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更新时间:2023-11-19 19:51:43 发布时间:24小时内


program: international marketing

as a 23-year-old aspiring student who has grown up and received his educationin pace with the evolution of china's market economy over the past two decades,i deem myself in possession of many professional qualities for undertaking acareer in advanced marketing and business management. i believe that i havedemonstrated more creativity, management skills, english language proficiency,and the courage to accept challenges than most of my peers on a number ofimportant occasions-being selected from a large number of competitors to studyat _ university of _ on an exchange program, winning prize in the _ foruniversity students, launching my own company upon completing my . my interest and my demonstrated abilities show me unmistakably that totake up a lifelong career in high-level marketing management will be veryappropriate for me because that is where my potential lies. in order to scalenew heights academically and to lay a solid foundation for my later-day careerdevelopment, i would like to apply for a master's program in at the prestigious business school in _ university. for me, this is aself-conscious attempt to face challenge and to transcend my former self. iexpect to be initiated into a first-rate academic environment in which myacademic foundation is consolidated and my business potential isstrengthened.

it was in _ technology and business school that i completed my , majoring in marketing. as an academic discipline, marketingfascinated me for its increasingly important strategic role in modern managementand for its interdisciplinary character, as it encompasses management science,psychology, sociology, statistics, etc. from the very outset of my , i realized the importance of seeking a comprehensive development, onboth academic and personal levels, in order to become a senior in the future. therefore, throughout my undergraduate program, iendeavored to make full exploitation of all the available educational resourcesof my university to improve my academic performance. an examination of myacademic transcript will indicate that i have maintained a year-by-yearascendance in my study. apart from that, i have also been very active inextracurricular activities and learned german and _ languages besides ability to perform independent research was cultivated and improved throughwriting my internship treatise and graduation thesis, both of which were given a95-point score, the highest score in my class. in particular, my thesis on themarketing of hi-tech products, by focusing on the major business risks involvedin the marketing of hi-tech products and on the short and uncertain life cycleof those products, was rated ^v^excellent^v^ for detailed analyses and novelperspectives that i offered in it.

the most important part of my undergraduate graduate program is definitely myshort but memorable stay in _. as a junior, i was selected through a test to embark on a 4-month exchange program with _'s _ polytechnic onthe strengths of my distinguished academic performance, english proficiency andcomputer skills. this exciting and memorable experience proved extremelybeneficial to me-i gained marked improvement in my english, was exposed to atotally different life style and educational system, and achieved newunderstanding of the concept of marketing. plunged into a new academicenvironment, i demonstrated a creative and a critical spirit rare in chinesestudents, and won appreciation from my _ professors. in attending the coursehigh tech marketing, my team members and i spent the entire semester verifyingthe plausibility of a business proposal that i raised but was rejected by my _advisor. under my insistence and through my continued refinement, my businessproposal achieved eventual success and has been incorporated into the overallbusiness plan of _ company. in another course international business plan, myfruitful collaboration with my _ classmates led to our team's winning of theunprecedented full mark in the final evaluation of our course project. i alsoaccumulated important experience of performing group research in the eacademyproject headed by dr. _, in which i was responsible for the marketing planningof the enterprise.

upon completing my undergraduate program, with the support of my friends andfamily members, i launched my own _ trade company that deals in medicalequipment and provides hospital management consulting service. in doing this, ibecame one of the few chinese graduates who established their own business. mybusiness impulse originated from two sources. the first is my participation inthe _ for university students in which my team won excellence award (myresponsibility was to formulate marketing plans for our ^v^optimum^v^ company and toconduct market surveys)。 another is my internship as a senior student at ane-commerce company during which i planned and organized market investigations inpreparation for the marketing of the company's latest product-hospitalmanagement information system. i saw myself as possessing necessary businessmanagement skills and marketing potential.

managing my own company, making real business plans and designing realmarketing strategies, all those have allowed me to apply my knowledge and to tapmy business potential. in making this bold move, i wish to develop a clearunderstanding of what i am good at and to chart the course of my future careerdevelopment. my present application for a master's program at your esteemeduniversity is motivated by my need to receive further academic input that willenable me to develop my company into a major enterprise.

