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更新时间:2024-05-03 17:56:18 发布时间:24小时内

高考英语作业范文及译文 第一篇

This evening there was a broadcast of an exciting football match on TV. It was between Chinese team and the team of the United Arab Emirates. I am a loyal football fan and I had expected the match for a long time, so after class I hurried home. But on the way, I found a little boy crying. He lost his way. Considering his parents must be very worried, I immediately decided to send him home. Seeing their son back, the boy's parents showed their gratitude. They also invited me to stay for supper. But thinking of the football match, I refused them politely.

When I got home, it was very late. Therefore, I missed the match,However, I felt very happy because I helped other people.

Although my mother asked why ! came back so late, I said this will become my own secret.



高考英语作业范文及译文 第二篇



(1) 家乡的地理位置;

(2) 解放前的情况;

(3) 解放后的变化;

(4) 对家乡的感情。


My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.







高考英语作业范文及译文 第三篇


One day, as soon as I finished my homework, I wanted to go to the living room to watch xxxbig son and small fatherxxx, but my father was also watching TV.


I asked my father, xxxI want to watch TV. Can you lend it to me first?xxx my father said, xxxbut Im watching my favorite football match.xxx I said to my father, xxxI just finished my homework. I want to watch TV and have a rest, OK?xxx my father said to me, xxxOK!xxx I sat on the sofa, picked up the remote control and watched TV.


It turns out that as long as we learn to discuss everything, we can realize our wishes.

高考英语作业范文及译文 第四篇

As we all know, there are three stages in study--preview, study in class and review, among which review is the most important. From my experience,Id like to talk about the importance and steps of review. Firstly, make a review plan with certain contents of subjects at a certain time. Second]y, carry on the review plan regularly. Thirdly, examine what has been reviewed and make supplement in time. One thing to remember is to keep notes all the time. I follow my review plan strictly and have made progress in my study. It turns out to be good enough. Of course, there is more than one way to review. So long as we review regularly we can find more ways to improve our studies.


高考英语作业范文及译文 第五篇

I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate is so wonderful that I cannt help asking myself xxxIs it realxxx.The answer is pretty also learn a lot from the game.

First ,teamwork is very are sure to fail if you play by five members must play together and well ,you should have a order to reach it,you should try your best.

Last,never give up whatever have if you get low scores,you shouldnt give there is a will,there is a there is a will ,there is also a you can make failure into yourself and believe your are the best one.




高考英语作业范文及译文 第六篇


New years Day is coming. My parents and I go back to our hometown to celebrate New Years day, where we get together with my aunts brother and sister. We had a good time jumping, running and playing. My brother and sister and I played sandbags, hide and seek and watched cartoons together. Have fun!


I really want to celebrate every day!

高考英语作业范文及译文 第七篇

When we are very small, most of us have heard the song about the praise of the mother, we have been told that mother is the best people in the world. Indeed, our mothers are the persons who give birth to us, who will never abandon us whatever happens upon us. Sometimes we will argue with our mothers, because we think she doesn’t understand us, but after a little while, we always regret for the argument. Actually, she knows her babies, she just cares too much that she doesn’t expect that it will hurt her babies. As kids, we should understand our mothers, too, it is our duty to take care of her, when we are young, mothers take care our us, when they are old, it is our turn to take care of her. It is love that makes the world beautiful, let’s show our love to mothers.


高考英语作业范文及译文 第八篇


Graduation and Moving on

Graduation is a time when we move on, from school to university, or out into the real world.

Before graduating from school, We usually have a variety of activities, like taking pictures, leaving encouraging words to one another in memory of our friendship, or giving presents to our teachers express our thanks and show respect.

However, I have mixed emotions about moving want to stay and have more fun with my friends, but I will have to move means taking a step forward---moving onward and I can learn more and will be more skilled and experienced.

Graduation is coming whether we are ready or make great efforts so that our dream will come true.




