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更新时间:2024-01-21 11:47:18 发布时间:24小时内

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第一篇

i have a friend , calling the computer . i usually get to the internet ,checking the date.

my friend and mother also like to get to the internet . they are similar to me , just is all free up . make the friend .in the sunny, i can see the movie and chat with my friend my friend on line . i can listen to music .

i think computer is useful .

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二篇

Liu Xiang is one of the famous athletes/ players in China. He was born on July 13th, 1983.

In his spare time, he likes singing and playing computer games. He is best at 110-metre hurdle in sports.

He got the gold medal in 20_ Athens Olympic Games.

And in 20_, he set a new world record with the time of seconds.

He didn’t take part in 20_ Beijing Olympics because of the condition of his he got the gold medal in 20_ Guangzhou Asian Games.

He hopes to to be the winner at 110-metre hurdle in 20_ London Olympic Games.

We think that his dream will come true. We are very proud of him. Good luck to him.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三篇

One afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand.

she was going to do some shopping.

Just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. One of her legs was hurt and she couldnt move any more. A kind cleaner saw whis and rushed to her at once. He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital.

What a warm-hearted man he was!



小学英语描写人物作文范文 第四篇

Now I have come to my last year of primary school. When I look back on the passed days, I feel that I have grown up. I learn to help my mother with her housework, because I want to relieve her burden. When my father comes home after work, I show him all the things happen at want him to know everything about me. This is the best me.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第五篇

have a round face. And when I watch the mirror, I can see a pallid face. I am well-featured but I have some pimple . I don’t have any dimple .


My haircut is a crew cut. Sometimes it’s center parting and sometimes it’s side parting. And my hair is jet-black. I have two big eyes, and they are close-set. And I have double eyelids. And I even have long eyelashs .


My nose is pointed. I have a pair of beautiful ears, and I have a big mouth, so sometimes I am very big mouth . My teeth are even , and the color are blonde. My chin is round, and my neck is a little long. My belly is flat because I am too thin though I eat a lot of things every day. My back is a little bended. I am of medium height and I am very thin. My classmates say that I am very cute but I don’t think so.


My dress is tidy and well-featured, but sometimes it’s very fashionable!


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第六篇

My hobby is collecting stamps. There are many stamps in my room. I like stamps very much.

There are many things on the stamps. They are colorful and beautiful.

After school I usually go to the post office and there are many people there. I learn a lot from collecting stamps.

I like collecting stamps very much.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第七篇

Let's Enjoy Spring!

Without telling us, spring has come. Now, everywhere is surrounded by this beautiful season. Never tell me you don't believe it, please go with me!

Spring has come, can't you see it? All the trees are wearing new green clothes. All kinds of grass are coming back. The flowers are blossoming. They have many different kinds of colours, red, yellow, pink and so and. They are so marvelous!

Spring has come, can't you hear it? Since days ago, the first thunder has made my heart beat a little. Today, when I hear the children's laughter, I feel excited, too. There's really a voice saying something around us: “I'm spring. I'm coming!”

Spring has come, can't you feel it? When walking outside, don't you feel something gentle blowing your faces? Yeah, that's the lovely spring wind. If rain comes, you can be even happier. Kissed by the spring rain, feeling comfortable. Walking in the rain, wow, so wonderful!

What's spring like? A cute lass, or a strong lad? No matter what it is like, let's go outside and enjoy it! Let's go!

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第八篇




背些模板就好了 如:Chapter One 文章开头句型1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主题.例如() [1]. When asked about。.., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that 。

. But I think/view a bit differently.[2]. When it comes to 。

. , some people believe that 。

. Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true . There is probably some truth in both arguments/statements , but (I tend to the latter 。) [3]. Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that 。

. They claim/ believe/argue that 。 But I wonder/doubt whether。

..1-2 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论 . [1]. Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of) 。 has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.[2]. Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of 。

has been brought into focus. [3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality 。 is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/ To be continued !!1-3 观点法 ----开门见山,直截了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.:[1]. Never history has the change of .. been as evident as 。

Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of .. been more visible/popular than。[2]. Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginning/coming to realize/accept/(be aware) that。

[3]. Now there is a growing awareness/recognition to the necessity to。

Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of 。

[4]. Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that。

.1-4 引用法 ----- 先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!:[1]. xxxKnowledge is power.xxx such is the remark made by Bacon. This remark has been shared by more and more people .xxxEducation is not complete with graduation.xxx Such is the opinion of a great American philosopher. Now more and more people share his opinion.[2].xxx。

xxx How often we hear such statements/words like those /this .In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this xxx。

xxx.1-5 比较法 ------ 通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.:[1]. For years, 。

had been viewed as 。 But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing 。