according to modern management theories, successful enterprises must behighly customer-oriented and marketing is no longer the job of a department of an enterprise. as a developing country with a plannedeconomy for many decades, china lacks a well-developed science of management andmarketing, and the current marketing practices are far from mature as marketingas a standard academic discipline is only of recent origin. yet this may prove ablessing in disguise for me as i am located at the crucial point of china'sdevelopment in marketing theory and practice and i will enjoy greater chances ofsuccess. in my proposed degree program, i would like to focus on the marketingof hi-tech products and on the marketing of multinational companies undercultural pluralism. the relationship between marketing and cultural pluralismhas long been my major research concern and during my study in _ i have alreadypaid special attention to the impact of cultural differences between east andwest on marketing. in my future studies, i will be exposed a greater culturaldiversity, which i believe will further facilitate my study and research. it isan art to deal with the subtle relationship between culture and marketing and ineed to gain more understanding and experience in this regard.

young as i am, i am fully aware of the transitory nature of life and all thati can do is to race against time to maximize knowledge and expertise and toenrich the value of my life within the limited span of my life. through myfuture study, i wish to develop myself into a marketing specialist. this is anobjective, and i am in possession of the necessary foundation, academic andprofessional, and the potential for realizing this objective.



Bad example:

“My hobbies and interests range from football, learning the piano and writing poetry. I currently play for SMALL TOWN FC, which is a semi-professional football club located in SMALL TOWN in the Black Country. My position for the club is centre midfield and I can also play as a left/right midfielder.”


Good example:

“Outside of school, I have used my skills in Graphic Design to create various concert flyers, along with a poster for the East/North Birmingham NHS Urgent Care Centre, which was used across Birmingham, and presented at the 'National Conference on Urgent Care.”

通过课外活动的例子来展示出学生在平面设计方面的academic skill。


, Wenyuan Road, Yadong new Area, Nanjing,

School of Management Science and Engineering

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

Nanjing 210023



April _

Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, USA

Tel:(617) 495-1000 Dear Prof. _: I'm Yang, a master candidate fromHarbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have been attached.

My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers in the journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition, papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhD programme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-education experiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type of co-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The study period abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have to accomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology), so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University.

And this programme runs like this, students meet the application requirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area is among the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire an official invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, all I need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The date of enrollment I'm considering is September/October 20_. In order to make sure I can catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all the application stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January, 20_. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter from USA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to make sure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if you can't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon as possible!

Yours sincerely,


Dear x,

The success that a person can achieve in his or her career depends largelyupon the extent that he or she is emotionally attached to the career that he orshe is pursuing. As far as I am concerned, I believe that I am in fullpossession of the necessary and potential qualities for achieving success in mycareer because the first day that I was exposed to tourism, I became enamored ofthis fascinating profession. In undertaking tourism as a profession, I have beenexposed to a pluralistic cultural value. In return, I can expose the rest of theworld to the ancient civilization of Chinese culture. In other words, I havebeen able to broaden my vision and horizon on one hand and impart my knowledgeof Chinese culture to foreign tourists who come to savor the fascinating Chineseculture. For me, tourism serves as a bridge that connects both China and therest of the world, linking the past history with contemporary culture. This isexactly the underlying reason behind my intense love of tourism.

As a practitioner of tourism business in China, a major country of touristattraction, I have always been very proud of the tremendous potential of China’stourism industry. According to the prediction made by the 14th Conference ofWorld Tourism Organization held in Oct. 20_, China’s tourism will experience amajor phase of rapid development within two decades and by 20_ China willbecome a country of the largest tourist influx. Vice versa, the number ofChinese citizens who visit foreign countries will reach one billion annually,ranking No. 4 in the world. What’s more, China has formally joined the WTO andthe Olympic Games will be held in x within six years. All those factors willcontribute significantly to the rapid, yet sustained growth of Chinese tourismindustry. In order for China to become a leading country of tourism within 20years, it is imperative that China’s tourism-oriented hotel industry developinto a mainstay business. In this process, to learn from advanced and successfulsystems and experiences of hotel industry in the world becomes an indispensablestep. It is my expectation that I make my own contributions to this process inmy chosen field. This constitutes the most direct motive behind my presentdecision to apply for a Master’s program in the specialty of Hotel & TourismManagement from your esteemed university.

