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更新时间:2024-02-14 17:06:53 发布时间:24小时内

商业服务英语文章范文 第一篇


This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.

We should have our merchandise ready to ship within 10 days of the original delivery date and we hope that you can hold off until that time.

We did want to inform you of this delay as soon we were advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary. We can assure you, however, that if your order remains in force we will expedite delivery to you as soon as we have received the merchandise.

Please accept our apology for this delay and thank you for your understanding.

商业服务英语文章范文 第二篇











商业服务英语文章范文 第三篇

Thanks for seeing me off at the airport. I really appreciate it. No problem, it's my pleasure. I am glad you had a chance to visit our headquarters, and hope you can come back soon. We should be back in about three months. We'll have another corporate meeting next quarter. Will you be in the area at that time? I should be.... Remember to let me know when your flight is coming in when you come. I'll come and pick you up at the airport. You're too kind. Here we are at the terminal, what airline are you flying with? Um...Let me look at the ticket. Oh, that's right, China Air. China Air is in terminal B, this is the international terminal, so all you have to do is walk straight through those doors and turn to your left, you should be able to see the check-in counter. Thanks again for all your help. If you're ever in the Michigan area, be sure to look me up. Yes. Let's keep in touch

您来机场送机,我感激不尽。不客气。我很高兴您有机会来拜访我们总部,希望不久以后您能再来。我们大概三个月后会回来。下一季度我们还有一个公司会议。那时候您会在公司吗?我应该在公司。您来时请务必让我知道您的航班时间。我将在机场接机。您太客气了。我们到航站楼了。您是坐哪家航空公司的航班?嗯,我看一下机票。是中国航空。中国航空在B号航站楼。这是一个国际航站楼,所以您需要一直走至穿过那边的门,然后向左转。到时您就能看见登机台。再次感谢您的全部帮助! 如果您去密歇根,请务必来找我。好的,保持联系。

商业服务英语文章范文 第四篇

Charm of intonation

Answering a phone in a clear and pleasant tone can show the speakers professional demeanor and amiable your partner cant see your face, your joy or irritation will come through your you call, your tone should be smooth, soft and serene. Then, if you can talk to each other with a smile, it will make your voice more friendly and chew gum or eat while youre on the phone.

Decent questions and answers

The call should be answered immediately after the second bell rings

When the other party should take the initiative to identify the company or the name of the Department and its name, should not pick up the phone asked: “ Hello, who are you looking for? ” also, to call people need to leave a message should be clear to report the name, unit number, and a message in simple end of the telephone conversation, usually made by the calling party, then politely said goodbye to each matter what the reason for the telephone call, the party shall be responsible for the redial.

Telephone Message

In business complaints, it is most common to fail to return calls in a timely order not to lose every opportunity to clinch a deal, some companies even make telephone calls to be within an hour of the provisions of the within 24 hours of the phone message to reply, if you call back, just in case the other party is not in, but also to leave a message, indicating that you have called you really cant call back personally, you should trust someone else.

Pay attention to jet lag

Before making a call, make sure the difference between the time difference and the working hours of each country. Dont make a phone call on the day off so as not to influence the rest of the not to call home even if the customer has told you the phone number at home.

Use the telephone properly

In America you can sell the goods to a person be strangers to each other by telephone, while in Europe, Latin American and Asian countries, telemarketing or on the phone for a long time to talk business on the best way to develop good business relationships is to negotiate face to face with customers, while the telephone is mainly used to arrange course, once the two

商业服务英语文章范文 第五篇

A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:

Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and a personal level. It is generally felt that the companyˇs competitors offer higher levels of remuneration. The perception that the managers are unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.

Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its human resources.

There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill-feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt the production cycles.


We strongly recommend the following measures:

An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could be utilised more efficiently

A review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similar organisations

It is also essential to investigate and take action regarding the communication in the Production and Sales Department.