, people 。

. .[2]. People used to think that 。 (In the past, 。

.) But people now share this 故事法 ---- 先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.:[1]. Once in (a newspaper) , I read of/learnt 。. The phenomenon of 。

has aroused public concern.[2]. I have a friend who 。 Should he 。

. ? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.[3]. Once upon a time , there lived a man who 。 This story may be (unbelievable) , but it still has a realistic significance 问题法 ----- 先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题. 。

? Options of 。

vary greatly , some 。, others 。

But in my opinion , 。

.Chapter 2 文章中间主体内容句型 原因结果分析3-1-1. 基本原因 --- 分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.:[1]. Why 。 ? For one thing.. For another 。

[2]. The answer to this problem involves many factors. For one thing。 For another。

Still another 。

[3]. A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect 。. /both individual and social contribute to 。

.3-1-2 另一原因 --------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!:[1]. Another important factor is 。.[2]. 。

is also responsible for the change/problem.[3]. Certainly , the 。 is not the sole reason for 。

..3-1-3 后果影响 --------- 分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响 .:[1]. It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on。.[2]. In involves some serious consequence for 。

..比较对照句型3-2-1. 两者比较 ---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用 !:[1]. The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.[2]. Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.[3]. There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive . 两者相同/相似 ------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!:[1]. A and B have several thing in common. They are similar in that。

..[2]. A bears some striking resemblance(s) to Three 文章结尾形式2-1 结论性--------- 通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出。

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第九篇

I have a good friend. Her name is I'll sell it first. You'll know itlater.

She has short black and bright hair,often tied a ponytail,yellow skin,cherry like mouth,always like to wear bright clothes. She has a wide range ofhobbies,such as singing She is excellent in learning,so she is the learningcommittee of our class,but sometimes she will lose some temper when she can'tmove,but it will be better after that,especially the loss of the red scarfthat happened a few days ago. I only remember that I heard her cry when Ientered the class that day,and the family tried to comfort her But she criedbitterly,but she was better afterwards.

Smart do you know who she is?By the way,her name is Wang .

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十篇

My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me cheer up. When I began learning to walk, mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to stand up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms, her eyes Smiled with praise. Aftei I entered the school, mothers eyes still encouraged me.

Once I failed my Chinese exam, my mother helped me find out the reasons instead of blaming me. Now I have grown up and become more independent, but whenever I come across setbacks, my mothers eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十一篇

My sister is a university student, wearing a black shiny hair, a pair of big eyes, as if talking, slightly raised nose, very beautiful.

My sister and I feel particularly good, my sister is meticulous care about me. I remember one time, I was sick, in the middle of the night coughing, wake up the sister, sister did not want to disturb mom and Dad, so he went up to the pharmacy to buy medicine. Some pharmacies have been closed, the sister ran far enough to buy the right medicine. I was moved to tears brim over with tears.

My sister is not only concerned about life, take care of me, in other ways, too. On one occasion, my sister gave her beloved watch to me, I did not take good care of the table lost. I thought to myself: This is finished, must be scolded by my sister. When sister asked me, I would hide, finally found my sister. My sister said: xxxsincere words and earnest wishes must be honest, have Never mind is the key to mistakes, correct them in time, it is good. In addition, others to give things to take care of, to develop good habits, to have a big.xxx I nod.

Although my sister often does not go home, I miss her very much. I will study hard and be a useful person. Live up to my sisters hope.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十二篇

Today is mothers birthday. I give mother bought a nice big cake, and sing a song for her, wish her a happy birthday.

In the evening, grandpa grandma, aunt and mother some friends also came to congratulate. Mother ate a hearty dinner, please thanks.

Today, its so nice to mum. I am also very happy.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十三篇

Our English Teacher Our English teacher, Ms Huang, came to our school in 1970. She has been an English teacher for more than 30 years. She works hard and has been a model teacher for many years. She is kind and friendly to us after class, but She is rather strict with us in class. She always encourages us to speak and read more English.

