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高考作文20_英语范文 第一篇

第二节 读后续写(满分25分)


It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.

We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afermoon. Uncle Paul, my dad's friend, picked us up from the airport and drove me up to his farm in Pecos.

His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. xxxThe day starts at dawn on my farm,xxx he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze (吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.

In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn't going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains. “Don't be late for supper,xxx Uncle Paul cried, xxxand keep to the track so that you don't get lost!xxx “OK!xxx my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late aftermoon sunmixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven ( 编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。




根据第一段所给首句Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.这一句是故事发展的转折点,可从rabbit出现后带来的反应扩展开,可以写马的反应,也可以写人的反应,但要注意与第二段首句相呼应。第二段首句是We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.这一句呼应前文Uncle Paul的叮嘱——不要误吃晚饭,可从如何寻路返回农场去写。



Suddenly a lttle rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. My horse turned to the 1eft to avoid the ittle rabbit as I held on tightly and tried not to fall. Then my dad turned around and shouted, Hoid on! All of a sudden the horse began to run My dad tried to keep up behind us. For a few minutes my horse slowed down to a trot and then stopped beside a river. I looked around and realized that we were way off the track.

We had no idea where we were and it got dark. Luckily the stars came out and gave us a little light when we were looking for the way to the farm house. After what must have been several hours, we suddenly heard the sound of sheep in the distance. My dad and I both rode our horses towards the sound of the sheep. As we got closer we saw Uncle Paul with a flashlight waving us over. What a night!

高考作文20_英语范文 第二篇






1. 认真读图,把握中心。




3. 连词成句,然后再连句成文。





Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture, which turned out be to extremely rewarding.

On arriving at the tea house, the foreign students were impressed by the unique tea pots and tea cups. I gave them a vivid and informative introduction of tea culture, including its profound history, its rich variety, and the exquisite craftsmanship of making tea with their interest greatly sparked, I then began to teach them how to make tea.

In order to deliver a clear presentation, I slowly explained the traditional procedure of making tea in detail. Absorbed in every move of mine, the foreign students were once again amazed by this unique culture and they couldn’t help taking pictures from time to time.

Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves. Washing the tea pots, adding tea leaves, and pouring water into the cups, they followed my instructions and were really immersed in charming tea culture. The tea house witnessed a really enjoyable time for all of us.

At the end of the activity, holding the tea bags in our hands, we took a picture to memorize the unforgettable day. It suddenly hit me that traditional culture like tea culture was of great charm and huge value. And I swelled with pride to spread our own culture to people all over the world.



Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture, which turned out be to extremely rewarding.


On arriving at the tea house…

I gave them a vivid and informative introduction of tea culture, including its profound history, its rich variety,

Absorbed in every move of mine, the foreign students were once again amazed by this unique culture

holding the tea bags in our hands, we took a picture to memorize the unforgettable day.


Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves.


It suddenly hit me that traditional culture like tea culture was of great charm and huge value.

高考作文20_英语范文 第三篇

The seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. Many people get there very early to xxxseizexxx a seat every day. So do I. One day a xxxspecialxxx thing happened to me. And I learned a lesson that I shall never forget.

It happened on a Wednesday morning last January, just before our final examation. I got to the reading-room very early to occupy a seat. I put a book on the desk and then went to have breakfast. But when I hurried back into the reading-room, I found someone was sitting on the seat which I had occupied in advance. I ran to him immediatly and shouted at him angrily, xxxGo away. It's my seat.xxx Everyone raised their eyes and stared at me unfriendly. My face turned red and I felt ashamed of myself. I took my book and fled helter-skelter before so many eyes.

I dared not go to the reading-room for several days. I learned a lesson in the reading-room. Since then I have been keeping the lesson in mind: To be polite to everyone.

The seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. In order to xxxseizexxx a seat, I go there very early every morning. Just because of this, a special story happened to me one day. I learned a lesson in the reading-room that I will remember all my life.

It took place on a Monday morning in October. After occupying a seat in the reading-room, I went to fetch a bottle of boiled water. When I returned to the reading-room, I found that a girl student was sitting on my seat. Immediately I ran to her and shouted at her angrily, xxxWhy have you taken my seat? Go away.,(How Important Is Home Education)!xxx Everybody in the reading-room looked up from their books at me unfriendly. At once I brushed with shame. I rushed out of the reading-room with my book. I can never forget those xxxeyesxxx.

This is the lesson I've learned in the reading-room: I shall respect other people.



高考作文20_英语范文 第四篇

If someone asks me, Who do you love best? I'll answer withoutthinking, My mother! My mother is a village woman. She has very littleschool education, but she knows that knowledge is very important to youngpeople. She often teaches me how to get along wich my studies and encourageme to study hard.

My mother takes good care of me. She does not let me do any house-work, so that I can spend more time on study.