商业服务英语文章范文 第六篇

关键词: 研究生英语教学 研究生写作教学 论文写作 课程设置




(一)英语词块(lexical chunks)的遗忘。

按照国家教委对于在职研究生的报考规定,获得学士学位三年(含三年)以上人员才可报考在职研究生。我国的本科英语教学,大部分仍然按照大学英语四级考试的模式对学生进行学业评估,近年来虽然大学英语四级考试受到诟病,一部分高校不再以大学英语四级考试为强制性评估标准,但是并没有从本质上改变一贯的英语课程设置及教学模式。一般来说,大学英语的课程分为英语阅读和英语听力两部分,没有专门的英语写作教学课程。英语学习满两年之后,一般不再安排英语课程的学习,因此从大三开始,学生基本就不再进行英语学习。大部分人为了准备在职研究生入学考试(指1月和10月的考试),才又匆忙进行英语复习。因此在在职研究生入学前后,英语学习一般至少中断了五年,期间如果没有英语知识的运用,英语知识的遗忘十分严重,而其中遗忘得最严重的,就是词汇。在教学过程中笔者发现,在职研究生写作最为突出的一个表现,就是词汇匮乏。如在某次写作作业中,要求学生写”Advantages and Disadvantages Living in Europe“,学生作文中出现频率最高的是advanced,最为极端的是在一篇百字左右的作文中,该词反复出现了二十多次。可见学生经过五年左右的遗忘,词块的同义替换能力比较低。


在在职研究生入学之前,大部分人都经历过大学英语四级考试,因此在写作过程中应试学习的痕迹非常明显,主要表现在词块和句型上。如在”On Equality of the Two Sexes“的写作练习中,教师发现多数学生以In my opinion,men and women ...开头,在第二段又大多使用firstly,secondly等罗列出自己的理由,最后以in one word结尾。大学英语四级考试对学生的词汇量要求是4000个左右,加上由此派生出来的词块,大约为4500个。因此在四级阶段,通过一些格式化的词句是可以应付四级考试写作的。但是研究生应当掌握的词汇是6000个以上,加上由此派生出来的词块应达到6500个左右。按照非英语专业硕士研究生的大纲要求,硕士研究生应当具有长句、从句运用能力,能够比较流畅且有深度地表达思想,因此,仍然套用四级的词汇和句式显然是不够的。



Men and woman are not equal in are superior to political area,men have more opportunities than is easier for men than women to find a are considered more creative and energetic.


The tender sex has long been suffering from inferiority in the history of human beings,which is still a big problem in China,and a nightmare for girls in those underdeveloped high officials are so rare that people have to specially mark them as female,and it is not rare to find sex discrimination in the professional there is a managing position,it is very likely that a man would be assigned to the job because man is always considered to be more creative,more energetic than a woman.



... My mother takes care of everything of the mother washes the dishes,cleans the room,takes out the trash,and washes the clothes. She has to take care of my baby twin we come back home,she cooks for us.

My mother’s life would be too monotonous if she keeps turning around the house as a works for a big is a great painter. ...(画线句子为教师所加)

(四) 母语负迁移明显。



词汇负迁移严重影响了在职研究生的写作。词汇负迁移主要表现在不当搭配、冗余词汇和词汇的过度使用①。一些常用词组和短语,如“生活水平”、“地下水位”、“如果今天你方便”、“望子成龙”,等等,往往写成living level,underground water position,if you are convenient today,hopes his son to be a dragon,是典型的不当搭配;“发展趋势”和“尽管……但是”等常常写成developing trend和although ... but,属于冗余词汇范畴;而hardship can make us have rich experience,显然属于词汇的过度使用,因为make ... have rich experience完全可通过enrich our experience表达。


句法负迁移在外语学习过程中与词汇负迁移相比,对篇章造成的影响更大,也更难克服。句法负迁移表现在主语错误、时态错误和脱落三个方面。在职研究生在写作时,仍然有人写出“There are numerous cars move along the highway”和“Our lives happened great changes in recent years”这样的句子,属于主语错误;时态混乱的错误一般经学生认真检查大多可以避免,说明学生在英语学习过程中写作性练习过少,汉语的通过词汇表示时间动作的习惯仍然根深蒂固。汉语写作中往往出现主语的脱落现象,属于汉语的特有现象。但是英语中主语决定谓语动词的形式,因此主语在一般情况下是不能少的。在职研究生由于受到汉语的影响,往往写出I don’t want to go to the town any more. Don’t want to talk about it and don’t want to be hurt again.