Compared with a multitude of other applicants, I believe that my greatestcompetitive edge lies in my academic training and in my ample practicalexperience in the related fields. My undergraduate career was spent in xInstitute, often regarded as the university of tourism of China. It is the mostprestigious university in China which is specifically designed to train futureprofessionals for China’s tourism industry who are equipped with both foreignlanguage competence and specialized knowledge of tourism. On account of thisspecial characteristic of my university, I not only did excellent coursework inmy proper specialty—Russian Language—but also benefited importantly from acomprehensive tourism-oriented curriculum that included such specialized coursesas General Introduction to Tourism, Geography for Tourism, and ProfessionalTourist Guide. Taking into account the practical nature of tourism, I took partin a considerable amount of extracurricular activities of fieldwork andinternships. I left my footprints in virtually all the major hotels and touristresorts of x by working as hotel receptionists and serving as tourist guide. Bythe time I completed my four-year undergraduate program, I not only masteredRussian language with high proficiency but also achieved all the for becoming a professional tourism personnel.

For approximately three years since my graduation, I have been working as atourist guide for international travelers, a career which has further enabled meto accumulate much practical experience and expertise. Working at the EuropeanDepartment of x, the largest travel agency in China, I have been faced withconstant challenges. First of all, I have further enriched my and refined my proficiency in foreign languages, both of which areessential for undertaking foreign-related tourism. Apart from using my knowledgeof Russian language and relevant knowledge of tourism with much facility, I havemade extra efforts to perfect my English language. Over the past two years, Ihave constantly improved my English language capacity from passing the TOEFLtest with a satisfactory score (the test was taken at the end of myundergraduate program) to the present level of independently and perfectlyproviding tourist guide in English. In addition, I have also developed theability to prepare all the work plans and documents in English with muchfacility. Finally, within the past three years, I have received tourists and dealt with a large number of emergency experiences have not only trained my ability of organization andcoordination, the ability to live and work independently, but also provided mewith important opportunities to demonstrate my professional qualities as awell-trained and excellent tourist guide. All those qualities andqualifications, I believe, will prove vitally important to me in achievingsuccess in my future academic program and professional career.

Nevertheless, in my practical work experience, I have become acutely awarethat, although China has made considerable development in its tourism and hotelbusiness over the past decade, yet compared with advanced countries and regionsin the world, China lags significantly behind them in terms of the level ofinformation and network development, the efficiency of management, theeffectiveness of decision-making and, ultimately, the level of profitability. xconstitutes one of the most renowned bases of top-level hotels in the world,full of creative and original concepts of hotel, tourism and cuisine service andmanagement. In the same way, the College of x of x University is ranked amongthe top institutions of high education in hotel management in Asia. Designatedas its international headquarters and secretariat by the x, the College hasbeen accepted by the International Tourism Organization as the network memberfor hotel and tourism education. The College is the only one of its kind in Asiato have received this special honor. It is my expectation to be part of theelite group of this prestigious College. By conforming myself to the trends ofthe age of knowledge economy and to the demands of the present-day hotel andtourism industry, I am determined to develop myself into professional of hotelmanagement who is equipped both with the advanced knowledge of hotel managementin the world but also with the practical experience of local market operations,a person who can assimilate both Western and Chinese experiences. My ultimateplan is to bring advanced hotel and tourism management methods and operationsback to the mainland to facilitate my own career development.

Yours sincerely,


Dear _,

I am Tang _ (male, born on February 15, 20_, from Honglu village, Honglu Street), a sixth grade student of Honglu Central Primary School.

In the second half of the year, I will become a junior high school student, and my biggest wish is to enter_ I studied in middle school because I got to know your school_ The middle school has a beautiful learning environment, the traditional virtue of unity and mutual assistance, a good learning atmosphere, and good teachers and leaders who are willing to teach and solve problems. Opportunities are available but not available. I hope the school leaders can give me the opportunity to study in your school.

I will be prepared to bear all hardships, build up the confidence to overcome all difficulties, and strive to complete three years of junior high school life with excellent results to repay the expectations of the school leaders. I sincerely ask the school leaders to consider my application.

Yours sincerely,



Dear_ teacher:


My name is _, __ Middle school___ student. Me and_ It originated from the moonlight in the lotus pond that I read when I was young. The vast moonlight fell quietly and the lotus leaves stood in the fields. I was deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery like a dream. From then on, I was deeply impressed by the simple, elegant and rich cultural heritage_ It takes root in my heart and becomes the holy land of my dreams.

