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专利英文邮件格式范文 第一篇

ABC Company:We acknowledge receipt of your application, asking for registration of the trademark for your Weijie washing machine. We will deal with it as soon as possible and you can expect our approval in about five week and Trademark Bureau of


专利英文邮件格式范文 第二篇

在实质性审查中,如果审查员认为申请具有可专利性方面的缺陷,会向申请人发出审查意见(Office Action)。审查员针对申请中的缺陷向申请人发出的第一封审查意见一般是“非最终的驳回”(Non-Final Rejection,又称为Non-Final Office Action)。对于非最终的驳回意见书,申请人应当在Non-Final Rejection发出之日起三个月内递交答复,这一期限通过缴纳延期费的方式最长可以延长至六个月。

审查员可以基于现有技术发出驳回意见书,其法律依据包括35 . 102条(有关新颖性(Novelty))和. 103条(有关显而易见性(obviousness)等。

审查员也可以基于其他理由发出驳回意见书,其法律依据包括35 . 101条(申请主体的可专利性)和35 . 112条(说明书充分披露要求)等。

针对审查员指出的缺陷,申请人必须做出答复或修正。通过反驳审查员的意见或修改权利要求的方式克服缺陷。如果该缺陷得以克服,并且申请人的回复中没有引入新的缺陷,审查员可能会向申请人发出授权通知书(Notice of Allowance)。

专利英文邮件格式范文 第三篇

Although some people think that living in a big city is harmful to your health, do you agree or disagree? It is common for more and more people to choose to live in a big city, but some people think that city life will have a negative impact on people's health. I agree with this view. Online shopping is a repeat.

Nowadays, people prefer to shop online rather than in physical stores, although there will be some problems if this trend continues, I believe that this development has brought more benefits, the number of cars with clean energy has increased significantly, and the number of cars using clean energy has increased significantly. Why are old buildings demolished / demolished according to their historical and artistic value? Whether an old building should be demolished or not depends on its historical and artistic value.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第四篇

Preface [ˈ pref ə S] [712; pref ə s [ˈ pref ə S] NVI & vt prefacesprefa preface this book has a preface written by the author himself, the author's introduction [ˌᠬᠬˈ NTR ˈ D ʌ K ə; pref ə s [ˈ pref ə S] NVI & vt prefacesprefa preface; n] Introduction the introduction of this book is introduced by the author [ᯒ f ɔ: W ɜ d [ˈ f f f ɔ: W ɜ d [ˈ f f ˈ f f ˈ f ˈ f ˈ f ɔ: RW ɜ: Rd] the preface of this book introduces the problems that must be solved in this paper, its development background and significance, and makes a preliminary comment on the preface of this book.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第五篇

Step 10: rearrange the sentences you are about to complete, review your sentences, think about the order in which they are expressed, list what you have done in each job in the most important description, then put a number on the next most important responsibility or achievement, and so on, until you renumber each sentence, and then think logically from the perspective of a potential employer Step 11: qualifications at the bottom of your resume, think about any other conditions that will allow you to meet your goals, including licenses, certificates, relationships, and sometimes even interests, if they are really relevant, for example, if you want a body Work in the market. State on your resume that you play tennis or a triathlon will be an asset.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第六篇

Sensitivity to detail: create simple, basic procedures, set reminders, break tasks down into smaller goals, and arrange tasks fencer: understand that there are no bad decisions, break down decisions into small steps, clarify your fears, familiarize yourself with your intuition: schedule tasks, realize how long they really take, and check your to-do list regularly to make sure you don't Procrastinating on important tasks how do you spend your time another important factor is to see how you spend your time now. We all work hard. We spend a lot of time every day on tasks and projects that need to be completed but what tasks can be eliminated are we likely to spend too much time on certain tasks to make sure that every moment of your day is very enlightening Do you remember the fact that you spent 20 minutes talking to your colleagues about football games, or did you spend 30 minutes on social media? What time do you spend on two meetings that don't really affect your work? Can you read the meeting minutes instead of attending the meeting in person? Analyzing how each day's time is spent can help you better determine your future time.

