.

If I can, please tell me other details of the trip. If you need help, please call me at any time. I hope we all have a wonderful weekend.

Your classmate xxx April.



关于留言的英文作文范文 第十篇

_I'm Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Tracy Bolton Coffee, Mrs.

Susan Wilson. I'm going shopping and I'm not back until about what time in the afternoon. I've brought two books that you want me to return to the city library at about what time in the afternoon, _Tracy called to say that she couldn't meet you at the Bolton Cafe tomorrow morning because she was busy, and the important thing was that she was very sorry about it, but she said you could arrange other times for the meeting and she wanted to call her as soon as you got home, and she had told Susan that this had changed you , Li Hua.



关于留言的英文作文范文 第十一篇


It’s time to say goodbye. It’s time to recall those beautiful days we spend together. You are the very person who gives me a hand when necessary. You are the most considerate person who knows exactly what I need. Still remember that night two years ago? When I suddenly fell ill, it was you who carried me on your back to a nearby hospital. You took good care of me while I was having an injection. Later, you managed to help me with my lessons. Without your help, I would have failed in the examination. I still have hundreds of stories to share with you. I still have thousands of blessings for you.

May all your dreams come true! May our friendship last till the end of the universe.


Li Hua








标签: 留言 英文 范文