Getting married in college would be helpful to the students in many and studying on campus is a completely new thing for them. They have so many things to learn. They need to pay much attention to every aspect of human life,not only to the academic field. Getting married in college would make the young couple feel the support from each other. They would have feel settled at home instead of restless in the dormitory.

画线的句子似乎与主题句没有关系,可以去掉,也可以修改如下:Getting married would provide the students another completely new world in addition to the academic field,because they have to face the human life when they graduate from college. 修改之后,这句话就成了下面句子的引导句,有利于主题的展开。







在英语论文写作教学中,笔者发现在职研究生大多不了解常用名式,感到无从下手。如在摘要中,常用到这样的句型:The author argues in favor of ...approach on the basis of...theory. He briefly outlines ....and proposes that ... The .. is discussed/elaborated by the author.而在结论部分,往往用这样的句型:to summarize,the author first deals with ...,and then concentrates on the analysis of .... Finally the author proposes that ... These areas require further research.

















商业服务英语文章范文 第七篇









商业服务英语文章范文 第八篇

Facing Business Challenges at Holiday Inn Worldwide

Sending Invitations Across the Globe

In the 1960s a family vacation in the United States usually meant loading the kids into the station wagon and driving off down the highway toward a tourist destination. And when weary vacationers needed to rest for the night, they often looked for the familiar green signs with “Holiday Inn” written in script and a colorful star for emphasis. All across the United States, this sign welcomed travelers to Holliday Inn hotels with promises of quality, comfort, and value.

By 1968 Holiday Inn was so well known in the United States that it began opening franchises in Europe. In 1973 the company opened its first Asian hotel in Japan, and in 1984 it became the first hotel to open for business in China. For 25 years Holiday Inn enjoyed great success in the European and Asian markets, opening 600 hotels and earning a reputation as upscale , professional, and well run.

However, in the 1980s Holiday Inn’s fortunes were beginning to fade in the United States. Many of the franchises were outdated and substandard . Family vacationers were being replaced by business travelers as the hotel industry’s bread and butter , and aggressive competitors with superior marketing strategies were targeting this growing segment . In addition, overbuilding had set off a wave of price discounting . As a result, both Holiday Inn’s share of the lodging market and its image took a nosedive .

But in the 1990s this icon of the . highway was brought back to life after being purchased by Bass PLC, a British conglomerate. Bass moved quickly to make Holiday Inn Worldwide the leading hotel chain, not just in the United States but around the globe. In the United States, Holiday Inn pursued a strategy that segmented the market into different types of travelers and created a unique type of lodging for each group. Under names like Holiday Inn Express, Holiday Inn Select, Sunspree Resorts, and Crowne Plaza, the company offered different accommodations and amenities at different prices to suit the diverse needs of business and leisure travelers. Combined with a campaign to bring all of the franchises back up to a high standard of quality, the strategy quickly began to pay off.

Even so, the top brass at Holiday Inn Worldwide knows that the greatest growth potential is not in the saturated . market but in the evolving markets of Europe, Asia, and Latin America. With increasing tourism and business development in these regions, the demand for comfortable, consistent, and affordable accommodations is booming . Holiday Inn needs a strategy for tapping this vast potential. Would the strategies that fueled Holiday Inn’s turnaround in the United States bring similar results internationally? Large-scale construction of new hotels will play a major role, so what kinds of hotels should they be? How can the company best meet the needs of a wide variety of international travelers? Should Holiday Inn expand through franchises or by opening company-owned hotels? Should the same type of promotion be used for the entire global market or should it be localized to each geographic area? These are questions that Raymond Lewis faces daily as vice president of marketing. If you were Lewis, how would you answer them?

