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英语高考叙事类作文范文 第一篇

My mother is always the one I respect most. She is the first guide of my life, and the pillar of our family.

Once in my childhood, I desired so much to look beautiful. Mother told me,xxx Vanity is a crime. Beauty is only skin-deep.xxx She then bought me lots of interesting books, from fairy tales to collections of essays. From time to time, she took me to travel with her in the country and open my eyes to so many new things, which I would not have otherwise seen.

Mother devotes most of her time and energy to our family. Immediately after coming back from work every work,she keeps herself busy around the apartment, cleaning, washing and cooking. Our happiness is her greatest joy; our achievements are her greatest pride. We can never forget how bravely she acted the day Grandma passed away.

My respect for Mother grows with time. She is my most beloved person in the world.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第二篇

A Good Example of Laid -off Workers

Liu Yaru, a woman worker, had worked in a weaving mill in Jinan for 14 years. In 1992 when she was 34, Mrs Liu was out of work. At the beginning, she stayed at home. She was worried and was not sure about finding another job. Some time later, she was no longer afraid of being looked down upon. She managed to find a job as a waitress at a teahouse. She does well in her job, and now many customers like to call at this teahouse. She makes a lot of money through her hard work. She has set a good example for the laid-off workers.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第三篇

The long summer vacation only lasted a few days, and I stayed at home doing nothing. So I decided to call my little buddy to find a summer job. The hot wind blowing in the hot summer was just a few minutes away, and my body began to sweat constantly. We know that the job is not so easy to imagine now, we saw a lot of the street between the Human Resources Inc, although there are a lot of recruitment information, but many companies do not recruit summer workers only recruit permanent jobs, some for a summer job, too far, screening for so long no one for us at this time, in the fierce sun, we already sweating, but we still insist, finally pays off, we finally found a suitable for our summer jobs, but the company is so close to our home, we have to walk with long time. But this company will also sign the contract through the interview, and I'm excited and excited by my little companion. We don't have any work experience. This is our first interview.

We found that when waiting for the interview, teams have told us about many of the older students, they are like us, finally it was my turn to go to the interview, sitting inside a person, I think he is probably a manager, actually also does not have that what we want to interview the manager asked the complex. A few simple questions, such as you satisfied with the salary, you do not eat the bitter of such problems, interview. The manager will announce the result when all the interviews are finished. When the manager came out, I was so nervous that I could feel my heart beating fast, and I was relieved when he read my name. I picked up with my little friends, but in fact, we found that most of the candidates were selected.

After a day's training, we will be ready for work in a few days. In fact, the training is only a brief note of attention, the allocation of shifts. When we are hesitant to work in the daytime or night, there are a lot of students chose the night shift, because they feel cool at night than during the day, when the work is not so hot. So we decided to take the night shift. When I got home, I told my mother that I was going to work on the night shift, and my mother was in a bad mood. She said it was hard work on the night shift and asked if I could hold on. I was full of confidence and said there was no problem, but I got the first day of work, although it was a little cooler than the daytime, but the workshop was quiet and terrible at night. When I thought it was about daybreak, I took a look at the time before I found out it was less than 12 in the middle of the night. Oh, my God, how long is it? What time does it break?! After midnight we can go to the dining hall, but inside the dish we flattered, see what no appetite, we hurriedly picking a few mouthfuls of rice do not want to eat, it can take a few egg go, or we'll be hungry work. Although this work looks very easy, is to give the milk packing, but only a few days my fingers began to blister, and at night to sleep during the day, I was in the day is very difficult to sleep, not the spirit of the work at night. I started eating with my little buddy, and just a week after we decided to quit.

Fortunately, that contract at least a week to pay, we just work for a week, or we don’t nothing for this week, when I got the money, the heart is feeling, the money is really not easy, this work was a experience. And I also know how hard it is for my parents to work. I think only by working hard can I find a good job in the future to repay them.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第四篇

As the Autumn Festival came, my family decided to asked my uncle and his families to come to my house and spent this day together. I was so happy. Early in the morning, my cousins came, then we played around the house. Our parents were busy in the kitchen. There must be delicious food for us to share. When it got dark, all the people stood in the balcony. We talked and played the game, waiting for the biggest moon. It was such a beautiful moment. We did not do this often, because the parents were busy with their work all the time. At about eight o’clock, the moon became very clean, and it lighted up the whole world. I ate the moon-cake and saw people celebrated in their ways. Some people made a wish by lighting a Kongming lantern, making the sky look wonderful.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第五篇

Every year, there are tens of thousands of people looking for a job. For a successful job search, job interview is the most important part. But how to prepare for the job interview? Here are some important tips.

