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更新时间:2024-01-20 19:22:53 发布时间:24小时内

医学检测的英语作文范文 第一篇

Dalian Medical University, formerly known as Kanto Medical College, was incorporated into Dalian University in, and the medical school of Dalian University was renamed and withdrawn from the establishment of Dalian University. Dalian Medical College is independent of Dalian Medical College. It is quoted that the school has crossed the border line and established Zunyi Medical College School in Zunyi City, Guizhou Province.

In Dalian City, the original rehabilitation medical office, still known as Dalian Medical College School, is renamed Dalian Medical University has become a multi-disciplinary medical college mainly engaged in medicine, literature, science, management, law and other disciplines. It covers an area of square meters, a building area of square meters, and a total value of teaching and scientific research equipment worth more than 10000 yuan Among the existing staff, there are many medical staff from the existing schools, a number of graduate students and a number of international student schools. Among them, the school with senior title or above, senior vice ministerial level or above, 's or above tutor schools are national key disciplines, 1 key discipline in Liaoning Province, 2 disciplines, 3 post doctoral research centers, 1 academic doctoral degree authorization point, and 2 discipline doctoral programs (including one in our university) there are five subject authorization levels for 's degree, one level for 's degree of discipline, one ministry level laboratory and Liaoning Provincial Key Laboratory.



医学检测的英语作文范文 第二篇









医学检测的英语作文范文 第三篇

How to keep healthy now more and more people care about their health, but how to keep healthy different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, the first thing to do is to do some exercise every day. Research shows that full exercise makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder.

This strengthens the heart and reduces the heart The chance of an attack helps to lower blood pressure, which is why more and more people take part in various sports and exercises every morning. Many people get up early, some practice Taijiquan and fencing, while others run, jog and walk. In the afternoon, many people are keen on sports.

Some play basketball, volleyball, table tennis, and others take part in gymnastics or track and field through sports Project people are getting healthier and stronger. Medical researchers have shown that what people eat affects their health. They suggest that people eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat, such as beef and pork, because meat contains more fat than poultry and fish.

Fat accumulates in the arteries, hinders blood flow and leads to heart disease or stroke. Quitting smoking and drinking is also an important way to keep healthy. Smoking and drinking are harmful to health, so we should give up.

Unfortunately, few people follow this advice. If people follow these three ways to keep healthy, they will greatly improve their health.



医学检测的英语作文范文 第四篇

Yo yo, a famous Chinese medicine scientist from Zhejiang Province, was born in Zhejiang Province for 12 and a half years We were asked to learn from her and devote ourselves to scientific research.



医学检测的英语作文范文 第五篇

When you ask a child what kind of person he wants to be in the future, he will answer you. His dream of becoming a doctor has always been very popular, so students are fascinated by medical school for many reasons. First, doctors can make a lot of money no matter how the trend changes.

When a doctor is a doctor, he will never devalue because people will get sick and need to see a doctor. No matter they become the second child, parents will both Hope there are doctors at home so that they can be cared for, just as parents instill ideas into their children, so the medical school craze will never subside.



医学检测的英语作文范文 第六篇

_If you don't succeed in the beginning, try again._ this is a wise word that should never be given up. Once I unfortunately run for the head of our class, there will always be another opportunity, another goal or another choice. If I lose, I lose because I don't fully publicize myself.

I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them the next year. This time I gave a speech, called the voters, and sent out pamphlets. This time I won, and I will never give up.

Once I want to study medicine, there will always be another opportunity. I don't like science. I failed all science courses in school.

Then I realized that what I like about medicine is to help others. I changed my goal, from curing patients to helping others. Now I am in Every time I study psychology, I have another goal.

Unfortunately, I want to talk to my friend. His computer is broken. I can't email him.

His phone line is busy, so I can't call him because I really want to talk to him, so I can't write to him. I got on the bus and went across town to visit him. If you give up, there's always another choice.

You'd better die. My advice is always to look for another opportunity, another goal, or another choice. There's always something else.

Don't give up.




医学检测的英语作文范文 第七篇

When I read an article written by Chairman Mao for the first time, I realized that a great doctor named Bethune. Since I realized how important the doctor's work is in the dictionary, I made up my mind to be a doctor. A doctor means a person with medical training.

He treats patients, but I don't think that is correct. A doctor is an angel who brings patients from their illness Happiness brings hope to patients. The doctor himself is the most effective medicine for the sick patients when I was a child.

So every time I see the smile on the doctor's face, I often go to see the doctor. I feel safe and warm. It seems that the doctor is the only one who is suffering and should be afraid.

At the beginning, I thought I should do something to repay the selfless help of the doctor. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor. I know It is not easy for everyone.

It requires a kind heart and a hard learning process. But I am confident to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I face. I will take every obstacle on the road as a ladder.

I can get the final success through it. One thing is certain. I am honored to join this glorious team of doctors To give my life to others.



标签: 新学期

医学检测的英语作文范文 第八篇

It's time to welcome a new year, a new you, but maybe your heart is not here, maybe you're tired of too many failed New Year's resolutions, or you can't feel the motivation now. Here are a few reasons you may not feel: you need to have a medical examination with your doctor to see if the cause of your drowsiness is related to medicine, maybe you are depressed or iron deficient There are a lot of medical conditions that can make you too tired to be motivated, so try to find out if your physical condition is causing the situation. You are comfortable.

If your life is comfortable, you may lose the motivation to promote your growth. Remember, it's always good to get out of the comfort zone, because it's the only way to improve yourself. Do something you're hesitant about every week for a period of time After that, you will find that you are used to it and even look forward to the challenge.

It can be something small, like inviting someone you just met to lunch, or something bigger, like giving honest feedback to your boss. If you set unrealistic expectations, you will make yourself more likely to fail, which will make you lose motivation. Make sure your goals are attainable before setting goals.

After so many failures, you have given up, and you may not be able to cope with the challenge. It may be terrible to put yourself there again, but the greater the risk, the greater the return. If If you're extremely timid, take small steps, and you'll feel more confident.

Once you've succeeded in some small achievements, maybe someone in your life disappoints you, maybe it's their own insecurity, or they can't adapt to different ideas. You try to explain why you're trying to change them, and if they can't reach an agreement, find out Ask for their support. With it, maybe it's best to keep a distance until they show up.

Remember, the first step in overcoming obstacles is to find out what's holding you back. Once you have a better understanding, it's easier to start acting and find motivation again.











标签: 医学 英语 范文