Meeting Business Challenges at Holiday Inn Worldwide

Part of Raymond Lewis’s job is to monitor and predict changes in the ever-evolving global market . Among the trends he has observed is the increasing similarity between the needs and desires expressed by consumers and businesses around the world in certain product categories such as lodging. On the other hand, Lewis knows that various countries and cultures approach purchases differently, and that people of various cultures respond differently to product promotion . His challenge, then, is to figure out how to satisfy both the similar and the diverse needs of each new market.

Lewis also knows that all travelers, regardless of where they are from or where they are going, share many of the same desires, fears, and expectations when they are traveling. They may not speak the same language or live the same lives while at home, but when they’re on the road, all travelers are (1) away from home and out of their personal comfort zones, (2) in different and often unfamiliar surroundings, and (3) subject to the same hassles and hardships. Therefore, Holiday Inn focuses on delivering a consistent product around the world. This way, whether the hotel is in South Korea, India, Buenos Aires , or Israel, travelers know that they will always receive a comfortable room at a fair price.

In addition, the strategy of segmenting the market by types of travelers that proved so successful in the United States also works abroad, but in a different way. Segmentation in the hotel industry is a relatively new concept in Europe, and in Asia it is virtually nonexistent. This is largely because in many of the developing nations of Asia, travel has only recently become an option for the majority of people. As a result, not every type of Holiday Inn hotel will be successful in every country. The company must know each market very well before it decides which type of hotel to open. Does the area draw mainly tourists or business travelers? How long do visitors usually stay? Do people from surrounding areas travel often? What types of accommodations do competitors offer in the area? By knowing the answers to questions like these, Holiday Inn is able to decide which type of hotel will best serve the needs of travelers to the area. For example, the company opened a SunSpree Resort in Arequipa, Peru, close to Machu Pichu, a popular international tourist destination. Holiday Inn’s management team feels that Sunspree has a great chance for success in this location because the hotel caters to tourists.

In the same way, Holiday Inn management expects a mix of business and leisure travelers to visit Seoul, South Korea. Therefore, the new Holiday Inn Seoul appeals to a broad range of travelers by offering a business center, banquet facilities , four restaurants, a fitness center , and a gift shop.

Just as in its early days of expansion in the United States, Holiday Inn is accomplishing its international expansion through a mix of wholly owned facilities and franchises, depending on the availability of resources and potential for profit in each local market. Although franchising agreements place less risk on Holiday Inn Worldwide, they also require the company to give up more control than it would by opening wholly owned facilities. However, franchises must adhere to strict quality standards if they intend to operate under Holiday Inn’s famous name.

Lewis and his team also recognize that even though travelers have similar expectations for the quality and value they get in a hotel, sometimes they like to stay in places that don’t feel like hotel chains. Therefore, the company has opened hotels in Europe, Australia, and South Africa that have a style and character unique to their locations. In this way, Holiday Inn is able to tailor its global product to local markets.

Nonetheless, Holiday Inn’s promotion strategy is decidedly global, regardless of which markets it enters. Lewis bases the strategy on two themes: “Welcome” and “Stay with somebody you know.” Although the ad copy is translated when necessary, even the visual format is the same from country to country. Of course, cultural differences must be accommodated from time to time. For example, travelers in Britain preferred an ad that focused on a friendly doorman, whereas . and German travelers preferred a more sentimental ad showing a businesswoman receiving a fax of a drawing from her child.

The inspiration for this global strategy came to Lewis, not surprisingly, while he was traveling. When boarding a plane at Dulles Airport outside of Washington, ., he passed a group of Russian teenagers gathered around a guitar player singing “Puff the Magic Dragon,” a folk song that was popular in the United States a few decades ago. This connection between cultures helped convince Lewis that the world’s people were alike in many ways, particularly in the field of pleasure and business travel.

It remains to be seen how successful Holiday Inn’s global strategy will be in the long run . The company is off to a flying start. However, competitors such as Marriott and Choice Hotels are moving quickly to make sure Holiday Inn doesn’t outpace them in the hot new global markets. But one thing is sure, Lewis and the rest of the management team are not content with Holiday Inn being a leading hotel chain in the United States. They want Holiday Inn to be the leader around the world.








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