_ What I pay attention to is the all-round development of talents, so in the study of all subjects, I am steady and excellent, and I am among the best in all previous examinations.

Competition: in 20__ Year__ He won the first prize of Shaanxi competition area in the national biology middle school biology Olympic League and won the silver medal in the national finals on behalf of Shaanxi__ He won the first prize in mathematics and the second prize in chemistry in Shaanxi Province. Here I would like to talk about my experience of participating in the national biology competition in summer vacation. When I came to Wuhan Middle School, with my smile and affinity, I met friends from all over the country and talked about my ideals; I have learned that there are green hills and buildings outside the mountain. Compared with the national elites, I still have a lot to improve; I've learned to never give up even in the face of setbacks. It's more important to adjust my mind to meet the next challenge... All these are precious experiences that I'll never forget in my life, and also make me understand more deeply_“ The school motto of ^v^self-improvement^v^.

I have a wide range of hobbies: Although I am a science student, I am very interested in history and humanities knowledge. In my spare time, I like to watch the ^v^hundred forum^v^ and watch the knowledge competition of traditional Chinese culture on TV, intending to improve my comprehensive quality. I used to learn Chinese painting when I was a child. I like to splash ink on Shengxuan, and I like the distant detachment of ^v^landscape stretching thousands of miles away^v^; I have also studied guzheng. I like to pick on the twenty-one stringed zither. I like to hate each other in high mountains and flowing water. I like the graceful sadness in Spring River moonlight; When I was in junior high school, I went to learn Taekwondo. I like to listen to the clear sound of kicking the foot target when my legs break through the air. I also firmly remember and practice the spirit of Taekwondo - courtesy, honesty, self-restraint, indomitable.

My ideal: I like to see all kinds of buildings since I was a child, Abu? I am fascinated by the first light of every sun day in the temple of Simbo, the towering spire of Notre Dame, and the sail shape of Sydney Opera House. I hope I can be_ As a member of the Department of architecture, I have formed my own unique architectural style, so as to realize my ultimate dream - to participate in the design of China Pavilion in the future World Expo and let the world see China's style!

I like Tagore's poem: ^v^the sky does not leave traces of birds, but I have flown.^v^ For my dream, I have accumulated strength for many years, waiting for the moment of thin hair. No matter what the result is, at least I have worked hard for my dream and my life, so I will never regret it. Perhaps when I think of the experience of this period when I'm gray, I will smile for my original persistence and determination when I was young.

^v^There will be times when the wind blows through the waves, and the clouds sail straight to the sea.^v^_ Yuan, wait for me!




__ Year__ Month__ day


Program: Human Resource Management /International Business Management / Media Enterprises

In this age of information, economic globalization is subjecting the entire world to an irresistible, all-encompassing and profound transformation. Any single nation has the likelihood to exceed the boundaries of its domestic market, and its natural and human resources to realize an optimum allocation of resources on the international level. By now, a pattern of multinational competition has developed and China 's accession into the WTO has provided it with a rare opportunity to integrate into the international mainstream economies and to realize its immense development potential. But at the same time China is bound to an important obligation—its solemn promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of trade as agreed upon by all the WTO member countries. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for China to open its market according to prevalent international conventions and practices and bring its mode of economic operation and management, along with relevant laws and regulations, into an international framework until absolute conformity is achieved.

Against such a larger background, the physical and geographical concept of the nationality of an enterprise has been virtually eliminated. The intensification of international competition is bound to create resource allocation on a global scale. How to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like China have to face. It is precisely based on this recognition that I, now on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, plans to pursue a master's program in management whereby I may study and research on how international economy operates and how multinational companies apply their effective management.

My four-year undergraduate program in Broadcast and Television Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Information Communication of _ University of Science and Technology has enabled me to acquire an open mentality, acute insights and rich practical experience. I have been the top student of my class, not only because of my consistent No. 1 ranking in terms of academic performance but also because of my role as major organizer of a number of extracurricular activities related to journalistic practices. As vice head of our university's TV station, I produced a great number of special feature programs. I interned at a local newspaper office and at _ Provincial TV Station, winning a provincial-level award for my journalistic reporting. I was the assistant producer of a special show about _ Province in a serial program “Across China” by _'s Phoenix Cable TV. Through playing different roles, as a student of journalism and working as journalist and TV producer, I have developed an important academic foundation, effective management skills and interpersonal communication. In addition, I have a unique advantage—I have done a second degree in English for Science and Technology. Those factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree program.