She often says,xxxPractice makes perfect.xxx She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English playS. She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all respect and love her. Tomorrow she is going to attend an important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for her advanced deeds.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十四篇

Oh, do you think this boy is really ill-looking? He is my classmate in school. His name is Dai Shunxin. Do you think his face just likes a piece of square and white paper? He looks very poor. His hair is matted and brown. He has a crew cut. His eyes aren’t watery at all, and they’re fishlike.

His nose is also ill-looking, and it’s a hooked nose. He has jagged teeth and his teeth aren’t very clean. He is bended, so he looks very short. He is ugly but he usually has a sunny smile. Though he is really ill-looking and everybody usually laughs at him, he studies very hard!

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十五篇

My little cousin is only ten, but he knows more than any students in his grade.

He likes computer games and he is crazy about music. When he is free, he always listens to music. He likes many kinds of music, like country music, pop music, jazz and classical music.

He hates noise, when it is very noisy, he will be very angry and shout until people become quiet. So of course, he doesn’t like public places.

One day, I went shopping with him. On our way we saw a beggar. He thought the beggar was a drunk, and he wanted to tell him not to drink too much wine. But I told him that he was a beggar, he is very poor. To my surprise, he came in front of the beggar and gave him $5. Isn’t he kind?

He is like his father. They are both very kind and friendly, and a little funny. They both have big eyes and little mouth. Although he is ten, his room is full of toy planes and toy buses.

This is my little cousin. Is he lovely?

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十六篇

My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick.

He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while he's talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十七篇

There are four seasons in a year. The spring, summer, autumn and winter.

I think spring is the most beautiful season. In the spring, the flowers are blossoming, the grass is green and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spring is not too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring.

We can fly kites and enjoy the sunshine. I think spring is the best season ever!


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十八篇

My mother is of medium height, with long hair, bright eyes, a small mouth, usually people are always smiling face. You may not be able to find her in the crowd, but in my heart, she is the most gentle, able to do a good mother.

My mother has a pair of hands. Her shoes can be beautiful! My shoes are mothers, those shoes are not less than the clothing store. She embroidered the paintings even better, the flowers and plants. She also likes to share with others, often to repair the relatives and friends. My mother is also particularly concerned about health, she would like to clean the house once a week, my mother cleaned the house was particularly clean, the floor on the floor like a mirror, like a mirror to shine.

In my life, my mother is very careful to take care of me. Every morning, my mother got up early to make breakfast for me. I like to eat snacks, dishes, she remembers clearly. Often for me to buy, for me to do. My mother would give me a choice of clothes every day, in order not to let me cold, frozen. My mother is very strict with me in my study. But I have no problem, she always gives me the patience to explain, until I get so far. Whenever I get good grades, my mother will be proud of me. If I dont do well, she wont criticize me. My mom and dad do well.

This is my mother, a mother who cares about me! I love my mother!

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第十九篇

My father is a humorous father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the “big wave” self-invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barbers hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one-man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I dont know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dads body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十篇

My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our is warm-hearted and good- looking so that everyone loves 'm so glad to make friend with 'm out-going too,so we have been good friends for long time.

But sometimes I like quiet but she doesn' her marks are not good as suggested her that she should work-hard in her study so that we can go to the same university.

This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything my deeply feelings and thoughts.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十一篇

Deng Yaping,28,is a world-famous woman player of table comes from Henan Province. At the age of 4,she began to play ping-pong under her fathers instructions. When she was 8 years old,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another,including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games. Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only meters in height,which is her disadvantage. However,she overcame it by hard work and success proves where there is a will,there is a way.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十二篇

Today, my mother has something to do, so she leaves the house early in the morning.

Before she goes, I have promised to clean the house, so that she can relieve the burden. But I soon forget my job and just go out to play with my friends. When I go home, I see my mother is cleaning the house, I am so sorry to her.

I decide to keep my promise next time.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十三篇

I have a best friend, we know each other when we are five years old, now we talk about everything.

But sometimes we will have the argument, none of us want to give in first. We make a deal that the next day we will meet in a place every time, so we become good again.

