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更新时间:2023-10-16 17:18:47 发布时间:24小时内


Well, if I’d be given a chance to roam around and explore places, I’d definitely visit this place called Yu Garden, also known as Garden of Happiness. This is an extensive Chinese garden located beside the City God Temple in the northeast of the Old City of Shanghai, China. The exquisite layout, beautiful scenery, and the artistic style of the garden architecture have made the garden one of the highlights of Shanghai. In addition, it’s just like getting a glimpse of ancient China, as reflected in movies and books. This is the perfect spot for relaxation as visitors wander through the corridors and archways. That’s why I think this place is very interesting.


Listen to a conversation between two students

M : Hey, Sara, how is it going.

W : Not great. It's the student film I've beendirecting. You know that project I've been working onfor my film class.

M : Right. You said you were directing a film. Sowhat's wrong?

W : Well, the project is due in two days. We aresupposed to film a final scene today. But it's raining. The scene is supposed to be set outsidewith two characters talking in the park on a beautiful sunny day.

M : Oh on. What are you gonna do?

W: Well, I could rewrite the scene I guess. I could revise it so it takes place inside the buildinginstead. Maybe here in the student center or somewhere.

M : Why don't you do that?

W : I could, but, I am happy with the scene as it's written now. The film has an optimistichappy ending. That's why I want the last scene of the movie to be outside on a bright sunnyday because it sets a positive mood.

M : Oh, I see. Well, the weather is supposed to be better tomorrow, sunny and warm. Whydon't you film that scene tomorrow instead?

W : Thought of that too. But since the project should due the day after tomorrow, I wasplanning on using tomorrow to review the film and do any final ending and, you know, all thelast minute's details.

M : That's true. There wouldn't much time for that.

W: Yeah, filming tomorrow might mean turning in my project to my professor that's not aspolished, not as good I'd like it to be.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which solution you wouldrecommend. Explain the reasons for yourrecommendation.


The woman is directing a film project which is due in two days. She is supposed to film a scene today but it is raining. In the conversation, they talk about two solutions. The first solution is that she rewrites the scene, but she is happy with the scene as it’s written now because it sets a positive mood. The second solution is that she films it tomorrow, when the weather is better. But she is just planning on using tomorrow to review the film and do any final ending. Well, I would recommend her to choose the second solution. She can tell her professor about the situation and ask for an extension, in this way, she can not only still use the scene that has been written but also have enough time to make the project polished.


I’d like to go on a vacation and travel around this place called Guiyuan Buddhist Temple, also known as the Temple of Purity. I feel stressed out lately because of my hectic work schedule plus my family responsibilities, so I am really planning to take a break to unwind. Also, I think this is the perfect spot to meditate. I’ve been practicing mindfulness meditation for a long time, and this is my way to relax and to eliminate negativities in my body. After this trip, for sure, I’ll be ready to face the world again, since I’ll be able to do body and mind reset. That’s why I think this place is very interesting.


Now listen to part of a talk in an Education class.

(female professor)

One of the hardest parts of teaching is keeping your students’ attention. Now, the key to doing this is understanding the concept of attention. Basically, there are two types of attention. The first type is active, active attention is voluntary. It’s when you intentionally make yourself focus on something. And since it requires effort, it’s hard to keep up for long a time. OK, so, um, let’s say you are teaching a Biology class. And today’s topic is frogs. All right? You’re standing in front of the room lecturing: a frog is a type of animal known as an amphibian…, well, this isn’t necessarily going to keep the students’ interest. But most of them will force themselves to pay active attention to your lecture. But it’s only a matter of time before they get distracted.

Now, the other type of attention is passive attention, when it’s involuntary. Passive attention requires no effort because it happens naturally. If something is really interesting students don’t have to force themselves to pay attention to it. They do it without even thinking about it. So back to our Biology lecture, you start talking about frogs and then you pull a live frog out of your briefcase. You’re describing it while holding it up. Show the students how long its legs are, and how they’re used for jumping, for example. Then maybe even let the frog jump around a bit on the desk or the floor. In this case, by doing something unexpected, something more engaging, you can tap into their passive attention. And it can last much longer than active attention. As long as the frog is still there your students will be interested.


托福TPO45综合口语真题解析:TASK 3 【在线咨询】

材料要点重现:阅读:close the coffeehouse, empty, poor lighting.听力:daytime empty, busy, full at night, lighting good, renovations.高分词汇:propose, be busy with, relax, as good as, renovation.