Firstly, find a company you want to work for. Then, your understanding of the company will make the interviewers know that you value this opportunity so much and let them employ you. Secondly, review your resume and imagine what the interviews may ask you.

Then think about how you should answer the questions. Thirdly, carefully pick out what to wear. Since the job interview is the only time to sell yourself, you ought to make a good impression on the interviewers. Wear tidy suits and keep your shoes clean. Last, have a good sleep before the night of the job interview, because no interviewers will like an interviewee who looks tired and exhausted.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第六篇

Last Monday, my father would be on a business trip for five days. Having gotten my promise of being great at home and taking care of my mother, he rest assured and put his luggage into the trunk of his car. Seeing my father’s driving away, my mother and I waved our hands and said goodbye to him. For a moment, I began to miss my father, wishing that he would be safe and well the next days.

I thought everything would go well, as this was not the first time that my father had been away for several days. Yet, unfortunately, my mother caught a cold the next morning. Looking at her pale face, I experienced high levels of anxiety. However, I told myself that I had to calm down and look after my mum, as I promised to my dad. The moment I got my mum to sleep, I put cold towel on her forehead, found pills in the medicine box, and made some noodles for her. Luckily, she waked up and felt better, after taking the pills and the noodles. That her fever was gone relieved and satisfied me a lot.

In the next four days, I was taking her body temperature twice a day, ensuring that she was pletely well. To our delight, my dad went back home safely and healthily on Saturday. On hearing what I had done to my mum, he, as well as my mum, beamed at me and gave me a big thumb. Hearing their praises and seeing bright smiles on their faces, I really felt overjoyed and thrilled. Conceivably, taking care of my parents was, indeed and definitely, my mission and obligation.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第七篇

Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip. He would be away for three days. Just the next morning I found my mother wasn’t feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her.

With my special care, my mother recovered quickly. When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened. He praised me for what I had done.

I feel very happy that I have done something for my mother.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第八篇

I had a streak of tough luck yesterday. Everything, it seemed to me, went wrong. And I simply couldn’t understand why all the bad things happened to me in one single day.

In the morning, as luck would have it, my alarm clock didn’t ring, and with an aching head I woke up half an hour later than usual. I was in such a hurry that, when making an omelet, I got my fingers burnt and splashed the omelet all over the floor of the kitchen.

Having no time for my breakfast at that point, I rushed out of my house with an empty stomach and hurting fingers. I had intended to catch the 7:30 subway, but somehow I couldn’t make it. I became very nervous at the mere thought of being late for my English class, because my English teacher is very strict and demanding, and he gets angry whenever any student is late for his class.

After getting off the 7:40 subway, I raced all the way from the station to my school, thinking it would be impossible for me to flag a taxi at this hour of the day. At the corner of the street near my school, I abruptly bumped into a man and, worse luck, broke the glasses I had bought for 500 yuan just last week. With scarcely any time to receive or offer an apology, I just kept on running and running. At long last, I arrived at the school only to find, with great sadness mixed with some relief, that the school was empty and the classrooms were all locked. It was Saturday.

My ill luck showed no sign of coming to an end. When I returned home greatly frustrated, I found myself locked out. In my hurry I had forgotten to bring the key with me. Just my luck!

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第九篇

Mark Twain (1835-1910), one of the best known American writers in the 19th century, was born in Missouri in the middle part of the United States.

Mark Twain’s hometown lay on the banks of the Mississippi River, where he spent his childhood. When he grew up he worked as a pilot on a river boat for some time. Mark Twain is his pen name. He took it from the shout of the sailors measuring the depth of the water when the water was two marks deep on the lead line.

Mark Twain wrote a lot of novels, one of which is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the masterpiece which brought him fame and honor. Some of his writings have been translated into many languages. He and his works are deeply loved by readers throughout the world.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十篇

There is no consensus of opinions among people about whether young people should live with their parents.

Some people are for the view that they prefer to live with their parents. While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that they need independent life. As far as I am concerned, the latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.

First of all, we should make a living by ourselves and live independently.

