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更新时间:2024-01-29 13:28:58 发布时间:24小时内

相信自己英语范文初中 第一篇

There are many people in my family. My father is a worker. He works hard so that he can create more wealth for them.

My mother is a housewife. She doesn't work. She does housework all day.

I think she does a lot of things for my students. I study in a middle school. I love learning.

I study hard. Because I want to give my parents a big gift with my good grades, although we are very good Poor, but we are happy.



相信自己英语范文初中 第二篇

Believe in yourself, believe in yourself, believe in yourself, and I will win. As an old saying goes, as long as you have determination, there will always be difficulties in life, and we must face them. In fact, when I was a child, I always felt sad or nervous about the difficulties in my life, and then my parents told me that it was a way for me to have a will.

They also told me that I should be confident now. I am no longer a child. I began to understand the true meaning of my parents' words.

_Self confidence_ means that I should believe in myself if I do Will become a happy and brave person, believe in myself, my future life has hope, I will not be afraid of difficulties in life, I believe that nothing can defeat me, believe in myself, a better future is waiting for me.




相信自己英语范文初中 第三篇

Believe in yourself, you will succeed. I will never forget that night when I learned to believe in myself and you will succeed. I participated in an English speech contest.

I was so nervous that I was sweating. When I came to the blackboard, I forgot everything. I told myself to calm down, you can do it, because you are fully prepared, and the most important thing is that you are qualified.

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath and was not as nervous as before. I found that my teacher was very inspired by Mei's smile and performed very well. After that night, I won the first prize.

I know that you will succeed only if you believe in yourself, Otherwise you will never succeed.




相信自己英语范文初中 第四篇

When I was a little girl, I didn't live a happy life because I couldn't do what my mother and teachers wanted me to do. I didn't get high marks. I like to do what they thought was not appropriate.

Only my father was with me. He encouraged me to do what I like to do. He told me to believe in myself.

He knew I liked playing the violin, so he bought one for me I'm getting people to teach me. I'm good at this. I have played abroad and won the third prize in the world children's violin competition.

If I work hard and always believe in myself, I will become a good violinist.



相信自己英语范文初中 第五篇

Self confidence is the key to success. I talked to a friend of mine today. During the whole conversation, I felt that he lacked a little bit of self-confidence, that is, self-confidence.

He compared himself with those who have achieved success in his field of work and the people around him. He just kept a low profile about them. Confidence can determine the success or failure of things.

This also applies to blogging. Be confident in what you are doing, and don't think so because others have done well. You are just as good.

Only you can realize that when you lose self-confidence, you should follow very few things: stop thinking about what others are achieving: instead, think about what makes them succesul, and then work in these areas And try to achieve the same success, think about what you lack, but don't let them become obstacles to your success: instead, think about how you can improve those weaknesses. No one is perfect, and no one will be perfect, so if yoeally lack a place, you just need to think about whether yoeally lack it or something else that makes you feel, if yoeally think about it Yes, you do lack in a specific area, so keep working to improve what you have: again, no one is perfect, there is always room for improvement, by talking to different people, you will only gain knowledge and be able to learn more in this field, so talk to your blog partners and see how they do things and how they blog Guest, I'm sure you'll learn something new, not what you already know.



相信自己英语范文初中 第六篇

You must believe in yourself, who will be around you, God will help you, only you can help yourself, believe that you can conquer English, so one day you can conquer English, because you will take action, and believe that you should act independently. This is what I learned from the world. When I hope a good teacher can teach me how to speak fluent English, many people say that they can conquer English They can teach me, but they have to charge me.

I come from a poor family and can't afford the tuition. So I choose self-study. In the past two years, every day I try to remember some new words, and the communication of articles is OK.

I can even read some English books. If I don't believe myself, I can't go so far.



相信自己英语范文初中 第七篇

Whether in school or in work, there are many factors that can contribute to a person's success. If a person is dit, honest, intelt, responsible and so on, then he is more likely to succeed. However, among all the characteristics that may affect a person's success, I think self-confidence is the most important.

The reasons are as follows: first, when a person has self-confidence, he believes in himself and he looks good Believing that he can succeed makes him have the courage to try new things. In order to succeed, we must be willing to take some risks, so it is very important to have self-confidence. Another reason is that a confident person seldom gives up when he fails.

He will keep trying until he wins. The last reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achievements, which is not to say that they should boast, but when their achievements are noticed by others in school or work, they should accept praise gracefully and confidently, and they are more likely to succeed. In short, I believe that self-confidence is the most important factor in success.

It enables people to take risks and try again when they fail. When a confident person succeeds in school or work, believe in yourself and you will win.










标签: 初中 英语 范文