托福口语范文:The student proposes that the university to close the coffeehouse because it is usually very empty and the lighting there is very poor. However, the woman disagrees with the student’s proposal for the following two reasons. Firstly, she says that only during daytime the coffeehouse is empty because students are busy with their classes, jobs and study but it is pretty full at night when students have time to sit down and relax. Secondly, the lighting in the coffeehouse is as good as it is in the library as they did some renovations recently.

托福TPO45综合口语真题解析:TASK 4 【在线咨询】

材料要点重现:阅读:method of Loci, remember information.听力:names of planets, landmarks, dormitory, student center, Mercury, Venus, Earth, test, write down order, recall.高分词汇:helpful, use…as an example, illustrate, memorize, landmarks, assign, in this way, recall, association.

托福口语范文:Method of Loci is particularly helpful for remembering several pieces of information in a particular order. In the lecture, the professor uses learning the names of planets in order by distance from the sun as an example to illustrate this method. In order to do this, you memorize the landmarks from the dormitory to the student center. The first landmark is the front door of your dorm, which you assign as the Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. The second landmark is the tree in front of your dorm, which you assign as Venus. And the third landmark is the statue in front of the library, which you assign as Earth. In this way, when you take a test and have to write down the order of the planets from the Sun, you will recall the planet according to the association with the landmarks.

托福TPO45综合口语真题解析:TASK 5 【在线咨询】

材料要点重现:film, two days, raining, rewrite, positive mood, tomorrow, better weather, review, final ending.高分词汇:direct, due, be supposed to, rewrite, be happy with, positive mood, review, final ending, recommend, ask for an extension, not only…but also.

托福口语范文:The woman is directing a film project which is due in two days. She is supposed to film a scene today but it is raining. In the conversation, they talk about two solutions. The first solution is that she rewrites the scene, but she is happy with the scene as it’s written now because it sets a positive mood. The second solution is that she films it tomorrow, when the weather is better. But she is just planning on using tomorrow to review the film and do any final ending. Well, I would recommend her to choose the second solution. She can tell her professor about the situation and ask for an extension, in this way, she can not only still use the scene that has been written but also have enough time to make the project polished.

托福TPO45综合口语真题解析:TASK 6 【在线咨询】

材料要点重现:special ability, produce electricity, capture, electric eel, electric current, smaller fish, shock, paralyze, navigate, nearby objects, knifefish, electric field, disturbance, crash.

高分词汇:Produce electricity, capture prey, electric current, take…for example, come into, depend on, send out, shock, paralyze, navigate their environment, create, swim close to, disturbance, avoid crashing into.

托福口语范文:In the lecture, the professor talks about a special ability that fish has to produce electricity in their bodies. First, the ability to produce electricity helps some fish to capture prey. Take the electric eel for example. It can produce a strong electric current in its body. When it comes into contact with the smaller fish it depends on for food, it sends out electric current which shocks the smaller fish and paralyzes it. Second, the ability to produce electricity also helps fish to successfully navigate their environment by detecting nearby objects. Take knifefish for example. The fish creates an electric field around its body. When the knifefish swims close to a rock, it sends a disturbance. Then the fish realizes the rock nearby and avoid crashing into it.





1. Listening key

() Problem: people joke around instead of studying during study meeting

() Solution 1: change the meeting time

() Pro: everyone’s exhausted on the weekend, they can’t concentrate with a week of hard work wearing them off

() Con: lose one or two people

() Solution 2: appoint a team leader, the woman can be it first

() Pro: set an agenda before, email it to all members, make sure the discussion stays on topic

() Con: too much work


Now listen to a conversation between a professor and the student.

(man) Hi, Sara, to what do I owe this pleasure of this office visit?

(woman) It’s my study group, Professor Wilson. We are not getting much studying done, and, you know, none of us did very well on your last quiz.

(man) Hmmm, what’s the problem?

(woman) Well, we’ve all become good friends and we joke around a lot instead of studying.

(man) Hmmm. Sara, let me ask you this. When do you meet?

(woman) Every Friday afternoon.

(man) Have you thought about changing to another day? By the time Friday afternoon rolls around, all of you are probably exhausted and all you want to do was relax and unwind. It’s hard to stay focused at the very end of the week.

(woman) Good point, although things have gotten so out of hand that I’m not sure changing days would help. And we’d lose one or two people if we change days, Friday afternoon is the only time everyone’s available, but it’s worth considering.

(man) OK. But just a second, another possibility is, does your group have a leader?

(woman) No?

(man) Well, if you h ad a leader that would help enormously. Someone to set an agenda in advance, email it to everyone before the meeting and then make sure when you meet that you stay focused on your goals. And since you’ve seemed to be concerned enough about the problem to have come see me, I think that someone might be you.