高考英语作业范文及译文 第九篇


Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and aren't friends. Lots of people are lovers but aren't friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesn't make them a friend. If their attitude is xxxfor better or worse,xxx if they stick with you through thick and thin, that's when you can tell it's friendship.




The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties.


With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.


高考英语作业范文及译文 第十篇

It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada.

Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing football. Cina and some girl students are flying kites.

Alice and I are taking photos near the park. Alice and we are very happy.

Alice helps us a lot with our English.





高考英语作业范文及译文 第十一篇

Nowadays university graduates have different job outlooks. For most of them, to find a job with satisfactory pay is their most important wish while majority want to be self – employed. However, a certain number of graduates are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs. They are just waiting for better chances. Toward this point of view, some experts warn that it is not wise to be just waiting. They advise that graduates should find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so that they can earn money to support themselves and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later. Moreover, it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year.

如今大学毕业生的就业前景不同。对于大部分孩子来说,要找到一个令人满意的支付工作是他们最重要的希望,而多数是希望能够自我 - 就业。但是,一定数量的毕业生不急于寻找就业机会。他们只是在等待更好的机会。对这一观点,一些专家警告说,只是等待这是不明智的。他们提醒毕业生应该找到一个正规,全职工作,以便尽可能快的挣钱来养活自己和获得工作经验,这将有助于找到更好的更高的位置。此外,明年可能更难找到一个称心如意的工作。

高考英语作业范文及译文 第十二篇


My hometown is Jianghan oil field, which is located in Jianghan Plain. It is a place where oil people struggle to live with beautiful and rich scenery.


Especially in March of each year, when the rape flowers are blooming, the mountains and fields are full of golden rape flowers, like putting a golden dress on the earth. Looking at it, its like a beautiful picture!


There is also a large forest of Metasequoia called xxxliving fossilxxx plants. Its a beautiful place. Tall and clear fir trees stand there like loyal sentinels, guarding the people of the oil city.


This is my beautiful and lovely hometown Jianghan Oilfield.

高考英语作业范文及译文 第十三篇

I will have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homework every day .

I am going to the library to borrow some books and go to the shops to buy some am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, swimming and so on.

I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a week. I am going to help my parents do some housework.


我暑假会很忙。 我每天要写作业。 我打算去图书馆去借书、去商店买书。


高考英语作业范文及译文 第十四篇

What is success?As we all known, the man who wants to be success should have a good disposition. As the saying goes, “disposition decide to everything.” I remember a famous motto: there are no two identical people in the world, but the success people are similar in many ways. Exactly, good disposition is the foundation of success. From my point of view, I deemed it success should also rely on these factors: diligent, confident, humor. It can help us to open the door of success.

There is no denying that diligent is the first step to the success. As the proverb says, no pains, no gains. Absolutely, guess that a person without diligent, how can he get achievements. Many successful people have become famous in the world by their diligent. Therefore we should take diligence as a good habit rather than lazy at every time.

Edison said “confident is the mother of the success. There is no doubt that confidence is important to our daily life .If someone without confident, he will never succeed in the end of his life. If someone trusted himself, he would gained more chance to succeed. How could you get other’s trust if you didnt trust yourself?

In addition, humor plays an important role in our life. It’s obvious that a sense of humor can bring happiness to others and get involved to a group easily. Just like my friend who is an energetic and lovely boy. The boss and staff like him very much. Boss thinks highly of him in the company. Sometimes, we should learn to how express humorously. A sense of humor can create unexpected result.

From what has been mention above, a good disposition is an important factor to our success. Therefore, how to develop a good disposition is essential.







高考英语作业范文及译文 第十五篇










Dear Dad(Mum),

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I’m worried about your health all the time. I’d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn’t far from home, is it? Why not walk to the office? You’d better take exercise at least once a week, such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice, too. What’s more, it’s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.

Dad, please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!

Your loving son (daughter)

Tom (Mary)










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