I cherish our friendship so much.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十四篇

英语作文怎么写? 相对于英语的其它题目,作文的综合要求可能更高一点,那么我们就以这次考试的作文为例子来讲讲英语作文怎么写. 首先我先说说同学们在做作文的时候常常遇到的问题,然后我再给出一个大概的解决方法,最后呢,我们联系这次考试的作文题来实战一番. 从我们题目的要求来看,是一个记事的记叙文,并且是一个看图说话类的,所有的素材都在我们的图片里面了.那么我们就要先把图片仔细的看一下,选好线索,显然图片里面的钟暗示我们选择时间为我们的叙事线索.其次要选择好一个时态的问题,我们可以以晚上回忆的方式来叙述这个事情。那么都是过去时。 那么开头是一个比较困难的事情,大家也许不知道从何说起.这里我给出了一个例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我们不必过多的描述在路上的情形,我们重点将描述在敬老院里面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn't do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn't performed well, the smile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn't notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to come back again whenever we had time.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十五篇




如表达“为了……”时,可用inorder to do 或 so as todo.也可用sothat引导目的状语从句。(2)写出的句子要达意,完整,语法正确,合乎习惯,特别是句式、谓语动词形式要有根有据。

(3)表达限定的内容有困难时,就要想到“AllroadsleadtoRome.”这句话,用变通的方法,以达到“曲径通幽”。如要译“他表哥外强中干”这样一句话,表达起来似乎很难,但我们完全可以通过学过的东西将这句话明白贴切地表达出来:Hiscousinlooks strong but in fact,he is rather weak.(4)尽量避免使用汉语式的英语。

例如要表达“她睡得很迟”,不可写成:Shesleptvery late.应该写成:Shewent tobed verylate.因为“sleeplate”表示“睡懒觉”。又如要表达“他一点都不担心他的英语”,不可写成:Heisnot a little worried abouthisEnglish.实际上意思完全相反,表达成“他非常担心他的英语”了。

应该是:Heisnot a bit worried about his English. 或:He isnotworried about his English at all.连词成句,添减相宜单句写出后,根据短文的内容要求,确定先写什么,后写什么,按照表述内容的情节发展和实际需要,重新排列组合已写成的句子,划分必要的段落,一般分成三段。即:文章的开头(Introduction)、文章的主体(Mainbody)和文章的结尾(Conclusion).这样写成文章的初稿。


















如:Atschool: keep the classroom clean and tidy. At home : helpparents dosome housework. In public places: obey the traffic rulesdont maketoo much noise . make a contribution to this event: giveoutleaflets to make people understand the importance ofthisactivity.第三步:列出写作提纲,并将要点扩展成句。开头(。

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十六篇

形容人可以用很多不同的形容词,如:outgoing(开朗的) friendly(友好的)句子:She/He is not only outgoing but also friendly.她/他不仅开朗,而且对人友善.(not only。

but also。不仅。

还)She's quiet but clever.她文静但聪明.The girl who is the tallest is my firend.那个最高的女孩是我的朋友.She is good at dance.她擅长跳舞.I think she is a warm-harted girl.我认为她是个热心的女孩.I do well in English,and she's as well as me.我英语很好,她也和我一样好.-----------不知道你想要怎样的句子,希望我写的能帮上忙。

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十七篇

Deng Yaping,28,is a world-famous woman player of table comes from Henan Province. At the age of 4,she began to play ping-pong under her father's instructions. When she was 8 years old,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she entered the National Training Team. After that she won medals one after another,including gold medals in the 1 l th Asian Games' Table Tennis Competition and the 41st World Table Tennis Championship and two gold medals in the 25th Olympic Games.

Is she born a table tennis player? No. She is only meters in height,which is her disadvantage. However,she overcame it by hard work and success proves where there is a will,there is a way.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十八篇

When I am taking the food, I get used to watching TV, it makes me happy.

Though my parents have educated me to focus my attention on eating many time, I still like to keep my bad habit. Some day, I see from the news that there are so many bad influences on bad eating habit.

So I decide not to watch TV while I am eating.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第二十九篇

I have a strange old man.

He has a curved eyebrows, two big eyes, my dad high nose, looks extremely handsome. But he just doesnt like to laugh!

My father is very strange, seldom see him every day. When I got up, my father was gone. My father didnt come back when I was sleeping. Dad said he took me to Hongkong to play, but this thing has been in the past three years, my father did not take me. I find it strange that dad is always so busy!

My father is very strange, only three things to do at home: go to the toilet, watch TV, go to bed. What is more strange is that every time he watches TV, he always makes a lot of noise. I think its strange: Daddy loves sleeping so much!

Later, I realized that my dad every day to a lot of problems, did not laugh; my father too much work there is always a lot of things waiting for him to return home; my father worked too hard, too tired to love to sleep. I finally know why my father is so strange, because my father loves me, loves our family. I love my father, too.

Look! This is my strange father!