(woman) I guess I can take on that role. But it sounds like work.

(man) You don’t have to do it for the whole semester, Sara. You can start if off and then, perhaps, someone else can take over.


题目:Which of the following qualities do you think is most important for a university student to be successful?

●Highly motivated

●Hard working


Choose one of these qualities and explain why it is important.



Personally speaking, highly motivated quality is the most important for a university student to be successful. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, if a student is highly motived, he or she will have a strong ambition and set a goal for the future, which is a prerequisite for success. Secondly, students with highly motivated quality often participate in various kinds of social activities and work efficiently, which will lay a solid foundation for their future career development.


1. Listening key

() Main idea: active and passive attention

() Active attention: forced

() Example:

() A teacher teaches a class by only reading from textbooks

() Students will get bored, yet they’d still try to focus

() But they will get distracted soon because this attention is forced

() Passive attention: happens naturally

() Example:

() A teacher teaches with a live frog, let it jump around a bit

() Students get interested in what’s happening, their concentration happens naturally

() As long as the frog is on the table, students will have no problem focusing on the lecture


I totally agree with this and there’s no doubt that childhood is the best part in everyone’s life. Why? There are a number of reasons like childhood is full of innocence, life and fun. When I was a kid, I was only concerned about what games to play, because I used to get bored easily. I didn’t worry with how I looked like, and I could do whatever I like without being judged. There was a time that I got in trouble just because I wouldn’t share my crayons with my classmates. I seriously miss being a kid when my only responsibilities were running around and laughing a lot. I think my childhood is the best time in my life.


Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biologyclass

So we've talked a little about how fish use senses likevision, touch. But what I want to talk about now is aspecial ability some fish have, the ability to produceelectricity in their bodies. You are probably familiarwith these fish, these fish that send out electriccurrents from their bodies naturally. So what's thepurpose of this. Well, as you might expect, it can serve some important roles in helping fishsurvive.

First, fish, like all animals, need food to survive. Well, the ability to produce electricity helpsome fish to catch some prey. You know, other organisms in the water that they eat. Take theelectric eel for example, the eel produces a strong electric current in its body. When the eelcomes into contact with one of the smaller fish it depends on for food, the electric current thatit sends out, shocks the smaller fish and paralyzes it. It' s not able to get away from the eel. The eel captures the fish easily and can eat it at its leisure. So this ability to use the electricityto capture prey ensures that the eel gets the food in need to survive.

The ability to produce electricity also helps fish to successfully navigate their environmentby detecting nearby objects'some fish have poorly developed eyes and the water they live in canbe muddy and dark. Now there is the fish called the knifefish that produces electricity. Thiscreates an electric field around the knifefish's body. When a knifefish swims close to, say, a rock, it senses the disturbance, and interferes its electric field. The fish then realizes there is a rocknearby and that it has to avoid crashing into it. Once this happens, the knifefish swings theway from the rock and also avoids harming itself.


Using the examples of the electric eel and the knifefish, explain how producing electricity benefits certain fish.


In the lecture, the professor talks about a special ability that fish has to produce electricity in their bodies. First, the ability to produce electricity helps some fish to capture prey. Take the electric eel for example. It can produce a strong electric current in its body. When it comes into contact with the smaller fish it depends on for food, it sends out electric current which shocks the smaller fish and paralyzes it. Second, the ability to produce electricity also helps fish to successfully navigate their environment by detecting nearby objects. Take knifefish for example. The fish creates an electric field around its body. When the knifefish swims close to a rock, it sends a disturbance. Then the fish realizes the rock nearby and avoid crashing into it.

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题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Artists and musicians are important to a society.

Use details and examples to explain your answer.



Yes, I agree with the statement that artists and musicians are significant to a society. My reasons are as follows. Firstly, artists and musicians can make the society more colorful by enriching the variety of culture. Secondly, people can benefit a lot from the works of artists and musicians. For example, they can draw some pictures or listen to some favorite music to have a good relaxation after a day’s hardwork.


The woman’s problem is that everyone jokes around and talks a lot during study meetings instead of studying. She’s got two possible solutions, the first is to change the study meeting from Friday afternoon to some other time. The second solution is to appoint a leader to the group. I think it’d better if she bite the bullet and take on the role of leader. First of all, it is very important for everyone to study during a study meeting or it’s a waste of time. The presence of a leader can keep the discussion on topic. Second, she mentions that Friday night is when everyone is free to meet, so changing the meeting schedule would mess things up for many group members.








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