Once I heard she was seriously ill, I rushed home to see her. When Igot home at night, I found the light was still on and mother was sitting inbed, making new clothes for me. I was so deeply moved that tears came tomy eyes.

This is my mother, a kind and hard-working woman, I'll respect andlove her forever.

高考作文20_英语范文 第五篇

准时:on time/punctually

餐桌礼仪:table manners


拜访:pay a visit to

You are supposed/expected/required to do…

It' s a good idea to…

It' s appropriate/suitable to do …

It' s sensible/reasonable/advisable to do …

It' s good manners to do …

It' s noteworthy that…

I think it would be more helpful if you could do…

It would be wise of you to…

It' s desirable to do …

It' s inappropriate to do …

It' s impolite to do…

It' s unwise/inadvisable to do …

Never (助动词/系动词/情态动词)主语+谓语动词…

It' s not suitable for you to do…in such a situation.

高考作文20_英语范文 第六篇

1. 浏览信息要点。

2. 三个任务点,第一段内容:问候对方,马上呈现对方所涉及的话题,拜访中国家庭,做客时间的要求和忌讳! 第二段内容:做客拜访的合适礼物,可以适当延展,初次拜访,亲密朋友之间拜访,二次拜访,家庭情况适合的礼物,通用的礼物等。第三段:table manners,可以描述两三个通常的中国人的餐桌礼节和忌讳的地方,有鲜明特色之处,最后一句表达祝愿。

3. 时态,给对方的建议和说明,用一般现在时,描述风俗礼仪这是客观规律性的东西,用一般现在时。

4. 头脑风暴短语、句型结构,开始打草稿。

5. 行文。

6. 检查拼写和语法。


Dear Terry,

How are you doing? Learning that you are about to pay a visit to a Chinese friend and confused about the Chinese customs, I am writing to put forward some advice.

Firstly, I would 1ike to suggest that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes earlier, which is common in Chinese traditional culture. Secondly, if I were you I would bring some appropriate gifts with me, such as souvenirs from my own country. Besides, table manners are also what you should pay attention to. For example, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food. Instead, laying them on your dish is a smart choice.

If you have any other problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


高考作文20_英语范文 第七篇

Everyone has got into trouble, then you need most is others to help you. If everyone can contribute a little love, will no longer will look to others get help anxiously face oboro. We should take them for example, helpful

He said the PLA men lei feng! He should become our example, although very young by accident, but he gave his life was born a great life and died a glorious! Lei feng's uncle has many good deed, like good seats, that is the norm.

Once, lei feng's uncle to train on the train, he found an old lady was anxious, restless, lei feng's uncle walk slowly past, ask: xxxold woman, what can I do for you?xxx The old woman still worried of say: xxxI see,xxx said tickets and his search. Lei feng's uncle, without a ticket to go quickly, and bought a ticket to old woman, the old lady very grateful to him. Some passengers said he was xxxfoolsxxx uncle, lei feng was laughed and said: xxxI'd rather be such a fool.xxx Lei feng's uncle, but he often do not often do a good deed. Once an old uncle thunder feng, help push carts, his car was tired after working, the old nurse just want to thank he asked: xxxwhat's your name, please?xxx Lei feng's uncle say with smile: xxxI is old, people still. Bye!xxx Finish nasty xxxrunxxx.

If everyone as lei feng's uncle so helpful, just like golden thread will all every are connected, the most beautiful, the most precious is the necklace. Let every one of us don't mean god gave us a loving, because it is inexhaustible, it will make people think you very well. To squander your love!

高考作文20_英语范文 第八篇

I feel very happy if I help other people. I don't expect that the person I have helped will help me later, I think human beings live in a same planet, we need to help each other to make our society better. Even for a beggar, I know some of them are not the really disable, not the way they said, but I still give them money because kneeling down on the street and beg is the way normal people would like to do. Those beggars are really geting into a tough situation that makes them abandon their self-respect. I will do my best to help other people if possible, when a old women crossing the street, why not just help her, when a couple of old people get on the bus, why not just give them a seat. Anyway, I hope more and more people love helping others appear in this earth.

高考作文20_英语范文 第九篇

As I sat in my room one summer day preparing my lessons, I felt that it was very hot and disagreeable. The sun shone brightly and the birds kept perching on the trees which, as there was no wind, made no stir. Suddenly a dark cloud hid the sun. The wind began to blow. I knew that a storm would soon come.

The sky was full of black clouds. Flashes of lightning lit up the courtyards, old houses and porches, and thunder began to roar overhead. No birds sang any longer while the leaves of the trees rustled and a wind blew against our faces. A drop of water fell, then another, and then the rain fell on the roofs with a noise like the beating of drums. A brilliant stripe of light filled the sky. Suddenly there came a terrible thunderclap overhead, and then the sky was full of roars of thunder.

After a while, the rain stopped and the thunder and lightning ceased. The sky became blue again,通讯(Communication), and the birds once more sang sweetly, while the trees and the flowers seemed almost as happy as before.