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十篇

My grandfather is in his seventies now. He is a kind and warm-hearted old man.

He used to live with my family. At that time he always spent more than one hour examining my homework every day. When I was ill,he took good care of me. He showed great concern.

Grandfather is very warm-hearted to his neighbors and is always ready to help them. One day,a girl who is one of his neighbors injured her leg carelessly. My grandfather took her to the hospital at once and paid the fees with his own savings.

Now my grandfather is living in another city with my aunt. My parents and I all miss him very much. And I hope that I can go to visit him soon.




小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十一篇

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32ndPresident of the United States and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two terms, he forged a durable coalition that realigned American politics for decades. FDR defeated incumbent Republican Herbert Hoover in November 1932, at the depths of the Great Depression. FDRs combination of optimism and activism contributed to reviving the national closely with Winston Churchill andJoseph Stalin in leading the Allies against Germany and Japan in World War II, he died just as victory was in sight.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十二篇

I want to say”Thank you”to Miss Wang our English teacher. I can never pay you back for your kindness and your patience. I used to be weak in English. You found my problem and helped me out. With your help I am now good at English. I still remember your smile on the day when I won first prize in the English speech competition. It was you who gave me the confidence. 我想对我们的英语老师说谢谢。对您的善良和耐心我是无法报答的。我曾经英语不好,你发现了我的问题并帮助我走出困境。在您的帮助下,我现在英语很好,我仍然记得当我在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名时您的微笑。是您给了我自信。


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十三篇

My father gets up everyday at 6 am to cook the breakfast for our family. Then she wakes me up at 6:30 and drives me to school at 7:20. She goes to her work after driving me to school at 7:50. My mom starts working at 8 in the morning and finishes at 5 in the evening.

She drives home and cooks dinner for our family at around 6. She does housework at 7 and takes a bath at 8. She helps me with my homework after taking a bath. Finally she goes to bed at 10.



小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十四篇

When I was in primary school, my parents told me I must keep my eyes not so close from the book, or I would become ugly.

I keep it all the time, now so many years have passed, I find most of my classmates have worn glasses, while I not one of them.

Thanks to my parents, I keep the good eyesight now.

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十五篇

Deng Yaping,28,from Henan Province,is a talented woman player f table tennis. She was the table tennis champion of the 1 l th Asian Games nd the 41st World Table Tennis Championship. And in the 25th Olympic ames she won two gold medals. Why can she make such brilliant chievements with the disadvantage of her Short figure? Her hard work and etermination to succeed helped her to overcome many disadvantages. At the age of 4,she began to play table tennis under the guidance of her father. When she was 8,she won the championship in the national competition of the amateur sports school. In 1988 she became a member of the National Training Team. On her way to success,she proved that height was nothing and hard work was everything.


小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十六篇

My name is Li BaoLing . I have a good friend . Her name is Chen ZiQing . I am 13 years old .

She is as old as me. I am 155cm tall. She is 150cm tall . She is 5cm shorter than me . I am 36kg .

She is 37kg . She is heavier than me .She often does homework with me .

We always help each other. I am happy to have a good firend .

小学英语描写人物作文范文 第三十七篇

多阅读,在阅读过程中掌握许许多多新词汇.每接触一个新词,要自己造几个句子,让自己能灵活运用.然后在写自己的文章时加进去,那么自己的作文就如虎添翼了!还要用一些连词,让自己的文章更自然.如and,well,however,therefore… 归纳这几点: 1、以图表提供情景的作文要以“读”为主,首先要读懂图表中的数据、时间、编码、序号以及相互间的变化关系,对所给的信息加以分析、推断、筛选、概括、去粗取精;在写作时目的要明确,要注意内容的准确性和严肃性,尤其是图表中的数据、时间等不得有误。

2、以图画提供情景的作文应以“看”为主,通过细心观察图中的人物、景物、文字、环境、数字等,弄清写作的意图,通过分析思考把握逻辑联系,找出主题并借助所给的文字,把图中的信息转化成文章,但要注意,文章不能停留在图画的浅表,而要表达出提供情景的意图和内涵。 3、以提纲提供情景的作文。

这种形式本身的要点已经很明确,重点也很突出,只要把各个提纲加以发挥,注意遣词造句的灵活性和语法规则的正确性,就不会造成审题不清而偏离主题,但要注意,文章必须覆盖所提供的各个提纲的要点。 4、以书信格式提供情景的作文。