As a sophomore, I started my bi-degree program in business administration. I prized this important opportunity as I discovered that it is the subject in which my true interest lies. In this program, I have systematically studied all the relevant management courses including Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Market Planning. My academic performance in this program is equally satisfactory. In May 20_, as one of a few student delegates, I participated in the Third MBA Development Forum of China held in the City of _ . I helped my advisor prepare his presentation and I also interviewed leading scholars and experts on MBA in our country. This experience significantly deepened my understanding of management and broadened academic perspectives.

My distinguished academic performance in the first three years has qualified me for a direct master's program in journalism in my Alma Mater. However, I am very clear about my academic interest and my future career objectives. Therefore I have relinquished the offer in favor of applying for a more advanced education in management. As a discipline western in origin, management science is undoubtedly a field of study whose teaching and research western universities are most good at. Therefore, I am determined to apply for a Master's program The London School of Economics and Political Science,arguably the better of the best western universities in social sciences. Your esteemed university enjoys a unique academic position and an unparalleled academic reputation in the western world, with a large number of leading scholars working in their respective fields. Situated in London where one can witness distinctive cultural parallelism, it will not only teach me the most updated professional knowledge but also ample sociological understanding of its cultural diversity.

In my proposed study, I will contribute my research talents because I possess experience of participating in a major research project. For an entire year from December 20_ to December 20_, as the sole undergraduate of the research group, I took part in the Study of _ City's Specialized Water Management System, which is part of the country's “863” key scientific and technological research program undertaken by _ Bluewater Science and Technology Company. I performed field study of the water resources in the _ region of _ City and the wealth of statistics that I collected and codified provided valuable reference materials for the entire research group. In addition, I proposed that BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)could be employed to construct a small-scale waste-water treatment plant. The most important role I played was the substantive research I carried out for the topic on Lake Management System and the research report that I co-authored. Prof. _X, the leader of the research group, praised me as “demonstrating impressive professional dedication and sound research potential, with strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.”

I have lived a colorful extracurricular life. Learning dancing in my childhood, I became the leader of the dancing team of our university's art troupe, and launched traveling performances in neighboring provinces. Representing _ Province, I participated in China 's First National Dancing Contest for University Students, at which I won the third prize. Moreover, as a key member on the Student Management Committee of our university's library, I organized a campus-wide book-reading festival. In 20_, as one of the five delegates of our university, I attended the New Millennium Administrative Elites Training Program jointly sponsored by _ Chinese University and _ General Chamber of Commerce. I have been working as a secretary at the International Exchange Department of _ University of Science and Technology where I am responsible for receiving foreign delegations, offering consultations and arranging lectures and academic conference. Based on those experiences, I will continue contributing my extracurricular talents.

In this age of increasing specialization, I hope to develop myself into a specialist on human resource management with the best training from one of the world's best academic institutes. Therefore, receiving a quality education from _will be a vital step to my personal and career development and to the fulfillment of this long-cherished aspiration of mine.



Good example:

“In preparation for university, I intend to gain some experience by volunteering at a local hospital and shadowing audiologists. I believe this will further my knowledge and understanding in the subject. My personal experiences and attributes have led me to believe that I would be well suited to a career in Audiology and all that it entails. Furthermore I look forward to expanding my knowledge at a top university, and preparing for an eventual career within the health sector and the possibility of further training as I know that gaining a degree is only the first step.”



Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of China’s Ivy Leagueuniversities at 14 and joined the country’s topmost scientific researchinstitution as a graduate student at 19. Now an experienced engineer at 26, Iwould like to scale still higher intellectual heights by undertaking advancedstudies that I hope would put me firmly on the cutting edge of .

I have demonstrated a keen mind since my early childhood. For years, Iconsistently outperformed all of my classmates in such challenging subjects asmathematics, physics and chemistry. I was thus chosen to represent either myschool or my city in a variety of provincial and national contests of academicskills, in which I won numerous prizes. This impressive academic record put meon academic acceleration several times. That not only enabled me to finish myprimary and secondary education in eight instead of the usual twelve years butalso sent me at 14 to a privileged class for the gifted at the ChineseUniversity of Science and Technology, a major cradle of the country’s scientificand technological talents.

After two years of basic training in the gifted class, I chose as my major and computer software programming as