Furthermore, we can seek greater freedom and get a place of our own, in which we can do whatever we want. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, we have enough chances to face the society by ourselves, no matter what kind of experience we will have.

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that living alone is necessary.



有些人持更喜欢与父母一起生活的观点。然而还有一些人持有相反的观点,坚定认为他们需要独立的生活。就我而言,后者的观点从多种意义上来说更可取一些。理由很明显。 首先,我们应该独立谋生,独自生活。另外,我们可以获取更大的自由并拥有我们自己的空间,做自己想做的事情。在所有的支持论据中,有一个是最有力的。那就是我们可以有足够的机会来独自面对社会,不管我们会拥有什么样的经历。

根据以上所述很自然得出结论,那就是独立生活是有必要的。 20_年高考英语写作答题模板及范文——提纲作文

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十一篇

Liu Yaru, a woman worker, had worked in a weaving mill in Jinan for 14 years. In 1992 when she was 34, Mrs Liu was out of work. At the beginning, she stayed at home. She was worried and was not sure about finding another job. Some time later, she was no longer afraid of being looked down upon. She managed to find a job as a waitress at a teahouse. She does well in her job, and now many customers like to call at this teahouse. She makes a lot of money through her hard work. She has set a good example for the laid-off workers.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十二篇

My wife and I have always enjoyed traveling by sea,and last year we decided to go on a Mediterranean journey. Although our holiday was rather expensive we thought that the high standard of accommodation, the first-class food and the many interesting places we saw were well worth the price we paid.

We found that most of the other passengers were friendly and interesting, but there was one man, a Mr. James, who irritated and annoyed us. Whatever subject we talked about, it seemed that he was an expert at it. He had, apparently, read more books, visited more countries and studied more languages, than anyone else had. After a few days, we ate our meals in silence, because nobody wanted to begin a conversation that would soon be taken over by this man.

Then my wife had an idea. She suggested that we might think of an unusual subject, look it up in an encyclopedia and then talk about it at dinner. If it were an unusual subject, Mr. James could not possibly know anything about it. The subject we chose was “English Agriculture in the Eleventh Century.” At dinner that night we discussed this subject with great enthusiasm. Mr. James was silent. We realized we had at last come to find something he knew nothing about.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十三篇

My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong, a seaside village.

It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton. Some of them often go fishing in the sea.

Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. Now the peasants here use tractors in their work. A lot of new buildings have appeared. Many families own fridges and some even have air-conditioners. In the evening they watch TV as the people in cities do.

There is a primary school in the village. Most of the peasants’ children are studying in college now.

I love my home town. I believe she will become more and more beautiful in the future.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十四篇

(1)关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people asto people suggest that ____.

(2)俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old ’s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.

(3)现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which havebrought a lot of harms in our daily , ____Second, makes things worse is that______.

(4)现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is commonto people like ______ because ,______.

(5)任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and______ is not an exception,it has both advantages anddisadvantages.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十五篇

Last night I was driving home from work. I had an accident. I was following behind a truck, driving at about 30 kilometers an hour. I was watching the traffic carefully because it was getting dark.

Suddenly a small girl ran onto the road from the left. She was chasing a dog and she wasn’t paying any attention to the traffic. I immediately applied the brakes and turned the steering wheel quickly to the right.

The girl jumped towards the side of the road as soon as she saw my car. Fortunately I did not hit her, but I hit a car coming in the other direction. Luckily I was not driving very fast so the damage was not serious. It is better to damage a car than to injure a young child, I thought to myself.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十六篇

In recent years, the forests have been getting smaller and smaller for more and more people cut down trees for money. As trees grow naturally, people don't need to invest anything on them. But cutting down trees has destroyed our nature. We have already seen the bad consequence.

For example, we always suffer from the flood and drought disaster; many animals are facing the danger of dying out, because their habitats have been destroyed; deserts are expanding, and sandstorms are emerging. Our environment has been changed from bad to worse due to the reduction of forests. Thus, the government should appeal people that cutting down trees breaks the balance of our nature. Those who continue to cut down trees should be punished severely.

英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十七篇

High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior three student, it won't take long before I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students.

Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, parents and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, I've made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, xxxno pains, no gains.xxx

Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.




英语高考叙事类作文范文 第十八篇

Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought it for me as a present when my first year in middle school. He said I can study English with computer. Most of the time, I use computer to search study materials on the internet. I also have some foreign friends on the internet, we can talk in English. Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish my homework. My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me.








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