This can be done by using a paper schedule where you can detail all the things you spend your day on, or you can download an electronic schedule from the Internet that will monitor what you do on your computer during the day, and learn more about your personal style and how you currently use your time In order to make a more informed decision on how to work at the best.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第七篇

如果审查员认为申请的权要符合授权要求,则会向申请人发出授权通知书。授权通知书中会指明通过审查的是哪些权利要求,以及申请人应当在什么时间缴纳授权费用,使得专利最终获得授权。一般情况下,申请人需要在授权通知书寄出之日起三个月内缴纳专利授权费(Issue Fee)。这一期限是不能通过缴纳延期费的方式获得延长的。一旦期限过了却没有缴费,专利申请将会被视为放弃。

从申请人角度来说,也可以利用收到Notice of Allowance之后和缴纳授权费之前的这段时间来重新梳理申请,核对各项内容(如发明人名字)是否有误,复查各种文件(如IDS[3])是否已经递交,评估是否有必要递交续案或分案等。在专利申请授权之后要再做出改正会十分困难。

我们可以看出,在美国专利申请中,申请人往往需要应对各种不同的官方信函(Official Letter)。特别是在实质审查阶段,申请人经常要与审查员进行数次沟通,反复对申请文件进行修改并答复审查意见,以寻求专利的最终授权。我们建议申请人应该委托合适的代理机构进行审查意见答复,以帮助申请获得授权。

[1] Responding to Office Actions,

[2]少数时候会是 Non-Final Office Action.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第八篇

With the rapid development of science and technology and the popularity of the Internet, watching movies has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment. First of all, we can get some benefits from watching movies. Watching movies is a way to broaden our horizons by watching different types of films.

We can enjoy different cultures of different countries, dynasties, regions and industries Secondly, we can learn some useful things from movies and solve the problems in our life by watching movies closely related to our lives. We can learn some lessons from the methods of solving problems in movies. Finally, this is an effective way to develop our imagination.

For example, through watching sci-fi movies, we have the opportunity to get in touch with the imaginary world and some new ideals. This has a great contribution to stimulating our interest and imagination. The benefits of watching movies lie not only in relaxation and entertainment, but also in other aspects.

Therefore, we should think about electricity after watching movies What did shadow learn.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第九篇

Dear Mr. Jiang, reply: I am writing to apply for a student position. A job advertisement was published in the school newspaper last week.

I am very interested in the position of editor of sports department. I am a graduate of Nanjing University, majoring in multimedia, so I am very involved in the work of University Sports club. I am very interested in the above position.

I can handle this job confidently. I look forward to your loyalty A letter from John Chen.


专利英文邮件格式范文 第十篇

Dear Director of Patents and Trademarks,ABC CompanyHubei12 Lianhu Road, Hanyang District, WuhanThe above identified applicant has adopted and is using the trademark shown in the accompanying drawing for Weijie washing machine and request that such mark be registered in the Patent and Trademark Bureau of on the Principal Register established by the Act of Patent and trademark was first used on the goods on January 10, 20_; and it has been in use by now. The mark is used by applying it to labels affixed to the product. Five specimens showing the mark as actually used are presented Company

尊敬的专利商标局局长:ABC公司湖北武汉市汉阳区莲湖路12号上述申请人已经并正将附图中展示的商标用于卫洁洗衣机,现请求中国专利商标局在依我国专利商标法建立的商标目录上对该商标予以注册。该商标于20_年1月10日第一次用于该商品,且现在仍在使用。该商标用于产品上的附标签。现附上 5 份样品,显示商标的实际使用情况。ABC公司

专利英文邮件格式范文 第十一篇

Dear Sir or Madam, I learned from an advertisement that your company needs a secretary. I would like to ask you to consider my position. My name is Li Min, 23 years old.

I am studying business management in Xiamen University. I will graduate this summer. I am familiar with computer operation and office software, which can help me finish my office work well.

I have studied English for ten years. In the past two years, I have been the editor of the English newspaper in my department. My grades are among the best in my department.

I like office work very much and I think I can do this job. If I have the opportunity to get this job, I will thank you very much for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from your loyal Li min.









标签: 专利 英文



